
Chemistry for short hair


To curl the hair was safe, prepare your strands for the upcoming procedure. Preparation consists of six important steps.

Stage 1. Evaluation of the hair structure (elasticity, strength, type, density). It is carried out in order to choose the type of curling.

  • For thick hair, you need the most powerful fixation, because it is very difficult to curl them,
  • Rare thin strands curl easily - they need to pick up a weaker drug,
  • Hair with low elasticity can greatly stretch and will not be able to return to its original appearance. Chemistry is contraindicated for them,
  • Too dry hair also should not be twisted - it will tear and break.

Stage 2. Analysis of the scalp. For wounds, injuries and diseases associated with the scalp, it is better to forget about the perm.

Stage 3. Test for sensitivity. To hold it, soak the cotton sponge with the curling composition of the strands and lubricate the area behind the ear. Wait 10 minutes. If there is no redness, rash, irritation, go to the perm. If you have problems, quickly wipe your skin with hydrogen peroxide. Chemistry is contraindicated for you.

Stage 4. Checking the hair on the lock. This is necessary in order to determine the dose and concentration of the funds. Take a small lock, moisten it with a preparation and leave for 5 minutes. Check the hair for tearing. If it remains strong, strands can curl. If it looks like tow and breaks easily, make the solution weaker.

Stage 5. Shampooing. Shampoo will loosen scales and improve the result.

Stage 6. Hair cutting. It can be carried out before curling or after, to refresh the ends and shape the hair.

Important! Before the procedure, do not forget to remove the gold jewelry and glasses, as well as to protect the skin from the ingress of chemicals.

Types of "chemistry" of hair

Modern perm can be divided into types of chemical means applied to the strands.

This gentle curling is considered universal, as it is suitable for all. The curl is strong and elastic, the result lasts from 3 to 6 months and directly depends on the structure of the hair.

A special fixative based on thioglycolic acid penetrates the hair, but does not damage its structure, as it is considered gentle. As a result, we get a fairly tough curl - it lasts one month. For thin and soft strands, this method is not suitable - they will lose shape and stretch at the roots. The same applies to girls with sensitive skin type and dry hair.

With an alkaline type of curling, the retainer penetrates inside and opens the scales. The result is more resistant - it will last on the hair for about 90 days. Gives elastic curls, looks naturally, acts much softer than the previous version. But on heavy hard strands, the result will not be stable - after about a month the curl will lose its shape. At cost cheaper than acid perm.

The composition of the fixing agent includes amino acids and proteins that treat and nourish the hair. Amino acid "chemistry" does not harm the health of the strands. Curls look natural, but, alas, short-lived. This "chemistry" is not suitable for hard and long strands - under such heavy weight curls will quickly develop.

In the composition you will not find aggressive components. They are replaced by another means similar to the hair molecule. Biowave gives a beautiful natural shine and a very durable result.

This is an ideal way to give a fluffy head of hair by fixing the volume for several weeks or even months at once (it all depends on the retainer). Also, basal chemistry is suitable for those whose hair had previously been curled, but had time to grow.

The composition of this drug included silk proteins. They care for the hair and improve their structure.Even damaged hair becomes healthier. The curl comes out very soft and lasts up to six months. The price is much more expensive than other options.

Enjoys great demand among modern fashionistas. Allows you to get elastic and large curl. With this type of waving curlers are needed especially large sizes - this is Olivia Garden. They are attached to each other with sharp teeth. Hair curlers of this type leave no wrinkles and give curly curls.

Small or African

Recommended for women with thin and rare hair. It is often performed on medium length hair. But we advise especially courageous ladies to take a risk - African chemistry for short hair will definitely help you with this. The silhouette will be spherical, and the volume - incredible! The only drawback is that it will be very difficult to care for your hair, and it is almost impossible to make a new styling. For “chemistry” in the afro-style, either papillots or small spirals are needed. This process will take about 5 hours, you can only do it in the cabin.

It is also called lipid-protein (LC2). If you compare with the previous one, the Japanese lasts longer and provides great benefits. It is completely safe due to neutral ph and normalizes moisture too dry hair. With this waving, you can get elastic and bulky curls that will last from 2 to 6 months.

Perm for medium, short (no more than 20 cm) and rare strands. Makes hair more luxurious, curl - soft and natural. Visually raises the head of hair at the roots, and also refreshes the image. Carving works only with the surface of a hair, without harming it, as with the classical type. If the hair is thick, take large bobbins - large curls will help create a magnificent image.

Read more about hair carving in this article.

Spiral or vertical "chemistry" is the best option for a long and thick braid that cannot be wound horizontally. In this case, the bobbins are placed vertically (from the root to the ends), and the strand is twisted in a spiral. A few words about curlers! For the procedure you need long cone-shaped bobbins with holes through which the strands are pulled. Ideally, they should be made of plastic or wood. This form allows you to curl evenly curl.

On a vertical curl the effect of wet hair looks great. It is also convenient in that the growing roots can be easily twisted. The composition can be any - it depends on how long you want to go with your new hairstyle. In addition, the health of the strands depends on the drug. After the procedure, they will be either weak and dull, or shiny and alive.

It can only be used on healthy hair and only in proven salons. First, the strands are moistened, then twisted on bobbins and connected to the machine (exposure time and temperature are regulated). The result of the procedure will be beautiful light curls.

Who can not do "chemistry"?

Perm is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy,
  • Lactation,
  • Very dry, thin and damaged hair,
  • Tendency to allergies (first you need to do an allergy test),
  • Basma or henna pre-staining,
  • Acute illness
  • Medication.

Care for hair after "chemistry"

After perming hair needs care. To do this, follow a few simple rules.

  • Rule 1. To wash the head will need a special shampoo for curled hair.
  • Rule 2. Moisturize hair with special masks. They should contain panthenol, collagen, silk proteins or keratins.
  • Rule 3. As a home remedy, you can safely apply an infusion of rye bread crusts (pour 300 grams of bread with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 5 hours in a thermos), nettle, or hops. Also various oils (almond, peach, burdock) can be useful. They need to be slightly heated.
  • Rule 4. Take fish oil.
  • Rule 5.Regularly trim the tips and lubricate them with a special cream.
  • Rule 6. Comb your comb with wide teeth - it does not hurt the strands.
  • Rule 7. A few days after curling, do not wash your hair and subject the strands to heat treatment.
  • Rule 8. Protect the hair from the hot sunshine.
  • Rule 9. Do not unscrew the washed hair, but gently soak it.
  • Rule 10. Do not sleep with a wet head.

Types of perm

As the name implies, for waving is used a composition in which the main active ingredient is various acids or their combinations. The rest of the composition - additional components and substances.

Mainly used acids:

  1. Tartaric acid (does not damage the hair roots, is a product of fermentation of natural fruits or grapes).
  2. Glycolic acid (used in a large number of products caring for problem and oily skin).
  3. Trioglycolic (it is not recommended to use such a composition, as it, when combined with various substances, can produce carcinogens that are hazardous to health).

The method itself helps to increase the acid-base level and this increases hair growth, strengthens weak strands. The result - uniform strong curls, excellent to keep on a short head of hair.


During this procedure, the alkaline balance does not change (is closest to the natural), the method is gentle, safe, has been used for a long time and is very effective. The main component is glyceryl monothioglycolate with accompanying natural extracts, acids, oils, vitamins.

Due to the mild impact and not penetration of substances into the hair structure too deeply, the effect is not so long. Keeps lightweight chemistry about 2.5-3 months.

The basis of ammonia compounds, is considered the most harmful and has a number of hard contraindications. However, it is very persistent (up to six months), so it has its fans. Curls grow, but practically do not bloom until the shearing.

Attention! May adversely affect the hair structure, has a sharp smell when used, it is not recommended to perform at home. After the hair need special care.


Such a perm is also safe for short hair, using natural ingredients, the main substance cysteine. However, using this method for a short length of strands is not often, most masters believe that synthetic variations of proteins are not able to maintain the desired shape of curls on a short headpiece for a long time.

Learn more about biowave hair, its types and intricacies at home on our website.

A new-fashioned way by which it is possible even on short strands to get a large long-term curl. The tool is used soft (composed of creatine, cocamidopropyl betaine, proteins), but the effect is lasting.

Some components degrease hair, some dryness may appear, proteins give healthy shine and strength to the strands, in the process a fixative composition is used for a long effect.

What is carving, popular techniques - all this you will find on our website.

