
What hair color is suitable for hazel eyes? (50 pictures)


Modern women pay great attention to their appearance, they want to look stylish, fashionable, beautiful. When creating the perfect image, hair color is carefully thought out, which will be successfully combined with eye color, skin tone, properly selected makeup, etc.

Many girls, wanting to change their image, are interested: if the eyes are brown, what hair color is suitable for them?

Brown eyes, dyed hair and proper care

  1. Hair coloring requires the right choice of a gentle paint to do less damage. In addition, after dyeing it is necessary to provide them with proper care using special quality tools.
  2. For example, hair dyed in bright colors need special care in order to add shine and maintain color saturation for a long time.

The head should be washed with shampoo intended for light colored hair. If you are going to change your image, you should not carry out experiments on your own, but rather turn to professionals who will help you choose the hair color that suits you best, coloring method, haircut, etc.

Let your new image be the beginning of a happy change in your life!

The nuances of choice: what is important to consider?

In order not to be mistaken with the selection of the color of the hair to the brown eyes, you should better consider the features of the exterior. Here are the main factors:

  • Palette skin.
  • The tonality of dark eyes and iris.
  • Natural color curls.
  • Face features.
  • The length and structure of the hair.
In order not to be mistaken with the selection of the color of the hair to the brown eyes, you should better consider the features of appearance To change your natural color scheme, more than 4 colors, can only representatives of the winter type of appearance For variants of appearance, summer and autumn are better to pick up, something less drastic, otherwise there is a risk to acquire an unnatural appearance.

To change your natural color scheme, more than 4 colors, can only representatives of the winter type of appearance. For the variants of the exterior, summer and autumn are better to pick up, something less cardinal, otherwise there is a risk to acquire an unnatural appearance.

There is one small secret how to accurately determine the tone of the surface of the skin. You should attach silver and gold jewelry to your face and see which of these options will make your skin look better.

Tip!There is one small secret how to accurately determine the tone of the surface of the skin. You should attach silver and gold jewelry to your face and see which of these options will make your skin look better. If with silver, then the tone of the skin is cold, and if with gold, it is warm.

How to choose a hair color for brown eyes: useful tips and advice on the selection of suitable shades

Brown eye color is very common among the beautiful half of humanity. They are very expressive, so they require a good frame in the form of a successful shade of hair. Brown-eyed ladies can create a unique image, experimenting with the style and color options of their curls. But in order to be successful, it is necessary to take into account many factors.

Useful tips

In order to accurately select the shade of the strands to the hazel eyes, it is necessary to take into account the features of the appearance:

  • skin tone
  • brown eyes and iris,
  • the original color of the strands,
  • face shape
  • length and structure of curls.

For example, only women of winter type can change their basic color scheme by more than 4 levels, lightening or darkening strands. Color types “autumn” and “summer” will have an unnatural appearance, being painted so drastically.

Shades of brown eyes

Brown eyes are not all the same, their juiciness and depth are different for many.

If a woman's color leans closer to the light spectrum of a sandy or nutty tone, then it is better for her not to deepen or darken the tone by more than 3-4 colors.

Against the backdrop of catchy strands, bright eyes will look faded, will not stand out. A suitable option in such cases will be shades close to caramel, amber, soft-red, gold.

When saturated dark iris creates a contrast with the white of the eyes. In this situation, you can resort to staining in dark shades.

The combination of eyebrows and eyelashes with hair

For the image to be harmonious, between the tone of the hair and eyebrows the maximum difference should be no more than 1-2 colors. If the eyebrows are black, the light shade of the strands will not fit at all.

In this case, you should resort to changing the color of the eyebrows. With light from the birth of the eyebrows, the hair should be maintained in the same color scheme.

Light-skinned ladies of the winter-type color type can indulge the bright nuances of the hair with black eyebrows.

Type of face, length and structure of hair

Brown-eyed beauty with a rounded face and dark curls will be more spectacular with a short haircut. With an elongated face shape, it is desirable to grow the strands.

Long curls are more suitable natural tones. This applies to wavy and curly hair. For shorter haircuts, you can use brighter colors. But if the hair is long and straight, they also have bright accents.

Color type of appearance and skin tone

The most important thing to consider when choosing a hair color for brown eyes is skin tone. This will help make the image more natural and at the same time, individual.

Attention! To determine the skin tone (cold or warm), you can conduct a test. Take 1 gold and silver jewelery. Apply them one by one to face. With which metal the skin looks better, such a skin tone. If with gold - warm, with silver - cold.

Dark skin

What hair color is suitable for hazel eyes? More suitable - dark colors. Among brown eyes with dark skin, the most color type “winter” is dark eyes, cold bluish tint of skin, dark strands. Lips may be tinged with purple.

Such women will look harmonious with cold tones:

  • pomegranate,
  • the Red tree,
  • burgund,
  • plum,
  • eggplant,
  • dark chestnut
  • chocolate or bitter chocolate.

If the eyes are light brown, with hints of graphite or walnut, and a dark face with a tint of ashen, and hair is dark blond, then this is the color type “summer”. For these ladies suitable staining in cold colors, but not very rich, and lighter:

  • medium chestnut
  • dark graphite
  • milk chocolate,
  • coffee with milk,
  • pink tree,
  • brown.

Women with light brown eyes can add a little red. For a lighter iris, the copper shade should be more pale. For amber eyes, you can allow honey colors diluted with orange strands.

For the autumn type with cognac or tea eyes, olive skin and dark blond hair with a golden sheen, the following colors are suitable for coloring:

Paints should be calm muted tones.

Very carefully should be selected shades of blond for dark brown eyes. Dark brown blond goes to dark skin. But if the eyes are dark brown, then all shades of blond should be avoided.

Bright skin

Most fair-skinned women with brown eyes belong to the color type “summer”. They often have ivory or grayish-pink skin tones. The base of the strands can be light-brown or dark-brown. The selected shade for coloring should be as close as possible to the natural one. There should be no scarlet and red color schemes so that the image does not look painful.

Stop better on cold chestnut or light brown tones:

  • graphite,
  • pinkish brown and others.

For the "summer" is also suitable highlighting similar in tone to the natural strands of colors.There should be no noticeable contrast in the hair. It is better to choose a paint for 2-3 tones different from the natural color of the hair.

A very interesting image of a brown-eyed "winter". This combination of dark eyes with porcelain light skin. This is a bright vamp. Suitable for this color type:

  • all tones from the black spectrum,
  • cold dark brown,
  • cold ash colors in bright colors,

You should choose deep and bright tones. But do not use flashy colors, they are more suitable for "winter" with dark skin.

The woman "autumn" is distinguished by such shades of brown eyes as cognac, tea or amber. Leather - warm beige or peach shade. Natural curls are full of different variations of red - from gold to copper. For this type of fit:

  • amber,
  • cognac,
  • red copper
  • terracotta,
  • ripe chestnut
  • coffee,
  • iris,
  • honey
  • golden.

Important! Do not darken or lighten hair too much. Then the image will look inharmonious. Coloring compositions are better for selecting strands close to the basic color scheme.

What to avoid

Most experts do not advise owners of brown eyes to dye their hair in ashy color. It is more in harmony with blue and gray eyes.

Owners of a winter type with dark skin is better not to take gold, copper and caramel paints. Light-skinned "winter" is desirable to avoid all the red color schemes, as well as highlighting. Only some can go strands, blue-black against the background of platinum.

Mustard and ashen color can only be used as rare inclusions. Dark-skinned women with a golden skin tone, even in minimal amounts should not use the ashy and light blond.

With a strong desire to become a blonde, you still can not make a sharp clarification. It is necessary to do this in stages, watching the overall composition of the image.

Fashion trends staining

Hair tint for brown-eyed can be different. There are many techniques that allow you to create an inimitable and harmonious image.

Coloring remains very popular through the use of several fashionable colors at once. Coloring the tips with bright colors nuances looks especially good. Relevant combinations of chestnut tones with wheat and blond. You can make coloring of individual strands of a bang or its tips.

The most popular coloring technique for brown eyes is ombre, a smooth transition between colors in the same color range. For dark skin and brown eyes it is better to choose a chestnut color with a smooth transition to brandy. But women with pale skin can experience the nuances of honey, combining with fiery transitions.

For lovers of more extravagant decisions, you can make a color “ombre” - soft transition from the basic shade to bright. This type of staining is suitable for flawless golden skin. For tips, you should select a rather weak and gentle coloring composition. This makes it possible to update the color once a month without much harm to the hair.

First of all, you should contact a professional if you want to change the image using hair coloring. This will protect against unpleasant consequences.

