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Soap base Sodium Сoco Sulfate (Sodium Coconut)


Shampoo solid - cosmetic hit of the season

Shelves in our bathroom are lined with a variety of cosmetics. Among them you can find shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, shower gels ... All these products are our allies in the struggle for beauty. And, relatively recently, their ranks have been added to a new cosmetic - solid shampoo.

About, what is a solid shampoo, how does it differ from ordinary liquid shampoos and toilet soap, and what are the advantages of this cosmetic - we will try to answer all these questions in our publication ...

Hard shampoo do it yourself? EASY. Step-by-step photos of preparation and the result INSIDE.

Good day.

Now solid shampoos at the peak of popularity. Many manufacturers have them. Any color, shape, smell, and with various promises.

But we will try to make shampoo with OWN HANDS.

It is very simple, fast, and the result will delight you for at least a month.

So, what do we need?

- 50 g sodium cocosulfate,

- 1 teaspoon of water

- 1 teaspoon of base oil (I used broccoli seed oil, but you can take whatever you like)

- 5 drops of wheat proteins,

- 5 drops of D-panthenol,

- 10 drops of essential oil (I used ef. oil of lemon, but you can take any you like).

Start cooking.

1. Add 1 tsp to sodium cocosulfate. water:

2. We put in a water bath for 5-6 minutes. Water should boil. Periodically mix the base for shampoo.

3. Remove from the water bath. The base is ready for the introduction of beneficial additives.

4. In a teaspoon of base oil add 10 drops of essential oil. Add the oil mixture to the base and mix thoroughly.

5. Add wheat proteins.

6. Add D-panthenol.

7. Mix well so that all ingredients are evenly distributed.

8. Prepare the form for the future shampoo.

9. Tamp shampoo tightly into shape. The denser the better. This protects the shampoo from crumbling and breakage.

10. Remove shampoo for 1 hour in the freezer.

An hour later, we reach and voila.

Our handsome ready.

It takes me no more than 15 minutes to prepare the shampoo.

And the advantages of the whole car:

-the composition is selected specifically for the needs of MY hair,

- the smell I like,

-shap what i like

- low cost of ingredients.

He foams fine.

See how soft and silky foam is:

He washes his hair perfectly. They become very light, shiny, crumbly and keep clean for at least two days.

This is how my hair looks now, thanks to shampoo and the addition of active ingredients to hair masks:

The composition of solid shampoo: beer, nettle, rosemary and other ingredients

The main composition - natural ingredients. Cosmetic soap base, natural oils, vitamins, microelements, natural parabens - all these substances are better preserved in solid form, which means that the detergent does not require the addition of artificial preservatives. What can not be avoided in the manufacture of liquid forms.

Nevertheless, buying solid shampoo, you should not neglect the basic rules of choice: preference should be given to reputable companies. It is advisable to read the reviews on the Internet, to ask the result of practicing washing firm shampoo friends or acquaintances.

How to wash your hair with solid shampoos: Lush, Savonry, Cocosulfate, Miko, Meela Meelo, Fresh line conditioner, Cleona, Amla, Wow, l cosmetics

Manufacturers produce solid shampoos for hair of different types: dry, oily normal. And also there are special solid shampoos for dealing with problematic hair: split ends, dandruff, weakened and colored locks, etc. Therefore, no matter how tempting it may sound: “100% natural composition”, you need to buy only if the product is intended for your hair type.

The shampoo washing technique is similar to washing with soap:

  • Warmly moisten hair with warm water.
  • A piece of shampoo moistened and lather in the hands, creating a foam.
  • The resulting foam is distributed on the head, starting from the roots. If the hair is long, the ends can be washed directly with a piece of shampoo.
  • 3 - 5 minutes head of hair kept soaped, while massaging the scalp.
  • Wash the solid hair shampoo thoroughly, with plenty of water, freeing the hair from the vegetable components of the shampoo. It can be pieces of fruit, fragments of healing herbs, large fractions of coloring matter (henna, coffee).
  • In many annotations to shampoos, manufacturers write that rinsing the head after a solid shampoo should be slightly acidified with water: dissolving lemon juice and vinegar in it.

Do not ignore the manufacturer's recommendation for rinsing with acidified water - in this case, the shampoo most likely contains alkali, which must be neutralized. And the shine that gives the "sour" rinsing the hair does not hurt.

Machneva Diana Olegovna

Psychologist, Integral Neuroprogramming. Specialist from the website

- April 24, 2010, 17:31

mi chto v 70h zhivem shampoonh masteritj - vi cherez internet v konce koncov pishite!

- April 24, 2010 at 6:32 pm

practically no one shampoo does not suit me, I would like something with a minimum amount of chemistry. I could wash my hair twice a week earlier, and now with difficulty in a day. With hormones everything is ok.
But in general, why are you reacting so violently, do not like something - pass by. leave your negative with you, there is nothing to vampire here!

- April 24, 2010 at 6:35 pm

they wash their heads with rye bread, yolks.

- April 24, 2010, 18:37

no frills shampoos like "Grandmother Agafi's Recipes" are our domestic ones.