Price in the cabin and at home

You can entrust your head to a specialist and not worry about the procedure about how well everything will be done and what the result will be. This will, of course, be an order of magnitude more expensive, but also safer when compared to home conditions with no experience. In the salons you can make chemistry for the price of 1 thousand rubles.

If you carry out the procedure at home, it will cost the amount that will be spent on the compositions and care products. How much is the home chemistry, you can say, having purchased the necessary compositions and tools.


Like any procedure, chemistry has its own contraindications and prohibitions. Here a lot depends on the chosen method and composition.Strong chemicals affect the hair structure, scalp. May cause allergic reactions.

Do not recommend chemistry, even sparing pregnant or lactating women, people prone to allergic reactions, those who have problems with high blood pressure and respiratory tract.

The fact is that the components of drugs often have a sharp unpleasant smell, therefore they can provoke irritation of the respiratory organs. Some formulations have a significant warming effect, which can cause a pressure jump.

Important! A standard check is required for a skin reaction: a drop of the composition is applied to the scalp or an elbow bend behind the ear and, after waiting for time, they check for redness, itching, and swelling.

Chemistry is contraindicated in taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs, and stress. If the hair was dyed with Basma or henna, during critical days, during the stress period, the perm procedure is also not recommended.

Chess Perm or Brickwork

Natural looking curls, the same amount of curls is achieved by alternating techniques. Begin cheating on a pre-formed bat, in the direction from the face oval. Have hair curlers in a checkerboard pattern.

Game diameters

This technique has shown itself very well on haircuts like a four-sided bob, and others with long strands around the front area. The idea is that each curl is wound in order on bobbins of different thickness in order. From the facial line the most voluminous, farther smaller, and then large again. This approach as a result provides the maximum naturalness of the finished hairstyle, curls are obtained naturally.

American (vertical chemistry)

Curlers are placed in a perpendicular to the parting in the center of the head. If the bobbins are thin, the curls will be like elongated spirals of the same size. If the hair is very short, then the curl will be the most dense and tough, with a steep, dense curl.

Features perm for short hair

For each haircut you need to select a specific version of the curling. Perform a curl on short hair is quite difficult, so in the absence of proper skills it is better to turn to professionals.

It is better to use purchased products as chemical compounds, from proven manufacturers, with a guarantee and quality certificates.

Council After chemistry, it is better not to dry the hair with a hair dryer, but to let them dry in natural conditions. Let it take more time, but minimizes the negative impact on the hair.

Stages of the procedure

It will take:

  • shampoo for thorough cleaning of hair,
  • special curlers, bobbins,
  • chemical composition for perm,
  • retainer,
  • air conditioning,
  • hairbrush,
  • gloves,
  • little sponge
  • ceramic or plastic dishes for the composition.


  1. First, the hair is thoroughly washed, dried naturally (do not overdry the curls and scalp before exposure to the composition).
  2. It is necessary to check whether the composition will cause allergies.
  3. Next, proceed according to the instructions for the tool. Either moisten each strand before winding and after, or wind the hair in the chosen technique and quickly apply the composition.
  4. An agent on hair is usually aged from 20 to 35-40 minutes. You can not overdo it, instead of improving the result, you can not only spoil the structure of the order, but also remain without hair.
  5. Then a fixer or neutralizer is applied, left on the hair for about 4–5 minutes, washed off with running water without using detergent.

Effects and hair care after

After a perm, the hair needs special care:

  1. Wash hair with a special shampoo, which contains components for softening hair and does not overdry roots.
  2. Rinsed with various infusions (from rye bread, nettle, chamomile, tea) and make masks (with almond, burdock, rapeseed, peach, rose oil) to maintain elasticity and smoothness.
  3. You can take vitamin complexes for hair, fish oil.
  4. Use rare comb for combing, trim the tips of hair regularly.

Important! It is necessary to use at each wash conditioner or balm.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • increases the volume of hair, long holds,
  • styling takes less time, fluffy hair is guaranteed,
  • oily hair removes excessive greasiness, unruly strands are also in order,
  • This is a great way to diversify a short hairstyle, give it a vivacity, romance.


  • despite the apparent safety of many formulations, they still affect the hair, lead to dryness,
  • the expected effect does not always work
  • requires special care, the hair may become thinner, more fall out.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, as a method of long-term styling, chemistry is highly demanded, and considering the application of new technologies and the development of the most benign formulas, it has practically ceased to be harmful to hair.

This procedure is perfect for owners of short haircuts with somewhat oily hair, as any composition defats the hair. And also for those who want to revive the annoying haircut. Laying becomes easier, less time is spent, romantic curls will not disappear even after washing or bathing in the pool or at sea.

Learn more about chemical perm hair thanks to the following articles on our site:

Useful videos

How to make natural curls.

Biowave. Technology implementation.

Characteristics of the main species

There are different types of perm.

  • Acid - done with the help of drugs that fall inside the structure, without revealing the outer layer of hair. Curls are a bit harsh. This type of waving should not be done when the hair is thin, dry and weak. They will very quickly lose their shape and stretch at the roots. Keeps acid perm no longer than a month. It can even be used on colored curls, vertical wrapping is possible.
  • Alkaline curling lasts about three months. Curls during this time look elastic and do not lose their shape. The preparations affect the outer layer and penetrate inside.

Temporary perm is less detrimental to the head of hair, after the time the radical correction is possible, which is also necessary for volume. Neutral basal perm (pH less than 7) lasts up to 5.5 months.

  • Amino acid perm is not done on long hair, as the curls will quickly develop. The composition of the chemical agent includes amino acids and proteins, which provide treatment and restore damaged hair structure.
  • Japanese hair perm has a healing effect on their structure. The modern formula of drugs allows treatment of the strands, which are often dried using a hair dryer and stained. How long does a perm persist? Radical perm allows curls to keep up to 5 months, it is necessary for volume. How much is the procedure? Price - about 5,000 rubles.
  • American perm is performed most often on long and medium curls, which are wound on special needles and bobbins. Curls turn out large and strong. The positive side, which has the American perm, is the imperceptibility of the border of growing roots, besides the root correction is possible.

  • Carving is a safe lightweight perm. Carving is best done on curls that are not stained, straightened and discolored for at least 6 months. Light curling suits weak, thin hair. Carving is good for hair that quickly becomes greasy.Radical perm makes carving last longer, it is also necessary to create volume.
  • Vertical waving looks very impressive on long hair. Special spiral shaped long curlers are used. Vertical waving has such a disadvantage that when the hair grows, the border is clearly visible.

Carving to a greater extent - this is a temporary gentle styling, which is different from the usual curling. The impact of the last procedure is directed not only on the outer layer, but also on the inner one. Carving acts only on the external structure of the hair, thereby causing less damage. The compositions are also different. Previously applied to the curls special preparations. Carving is also different in that it allows you to make small and large curls all over your head, or you can only twist the tips, you can make vertical curls. You can dye your hair no sooner than after 3 weeks.

How many curls hold on? Carving allows curls to last up to 2 months. If carving is done according to the rules, then the risk of damage to the hair is minimal. The procedure takes about 1.5 hours. First, the composition is applied, then curlers are wound and left for some time. After that, the curls are washed with water and stacked.

An alternative to conventional perm is biochemistry. The formulations do not contain aggressive components, such as hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. If a specialist is able to choose the right composition, then he will also treat damaged hair. The alternative to the usual method cannot be harmful, the transition from the regrown strands is not visible, the radical and vertical curling is available, small and large waves can be obtained. Hair coloring is allowed immediately after the procedure.

Curls, having naturally dark shades, are harder to curl. How much is the procedure in the salons? It all depends on the length of the hair and composition. On average, the procedure will cost from 1000 rubles.

Women who have decided to make a new hairstyle, are interested in how much perm? On thick, thick hair, it lasts longer, so you need to make nourishing and moisturizing masks as much as possible. On thin hair perm lasts about three months. How often is a perm allowed? Curling hair with the help of chemicals can be no more than 2 times a year.

All types of perm can damage skin and hair, so they need extra care. Hair after a perm can not be straightened, dyed, besides the fact that their structure will be permanently destroyed, you can get a scalp burn.

Curling process

Before you do the perm, you need to consult a hairdresser. It is important to determine what size curls themselves will be - large or small. The length of the strands is reduced by 2-4 centimeters. The smaller the curls, the shorter the hair will look. Large waves take less length.