  • After the color change procedure it is necessary to provide intensive care for the strands: purchase special products for colored hair, make homemade masks.
  • It is better to highlight hair with close colors, otherwise you can make the image tasteless and add yourself a couple of years.
  • If the skin has visible wrinkles or rashes, it is not necessary to turn black and dark chocolate.
  • Sand and nutty brown eyes should be emphasized makeup with an emphasis on them, so that they do not look faded against the general background.
  • Before applying the paint you need to do a sensitivity test to check if it is suitable for dyeing.
  • Do not combine hair bleaching with tan - it looks unnatural.
  • When staining in a dark color scheme, it will have to be updated more often than light. Dark colors lose their saturation faster.
  • You can not paint the span, if they fall out badly or damaged. First you need to treat them, only then change your image.
  • You should not buy at the cheap price of paint. To preserve the health of the hair, the composition must be of high quality.

Before changing your image, having dyed your hair, brown-eyed women should make sure that the chosen shade will harmoniously emphasize it.

You should consider your color type, facial features, primary hair color. If you approach with full responsibility to the choice of color, taking into account all the nuances, you can achieve an effective result.

A new harmonious and bright image will not leave anyone indifferent.

Useful tips on choosing hair color in the following video:

How to choose a hair color to brown eyes

If you are the owner of brown eyes, then you will always be attractive, tempting and sexy for the opposite sex. Owners of deep brown eyes give such character traits as energy, impulsiveness, amorousness, passion.

These women, as a rule, do not suffer defeats, do not like and do not know how to lose, they always strive to take a leadership position.

But now we digress from psychology, and touch on the topic of appearance, trying to figure out what color the hair will be in harmony with brown eyes and how to choose the color of hair to brown eyes.

The rules for choosing colors. In order to look bright and spectacular it is necessary to choose three components correctly: eye color, hair color and skin color. With the color of the eyes, we have already decided, now let's pay attention to the color of the skin.

How to choose the hair color of a girl with brown eyes and dark skin tone

If a brown-eyed girl has a naturally dark skin tone, then dark shades of hair especially for her.

By the way, the dark chocolate color is a wonderful solution, because such a color in combination with brown eyes will look charming, and will attract loving looks.

You can also try to make highlighting, and after him to paint the light strands of honey or caramel color. Such coloring will create an amazing image of a brown-eyed, will advantageously emphasize her eyes, and even give her hair a certain amount.

What hair color to choose under brown eyes?

Brown eyes - the most common on Earth. However, there are as many shades of it as the variety of skin colors of people. That is why the lady with brown eyes is unique and unique. In order not to kill this highlight in her image, the brown-eyed woman should carefully approach the choice of cosmetics, and especially changes in hair color.

What hair color to choose brown-eyed ladies with dark skin?

Such a collection of natural data is called the Mediterranean type of appearance. Images of women in Greece, Italy, and Spain emerge in memory. Few of them can be seen with blond hair. Nature rewarded them with dark hair. However, the shades of color can be chosen different, they are directly dependent on the color of the skin and eyes.

It's no secret that color types are divided into four categories: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

They are dark-eyed ladies with light, clean squirrels who cast a bluish icy whiteness. The skin of these women is a cold shade with an icy sheen. The natural color of the lips is close to lilac. Hair color is suitable for young ladies of this type in cold tones:

  • Black with bluish, plum or purple tint,
  • Chocolate and bitter chocolate, chestnut,
  • Shades of red - burgundy, pomegranate or mahogany color.

Creating their own image, women take into account not only their own color type, but also the length and thickness of hair. At the same time, it is recommended for ladies with hair below the shoulders to use shades of colors as close as possible to natural ones.

Women of this type should know that golden, caramel and copper-colored colors will create a lot of contradictions in the image.

Ladies with light brown eyes, nutty skin of dark skin, and naturally dark curls of dark shade are attributed to the color type “summer”. They also get cold tones, while less pronounced and more calm:

  • Milk with chocolate, graphite dark,
  • Light chestnut or brown
  • Light pink tree.

The third combination of dark skin and brown eyes can be counted among women whose eyes resemble strong tea or brandy from birth. In addition, they are endowed with reddish hair and matte olive skin color. This color type is called "autumn." When choosing a paint color, you need to be guided by the following categories:

  • They will suit shades from light brown to dark brown, dark, saturated tones,
  • All shades of brown or copper gold,
  • Avoid bright and catchy colors, create a unique image with the help of muffled tones.

Listed color types of women, without exception, will go color highlighting, brondirovanie or ombre using shades recommended for each type. You will add extra volume to your curls, add charm and charm to the image. If you do color highlighting, then in choosing colors follow the principles described above:

  • Winter color type of women is recommended to make strands using cold shades,
  • The color type of women "autumn" and "summer" can make curls in warm, sunny colors.

Recommendations when choosing a hair color for brown-eyed ladies with fair skin

This combination is not common. The combination of these traits is widespread in Central Europe.

When selecting shades of color, we are guided by the same recommendations - color type categories.

But not rarely there are owners of other types.

So, for the summer color type is characterized by the following natural data:

  • Brown eyes with a grayish tint,
  • The skin is the color of whitened noble bone or pinkish tone,
  • The natural color of the curls from light to dark blond.

Choosing the shade that you want to give your curls, guide him to be as close as possible to natural colors. Especially beware of reddish, red and carrot tones. They themselves look defiant, and in combination with your color type look vulgar. Match the following shades:

  • Graphite and ashy,
  • Brown with a pinkish tint
  • All the cool shades of chestnut, etc.

Great looks highlights on the hair of this type. Just do not do unnecessarily contrasting combination and avoid bright, fiery tones. In choosing a palette for highlighting, enlist the same recommendations as for the selection of the main tone of hair.

Have you heard the phrase "vamp woman"? It directly relates to the color type of dark-eyed and dark-haired women with fair skin and brown eyes. As a rule, these are beautiful ladies with deep, like a pool, with smoky eyes and snow-white clear skin.

These ladies fit most shades of black. Particularly impressive in this combination looks the color of the raven wing - black with a bluish shiny shimmer. Brown colors with a cool sheen will look great. Try a few to lighten the curls and color them in a light color with platinum shimmer.

The color of the curls should be sparkling, but not catchy. Highlighting for this amazing combination of skin tone and brown eyes is not an option. Although, you can experiment with combinations of hair of the color of a raven's wing and catchy ashy (platinum) strands. Do not supplement your image with reddish and reddish tones.

This does not match your color type, and it looks extremely unnatural.

One of the most rarely encountered color types of brown-eyed women is “autumn”.They have from the birth of an amber color, light coffee or greenish-brown eyes, the skin of these women peach or shades of coffee with milk (usually subject to pigmentation in the form of freckles). The hair of these ladies is reddish or copper-golden.

When choosing a dye for curls, pay attention to all shades of copper color. Starting from red copper to pure amber. All shades of gold in her hair are perfect for ladies of this color type. These tones of curls will give your skin a glow and velvety, eyes will shine.

Exclude all cold shades, which include ashen, bluish, platinum. They will give your skin a grayish, dirty shade, and cute freckles will turn into dirty spots on the face.

Is it possible to combine brown eyes and blond hair?

It is not a secret for anybody that there are very few people with dark eyes with light hair in the world. But they are! And this indicates that such a combination is not unnatural, and quite possible. It is especially suitable for ladies with a light skin tone.

Grayish (ashy) tones can afford ladies with fair skin summer color type. In order not to be mistaken in the selection of hair color, try on a wig of the color in which you want to be reincarnated.

In addition, the Internet has developed many programs that will help you choose the right color of hair for this particular color type.

Additional recommendations for the selection of hair color for brown-eyed ladies

We decided on the choice of tone for each of the color types, but there are a few nuances that should be also noted:

To drastically change the hair color in one direction or another, only the “winter” color type is allowed. They can experiment within four tones in the direction of lightening or darkening the curls. For those who belong to the summer and autumn color types, abrupt experiments with hair color are not recommended.

  1. Eyebrows, eyelashes and decorative cosmetics.

Watch out for the difference in the tone of the eyebrows and hair. If the difference is more than two positions of tones in one direction or another, it looks unnatural, and not very beautiful.

Do you have raven-colored eyebrows? Coloring hair in pale colors is not recommended. Or, you have to change the color of the eyebrows with the color of the hair. Conversely, eyebrows are much lighter hair color.

Then color them as close as possible to the color of the curls.

But in any rule there are exceptions. In this case, this applies to girls with a winter skin type with fair skin. With dark brows, they can afford to dye their hair in bright colors.

The basic rule in the use of decorative cosmetics is the maximum of natural, natural shades. Brown-eyed ladies themselves are noticeable effects. Therefore, bright, flashy colors in this case will look vulgar and defiant.

We have already mentioned that for long hair it is better to use colors that are close to natural. The same applies to curly, wavy curls. For those whose curls do not reach the middle of the shoulder blades, it is allowed to color in brighter tones.

Chubby young ladies with brown eyes are more short haircuts, and with a long face to the chin, it is better to grow hair.

For each of these color types, you can give a single recommendation - make sure that the color you want to paint on is right for you.