- April 24, 2010, 6:38 PM

the author, but still it’s necessary to add chemistry or folk methods.

- April 24, 2010 at 6:40 pm

On the Internet, you can buy a special shampoo base, and then add further to it what you want))

- April 24, 2010 at 6:40 pm look I haven’t done anything yet. all going.

- April 24, 2010, 21:48

From grandmother Agafya on the head of one large koltun. My hair got off in boots from these grandmother's recipes.
Author, and what you lash does not fit? All natural.
You torture yourself until something succeeds, firstly, clear proportions are needed, the second is that it is simply impossible to find half of the ingredients (or at a price five times more expensive than the same Lash). And soap + water is, I'm sorry, not shampoo.

- April 24, 2010, 10:17 pm

The author, here's a proven recipe for offhand
(did my friend, as for me - it is not worth the whole muddle, but this is IMHO, you want to - do it)
Cocamidopropyl betaine - 20g
WTC - 15g
LSA-F - 15g
Inositol - 2g
Cetyl alcohol - 10g
Babassu oil - 7g
Glycerin - 2g
Wheat Germ Protein - 6g
Biozol (dry) - 3 g
Dry raspberry extract - 3g
Roses wax - 3g
Rose water - 40g
Mix everything and keep in a water bath with regular stirring. To homogeneous mass. Add 3 g of xanthan (in 260 grams of distilled water). Add:
aloe gel - 5g
CO2 yeast extract - 2g
Cool, pour into forms.

- April 25, 2010, 00:22

The author, here's a proven recipe for offhand (made my girlfriend, as for me - it is not worth all the wise, but this is IMHO, you want to - do it) - 7 g Glycerin - 2 g Wheat germ protein - 6 g Biozol (dry) - 3 g Dry raspberry extract - 3 g Roses wax - 3 g Rose water - 40 g Mix everything and keep it in a water bath with regular stirring. To homogeneous mass. Add 3 g of xanthan (in 260 grams of distilled water). Add: aloe gel - 5g CO2 yeast extract - 2g Cool, pour into forms.

Oh yeah. This is a recipe without frills. the most it, that is necessary.

- April 25, 2010 11:56

eeeeeeem, all spasobo for attention. I hope to have to use what we have. appreciated the recipe without frills :)
Thanks to everyone who responded!

- April 25, 2010, 15:31

But why make shampoo? You can wash your hair with folk remedies. For example, yolks with kefir, black bread, mustard, etc. there add aroma oils to smell nice - good effect

- April 25, 2010, 16:42

Kiki, mustard, I tried, did not like it. From kefir I'm afraid my hair will not be very, greasy. Does bread wash your hair well? long do not get dirty after it?

- April 26, 2010, 6:24 PM

Try to pick up some professional shampoo? There are so many lines of them now, surely some one will do!

- April 26, 2010, 6:27 pm

Solid shampoo - reminded a joke: Larissa, do you like dry wine? - Pour in!

- April 27, 2010, 13:40

Solid shampoo - reminded a joke: Larissa, do you like dry wine? - Pour in!

- April 27, 2010 at 1:44 pm

Try to pick up some professional shampoo? There are so many lines of them now, surely some one will do!

so far unsuccessfully. even the prices bite. in my opinion from them the hair by the evening is not very. Glitter and all that, but like snot. Here I had some very expensive American shampoo, with some kind of algae. I do not remember spirochetes. so from him they are also electrified.

General recommendations on the selection of shampoo

- when choosing a shampoo, it is recommended to focus on the color, condition and type of hair, try not to use "family" and "universal" shampoos,

- the softer the shampoo, the less chemical components it contains, the better for hair and scalp. This is especially important for people with sensitive skin, for children, as well as for pregnant and lactating mothers,

- the word "natural ingredients" on the label of an industrially produced shampoo, most likely refers to any additives, the percentage of which is extremely small. Surface active substances (surfactants), preservatives, stabilizers and dyes by default can not be natural,

- do not think that "expensive synthetic shampoo = natural and high-quality." The cost of industrial shampoo includes the cost of advertising, the big name of the company, expensive chemical components. At the same time, cheap industrial shampoos may contain low-quality ingredients that may not be very useful for skin and hair.

- it is important to remember that many world-famous perfumery and cosmetic corporations are testing their products on animals, so such products may not be suitable for vegans and vegetarians,

- industrially manufactured shampoos can be addictive and eventually stop providing quality washing results, in this case, the shampoo has to be selected again,

- natural hair care products, prepared without the use of chemical components, are returned over time, and then they maintain the natural beauty and health of the hair.

Industrial Liquid Shampoos

The most common option for hair care, which is actively advertised in all media, is industrial shampoo liquid. Many people choose shampoo by advertising promises, bright packaging, the amount of foam that it forms, color and smell. It is often written on the labels for what type of hair a particular shampoo is suitable for and what qualities the hair will have after applying it. Many manufacturers indicate that the composition of the shampoo includes any exotic ingredients. However, it’s not at all the fact that the hair will look great thanks to these components and the promises of the manufacturer.