At the first stage, which lasts 2 hours, the composition is applied to the curls and the curlers are wound. After that, you need to wait about 45 minutes for strong waves to appear on the strands. At the third stage, the curlers unwind, a fixer is applied to the hair and they are wound on again for 2 hours. After this time, the curls will be finally ready. After a day, the hair can be washed and styled.

Any type of drugs harms the curls, so you need to carefully and closely monitor their condition. Be sure to make a nutritional mask, you can take special vitamins.

Curling hair at home is also possible. The main thing is to find the right tools. You need to choose proven brands from reputable manufacturers. After that you should purchase hair curlers, the size of which should correspond to the length and thickness of the hair.

Means to put on hair, comb and quickly twist on curlers. When 40 minutes have passed, apply a neutralizer and leave for another 45 minutes.Remove the curlers and wash off the composition using a special shampoo. This stage is distinctive for the procedure at home. To paint or blow-dry in the first days is unacceptable.

The Japanese curling of hair at home is performed in the same way as any other type. But it is much harder to do it yourself, so it’s best to consult a specialist. Special agents based on lipids and proteins are selected. Possible vertical wrap.

Reverse action

If the curls are tired, then there are several ways to straighten the hair. Depending on how long the woman decided to straighten her curls, short-term and long-term methods are distinguished.

  • Straighten curls can be chemically. All formulations penetrate into the hair structure, and the result will be persistent.
  • Straighten hair can be keratin method. In the composition of the preparations only natural ingredients that do not harm the hair. The effect can last up to three months. Pre-hair is treated with a solution, and then straightened with a hot ironing.
  • Bio-straightening curls lasts about two months. Each hair is covered with gelatin. As a result, not only it is possible to straighten, but also to give them volume, smoothness.
  • Natural method. It is possible to straighten hair by using oils, of which a mask is made and applied on the head for a few minutes.

After curling staining is prohibited for three weeks. You need to know the recipes, how to restore the hair after perm and their subsequent straightening, as these procedures are in many ways similar.

Healing treatments

Hair restoration after a perm can be done using both home and folk remedies, as well as products purchased at a pharmacy or store.

A few tips on how to care for hair after perm.

  • You should regularly make masks based on honey and aloe juice.
  • Castor and burdock oil will quickly saturate hair and bulbs with nutritive ingredients, and return lost shine and strength.
  • You need to use only a special shampoo, you can rinse herbal infusions (chamomile, nettle).
  • The comb should be with teeth spaced far apart.
  • It is better to dry the strands with a towel.
  • It is impossible to dye your hair for about a month.

There are many companies that produce hair shampoo with a perm. The shampoo should have a gentle, gentle effect on the curls and prevent the development of a moisture deficit. For example, the shampoo of the Natura Siberika series does not contain synthetic preservatives and dyes, it is sulfate-free. This shampoo is based on lemongrass extract and vine, the effect of which is enhanced by the content of essential oils. Shampoo cleans curls, makes them shiny and created for volume.

Shampoo is applied only to the area of ​​the roots and skin. The remaining curls along the entire length will be cleared during rinsing. This method will help protect the tips of the hair from excessive dryness.

After each shampooing, styling is necessary. But conventional means can not be used. You can use a special balm or foam.

When is hair dye allowed? After a perm, curls lose their saturation and radiance, but dyeing is allowed only after three weeks. You can apply only a tint shampoo based on herbal ingredients.

Hair care after perm should include a variety of masks. Mask, cooked at home, will help to cure hair and give them strength. The most common is the following set of components: yolk, brandy, burdock oil, honey. All ingredients need to be mixed and applied on the head for 45 minutes, wrapped with a warm towel. The mask is washed off with cool water. You can do it twice in 7 days.

The mask on the basis of medicinal herbs can come to the rescue.A decoction is made of chamomile, nettle and linden, in which vitamin oils are poured and rye crusts are added. The mask on the curls should last an hour. Rinse it off using shampoo.

Features of the procedure

Chemical perm is carried out by applying a special tool on individual strands, after which they are wound on bobbins or hair curlers of different diameters. This allows you to give your hair the desired shape, ranging from large, and ending with small curls. Upon completion of curling curls covered with a special tool that secures the resulting wave. Below are the photos before and after the perm for short hair.

Today, experts offer a large number of products designed to create stylish curls. Moreover, modern products are safe for hair and do not cause significant damage to the hair.

Ways short hair

The type of curling should be selected based on the shape of the faces and the type of haircut. So, owners of a rounded or oval type fit large curls. For women with a triangular type, gentle, neat curls of small diameter are more suitable.

An important criterion when choosing a method of curling is the type of haircut:

  • bob-car is best combined with small spiral curls, owners of elongated car can try to curl only the tips,
  • short cascade perfectly complements the chemistry, in which hair is wound on large curlers to create large curls,
  • haircuts with bangs are perfectly combined with flirty curls, allowing you to refresh the bow, adding sexuality to it.

Chemistry on the bob car


In the photo before and after the procedure, it is clear that basal chemistry for short hair allows you to create volume, which is extremely important for women of fashion with thin hair. In this case, a special composition is applied only at the roots, this method gives a special thickness and fluffiness. The only drawback - the disappearance of the volume during regrowth strands.

This option involves processing only the tips. This style is used by ladies with sparse, thinned hair to simplify daily styling.

Curling at the ends

Large curls

Chemistry with large curls looks good on short hair. She looks the most natural. Large curlers are used to create volumetric curls.

Curling in the form of large curls

Spiral (wet)

Wet chemistry is done with the help of special spiral bobbins, allowing you to create the same curls along the entire length. This perm makes hair voluminous and lasts until those months. The result of the procedure is vertical curls that are perfectly combined with the effect of wet hair. Chemistry is ideal for owners of short and medium hair.

Short hair curling options

This method of curling - the most aggressive. However, due to the fact that the tool penetrates the hair structure, the styling lasts much longer than the rest - the curls will remain curled for six months. Acid perm is ideal for owners of hair prone to fat, while girls with thin and brittle hair, this procedure is contraindicated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Light curling on short hair is characterized by many advantages, however, it is not without drawbacks.

Among the main advantages:

  • visually increases the volume, gives thick hair,
  • allows you to create a stylish image in the shortest possible time,
  • simplicity of transformations, you can create a stylish style depending on your mood,
  • hairstyle for a long time retains its appeal.

The disadvantages of chemistry include:

  • allergic reactions to chemicals
  • the occurrence of dry hair and scalp,
  • thinning, weakening, increasing fragility,
  • the appearance of split ends, reduced gloss.

Curling hair with bangs

Despite the shortcomings, the correct approach to the procedure, the use of gentle preparations and quality care products will provide an interesting hairstyle that will please the fashionista for a long time.

Care after curling

Taking advantage of chemistry to give an image of attractiveness, it should be remembered that now the curls will need more careful care. Modern means are less harmless in comparison with those used by our mothers, but they still contain aggressive components.

Chemical wave per cascade

Therefore, to maintain healthy hair, it is recommended:

  • wash your hair no earlier than the second or third day after curling,
  • apply only soft shampoos,
  • regular use of special masks and balms will help to improve and give your hair a natural shine,
  • never comb wet and wet streaks, so you risk ruining the shape of curls,
  • If possible, try stacking with fingers and scallops with sparse teeth,
  • Use a hairdryer only as a last resort or in the “cold drying” mode, this will protect the strands from pernicious drying.

Hair chemistry is not a cheap procedure. However, any woman can afford to do it once every three to six months. Price per short hair in Moscow ranges from three to six thousand rubles, depending on the selected type of procedure.

Perm hair - what is it

For the purpose of transformation, women resort to all sorts of procedures, one of the most popular, as well as affordable, perm hair. The procedure fundamentally changes the structure of even strands, transforming them into playful curls.

Wanting to please every client, cosmetic companies have created varieties of curls on which the density of curls depends, the degree of their curls and the duration of the effect. On average, the hairstyle remains up to 6 months, during this period the hair does not need the use of curling, curlers or other devices.

Chemistry became fashionable in the twentieth century, when hairdressers used ruthlessly healthy hair, but provided a lasting result. Women went to the procedure, sacrificing the beauty of the hair. Today the situation has changed, the mixture for curling does not damage the hair structure. Some manufacturers have created substances that, on the contrary, guarantee an improvement in the appearance of the hair.