If you are standing at the counter of a cosmetics shop at a loss, ask for the help of a consultant and try on each of the selected color palette samples. Still in doubt? So this color is not yours. Make up your mind to reincarnation only when there is no shadow of doubt about the correctness of the choice.

It is for those who hesitate in search of the right color for the hair, developed special washable tonics of different shades. Experiment with them.

And, most importantly, it is worth remembering - well-groomed, clean and shining hair looks attractive in any of the colors. Therefore, do not dwell on changing the image, better take care of the health of your hair. And then the decision will come by itself.

Photo - Hair color for brown eyes: which one is suitable

Brown-eyed women - lucky women, even without makeup, their eyes look bright and expressive. To further emphasize this dignity and focus, you need to choose the right hair color.

Of course, it is good when the hair differs from nature in a beautiful shade, but often the girls still want to improve the natural colors, shade them, and the aged women hide their gray hair by dyeing their hair.

Modern hair dyes are easy to use, because with certain skills you can not even go to the hairdresser, but to carry out the procedure yourself.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which hair color is best for brown eyes, you need to consider how to combine the color of hair and skin. Any hair color and shining brown eyes are set off by an even skin tone. Summer tan and winter white skin also need to be considered when choosing a hair color.

  1. If the skin is light, then all shades of brown are suitable for it. But, if there are acne on the face, and also the skin is easily irritated, and reddening is often manifested, then it is not worth painting in dark shades.
  2. For fair skin is not recommended to pick up and blonde in its pure form, it is better to use shades of golden and milky.
  3. If the skin is dark, too dark colors are not suitable. It will look good chestnut, blond of all shades, milk chocolate. Again, attention is paid to the condition of the skin - the worse it is, the brighter the hair should be.

For blonde with brown eyes

Even in the Middle Ages, a woman with dark eyes and blond hair was considered a "mistake of nature." But, nevertheless, such beauties were glorified by poets.

This combination can be advantageous, but rather risky, since with blond hair the dark color of the eyebrows, which is inherent in brown eyes, looks somewhat unnatural.

In addition, the hair grows quickly, and after a short time will have to tint the hair roots.
Owners of dark eyes is absolutely contraindicated cold platinum.

For brunette with dark eyes

This is a natural combination that does not require special adjustment. The white-skinned girl with a white-toothed smile and perky cheerful character looks especially impressive.

Ladies silent, prone to depression and bad mood, will not look too good in this image, as this will give them even more gloominess, a touch of melancholy and cheating.

If you want to change the hair color or give the image more lightness - experiment with red shades.

For girls with light brown or brown hair and brown eyes

To give the appearance of brightness, it is recommended to choose the fair-haired beauties lighter colors for the hair or darker than the shade of the eyes, which will play on the contrast.

Chestnut hair with fair skin is quite beautiful, but dark skin does not suit this option, although you can add a bright red-haired head of hair to highlight strands that set off the face.

Dark, almost black eyes

Required hair coloring in deep warm shades of chocolate.

If the skin is dark, then it is only a plus image, but a pale face is better to frame hair with a slight reddish tinge, for example, mahogany or brandy color, it will make the look shining.

You can also use rich red colors, then the girl will stand out from the crowd and look somewhat shocking, which is good for those who like it and is always in the spotlight.

Hair color and brown eyes: where to start?

Brown eyes with confidence can be called a universal platform for creating the most stylish, presentable, romantic, non-format images. This list is simply inexhaustible and every woman with brown eyes can recreate her most desired style, changing only the color of the curls. Only in the choice of color will have to take into account a large number of individual characteristics of your appearance.

Brown eyes are always combined with dark hair. This combination is due to the activity of the melanin pigment in the body: the larger it is, the darker the hair and eyes and vice versa. Therefore, for brown-eyed women have certain features of appearance that must be considered.

Selecting hair color, consider these details:

  • color type
  • face shape
  • eyebrow color
  • eye color
  • age,
  • visible skin defects
  • hairline structure.

What to choose for amber eyes

Walnut or amber eyes are distinguished by a clear warm gaze with a golden glow in the sun. Purely amber eyes with full predominance of yellow-brown color are quite difficult to meet. Amber eyes with a pronounced golden-green, golden-bloody or honey-colored tint are more common. But all variations of such eyes have one thing in common - a light translucent iris with the obligatory presence of a reddish tint.

Such eyes do not put women in front of a difficult choice of hair color. In fact, almost all colors harmonize perfectly with golden eyes. Taking into account the color of the skin, you can choose a palette from soft caramel and golden-wheat to different options of red and rich dark chocolate.

If you are the owner of skin with freckles and pronounced vascular mesh of scarlet color, the red and copper palette will be a strict limitation. You better look to the light brown, hazel flowers, or even to cold chocolate.

Light-skinned ladies with amber eyes have special wishes. If your pale skin has similarities with female images on Rubens masterpieces, bypass all the cool colors. Platinum, alder, dark blond will make your look painful, and your skin will become gray-green.

Black hair for brown eyes with amber pearl is also not the best option. They will aggravate your pallor even more. It is better to consider the warm muted colors - champagne, sand, wheat. Such options will refresh your face, give it a healthy and rested look.

Good solutions for dark brown eyes

In the deep brown eyes look passion, temperament, passion. No other color can boast such features. What kind of hair color to choose, so that he was a match for such beauty?

Such a dark eye tone does not need a bright make-up and a rich color of hair: here it is important to observe the rule of soft contrast. Black or badly bleached hair will become a tasteless extravagance. At your disposal all the juicy wine and red color, a wealth of chocolate shades.

Particularly elegant with dark brown eyes are various techniques of multi-layer dyeing with gentle transitions - ombré, coloring, balayazh.

Choice for caret-green eyes

Cocktail brown and herbal color mixed in four-green eyes. Bog eyes are beautiful and gentle, but their brightness is easy to drown out the wrong hair color. Therefore, such color mixing requires a certain balance in choosing the color of the hair. Your choice is a red scale from bright flames to copper chestnut.

Do not forget that you need to choose a hair dye, which will be a maximum of 3-4 tones different from the original color. A sharper contrast is unlikely to create an effect of naturalness and harmony, and instead of emphasizing charming eyes, just lose them on your face.

Such colors as nutty, cognac, fiery copper and ask for your hair.It is very successful to choose a multi-colored ombre with a smooth flow of colors: from medium blond at the roots to honey at the tips.

Having kare-green eyes, dark skin and dark hair, do not paint in chocolate color. Choose caramel, light brown or light brown hair for brown eyes.

Brown eyes…

They are bottomless and deep. The more saturated their color is, the more burning their eyes are. You can drown in them and forget about everything forever, every time, with unprecedented trepidation, plunging into their hot and languid fire.

Brown-eyed beauties are extremely sexy. Only their eyes can make a man incredibly happy or immensely unhappy. Such a deep beautiful color makes you dive into those eyes without a trace.

It is remarkable that the hair color under brown eyes can be very different. It is only important not to be mistaken with the choice. And stay on the most decent option.

Eyes, skin, hair

The image that is remembered is a whole, where everything fits together..

For a girl to be truly attractive, there can be no meaningful details in him. The main focus on the three main components:

Most often, the skin should be only the background, which advantageously set off the eyes. And also will not distract from hair color.

Dark-skinned girls with brown eyes

A pretty dark-skinned girl with brown eyes should not be blonde. All dark shades of chestnut color nature has created directly for her. Dark brown hair is perfect for such beauties.

But black hair in combination with dark skin will too “weight” the image, make it more aggressive. In this case highlighting can help. Caramel strands will refresh the color and help you to throw off a couple - three years.

Light-skinned beauty with brown eyes

Brown eyes on the face with fair skin is ideal for shading with red or light brown hair. White skin in combination with black curls will look too hard.

We also advise you to pay attention to haircuts for medium hair without bangs, expert advice on which you can read here. Light and fluffy, voluminous and stylish, under a different type of face, study the selection of the best options and choose your unique image.

Brown eyes. Black hair

Dark, black hair, for brown-eyed beauties are most suitable. Such ladies can easily create a good, natural look.

Hair and eyes perfectly harmonize. Shade their beauty and highlight the brightness is with the help of juicy lipstick (it does not have to be bright) and beautiful eyeliner.

In the presence of a blush on the cheeks (own or skillfully done), the brunette's makeup palette should be done in lilac-pink shades.

Red hair and brown eyes

Redheads "beasts" are both blue-eyed and green-eyed, but the brightest red-haired beauties are the owners of brown, juicy, eyes. Such girls, as a rule, get an unusually generous gift from nature: transparent skin, the most breathtaking hair color and very beautiful eyes.

It is important to focus on the skin. It should be perfect, its shades are only natural and it is best to stay in the midtones.. Be sure to abandon the bright, black eyebrows, let them be in the same color with the hair (you can be a little lighter).

If all the shades to choose the right, bright lipstick will not add the image of a red-haired girl with brown eyes of charm. Therefore, these beauties need lipstick restrained colors. In this way, the emphasis is only on the eyes and hair, lips, let them be perfect, but their task is not to interfere, but only to complement.

Bright brown hair with brown eyes

Hair color between a deep black and bright red can not always be defined correctly. Such girls are often called red, and sometimes even black-haired.Stylists say, if nature has made the owner of brown eyes and brown hair, then the makeup of this girl can be the simplest.

Here it is necessary to arm yourself with eyeliner, which will emphasize their shape. Mascara need to use only black (this will give saturation to the eyes). But it is better to make eyebrows brown, almost the same as hair. Well, and lipstick too should be picked up in beige, natural colors.

Can it be beautiful? Unexpected combination: blonde hair, brown eyes

This is not only possible. It is really beautiful. And extraordinarily attractive and sexy. Such girls just need not overdo it with shades and create a good harmony of dark eyes and blond hair.

Eyes need to allocate a minimum. Their brown color and so will be shaded by blond hair. But eyebrows may be half a tone darker. In the evening you can look bright with, for example, red lipstick. And for day makeup, just make up your lips with any shine of all shades of light pink or beige.

In general, all brown-eyed girls will be beautiful with any hair color, if they radiate with happiness and confidence. Only in this case, they will be able to feel the colors that will emphasize their beauty, highlight the individuality and allow them to become visible. And so much so that everyone wants to see this extraordinarily attractive lady, the owner of brown eyes.

What hair color is suitable for hazel eyes?

Nature designed it that natural brown pigment is laid in a certain way in the skin and hair. Therefore, it looks natural brown eyes with a whole palette of chestnut and chocolate, light brown, black and red.

If you naturally have cold shades in appearance, then harmoniously you will choose cold hair color. If your skin is honey-pink-peach, and the hair gives red or yellow, then choose the warm shades of the dye. So the hairstyle will look harmonious and organic.

In order to ideally choose the palette that suits you, it is best to go for a consultation on determining the color type to a specialist. You will not only conduct an analysis of your appearance, but also give you professional recommendations on the choice of decorative cosmetics and clothing. As a rule, after consultation you are given a palette of your ideal colors.

We select hair color: light skin, brown eyes

For example, if the eyes are golden brown, the color of the skin is peachy, then the hair color should be warmer, the red one is fine, and also brondirovanie.

And the darker the eyes, the more saturated you can take the paint. Black-eyed girls with a cold undertone of the skin can safely take the dark, cold “winter” shades, blue-black.

With the combination of “brown eyes, dark skin” Brown hair color is not recommended. He can make the whole image dull and inexpressive. This kind of color solutions can be trusted only to a good professional.

Hair color for light brown eyes should be light brown, chestnut, red. You can try booking. Be repelled by the fact that cold or warm colors suit you.

If you want to become a blonde, the result can be very impressive if you choose a warm blond. Platinum shade brown-eyed girls is contraindicated.

If you decide to change the image, then the hair color for brown eyes can not be radically changed, but to give them a chestnut or red tone, using natural colors - henna and basma, coffee, walnut, etc. >>>

With the help of natural dyes, you refresh your image, make it brighter and richer, while not harming your hair. Of course, staining with coffee, lime blossom and onion peel is not as persistent, but simple and safe.

Nowadays, the image can be changed so radically that it comes not only to dyeing, artificial tanning and the use of foundation. You can even pick up colored contact lenses and change your natural color type.

But all these measures, of course, are temporary - and this is their plus and minus at the same time. Therefore, remember that the perfect combination is what nature has given you!

Stylist recommendations

Experts recommend that dark-skinned girls pay attention to options such as chocolate, cherry or eggplant. Light dye will only nullify the expressiveness of the eyes, and greatly emphasize the skin tone.

Experts recommend that dark-skinned girls pay attention to options such as chocolate, cherry or eggplant. Owners of matte skin can choose a reddish palette. It must be remembered that such a solution is suitable in the absence of redness or freckles on the face, since such a scale will only highlight all the flaws

Owners of the matte surface of the skin can choose a reddish palette. These are copper red or honey tones. But we must remember that such a solution is suitable in the absence of redness or freckles on the face, since such a scale will only highlight all the flaws.

Women who have a warm skin tone, it is better to choose caramel, wheat or honey hair dye. And in the presence of coldish tones more suitable brown, light blond or red.

Hazel eyes need to create the right makeup

Tip!By hazel eyes you need to create the right makeup. You can use the shadows of the olive palette, azure, as well as silver shades. Ink should be only dark tones: black, ashen or brown.

What is suitable for amber eyes

Amber eye color is different reddish and even slightly transparent iris. In this case, the girls have such a palette:

  • soft and warm caramel,
  • rich chocolate.
Amber eye color differs reddish and even slightly transparent iris. In the presence of honey-colored eyes, you need to pay attention to skin tone It is worth considering the muted and soft palettes: caramel, chocolate or wheat

In the presence of such eyes, you need to pay attention to skin tone. If it is pale, then you should not choose a cold palette. Black or blond strands will give your face a greenish tone. It is worth considering the muted and soft palettes: caramel, chocolate or wheat.

Tip!With self-coloring, you should not choose a tone that will differ from the natural palette by more than 3 colors.

Choice for dark brown eyes

Many girls with dark brown eyes, want to know what hair color will suit them more. Owners of such eyes can easily keep a bright image even without makeup. It is necessary to be careful with contrasting colors. White and black tones will be overkill. You can consider the following options:

  • Reddish warm tone.
  • Deep wine.
  • Variety of chocolate palette.
Many girls with dark brown eyes want to know which hair color is best for them. It is necessary to be careful with contrasting colors Stronger emphasize the depth of dark eyes will help a dark palette for hair

Owners of bright eyes will go to such popular types of staining as ombra, coloring or balayazh.

It is easy for owners of such eyes to keep a bright image using a minimum mikayazha

Tip!Stronger to emphasize the depth of dark eyes will help a dark palette for hair. For example, rich chestnut or dark chocolate.

Options for caret-green eyes

Girls with yellow-green eyes can choose all shades of red paint. It can be either a fiery version or chestnut with copper.

Girls with yellow-green eyes can choose all shades of red paint If the skin has a dark tone, then the choice of a chocolate palette will be a bad decision. If the natural hair color is light brown, you can choose a shade that will contrast with the eyes

If the skin has a dark tone, then the choice of a chocolate palette will be a bad decision.

Tip!If the natural hair color is light brown, then you can choose a shade that will contrast with the eyes. It may be several tones lighter or darker. This method will help to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes.

The combination of hair with eyebrows and eyelashes

When choosing the right color, it is important to combine eyebrows with strands. Create a harmonious image is possible only if the tone of the hair and eyebrows will differ by no more than 2 tones.

When choosing the right color, it is important to blend eyebrows with strands Create a harmonious image is possible only if the tone of the hair and eyebrows will differ by no more than 2 tones In the presence of black eyebrows should not choose a light tone for the curls

In the presence of black eyebrows should not choose a light tone for the curls. You can change the color of the eyebrows. If the eyebrows are blond from birth, then the hair should not recede from such a scale. The combination of dark eyebrows and blond hair can afford a woman with color type winter.

Tip!Brown-eyed girls with round face shape and dark strands will suit short haircuts. For long curls, natural shades are more suitable, and for short hairstyles you can apply bright accents.

Does blond brown-eyed girls?

What hair color is suitable when brown eyes can be seen in the photo. Some girls with such appearance fit hair of light colors. In the trend platinum blond, but it is not all. Ash and platinum palette can be used if the skin has a pinkish tint.

If the skin is pale, you should not choose a bright palette. It can be honey or wheat tone. Ash and platinum palette can be used if the skin has a pinkish tint Light curls give freshness to the face

If the skin is pale, you should not choose a bright palette. It can be honey or wheat tone.

In order not to risk and not change the appearance dramatically, you should try different options for highlighting:

  • Brown-eyed beauties fit ombre, which is characterized by the effect of burnt strands on the tips of the hair.
  • An interesting solution is graduation, with a transition from dark color in the root zone and to golden on the tips of the hair.
  • Multi-color dyeing can be combined with tiered haircuts. In this case, the upper strands are painted with light colors, and the lower ones are darker.

Tip!A universal solution is considered to be a brond, which is a combination of a dark and light tone. Light curls give freshness to the face, and darkish ones harmonize with the eyes.

Color types of appearance and skin tones

When choosing a hair color, an important factor is skin tone. This will create a more natural look. Dark and fair-skinned girls will not go the same options.

When selecting hair color, skin tone is an important factor.

Options for dark skin

Brown-eyed and dark girls remarkably fit all shades of dark hair. To understand the color solutions for hair, you need to study the harmonious combination of skin and eyes.

Owners of coffee eyes, with natural strands and with a coldish skin tone are recommended cold variations. In this case, they can be bright. These are plum, chocolate, pomegranate and eggplant varieties.