Ammonia and alkaline compounds are excluded from the composition of chemicals for the implementation of chemistry. The effectiveness of the procedure is provided by acids and other safe components, which are selected by the hairdresser, based on the state of curls and wishes regarding the type of curls.

The active component, penetrating deep into the hair shaft, helps to weaken the intercellular bonds, destroy protein compounds. After this, the strand is ready to form curls. To do this, use different devices that fix the hair in the desired state. After removing the shape, the curls take on a long-lasting curly appearance.

To ensure the effectiveness of the method without damage will be able to extremely professional hairdresser, who has experience with chemical compositions for curling. The master will help assess the condition and type of hair, because not every woman is suitable for this procedure. An error in the selection of the composition or algorithm for conducting the scrolling session threatens the loss of attractiveness of appearance, damage to the strands.

An experienced hairdresser will conduct the procedure in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. He will correct the time of action of the drugs, so as not to overdo and burn the hair, but at the same time provide tight curls that will keep the shape for a long time. Immediately after staining or clarification, it is forbidden to perform the procedure, this is due to the presence of a chemical reaction that adversely affects the health and color of the curls.

To understand what suits you, you need to get acquainted with the types of procedures that are offered in the market of cosmetic services. And after that, consult with a professional and make a final decision.

Vertical chemistry

It is difficult to change the structure of long thick strands, because with horizontal winding, the curl radius increases and the curls go out unevenly. For this case, a spiral perm was invented, also called vertical chemistry.

The technique is also used on hair of medium length. After processing the curls look volume and attractive. To emphasize the strands, and an image of a relaxed woman with vertical curls use tools to create the effect of wet hair. It looks very aesthetic.

When using this type of procedure, the master holds the bobbins vertically, and curl the curl on the device with spiral movements. For convenience, barbers prefer bobbins in the form of a cone, within which there is a hole for the distribution of the strands. After the introduction of the curl into the bobbin, the hair gets the necessary shape and fixed. Devices are made of wood or plastic to choose from.

The composition for the spiral chemistry is selected individually, based on the state of the hair, the duration of the effect, the wishes of the client. After curls, performed by a professional using the right preparation, playful and dynamic.

Japanese hair curling

How many times have you heard that chemistry spoils hair, and also that it cannot be used on exhausted strands, today it is in the past. According to the technology of Japanese hair curling, it is allowed to change the structure on damaged curls, and sometimes it is even useful.

The composition is saturated with lipids and proteins, penetrating inside, heals the hair shaft. Neutral acidity, keratin and betaine helps eliminate dryness, brittleness, moisturizing and softness.

The Japanese method guarantees the safety of elastic, voluminous curls up to six months. Suitable for hair of any length, thickness and thickness.

American perm

Women, watching Hollywood film stars admire luxurious curls with volumetric curl that look lively and at ease. A similar hairstyle is obtained with the help of hair curlers company Olivia Garden. These devices do not leave wrinkles.

American perm is performed using an available or suitable composition, a prerequisite - special curlers. After the procedure, large, natural curls with curls with different directions are formed on the head.

Curving Curling

Mediocre shaggy hair of medium or short length can also be curled. For this purpose, hairdressers use the technique of Carving-waving. It is performed with gentle formulations that do not harm the hair shaft, but only superficially changes the structure. This allows you to increase the volume at the roots, to refresh the appearance.

For the procedure, the hairdresser selects hair curlers according to the type of appearance, face shape, condition of hair. Big bobbins will help add mystery and elegance, small playfulness, and spirals of refinement.

Gentle perm

Today in the price lists of beauty salons appears the service "Gentle curl", which is carried out using funds that do not harm the health of hair. Safe chemistry gently affects the structure of the curls, ensuring efficiency and naturalness.

  • Amino acid. The treatment with amino acids and proteins in the composition, it nourishes the hair cuticle, restores damage, making curls in curls. Not suitable for long or thick hair. Soft action does not give sustainable results, curls under the weight of the head of hair unwind.
  • Neutral. Gentle chemistry without harmful components in the composition, is considered universal, suitable for any type of hair. Helps to curl tight or thick strands for a long time.The result lasts up to 6 months.
  • Acidic The procedure using the composition, where the active substance is thioglycolic acid, guarantees 100% result for a period of 1 month. The wave is considered gentle, but it is not suitable for thin, loose strands.

Chemistry for long hair

Long hair is valued, considered a decoration of a woman. Therefore, each girl seeks to let go of the hair. Add the same luxury hair style curls help created by nature or a skilled hairdresser and chemical composition.

Chemistry for long hair is performed exclusively by a professional hairdresser. Due to the increased length, each curl becomes heavier, so the effect of the chemical composition stretches it, making it fragile. Under their own weight curls hold worse, dissolving. In this situation, the approach is important, as well as the experience of perm.

The following types of procedures are suitable for long strands:

  • Vertical
  • Japanese protein,
  • American,
  • Acid resistant,
  • Neutral,
  • Amino acid.

The final decision on the selection of funds, as well as the methodology of the session, is made after consultation with an experienced master. The choice is directly dependent on the wishes of the woman and the goals that are set, because soft, gentle means will not be able to provide tight curls for a long time, and persistent chemical components often spoil the health of the hair.

Chemistry for medium hair

The average length of curls extends the range of choice of techniques. If the hair is healthy, does not suffer from dryness or damage, it is allowed to use any kind of curling, based on the shape of the face, such as hair structure.

Chemistry for medium hair that needs support, less diverse, is represented by the following types:

Perm for short hair

Perm on short hair is not suitable for every woman, so before going to the salon, weigh the pros and cons. If the desire to curl curls stronger, then follow the recommendations of the masters. Hairdressers do not recommend to hold a perm in afrostil for short strands. Curls after the procedure strongly podskachut that spoil the image.

Light waves, natural curls that guarantee the use of these types of curls make an elegant short haircut:

How to choose a perm

The variety of types of procedure makes women experience the agony of choice in preparation for the procedure. Popular is the spiral, American, wet and sparing, giving a light effect. The basic criterion of choice is the shape of curls, but the rest should not be overlooked.

If you are going to carry out a chemical curling at home, check out the list of items that professionals are guided by. If necessary, consult a hairdresser, and then decide on an important step.

Choose the type of wave for the following conditions:

The favorite form of curls in young girls are spiral curls. They are made with the help of special curlers, through which stretch the hair, twisted into elastic braids. The size of the device does not allow you to make voluminous curls, they are small and well-defined.

The effect of "wet hair" fell in love with women who are not willing to spend time on the daily morning styling. After the procedure, the curls look wet, pronounced, curls curl along the length. This chemistry is performed on bobbins.

Light waves or modest curls are obtained by using a gentle procedure. It does no harm, gently curls, but the result is not durable.

The wave is carried out at any length, but keep in mind that curls shorten the hair by 3-10 cm, based on the choice of the type of curls. The denser the curls, the more the length jumps.Selecting the appearance of future curls, pay attention to the recommendations of the masters, because the gentle hair does not lie down on the long head of hair for a couple of days, and the procedure is useless.

The criterion is evaluated by the hairdresser before the session. When selecting the master notes the condition of the hair. Sparing compositions will not work as hard, on weakened ones, it is not recommended to use persistent mixtures, but the fat head of hair will be able to “dry” them and look tidier. Naughty strands calm down, and rare will acquire volume.

Distinguish resistant means, sparing, medical and others. Based on the listed criteria, the master selects a mixture that will ensure the effectiveness of the procedure and will not harm the health of the hair, and in some cases even heal them.

Do not forget that no matter what composition and type of curling you choose, after it the hair requires careful care, restorative nutrition.

How to do perm at home

Girls who for some reason do not want or can not carry out the procedure of curling hair in a beauty salon, are puzzled by the question of how to do chemistry at home.

The procedure will require skill, a set for the session and the current mixture. Professionals who conduct sessions daily recommend that you first try to twist your bobbins or hair curlers a couple of times, for training purposes. This will help not to get lost, to carry out the procedure clearly and harmoniously. It is difficult to handle the hair from the occipital zone on your own, so get the support of your girlfriend, sister or mother.

Set for perm hair

Means for perm knows every woman who is somehow interested in the topic. But about the additional improvised trifles that facilitate the course of the case, few people know. The set for the session includes:

  • curlers selected by the type of curler or bobbin made of wood,
  • studs are large,
  • plastic clips to hold the strands on the stud,
  • plastic comb-comb with sparse teeth, sharp tip,
  • plastic cap,
  • latex gloves
  • protective cape
  • glass container
  • two foam sponges,
  • terry towel
  • cotton bundles.