Important hair length. The longer the hair, the more natural the shade should be. Girls with winter color appearance is better not to use warm colors.

The longer the hair, the more natural the shade should be It is worth looking at the copper-gold, brown and dark blond tones. Owners of coffee eyes, with natural strands and with a coldish skin tone are recommended cold variations. In this case, they can be bright.These are plum, chocolate, pomegranate and eggplant varieties.

Women with light brown eyes and darkish skin with an ashen shade will also suit a cold palette, but a lighter palette. These include brown, milk chocolate or rosewood.

Owners of dark skin olive shade and with natural hair slightly reddish tones suit warm colors. It is worth looking at the copper-gold, brown and dark blond tones. Do not choose too bright options.

For all cases, the decision on color highlighting or brondirovanii will be relevant. With these methods of coloring add volume to the hair and refresh the image.

Tip!Girls of winter type with a dark skin tone should not choose copper and gold colors. And for the winter with fair skin, it is better not to apply highlights or red color schemes.

What color is suitable for light skin

Light-skinned girls with brown eyes often belong to the color type summer. Their skin tone is greyish pink or ivory. As a base hair color, you can choose dark or light blond. Selected shades should be natural. Red color will give the image of pain. A good solution would be a cold brown tone or chestnut.

A good solution would be cool blond shades or chestnut. To create a feminine image, you can use highlighting with natural shades for strands. An interesting image can be made with a combination of light porcelain skin and dark eyes.

To create a feminine image, you can use highlighting with natural shades for strands. There should be no contrast. It is better to choose a paint that is 2–3 tones different from natural tones.

An interesting image can be made with a combination of light porcelain skin and dark eyes. Various shades of black are suitable for such a winter color type, as well as cold ashy and dark brown.

For the autumn type of appearance with leather beige or peach shades fit natural strands from red to copper and gold. It is worth looking at such colors as terracotta, cognac, honey or amber.

Tip!Hazel eyes can be favorably emphasized in any skin tone, if amber, caramel and reddish hues are used for the strands.

Unusual solutions

Dark faces can use rare highlighting or hidden staining. Suitable coffee, cognac and woody tones. At the same time strands should not be too frequent or wide.

Proper use of original solutions will help to add an image of individuality. Dark women can use coffee and brandy staining

Rare brown-eyed girls are mustard and ash shades

Owners of cream-colored skin can use the correct and clear transitions ombre. A good combination would be rye locks, as well as honey and brandy shades.

A bold and bright image will help create plum shades of strands. Unusual experiments will add elegance and sophistication.

A bold and bright image will help create plum shades strands. This design will give the eyes expressiveness, but if the skin is pale, then it will take on a painful look.

Tip!Rare brown-eyed girls are mustard and ash shades. This color palette is more suitable for gray and blue eyes.

Popular combinations and useful tips

Dark-haired girls with dark eyes can experiment with looks. When creating a European and Asian image, eyebrow tint is important. The more black they are, the more oriental the image will be.

Dark-haired girls with dark eyes can experiment with looks Brown eyes with brown eyes fit simple makeup When creating a European and Asian image is important eyebrow tint

When combining red hair and brown eyes, the main emphasis should fall on the skin.It must have a flawless and natural color. In this case, black eyebrows will not work. They may be a little lighter curls. Lipstick is better to choose discreet shades.

With a combination of red hair and brown eyes, the emphasis should fall on the skin

Brown hair with brown eyes fit a simple make-up. It is enough to apply eyeliner that will emphasize the shape of the eyes. Mascara should be black, and eyebrows can be brown and even lighter than hair. Pink women can not use a pink color, it is better to prefer golden or green shades.

When combined with bright hair, it is not necessary to strongly emphasize the eyes

When combined with a bright head of hair, it is not necessary to strongly emphasize the eyes. Eyebrows can be made half a ton of darker strands. For everyday makeup, you can use a lipstick of light pink and beige shades.

When choosing a hair color, a significant role is played by your own preferences.

Women tend to desire what they do not have, and if the hair color you like can be chosen for themselves with the help of dyeing, it is considered that changing the color of the eyes is problematic if the action does not occur in a movie or in a book. Achievements of modern medicine provide an opportunity for any woman to feel like a fatal beauty, the color of the eyes of which varies depending on life circumstances. A green-eyed mermaid, a goddess with heavenly-colored eyes, a businesswoman with steel in her eyes, in the literal and figurative sense, can in a few seconds turn into a sultry brown-eyed poet’s dream simply by visiting an ophthalmologist, who will choose lenses, tint or full-color, with diopters or without them.

And even if your own eyes have a natural brown color, you can always give them interesting and unusual shades of brown with lenses - golden, rich amber, the color of coffee with milk, almost black. Having correctly selected the hair color and makeup to a new image, you will be able to pleasantly surprise those around you and even yourself with the effect produced.

Eyes with a hazelnut, caret-green eyes

Choosing a hair color for a caret-green eyes, do not stop at dark colors, since on their background the depth and brightness of the eyes will simply be lost, and cosmetics will not help here. A great effect can be obtained if you choose slightly muted soft colors, for example, wheat, honey or amber, the main thing is golden tint, but neutrality.

Light brown eyes

Many girls with such eyes are repainted in blondes. Of course, this option is permissible, but too light hair color is recommended to "muffle" a little by means of a tinted shampoo.

A good option is caramel hair color.

To emphasize the brightness and depth of brown eyes, women do not need to dye the whole pile of hair, you can make coloring or highlighting. Booking is a good option, which makes it possible to simultaneously beat several shades in a hairstyle.

Honey color can also help out if you go warm shades.

If a brown-eyed woman is not satisfied with the hair color, then you should not be afraid of changes, but remember that the main hair color and shade of the eyes may differ by several tones, but not drastically, then the image will be harmonious and natural.

How to dye your hair

If you want to dye your hair not just in a specific color, but also in a specific shade, i.e. not just to become “redhead”, but to get a copper or honey tone, not just to become “brighter”, but to dye your hair honey or nutty, then do not experiment on your own at home. Contact your hairdresser.

  1. First, he will be able to more accurately predict how the paint will fall on your natural hair color.
  2. Secondly, it will select and mix the necessary shades of different colors of paint.
  3. And thirdly, it will be able to correct the color in the process of coloring, if something goes wrong.

Rule against rules

Of course, all the above rules are not just worked out, they summarize the most common types of appearance and help you choose the right combination of hair-eyes-skin color.

But there is always room for individual characteristics. There are people with a completely non-classical, atypical beauty, from which it is impossible to take their eyes off. And blondes with black eyebrows have the right to exist.

And ashy hair can sometimes be surprisingly combined with brown eyes.

Brown eyes and fair skin: what tone for coloring to choose?

Brown-eyed women do not always have dark skin, sometimes their tone is light, for example, milky, beige or peach shades. What kind of hair color is best suited to hazel eyes and light skin?

This type of appearance fit light brown and cognac tones. Caramel hair color will also look great. The use of such shades will help to skillfully emphasize eye color and skin tone.

However, there are many nuances that are important to consider when working on creating your own image. For the purpose of the most successful choice of tone of paint, carefully study the shade of your brown eyes. For example, women endowed with brown eyes with a grayish tint are recommended to use as close to a natural tone as possible:

  • Blonde
  • dark blond,
  • chestnut.

A good idea in this case will be highlighting, only choose the color of the curls carefully: it should not contrast strongly with the main tone. Light-skinned women with dark brown eyes can safely use shades of black or dark brown for coloring.

The whole palette of colors of red color: from golden to copper-red, is perfect for light-skinned women with cognac, amber or greenish-brown eye color.

But in the presence of freckles on the face to use these colors is undesirable - it only worsens the appearance. There will be more successful blond or chestnut shades.

Caramel and amber colors can be considered the most harmonious option for dyeing fair-skinned owners of brown eyes with a nutty shade. But very rich or dark colors can make your eyes less expressive.

And, of course, women are most fortunate in having a light brown eye color, because they have the widest scope for choosing the color range when creating their image, since in their case there are practically no limitations in using shades for coloring.

Blonde with brown eyes: a tribute to fashion or bad taste?

By the way, there is such an unspoken rule: the darker the color of the eyes, the richer the tone of the mixture for coloring should be. Nevertheless, some women with light brown eyes are at risk of repainting in blondes. Of course, there are examples of successful transformation of a brown-eyed beauty into a blonde - for someone, this tone really goes.

Although brown eye color and bleached hair is a rather controversial option and not quite successful. Interestingly, in the Middle Ages, a lady who has brown eye color and very fair hair was considered a "mistake of nature." However, if you really want to become a blonde, then it is much more correct to use such tones:

  • shades of honey color
  • wheat shade.

What hair color will suit brown eyes and dark skin?

Brown-eyed women with dark skin have a rather expressive appearance and, as a rule, do not escape the attention of the opposite sex. This type of female beauty in itself is quite bright. (Photo 5)

It is for this reason that the obvious changes in the image will not look quite organic. Here it is necessary not to change the appearance, but skillfully emphasize its natural beauty. With this task such saturated colors will help to cope:

  • dark plum, eggplant, shades of black,
  • shades of chocolate and chestnut.

If the monochrome color does not suit you, then you can try to highlight with the introduction of thin curls of the color of caramel or honey, coloring or fashionable brondirovanie. This will give the hairstyle volume and luxurious look, and your image - a certain charm.

When choosing your unique image, consider not only the tone of the paint, but also the length of the hair: for longer ones, you need to choose more natural, natural colors.

Women who are gifted with light brown eyes and dark skin will be more relaxed in tone. It is undesirable to use dark dyes, because on the background of such hair the eyes are simply “lost”. And shades of copper-gold, brown, caramel or coffee color, on the contrary, will favorably emphasize all the beauty and originality of the image.

Skin tone: warm or cold?

In order for your new image to be as natural and successful as possible, when choosing a dye you must also take into account the skin tone: whether it is cold or warm. It is easy to do. Take the gold and silver jewelry. Now bring each of them to your face in turn. If gold jewelry organically looks, then your skin tone is considered warm, and if silver, then cold.

To the skin of warm tone, you can safely choose the following shades:

  • honey
  • wheat,
  • caramel

If the skin is of a cold tone, then a palette of shades of red, red or brown will do.

So, you have studied all the rules and now you can easily achieve a striking effect when creating your new image.

How to choose the right hair color according to their natural color?

Experts do not recommend drastically changing hair color, but advise choosing a dye to 1-3 tones lighter or darker from the original (it all depends on the result you want to achieve). This approach will make your image more attractive and will not greatly affect the condition of your hair: after all, with a drastic change, you have to carry out staining several times.

Does the choice of paint color eyebrows and eyelashes?

In order to understand which tone for coloring is better to choose, first decide on the color of the eyebrows. Remember that the difference between the color of hair and eyebrows should not differ by more than 1-2 tones. Otherwise, you will look disharmonious and ridiculous. However, when choosing a dye, your natural hair color is the best guide.

Do I need to take into account the hair structure and shape of the face when choosing a dye?

Of course, working on the creation of a new image and choosing the tone of hair dye, you just need to take into account their length and structure. Best of all, a master in a specialized salon can do this. But if you nevertheless decided to engage in changing the image of the house, then it is useful to know some rules:

  • for dyeing long and curly hair it is better to choose natural shades, and for short hair you can try to give a brighter color (but remember that the color of the paint should not differ much from the natural one),
  • round-faced holders of brown eyes will look good with a short haircut, and an elongated face - with a long one.

The final touch in creating the image - makeup

In order to emphasize the beauty of the brown-eyed reincarnation of the fair sex, you need to skillfully use and decorative cosmetics. Dark-haired women with brown eyes are the color to create an image, you can use shades of golden, peach, olive. And blond hair is recommended to choose brown, purple and light pink shades. And remember that a good make-up and a correctly chosen color of the mixture for coloring will remarkably emphasize the uniqueness of your eyes.

If, nevertheless, there are some concerns and you are afraid not to guess the color of the paint, then try on a wig or look at the photos of the stars, the type of which is similar to yours. Alternatively, you can use tonics. This method will not change your appearance dramatically, but will allow you to choose the right tone for coloring.

In any case, it is obvious that the beauty given to us by nature can be both repeatedly strengthened and negated. Therefore, carefully and consciously treat any experiments with their appearance.

Choosing hair color for brown eyes

Thinking over the shade of shag for hazel-colored eyes, you should also take into account the skin tone. There are several rules:

  • Smooth matte skin tone - stop on the red shades. At your disposal range from light honey to red copper. However, remember that there should be no redness, freckles and noticeable blood vessels on the face. In combination with the red color, they will be even more striking.
  • Light skin tone - brandy and chestnut shades suit you, as well as coffee with milk. They will emphasize the shade of your peephole, and porcelain cleanliness of the face.
  • Dark skin tone - look at the "eggplant", "chocolate", "cherry" and even "red wine", but it is better to be careful of light colors, because they kill the expressiveness of the eyes.

To get the most natural look, you can use a very simple test. For it you will need gold and silver jewelry. Simply attach them in turn to your face and decide which skin will look better with which decoration. If it is gold, you have a warm skin tone, if silver is cold. Then we conclude:

  • For cold skin tone, it is preferable to choose wheat, iris, caramel, honey and wheat hue,
  • For cold tones, red, red, brown and light-brown shades are more suitable.

Consider the shade of the eyes

To find the right hair color for brown eyes, look at the cornea. If it is with a golden sheen, feel free to choose red. Walnut color involves the use of caramel, golden, amber and reddish shades. Girls with light brown eyes can consider their presence a great success, because almost any hair color suits them.

Black strands are universal - they look great with any shade of brown eyes. And the last option - colorized and streaked strands that shade the eyes and give the hair extra volume. By the way, highlighting does not have to be bright, quite the contrary. In your case, it is better to stay on a reddish-honey or light caramel.

How to choose hair highlighting for dark hair? 10 tips.

Does the blond match the color of the eyes?

Natural blondes with brown eyes, sometimes found in the northern regions of Italy, have long been considered "a mistake of nature." But one thing - nature, and quite another - the conscious transformation into a blonde. Add to this the dark eyebrows - the image will be just ridiculous! Therefore, dear blond fans, forget about platinum cool shades!
But the warm tones you will face. Remember Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, and even Marilyn Monroe - these fatal eyes with blond hair won the hearts of millions of men.

Afraid not to guess the color of the paint? Try on a wig or make a preliminary sample with a tonic or temporary dye. These tools will not change your view dramatically and will allow you to choose the right option.

Also, not unimportant makeup. Do you know how to make the perfect makeup for brown eyes?

Now you know what hair color is suitable for hazel eyes, and you can safely conduct experiments.

We will try to give an exhaustive answer to the question of what hair color is suitable for hazel eyes and how to create a harmonious image. Many legends and beliefs in world culture are associated with brown eyes.

Brown eyes occupy the second place in terms of prevalence in the post-Soviet states, yielding a gray palm

Owners of dark eyes are often endowed with supernatural powers and even some kind of magnetism.Physiognomies claim that such people are purposeful, but they do not lose their cheerful disposition and spiritual kindness.

Nobody will be able to refute or confirm this fact, but many will agree with the opinion that brown eyes emit a special energy.

It is fair to say that Mother Nature is the best expert in beauty matters, so the hair color that you have acquired with birth will always be harmonious. But the woman is so arranged that her desire for change knows no bounds, and even show-windows with hair dye beckon with special force.

Amber eyes

When coloring your hair with your hands, remember that the chosen tone should not differ from the natural one by more than 2-3 tones.

To attribute your eye color to amber can those who have a light, slightly reddish and even slightly transparent iris.

Such ladies will not have to ponder for a long time on the question of what hair color will fit under light brown eyes, the whole palette falls at your disposal:

  • from soft and warm caramel,
  • to saturated chocolate, which even creates a bitter taste in the mouth.

Note! The only limit for amber eyes is skin tone. In the presence of redness, translucent vascular network or excessive love of the sun in the form of freckles, it is worth refusing from the shades of red and red.

Red hair and brown eyes - the legendary image of Julia Roberts

If your image is similar to the ladies in the paintings of Rubens, and the skin is pale, give up the cold palette. Light brown or blue-black curls will give the person an unhealthy greenish tint.

Your choice should fall on soft, slightly muted tones, which will be a decent frame for your eyes and skin:

This recommendation stylists listened to Jennifer Lopez, Keira Knightley and Julia Roberts.

Dark brown eyes

If you want to highlight the depth of saturated dark eyes, choose dark hair color "dark chocolate" or "frosty chestnut"

The owners of dark-brown eyes were lucky as no one else, the brightness of their image is maintained even without makeup. However, contrasting eyes require softness in the hair color, the obvious excess will be curls of black or bright white.

You can safely consider the option:

  • warm redheads
  • saturated wine,
  • rich chocolate shades
  • as well as multi-color staining - coloring, highlight or ombre.

If you have not made a choice in favor of a dark or light palette, choose a multi-layered coloring.

Caret-green eyes

How no one else will suit you shades of red:

  • from fire,
  • to chestnut with a slight copper accent.

To understand this, look at the image of Ayla Fisher. However, remember that for such colors, the condition of the skin is of particular importance.

Light brown hair color with brown eyes - Garnier belle color "light brown ash" (price - from 230 rubles.)

Tip! If by nature you have blond curls, choose a shade of hair contrasting eye color, a few shades lighter or darker. This approach will help make the eyes as expressive as possible.

Those who have a dark skin tone or loves to soak up in the sun will have to give up chocolate-colored hair.

Being in “blond”: honey highlights or retro glamor

If you have not yet decided what hair color under light skin and brown eyes will be at the peak of popularity this season, we hasten to inform you that this is a platinum blonde.