Sticks for chemistry

The composition of the active component and curlers or bobbins directly affect the outcome of perm. Chemistry sticks are the basis of future curls, so the choice of this device is taken seriously.

When buying a bobbin do not be stingy, choose wooden durable pieces. Base material often reacts with chemical mixtures, spoils the result.

Size also plays an important role, pay attention to medium or, if necessary, small curlers. However, check their action, so as not to get the effect of "explosion" on the head. Spiral chemistry with classic large curls for long hair will require up to 40 pieces of bobbins, medium curls up to 35 pieces, and short ones will be enough for 20-30 pieces. The calculation is taken on the basis of the average thickness, if your shock volume, then increase the number of curlers.

Composition for perm

The compositions for perm hair are selected more carefully than the curlers, because they play a major role in the initial state of the curls. Manufacturers make the following recommendations:

  • Damaged, dry, brittle strands are treated with neutral compounds. On the bottles of safe mixtures marked “BIO”, they do not contain harmful components. Helps curls to keep on a head of hair till 3 months.
  • For hard, straight hair that is difficult to form curls, apply chemistry based on an acidic environment. It helps to achieve lasting results.
  • If you have a problem of sensitive scalp or thin hair, use chemistry on alkali. Remember that this is a sparing composition that does not give a lasting effect, curls last up to 3 months.
  • Allantoin chemistry is a neutral medium, used on all types of hair.
  • Amino-acid agents for chemical changes in the structure of the strands serve as a regenerating cocktail for the hair that is damaged. Suitable for dry, lifeless curls. Does not act on thick, hard hair.
  • Japanese solutions with proteins and lipids in the composition also guarantee recovery due to the vitamin complex. Used on thin, porous curls. Harmless

If you are lost among the variety of tools for creating curls, then use the list of popular brands that produce solutions for curling:

  • Estel Professional (Russia),
  • Lebel (Japan),
  • Olivia Garden (America),
  • GOLDWELL (Germany),
  • Schwarzkopf (Germany),
  • Matrix Opti Wave (America) and others.

Perm perm

Manufacturers, in order to ensure safety and obtain a 100% result, recommend sticking to the following algorithm of actions when conducting a chemical perm at home:

  1. Pre-day before the procedure, test for an allergic reaction. To do this, try the composition on the strands in the occipital region, as well as on the head section in the same area. If the reaction within 24 hours did not follow - proceed to action.
  2. To ensure the safety of curls and improve performance, process the hair with a special, protective solution. It will ensure an even distribution of the active composition of hair.
  3. From the back of the head apply the selected tool on the strands and fix it on the curlers. The procedure is carried out without hitches, at an accelerated pace.
  4. From above we protect the head with a hat and insulate. Leave the solution on the hair up to 40 minutes. Time is selected individually based on the state of hair. If you perform the procedure for the first time, shorten the session by 5-10 minutes, so as not to damage the structure of the curls.
  5. Without removing the curlers strands are processed neutralizer, which stops the action of chemistry. Withstand another 30-40 minutes.
  6. After the time has elapsed, spin one curl, check the result. If the curl meets the requirements, then the composition is ready to be washed. Removal of funds is carried out under running water, right through the curlers for 5-10 minutes.
  7. After water procedures, a fixative composition is applied to the wound strands, wait until 10 minutes. After that, remove the curlers and fix the final result again.
  8. In conclusion, rinse the hair with an aqueous solution of vinegar (1 tbsp. Vinegar per 1 liter of boiled water), nourish with a regenerating mask.

After the procedure for curling, professionals recommend resorting to natural drying without scratching, this will help reduce the negative impact of the procedure.

Hair restoration after perm

Manipulations with changes in the structure of strands, no matter how safe they are, affect the state of hair. There is a natural question, how to care for hair with a perm in order to maintain the beauty and health of curls.

  • use purchased nutritional, regenerating agents,
  • use natural, oil homemade masks,
  • less often brush your hair
  • replace the massage comb with a comb with rare teeth
  • wash your head with soft, sulfate-free shampoos,
  • do not wrap the hair in a towel, just remove the excess moisture,
  • Cut the tips periodically to get a neat cut.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair perm

The benefits of a perm include:

  • Giving volume to sparse hair,
  • Getting rid of everyday styling,
  • Creating a romantic and soft image.

However, like any procedure based on chemistry, it also has its drawbacks:

  • Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation,
  • Hair becomes more dry and brittle,
  • Contraindicated in allergies of various kinds,
  • Cannot be done on basma or henna-colored hair,
  • Get rid of the perm is possible only with the help of a haircut.

Features perm for short hair

When curling on strands that are wound on a curling-curler, put a special chemical composition. This procedure will subsequently give the locks the desired shape. After the composition will stay on the hair for some time, it is applied to the retainer. His goal - to fix the shape of the curl.

Chemistry can be done on any short haircut, but it looks most advantageous on an elongated square or shortened cascade. It should be noted that girls with rounded or oval face are very large curls. And for women with a face in the shape of a triangle, the size of the curl must be chosen very carefully.

The subtleties of curling short hair in large curls

Perm on short hair large curls, photos of which are presented in this article, has certain subtleties:

  1. First of all, it is a haircut. On different haircuts the same chemistry will look different.
  2. The type of hair is very important. The thinner the hair, the more gentle should be the composition of the perm.
  3. Oval face necessarily taken into account when choosing curls.

A professional master in the salon will always tell you which type of curling and which curls will look the most advantageous on this haircut and suit the client. Remember that the shorter the haircut, the shorter the curling effect, as the hair grows, and the tips are gradually cut.

Types of curling on short hair (basal chemistry, perm tips)

To date, there are several types of chemical wave.

They are divided both by chemical composition and by other features:

  • Radical chemistry. Given that the result of this perm will be a hairstyle, lush from the roots, then this type of chemistry is perfect for fine hair that does not naturally have a volume. But as the hair grows, the volume disappears.
  • Curling tips.Such chemistry is recommended for girls with a sharp chin shape. It can also be done on loose, thin hair. When curling all the hair is undesirable, and curls really want. Thanks to the curl ends, the hair becomes pomp, become obedient and easily fit into the hair.

In order to keep the chemistry as long as possible, it is not recommended to rub wet hair with a towel.

What determines the shape of curls?

When curling apply curler-curlers, which not only give hair curls, but also determine the size of future curls. The material from which the bobbins are made may be the most diverse. Most often I use wooden or plastic curlers.

Wooden bobbins were used by our grandmothers, because this type of material is natural. In addition, wood reduces the aggressiveness of a chemical, and curls dry faster than using plastic or other materials.

Wooden bobbins are made mainly of birch, oak, juniper. The appearance of the curl depends on the method of curling the curl on the curlers. On short hair, through a small length of it, thin cocks are used more often.

If the length of the hair is allowed, then to create large curls with a chemical perm on short hair, use curlers of larger diameter.

Acid perm

The most aggressive type of chemistry. However, the effect of it is the most durable, lasts up to 6 months. This type of waving is recommended for oily hair.

With acid chemistry, the hair scales do not open up and do not swell, as it happens with an alkaline curl. Under the influence of drugs are curls that retain their shape for a long time.

Under the influence of drugs, normal and dry hair with acid chemistry becomes excessively dry, and hence brittle. This type of waving is recommended mainly for oily hair.

Alkaline Curling

A more gentle type of wave, but the effect of it is not more than 3 months. The method consists in the fact that alkaline preparations open hair scales, and they swell. This chemistry is not so time consuming, compared to the acid method and less aggressive.

Apply this procedure to give unruly hair well-groomed appearance. During the procedure, you should be very careful and strictly adhere to the time of the effect of the drug on the hair to avoid overdrying. During the winding on the curlers can not be very tight hair.

This curling does not apply to hard hair, because the effect of chemistry on them will be short-lived. At the beginning of the procedure, you should make a test for possible allergic reaction.

Amino acid

The drug contains proteins, so it is ideal for thin short hair. Amino acid perm, not as aggressive as previously discussed. But also the result keeps on hair no more than 4-5 weeks.

Contains silk proteins that have the ability to restore damaged hair. Looks great on short hair. Keeps on for 2 months.

Spiral chemistry

The main difference of this chemistry is in the way of curling curls on curlers. To create spiral curls used spiral curlers, papilotki, knitting needles, boomerangs. This type of curling creates curls of various sizes.