Gwen Stefani has already climbed the crest of a fashionable wave. For many years she has shocked the public in the way of a retro diva. If you have decided such a dramatic change, be sure to look in your beautician.

How so, no red lipstick and black liner? This omission is worth eliminating.

Platinum and ashy hair shades are recommended for owners of a pinkish skin tone.

Hair color under pale skin and brown eyes does not have to be catchy and flashy, in the segment of blonde attention is deserved soft and natural wheat or honey. This is well known stylists Kerry Underwood and Whitney Port.

Honey hair color under brown eyes - Loreal casting creme gloss 832 “honey blonde”

If nature has rewarded with a soft and non-contrast appearance, the brightness of the Hollywood blonde will not work for you, take a landmark on the range from sandy to honey. A good example is Kate Mara.

In the neutral zone - Bronde

Brond will be an excellent choice for those who have not decided what hair color will fit to the brown eyes. Being a symbiosis of light and dark tones, it surprisingly fits all brown eyes, regardless of their contrast.

With such staining, light strands refresh the face, and dark ones create harmony with brown eyes, this can be observed in the image of Olivia Palermo and Jennifer Lopez.

The advantage of booking is that it has no age limit.

On the dark side

Dark chestnut is a color that perfectly complements the image of the autumn color type and the Italian winter. Despite the fact that winter belongs to the cold range, representatives of this subtype have dark curls with a reddish sheen.

Photo by Penelope Cruz - proof that the dark shades endow the image of aristocratic

If you can put your type on one level with Selma Hayek or Penelope Cruz, choose the darkest shades of chestnut. Special attention in harmonizing the image requires eye makeup, in this matter, give preference to smoky eyes.

The selection criterion is skin color.

How to choose the hair color to brown eyes will be prompted not only by fashion trends and trends, but also by simple rules of color and the combination of skin and hair color.

To determine whether a skin belongs to a particular color type, it is sufficient to conduct a small color experiment. Choose warm and cool colors and apply alternately. You look fresh next to the peach - a warm type, with a gray one - a cold one.

Tip! Light-skinned holders of brown eyes to choose shades of "brun" is only if they have a rich mobile facial expressions. Otherwise, emphasis and attention will belong to the hair, not the face.

In search of harmony

A small instruction on the selection of decorative cosmetics for brown eyes

Having determined what color to dye your hair if your eyes are brown, it's time to move on to revise your cosmetic bag. After all, a new shade of hair entails changes in makeup and wardrobe.

  • Golden,
  • olive,
  • gray
  • plum,
  • dark brown,
  • beige.
  • Beige,
  • peach.
  • Peach,
  • brown.
  • Light pink,
  • peach,
  • purple,
  • brown.
  • Light pink,
  • pink
  • light brown
  • soft purple
  • Olive,
  • ocher,
  • emerald,
  • golden.
  • Peach,
  • terracotta
  • Warm coral
  • beige
  • saturated red.

Brown eye color: the scope for choosing the color of hair is almost unlimited!

The magnetism and depth of brown eyes makes them versatile in the choice of hair tone. Determining what hair color is suitable for hazel eyes, remember that only healthy curls can be beautiful, which means that in addition to rich color, you have to provide decent care.

A video in this article will help you with this.

Brown eye color is very common among the beautiful half of humanity. They are very expressive, so they require a good frame in the form of a successful shade of hair. Brown-eyed ladies can create a unique image, experimenting with the style and color options of their curls. But in order to be successful, it is necessary to take into account many factors.

  • Useful tips
  • Shades of brown eyes
  • The combination of eyebrows and eyelashes with hair
  • Type of face, length and structure of hair
  • Color type of appearance and skin tone
  • Dark skin
  • Bright skin
  • What to avoid
  • Fashion trends staining
  • General recommendations

In order to accurately select the shade of the strands to the hazel eyes, it is necessary to take into account the features of the appearance:

  • skin tone
  • brown eyes and iris,
  • the original color of the strands,
  • face shape
  • length and structure of curls.

For example, only women of winter type can change their basic color scheme by more than 4 levels, lightening or darkening strands. Color types “autumn” and “summer” will have an unnatural appearance, being painted so drastically.

Shades of brown eyes

Brown eyes are not all the same, their juiciness and depth are different for many. If a woman's color leans closer to the light spectrum of a sandy or nutty tone, then it is better for her not to deepen or darken the tone by more than 3-4 colors. Against the backdrop of catchy strands, bright eyes will look faded, will not stand out. A suitable option in such cases will be shades close to caramel, amber, soft-red, gold.

When saturated dark iris creates a contrast with the white of the eyes. In this situation, you can resort to staining in dark shades.

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The combination of eyebrows and eyelashes with hair

For the image to be harmonious, between the tone of the hair and eyebrows the maximum difference should be no more than 1-2 colors. If the eyebrows are black, the light shade of the strands will not fit at all. In this case, you should resort to changing the color of the eyebrows. With light from the birth of the eyebrows, the hair should be maintained in the same color scheme. Light-skinned ladies of the winter-type color type can indulge the bright nuances of the hair with black eyebrows.

Type of face, length and structure of hair

Brown-eyed beauty with a rounded face and dark curls will be more spectacular with a short haircut. With an elongated face shape, it is desirable to grow the strands.

Long curls are more suitable natural tones. This applies to wavy and curly hair. For shorter haircuts, you can use brighter colors. But if the hair is long and straight, they also have bright accents.

Color type of appearance and skin tone

The most important thing to consider when choosing a hair color for brown eyes is skin tone. This will help make the image more natural and at the same time, individual.

Attention! To determine the skin tone (cold or warm), you can conduct a test. Take 1 gold and silver jewelery. Apply them one by one to face. With which metal the skin looks better, such a skin tone. If with gold - warm, with silver - cold.

What hair color is suitable for hazel eyes? More suitable - dark colors. Among brown eyes with dark skin, the most color type “winter” is dark eyes, cold bluish tint of skin, dark strands. Lips may be tinged with purple.

Such women will look harmonious with cold tones:

  • pomegranate,
  • the Red tree,
  • burgund,
  • plum,
  • eggplant,
  • dark chestnut
  • chocolate or bitter chocolate.

If the eyes are light brown, with hints of graphite or walnut, and a dark face with a tint of ashen, and hair is dark blond, then this is the color type “summer”. For these ladies suitable staining in cold colors, but not very rich, and lighter:

  • medium chestnut
  • dark graphite
  • milk chocolate,
  • coffee with milk,
  • pink tree,
  • brown.

Women with light brown eyes can add a little red. For a lighter iris, the copper shade should be more pale. For amber eyes, you can allow honey colors diluted with orange strands.

For the autumn type with cognac or tea eyes, olive skin and dark blond hair with a golden sheen, the following colors are suitable for coloring:

Paints should be calm muted tones.

Very carefully should be selected shades of blond for dark brown eyes. Dark brown blond goes to dark skin. But if the eyes are dark brown, then all shades of blond should be avoided.

Most fair-skinned women with brown eyes belong to the color type “summer”. They often have ivory or grayish-pink skin tones. The base of the strands can be light-brown or dark-brown. The selected shade for coloring should be as close as possible to the natural one. There should be no scarlet and red color schemes so that the image does not look painful.

Stop better on cold chestnut or light brown tones:

  • graphite,
  • pinkish brown and others.

For the "summer" is also suitable highlighting similar in tone to the natural strands of colors. There should be no noticeable contrast in the hair. It is better to choose a paint for 2-3 tones different from the natural color of the hair.

A very interesting image of a brown-eyed "winter". This combination of dark eyes with porcelain light skin. This is a bright vamp. Suitable for this color type:

  • all tones from the black spectrum,
  • cold dark brown,
  • cold ash colors in bright colors,

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You should choose deep and bright tones. But do not use flashy colors, they are more suitable for "winter" with dark skin.

The woman "autumn" is distinguished by such shades of brown eyes as cognac, tea or amber. Leather - warm beige or peach shade. Natural curls are full of different variations of red - from gold to copper. For this type of fit:

  • amber,
  • cognac,
  • red copper
  • terracotta,
  • ripe chestnut
  • coffee,
  • iris,
  • honey
  • golden.

Important! Do not darken or lighten hair too much. Then the image will look inharmonious. Coloring compositions are better for selecting strands close to the basic color scheme.

What to avoid

Most experts do not advise owners of brown eyes to dye their hair in ashy color. It is more in harmony with blue and gray eyes.

Owners of a winter type with dark skin is better not to take gold, copper and caramel paints. Light-skinned "winter" is desirable to avoid all the red color schemes, as well as highlighting. Only some can go strands, blue-black against the background of platinum.

Mustard and ashen color can only be used as rare inclusions. Dark-skinned women with a golden skin tone, even in minimal amounts should not use the ashy and light blond.

With a strong desire to become a blonde, you still can not make a sharp clarification. It is necessary to do this in stages, watching the overall composition of the image.

Fashion trends staining

Hair tint for brown-eyed can be different. There are many techniques that allow you to create an inimitable and harmonious image.

Coloring remains very popular through the use of several fashionable colors at once. Coloring the tips with bright colors nuances looks especially good. Relevant combinations of chestnut tones with wheat and blond. You can make coloring of individual strands of a bang or its tips.

The most popular coloring technique for brown eyes is ombre, a smooth transition between colors in the same color range. For dark skin and brown eyes it is better to choose a chestnut color with a smooth transition to brandy. But women with pale skin can experience the nuances of honey, combining with fiery transitions.

For lovers of more extravagant decisions, you can make a color “ombre” - soft transition from the basic shade to bright. This type of staining is suitable for flawless golden skin.For tips, you should select a rather weak and gentle coloring composition. This makes it possible to update the color once a month without much harm to the hair.

First of all, you should contact a professional if you want to change the image using hair coloring. This will protect against unpleasant consequences.

  • After the color change procedure it is necessary to provide intensive care for the strands: purchase special products for colored hair, make homemade masks.
  • It is better to highlight hair with close colors, otherwise you can make the image tasteless and add yourself a couple of years.
  • If the skin has visible wrinkles or rashes, it is not necessary to turn black and dark chocolate.
  • Sand and nutty brown eyes should be emphasized makeup with an emphasis on them, so that they do not look faded against the general background.
  • Before applying the paint you need to do a sensitivity test to check if it is suitable for dyeing.
  • Do not combine hair bleaching with tan - it looks unnatural.
  • When staining in a dark color scheme, it will have to be updated more often than light. Dark colors lose their saturation faster.
  • You can not paint the span, if they fall out badly or damaged. First you need to treat them, only then change your image.
  • You should not buy at the cheap price of paint. To preserve the health of the hair, the composition must be of high quality.

Before changing your image, having dyed your hair, brown-eyed women should make sure that the chosen shade will harmoniously emphasize it. You should consider your color type, facial features, primary hair color. If you approach with full responsibility to the choice of color, taking into account all the nuances, you can achieve an effective result. A new harmonious and bright image will not leave anyone indifferent.

Useful tips on choosing hair color in the following video:

Brown-eyed Hair Color: Rules for Choosing

It is very important to choose the right combination of eye color, skin color and hair color. With eye color, everything is very clear.

  • If the brown-eyed woman has dark skin, then she should pick up dark tones of hair dye. Dark chocolate is a great solution, insanely attractive and charming looks such a shade on dark-skinned brown eyes. They can also make highlighting, and then paint the light strands in honey or caramel tones. This method of coloring is very advantageous to look at the sensual brown-eyed lady, favorably emphasizes their eyes, and also gives additional volume to the hairstyle.
  • If she is the owner of fair skin, it is more natural to choose bright shades of hair coloring products, for example, red or brown colors. Following such rules, the girl will not look defiant and artificial. The positive effect of her appearance is provided.

In addition, deciding what hair color is suitable for hazel eyes, you need to remember the golden rule: "warm to warm, and cold to cold." Brown-eyed fit golden, chalky, chestnut shades of hair. And girls with blue and gray eyes need to stop their choice on ashy blond or ash brown.

So, now we know what hair color is suitable for hazel eyes - warm shades - something to be guided by when choosing a dye. But how not to make a mistake with the paint ... For this, experts give valuable advice: when choosing paint in a store, always ask for pallets with strands. You will notice that the shades may differ from the hair color of the model on the dye package.

  • You should also carefully look at the shade of your brown eyes. Some girls have a lighter brown or sandy eye color. If they dye their hair in dark brown or chocolate shades, then their eyes will be completely lost against the background of the hair.Owners of this type of eye elegantly fit brondirovanie, which is very popular in the west and Hollywood stars at the moment. Remember Jennifer Aniston and her gorgeous hair color. Yes, yes, this is exactly brondirovanie, that is, a combination of natural dark and light colors in the hair. The main thing here - to monitor the brilliance and health strands.
  • It would be nice to start a trial. That is, we advise you to purchase a temporary dye, a tinting agent that will not fundamentally change your hair color, but will allow you to evaluate whether it is worthwhile to dye your hair in this color with durable paint. We remind you that it is not recommended to dye your hair often, so if you have the opportunity to try on a wig with the desired hair color, this is the best option before dyeing.

Does blonde hair look like brown eyes?

As we have already mentioned, brown-eyed brown-eyed people can pick up lighter shades of chestnut, red, chocolate, but still it is not necessary to lighten hair in blond. It will not look very harmonious and unnatural.

But there is the opposite opinion that blondes with brown eyes look spectacular. Remember Victoria Beckham, who dyed her hair blond, famous Marilyn Monroe and Britney Spears, extravagant Gwen Stefani, who conquered many hearts.

Therefore, we recommend brown-eyed girls who want to dye their blonde, first try on a bright wig and make sure that you do not lighten your hair for nothing. Change from time to time is necessary, do not be afraid to experiment, because the appearance of each girl is very individual.

One shade of brown eyes can fit one shade of hair dye, while on the other one the same shade will not look the best.

Color type of appearance and choice of color curls

While at the stage of choosing hair color for brown eyes, think about the shade of your skin. This factor sometimes plays a more important role than the color of the iris. Light-skinned and dark-haired young ladies are impressed by a different palette of colors, so they need to consider completely opposite options.

What color to choose for dark skin

Brown-eyed beauties with skin of warm bronze tint are dark curls. Only here the choice of a particular color depends on the color type and shade of brown eyes.

Coffee eyes, coolish complexion and dark blond hair are the classic winter color type. The priority is cold hair variations - plum, frosty chocolate, espresso, eggplant, pomegranate. Hair length is also important: the longer they are, the more natural their color is. But on ultra short haircuts you can experiment a little with unusual colors on the tips - lemon yellow, bloody, orange.

Girls with hazel eyes and a bit grayish skin also have a cold palette to their face, but in lighter colors. A good option would be pearly blond hair for brown eyes. Or, for example, soft chestnut (without golden shine), coffee with milk, frosty beige, cocoa with ice, pink tree. Under the ban remains blond or all very light shades.

Dark skin with olive undertones and red overflow on the hair are characteristic features of the autumn color type. For such appearance suitable warm hair color. Try bright, but moderately saturated options - golden chestnut, spiced honey, chocolate. Especially beautiful looks tandem amber, cinnamon and light brown shades. This hair color for brown eyes is perfect when using the ombra technique on long curls.

A universal solution for all skin tones will be highlighting and brondirovanie. This will update your image, emphasize eye color and protect your hair from excessive destruction from dyeing.

Valid options for fair skin

Most brown-eyed girls belong to the summer color type. Their skin tone can be described as ivory or pale gray with a pink tint.Such a type needs harmonious natural colors, for example, it can be light brown, and both light and more saturated with a dark ash shade. Also fit a cold palette of chestnut, mocha, walnut, the main thing that the color was muted.

Absolutely do not go summer color type bright flashy colors of the warm spectrum. Remember that mustard, wine, golden, red hair and brown eyes in combination with very pale skin are incompatible. This combination will give your face a painful look.

If women have a naturally light creamy matte skin and hair color with a golden sheen, this is the spring color type. In this case, you can choose reddish tones, even the use of red, copper, amber colors is permissible. But the skin must be in perfect condition, otherwise such a palette will immediately highlight all its flaws.

Spring girl can consider this combination - blonde hair and brown eyes. True, a true blond does not fit, but gentle sand and golden brown colors will look natural.

Transformation of brown-eyed girls ombre hair, brondirovanie, highlighting

When doubts about a dramatic change in hair color are plagued, make more gentle staining of individual strands using different highlighting techniques.

Ombre will help to refresh the face, change the style and at the same time absolutely not spoil the hair. Such coloring is like hair that burned out on the beach, which creates the effect of naturalness. Brown-eyed girls such style goes like no one else: their eyes seem to come alive, the oval of the face is visually lengthened, immediately “flies away” a few years from the present age. For such an effect, it lasts only three tones to lighten the tips of the hair.

Good goes to the brown eyes brond with a subtle transition of colors. Brondirovanie allows you to flawlessly reveal the beauty of brown eyes without full hair coloring. Chocolate and golden caramel or dark chestnut with copper-amber blend well together.

From the classic options for coloring brown-eyed girls suitable vertical highlighting. From the appropriate options can be distinguished multicolor coloring with a modulation of rich pearly colors - chocolate, ginger, gold, wine. For cold tsvetotipov more suitable mixture of light-brown, ashy, frosty hues.

Brown eyes allow you to make drastic decisions when choosing color curls. But when choosing a suitable image, remember that the best color was presented to you by nature, a poet, the closer to the natural the new hair color is, the more harmonious your image will turn out.


Watch the video: Makeup Tricks That Make Your Eyes Stand Out For Mature Women Over 50! (July 2024).