To create a voluminous hairstyle, you need to wind a lot of thin strands on the selected type of curlers. Curls are wound in the form of a spiral. To create a spectacular look of this hairstyle, the strands should be as thin as possible, and the hair should be thick. Very good, this perm looks in a hair with the effect of wet hair.

When drying hair at home, you must use a diffuser. If the air flow is directed by a strong jet, then the hair will take on a fluffy look and the hair will look like a “dandelion”.

What to do with bangs?

Whether it is necessary to do chemistry on a bang depends on what effect you want to achieve. If you like "flirtatiousness" then you should do chemistry on it. If more strict lines suit the girl, the bang can be left normal.

In any salon there are many magazines with photos of different variants of hairstyles with the use of a perm for short hair, both on large curls, and on small or medium ones. You can always imagine what the styling will look like in the future.

Perm Perm

Best chemistry to do in the cabin. Before you do the perm, the master will definitely appreciate the condition of the woman’s hair. Whether there are wounds and cuts on the hair part of the head. Be sure to make a test for an allergic reaction to the components of drugs.

After 15 minutes, they look for irritation or other signs of allergy. If everything is in order, then this type of chemistry can be safely used. He will advise which type of chemistry is better to use for this type of hair. What curls to choose under the length of the hair and the oval face.

Before using chemicals it is necessary to remove all the jewelry, as well as glasses, because even a drop of the drug that fell on the earrings or a chain can permanently ruin an expensive item.

Hair care after the procedure

After a perm is done on the short hair to keep large curls, such as shown in the photo, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • for fixing the result of chemistry you can not wash your hair for the first 2-3 days,
  • use special shampoo
  • use special masks,
  • Sesame, peach and coconut oils are excellent for hair restoration.
  • hair styled using a comb with sparse teeth or fingers
  • refuse hair dryer and irons.

Reviews of chemical perm in large curls for short hair

As can be seen from the photo, when curling permed on short hair, large and medium curls create not only a voluminous well-groomed hairstyle, but also relieve a woman from everyday styling for a long time. If all the recommendations are taken into account and the chemistry is chosen correctly, then the hair looks natural, and the hair is flirty.

Considering that many women do chemistry systematically, one can say with confidence that this is very practical. After all, with any hairstyle, the main thing is that it fits a woman, and her hair looks natural and well-groomed.

Chemistry video on short hair

Short hair perm:

Perm short hair:

Types of curls for short hair

A variety of types of curls can easily be confusing, so before going to the procedure it is recommended to consult a specialist who will select the ideal shape. It remains to determine only the method of curling, optimal to the existing length and structure of hair.

The main types of perm:

  • biowave,
  • chemical method
  • wet type
  • acid,
  • radical,
  • waving on clips,
  • carving

The process of curling on short hair:

Types of Curling on Short Strands

For curling short hair are used the same methods as for cheating medium and long. With the help of this technique, elegant light waves, volumetric coachmen, and delicate large curlicues are created. Contrary to stereotypes, this procedure is not difficult - working with curls to the waist is more problematic.

Perm for short hair

For winding short hair, these types of waving are used:

  • Acidic. Chemistry using glycolic acid.
  • Neutral. It is sometimes called "Japanese", but these are different techniques.
  • Alkaline. The toughest and most resistant.
  • Carving. Long-term styling.
  • Biological. Biowave on short hair is extremely rare. Hairdressers believe that the synthetic prototype of the protein is not capable of retaining unruly short strands.

Consider each of the types in more detail.

This procedure is carried out on the basis of a combination of acids and various auxiliary components. Most commonly used:

  • Glycolic. The simplest hydrochloric acid. Present in many problem skin care products.
  • Thioglycolic. Considered a hazardous compound. When mixed with certain other ingredients, it releases carcinogens.
  • Winery. Very common hydroxy acid. Contained in the products of fermentation of apples and grapes. Unlike the options described above, it does not damage the follicle.

This technique is characterized by an increased acid-base balance, which affects the growth and strength of the strands. It provides a beautiful effect of smooth and elastic curls, which is extremely important for short hair.

Ruthless and paradoxical waving, which was extremely popular in the middle of the last century. Conducted at the expense of funds, which included ammonia. It is a clear solution with a characteristic strong odor. In medicine, it is used for emergency care for patients fainting. It is strictly prohibited to use during pregnancy, allergic reactions, lactation.

The popularity of alkaline perms due to its durability. The effect lasts up to 6 months. The disadvantages of the technique include a detrimental effect on the structure, unpleasant smell, difficulty in care.

Wet type

Pre-washed strands, divided into squares fixed clips. Start working from the occipital region. Using a brush, a special composition is applied to the hair, and the curls are alternately threaded into the bobbins.

Twisted in the same way the hair is fixed with a tape and re-treated with a chemical preparation. Very often, steam is used to improve the shape of the wave, which is separated from a specialized device.

One of the varieties of the chemical method is very popular among young people. Curls retain the acquired shape for at least 5 months.

The tool intended for the procedure finds penetration through the outer layers of hair scales deep into. At the same time, the scales themselves remain intact. During the procedure, high temperatures are used, which makes the curls as durable as possible. The strands of hair cover and fasten with a stretch, without which the curls can get less pronounced and weak.

Haircuts with a chemical wave for short hair

Vertical curls fit almost all known short haircuts (with the exception of pixies - there are few curls that fit at all). But what about the other options.

What types of chemistry will suit the owners of "boyish" haircuts:

  • Wet chemistry. This hairstyle is suitable for all types of curls. To get it, curls are processed with gels or conditioners with a “salty” effect.
  • Afro. Small, original, unusual. Suitable for hairstyles devoid of volume. Give the image a touch of carelessness and romanticism.
  • Textured grunge. These are careless, chaotic, catchy curls. They are rarely fixed with hard varnishes or foams, but they are generously combed. As a result, soft, wadded styling is obtained on the head.
  • Radical perm. Perfectly fits on fine hair. This hairstyle has many positive features. On raises the curls, makes the hair visually thicker and lush.

The following short haircuts are best for curling hair: bobo-square, sesson, pixie, caprice, pin-up square, gavrosh, ladder.

Step-by-step instruction

Consider how light neutral perm is done step by step on short hair:

  1. Strands are thoroughly washed out with a special shampoo. This could be the Interactives Hydra Rescue from Revlon Professional, Londa, Wella or another soft composition. Perm Londa Professional
  2. Apply a preliminary enveloping lotion on the strands. It is important to apply it before using the active fixative - this will prevent the penetration of aggressive compounds into the cuticle. Curling on short hair with curlers
  3. Spin is carried out exclusively on the face of the chosen scheme. The diameter of the bobbin is selected on the basis of personal preference. It is important to understand that to obtain a uniform effect, you need to select strands of the same thickness. The basic principles of winding
  4. Unlike long hair, short start to wind from the lower point of the head.
  5. After the bobbin is applied generously active compound. It is kept according to the instructions and washed off.
  6. On the curls applied neutralizer. His hold no more than 5 minutes. After being washed off with plenty of water without shampoo. Before and after curling

Video instruction

It remains only to dry the head and make styling. The effect of such a procedure will continue for at least 7 weeks. Options curls and diameter curlers can be selected based on personal experience, or by looking at the photo before and after the chemistry on short hair.

Modern types of perm hair

All people have different types of hair. Someone strands thin and soft, others hard and heavy. Therefore, over time, barbers have come up with different formulations for perm. In addition, each of them can create special curls. There are the following types of perm hair.

Thioglycolic acid and mercaptoacetic acid are used to carry out this method. They penetrate deep into the core, thus changing its structure and making it flexible for curling. With the help of acid chemistry, the effect can last for several months.

But she has serious flaws. During the procedure, the smell is very strong, and curls are quite hard. But the acid perm does not damage them so much.

And here more about the rules of hair care.

With amino acids

Twist hair with amino acids and proteins.As a result, the curls are not damaged, even, on the contrary, are treated and improve their appearance. Curls look natural. But doing such a chemical treatment should not be on heavy and long hair, as the curls unwind quickly.

Curls with amino acids and proteins

Mix for perm consists of ammonium and glycolic acid. She is quite aggressive and dangerous. This method is performed using soft swabs impregnated with chemical composition. The strands are wound and held for 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the length and stiffness of the curls.

Chemical biowave

This species is considered the safest. In the composition there are no aggressive and harmful substances, such as hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, only glycolic acid and cysteamine. Both components are related to the human body. Also included in the fixer and reducing agent are vitamins, keratins, sea minerals, and sometimes oils.

Look at the video about chemical biowave:

It turns out that the hair changes its shape without being damaged. Curls look well-groomed and naturally, lasting for up to six months. And on curly hair in general, almost a year. By the way, for such chemistry apply curlers and papilotki different sizes and diameters.

Silk wave

Silk proteins are present in the formulation of the curler. This type is considered the most modern, which further improves the condition of the hair. Most often it is used for clarified. Plus, the composition is enriched with collagen and raffinose, that is, carbohydrates, which retain moisture and strengthen the core of the curl. It is best to apply this method on thin hair of short or medium length, so that they do not straighten under their own weight.

Types of permed hair include another new method of twisting. It is allocated in a special category as there are no aggressive substances in the composition. This is rather a long-term hair styling. The preparation includes vitamins and picture. Hair can be twisted like in small curls, make vertical curls or beach sloppy strands.

The effect lasts a maximum of a couple of months, and when it comes off, the curls slowly straighten themselves, leaving no traces of processing. Accordingly, this method of styling is not suitable for hard, long and thick hair. They quickly straighten themselves under their weight. But for oily hair this is a real find, as they dry out and get dirty less.

Radical type

Performed using smooth-shaped studs. Separated thin curls are wound and fixed with the help of foil. A special solution is applied zonal and the strands are carefully insulated. After a certain amount of time, the studs are removed, and the hair is rinsed under jets of warm water.

As a fixative, a specialized balm is applied to the hair and the newly washed curls can be dried under a hairdryer. As a result of the procedure, smooth hair in the upper part is obtained, an elastic area in the middle layers, which serves as support for the acquired luxurious volume.

Japanese method

It is a alkali-free curling method that uses cysteine, matrix, and betaine. All these substances are in the composition of keratinized hair particles. Cysteine ​​is a special amino acid with sulfur that is a powerful antioxidant. Betaine moisturizes, softens and strengthens hair. Matrix promotes the growth of the follicle, making the curls smooth and shiny.

After the procedure, you can get large curls. Hold curls no more than 3 - 4 weeks.

Waving on clips

It is produced on slightly wet strands. Hair is treated with a styling agent after separation into separate curls. Screw the prepared clips onto the strands and dry them under the hair dryer. Leave the clips for 60-80 minutes on the hairline and then carefully remove and fix the acquired curls with lacquer.

It is considered quite sparing procedure that does not destroy the hair structure. The impact is exclusively on the outer layers. After 50-70 days, the acquired curliness disappears and the curls take on their original appearance.

The process of performing the procedure is stretched for a long 2 hours. Carefully washed strands are wound on the curlers, while observing the snug fit of the tips. Curls are carefully covered with a special tool and insulated with a scarf.

After waiting a certain amount of time, the hair covering along with the curlers is washed out under jets of hot water, after which the fixer is applied. When the fixing drug is running out, remove the curler very carefully and re-treat with the same preparation. Next, the hair is washed and blow-dry and further styling is performed.

Other options for spinning strands

Modern types of perm hair include not only the type of composition of the drug, but also a method of twisting strands. Because the final result depends on how the strand is attached to the bobbin. The wizard selects the method depending on the condition of the hair, their type, and the shape of the face. Winding techniques are:

  • The American way means a perpendicular arrangement of hair curlers relative to the central parting. The result is very natural, goes to people with large facial features.
  • Anti-chemistry is used for curly hair or to remove excess after chemistry. Curls are constantly combed during the action of the drug.
  • With the help of vellaformer create natural curls in the style of beach waves. To do this, use a special bag in which tucked curls.
  • Vertical way more often used for long hair. For this special spiral curlers are suitable. In this case, the bobbin is parallel to the strands of hair, wind it from the roots to the ends. However, with regrowth, the transition from straight to curls turns out to be very sharp.
Vertical way of winding up
  • Horizontal method used most often. The sticks are perpendicular to the roots. The strand is wound from tip to bottom.
  • A double way of twisting the hair is used for long ones. The roots use bobbins of small diameter.
Horizontal winding method
  • Only at the tips of the haircut cascade curl or thin sparse curls. So the effect lasts longer and looks more natural.
  • Radical is intended for the correction of regrown curls or short hair to give volume to the hairstyle.
  • Trapezoidal is used to create curly strands near the face, without touching at the crown. The hairstyle in a retro style turns out.

What type of curling to choose?

Often, a woman at the sight of such a variety of perm is lost when choosing not knowing what to prefer.

A number of tips and recommendations for each type:

  1. Radical type adds volumetherefore, girls with thin strands will find the right solution to the problem after going through the procedure.
  2. Biowave - a similar waving is possible on damaged curls, as it does not contain in the composition of aggressive substances. In addition, this procedure is suitable for ardent supporters of a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Acid view It will be an excellent chemistry option for owners of oily hair. The elements present in the composition reduce the degree of activity of the sebaceous gland, so after the procedure, the hair will get a gorgeous appearance.
  4. Carving is done to add extra volume.focused mainly on bangs. Girls with fat strands after passing the procedure will dry their hair and return the natural shine to them.
  5. Waving on clips aboutexists in a short time and allows you to perform the process at home, while saving your own savings.
  6. Wet chemistry Keeps on curls for more than 4 months, moreover, the pomp is added starting from the root zone.An excellent solution for women suffering from eternal lack of time. Two procedures per year are enough to forget for this time about daily exhausting styling.

On short hair

Strands should be as healthy as possible, since damaged tips will push and spoil the look. But on the other hand, there is no need for special styling, it is enough to ruffle your hair and cover with foam or varnish.

It is important to remember that after chemistry, the length decreases even more. Hair can jump almost 5 - 6 cm. Therefore, the hairstyle can be even shorter than the original haircut. The types of perm for short hair can be the following:

  • acidic, if the strands are tough and thick,
  • alkaline for naughty,
  • neutral for all hair types
  • biowave, because it is less traumatic for short curls,
  • horizontal,
  • radical

Medium curls

This length is the most simple and versatile. For it are suitable large and light waves. They create a romantic and natural look. The following types of perm are suitable for medium hair:

  • acid and amino acids
  • alkaline,
  • silk
  • carving
  • in the American way
  • Vellaformer,
  • trapezoidal.

Long hair

Such hair is hardest of all perm. Even if they are not rigid and heavy, they still begin to straighten out much faster under their weight. Views in this case are reduced to the method of twisting on curlers. The longest hold:

  • american spirals
  • double cheat
  • twisted tips, if the strands are thin and light,
  • vertical, creating a wet effect.

Curls for fine hair

This type is both good and bad for chemical styling. Curls easily curl into curls, but also quickly lose their shape. Masters for fine hair often use the following modern types of perm:

  • alkaline,
  • neutral,
  • silk and biowave,
  • carving
  • Perm only tips.

Large curls

This hairstyle is the most universal. It can be done for different occasions and events both for work and for celebration. In addition, large curls go almost everything. They make the image feminine, light and moderately sexy. For large curls fit:

  • Acid or alkaline, which are allowed to make elastic curls.
  • Silk and biochemistry spares the hair, but the curls are soft and will soon disappear.

In order to get smooth waves, in this case papilotki or large curlers are used. Small and spiral bobbins are not used.

Cautions that the hairdressers are silent about

Not every salon will tell about the unpleasant consequences and contraindications of perm. But before going to the master you should be aware that:

  • If the hair is sparse and dry, then after the procedure they will be confused and broken even more. We'll have to get a whole arsenal of care products.
  • Unpleasant chemical smell lasts more than a week. You can get rid of it if you add drops of rosemary, lavender and lemon juice when rinsing.
  • When you blow-dry, you only need to turn on cold air for the first time.
  • To prevent hair from falling out, it is necessary to drink vitamin complexes before and after the procedure.
  • The bang is better not to touch.
  • Harmful all kinds of drugs for perm hair.
  • Dandruff may appear after skin repair.
  • After some time, the ends of the hair will begin to split strongly.

It is also important to remember that the perm needs to be corrected as the roots grow straight. It may look ugly and sloppy, especially if the curls were tight and elastic.

Look at the video about whether it is worth doing a perm:

Recovery and treatment of curls after the procedure

In order for the hair to maintain a healthy look and keep its shape as long as possible, it is important to properly care for them afterwards. For this you need:

  • Apply honey masks on curls, process tips with aloe juice.
  • Burdock and castor oils work well, as well as special products from professional care lines.
  • Regularly do restorative salon procedures, especially if the chemistry is constant.
  • You can not dye your hair after the procedure. Henna is especially harmful. It is better to do this before perm.

And here is more about hair reconstruction.

High-quality perm gives volume and shape. The hairstyle is already half done, so that the morning styling becomes much easier. You can create playful and mischievous curlicues, romantic curls and sexy waves. It is also easy to mask the various flaws in the shape and size of the head.

Types of permed hair

It is better to refuse chemistry to owners of naturally thin hair, as problems may arise related to the breakage of the strands. Before the perm of the hair is necessary to insure and carry out regenerative procedures (cutting dry ends or hot haircut).

Carving is a new, gentle curling procedure, often called light chemistry. It is less harmful to the health of the hair. Used to achieve maximum effect on giving volume from the hair root. It is used as a long-term styling, as such it is for 2 months.

Chemistry for short hair large curls

Large curls look equally attractive on strands of different lengths, and short haircuts are no exception. This hairstyle to face without exception, alluring lady, what every woman considers herself to be. Bizarre curls can revive the image, giving it femininity. Unfortunately, not all women can have a wavy head of hair from nature. This is easily corrected by a perm.

Among the owners of short haircuts, the most popular is chemistry, because it looks more natural. In the procedure of large chemistry there is an important nuance - the selected diameter of the curlers. It is necessary to use larger hair curlers, small ones will give the result of “lambs” It is recommended to use plastic curlers. The result is fashionable curls.

Tool and all necessary components

  • Special fixing composition. You can cook it yourself or buy it at a professional store.
  • A bag of citric acid or vinegar,
  • Shampoo or shower gel,
  • A hair repairing agent, Londovital is often used for this purpose,
  • Castor oil,
  • Plastic curlers, their diameter depends on the size of the desired curls,
  • Comb in one row with a long handle,
  • Sponge
  • Gloves
  • Containers for the mixture, it is desirable to use plastic or ceramic products.

Carrying out the procedure

  1. Before carrying out the wave, you need to bring hair in order, you can make a haircut, taking into account the visual reduction in length.
  2. Analyze the reaction. To do this, just apply a little chemical composition on the skin.
  3. Wet strands are easier to wrap, their width should be 2 cm narrower than the width of the curler.
  4. As with hair dyeing, the entire thickness is divided into zones. Each strand is lubricated by chemical composition with a sponge. Screwing should begin with the occipital, then parietal and then process the temporal zone. After cheating each of the zones must be further treated with a mixture.
  5. After winding is complete, the skin along the hairline should be smeared with a thick cream or cosmetic petroleum jelly. Put a shower cap on your head and wrap it with a heated towel.
  6. The holding time of the chemical mixture is about 20 minutes. It is important to check the quality of the chemistry; after 15 minutes after winding up, one strand can be dissolved.
  7. Unwind all the strands and rinse them with vinegar or a solution of water and citric acid, dry and apply Londovital.
  8. The perm is finished, you can start styling your hair.

Thanks to such a painstaking, but quite doable procedure, every woman can afford chic curls. This hairstyle perfectly harmonizes with any face shape and looks beautiful on haircuts of different lengths.

Curling on medium hair: bubbly french chemistry

This type of curling is considered the most popular. It will provide an opportunity to perform small curls, as well as volume. A special feature is the application of the composition, in front of which the agent must be whipped properly by means of a compressor, which forms a foam. It is left on the hair for about 22 minutes. The uniqueness lies in the fact that over time the foam begins to settle, but the temperature remains unchanged. This quality makes it possible to get lively and luxurious hair, while the perm looks well-groomed and luxurious. The advantage of such a medical procedure on the face: the composition is able to enrich the hair with oxygen, as well as saturate with nutrients. This perm is ideal for long hair. Next, the master dries hair hair dryer.

To begin, a specialist studies the type and structure of hair. In accordance with this parameter, selects the means for the implementation of chemical perm. Next, a hairdresser cleans hair through detox - shampoo. The fact is that the perm will last longer on clean hair. Now you need to start curling the hair on special bobbins designed for these purposes. The curls are recommended to evenly distribute the composition intended for perm. The next step is to wear a cap. The composition should affect the hair for 35 minutes, after which the product is washed off with water. For 10 minutes you should put a special retainer, which has a reconstructive effect on the sultry and flirty curls. Then the bobbins should be removed and the curls fixed. The hair should be rinsed with a compound whose purpose is to neutralize the fixative. Now the master gently dries the curls, and then applies a special composition to the hair surface, which restores the surface. This procedure will take no more than 3 hours.

If you do not regret to visit the salon, then you can perform the procedure at home. To do this, you need to stock up on an arsenal to perform the procedure. To curls remained large and elastic, you should use special tools that will return the hair shine and incredible softness. The thickness of the bobbin depends on the size of the curls that you want to get. At the same time such laying can keep for 9 weeks.

At the first stage it is necessary to divide the hair into thin strands. Reception needs to be carried out from a nape. Now proceed to winding the selected strands on bobbins. The second row is the hair, which is located on the temporal region, as well as closer to the back of the head. The third row is that hair that is slightly higher. But the fourth row is located at the base of the crown.

After you have curled your hair, proceed to the following operations: this is the application of the composition itself for the implementation of the procedure and the fixing of the styling using a special fixative.

If you have short hair, then you should pay attention to the radical method of hair styling. This technique looks especially beautiful at the tips. Acid styling can stay on the curls for six months and is considered an ideal option for owners of greasy hair.

On the hair of medium length, you can use any technique of perm: vertical, basal, as well as Japanese.

The use of chemistry on the hair is a real stress, both for the hair and for the scalp. That is why it is necessary to follow some simple guidelines in order to preserve the shine, beauty and softness of the hair.

Clean hair with shampoo no more than 2 times a week. The fact is that with horny particles and dirt, you wash off the protective lipid layer, but after the procedure, it is rather weak. This factor provokes the occurrence of dryness of the head, and as a consequence, dandruff. Make it a rule to use only baby shampoo.

After curling it is necessary to cut the tips, as well as to use masks and balms with enriched composition. Such tools will be able to provide full hair restoration after perm. Also pay attention to the oil wraps, which compensate for the deficiency of vitamins. Perm is a modern way to make your curls voluminous, luxurious and captivating.

Hair care after curling

Having curled your hair, it is worth remembering that curls now need special care.

Below are the basic rules of care:

  1. Wash curls can only be a special shampoo.designed for curled locks.
  2. Apply moisturizing masks based on collagen, panthenol and keratin.
  3. Take fish oil regularly.
  4. The tips of the hair should be trimmed and treated with a special tool.
  5. It is not recommended to go to rest with wet hair.
  6. Protect hair from ultraviolet radiation.
  7. It is recommended to use hairbrushes with widely spaced prevent damage to the strands.

Hair after perm

There are warnings about which the stylist can not say, they are individual, and their damage depends on the quality of the procedure.

  • Sparse hair will become drier and more confused.
  • Unpleasant smell after the procedure is not washed off for about a week.
  • The condition of the wet curls will be quite deplorable at first, so use only cold air for styling.
  • Severe hair loss may begin.
  • If you have a bang, it is better to leave it flat or grow it in advance, as it will be difficult to stack.
  • Dandruff may occur.

Hair care after perm

Any kind of perm dries the hair, it will need special care, special cosmetics and popular recipes can help you.

  • Refrain from frequent washing of hair and use special soft shampoos and conditioners.
  • Regularly do regenerating masks.
  • Use castor or burdock oil to care for the tips of the hair.
  • You can not leave a towel on wet hair and wipe them, it is better to let the hair dry naturally, but do not go to bed with wet hair.
  • It is better to comb your hair with a comb with rare teeth.
  • After a perm, no henna should be used.
  • Hair changes color a little after perm, if you decide to make coloring, it is better to wait a couple of weeks.

Hair coloring

If your plans include hair dyeing, then you should not do this before the perm, as the color can be completely unpredictable.

Hair perm is quite a risky experiment, if you want it to be successful, then make sure that there are no contraindications, choose a type of curl that suits your hair type and find a qualified specialist.


Watch the video: How To Curl Short Hair. 4C Easy Method (July 2024).