Industrial shampoos are specially packaged in beautiful packaging, they are given an attractive color and density to increase sales. Unfortunately, the vast majority of industrial liquid shampoos contain chemical additives, fragrances, dyes, stabilizers and other artificial components that can adversely affect the condition of the hair, irritate the sensitive scalp and cause various allergic reactions.

The main components of industrial shampoos are surfactants.. They provide the removal of grease and dirt particles, as well as abundant foam. These substances, for the most part, are very cheap, which is beneficial for the manufacturer.

The main disadvantages for consumers are that these substances dry and irritate the scalp, make hair dry and brittle. At the same time, there is a possibility of increasing the fat content of the hair, thus, the scalp protects itself from external influences. It turns out a vicious circle: the more often a person washes his head with the use of synthetic shampoos, the faster his hair becomes greasy, the more often he has to wash them. As a result, in modern reality many people have to wash their hair every day. The other side of the coin, when the hair is excessively dried, becomes brittle, brittle and lifeless.

Most common Surfactant are Sodium Lauryl Sulfat (SLS - Sodium lauryl sulfate) and Sodium Laureth Sulfat (SLES - Loret sodium sulfate).

SLS - A cheap substance that is derived from coconut oil. Due to the pronounced degreasing properties, this component is widely used in industrial shampoos, bath foams, shower gels and even in children's cosmetics, liquid soap, dishwashing products, for washing and detergents for cars. SLS enters the body: body, eyes, brain, heart, liver, and accumulates over time, leading to the development of various diseases. It may contribute to the increase of dryness of hair and skin, cause dermatitis, dandruff, hair loss. In the interaction of SLS with other components of cosmetic preparations, nitrates are formed, which enter the blood and spread throughout the body. Nitrates can cause various tumors, disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, adversely affect the fetus during pregnancy.

SLES is surfactant, even cheaper than SLS. According to the properties they are similar. SLES forms a lot of foam and creates the illusion of high quality products. The cleansing properties of SLES are mediocre enough, and when interacting with other components of gels and shampoos, dioxins and nitrates are formed. Dioxins have a mutagenic, carcinogenic effect on the body.

What is 2 in 1

With the passage of time and the improvement of technology, as well as due to the growing demands of society, shampoos began not only to clean hair from dust, dirt and grease, but also to improve their appearance. This became possible due to the addition of conditioning substances to the shampoos, and the result was a shampoo + conditioner 2 in 1.

Conditioners in such products are used to neutralize the effects of alkali, which is part of the shampoo and can destroy the core hair. Conditioning substances strengthen hair and protect it from harmful effects. Also, air conditioners facilitate combing hair, give them shine and smoothness. Conditioners contain vitamins, herbal extracts, UV filters and various oils.

When choosing a shampoo with an air conditioner 2 in 1, you need to consider that it is not recommended to use it constantly, as it can give your hair an untidy look and make it heavier.

Dry shampoos

When there is no hot water, daily hygiene can be a big problem, especially if the water is turned off suddenly, and the person is in a hurry to an important meeting. In this case, an indispensable tool to quickly give your hair a clean and well-groomed appearance will be dry shampoo. You can buy ready-made dry shampoo or make it yourself at home.

Modern industrial dry shampoos are a powder enclosed under pressure in a can. This shampoo must be shaken before use, then applied to dry hair from a distance of 35-40 cm, spread over the hair and gently rub into the scalp. After a few minutes with a towel or a small comb it is necessary to remove all the particles of dry shampoo from the hair and scalp. Dry shampoos contain absorbents - substances that absorb other substances that come into contact with them. Due to this, dry shampoos remove dead horn particles, grease and dust from hair.

The composition of dry shampoos also includes flavors that give them a pleasant smell and components that have disinfectant properties. Also, dry shampoos may contain extracts of rice, oats, wheat. Hair after using dry shampoo becomes bulky and clean. However, you should not replace the washing of the head with the constant use of dry shampoos, as they do not provide complete removal of dirt and grease, they can remain on the hair even with the most careful combing, and with too frequent use they dry the scalp. Therefore, it is recommended to use them only in emergency situations.

Natural homemade dry shampoos

If there is no purchased dry shampoo in the house, the hot water is still turned off, and the hair should be clean, you can use natural remedies that are on hand as a dry shampoo: talc (baby powder), bran, flour, starch. For example, you can mix a teaspoon of salt and a glass of any wholemeal flour, half a glass of ground oatmeal and half a glass of coarse salt, half a glass of flour and half a glass of ground almond. Brunette instead of flour can be used as a base for dry shampoo cocoa powder, which will give your hair a pleasant shade and delicious aroma.

Solid shampoos

Solid shampoos are made by hand from coconut sulfate (soft surfactant from coconut palm) with the addition of essential oils, panthenol, lecithin, herbal infusions and vitamins. The advantage of solid shampoos is the absence of harmful chemical components. At the same time, solid shampoos foam perfectly, are suitable for different types of hair, gently cleanse the hair and scalp, are very compact and economical means.

Solid shampoo is applied to wet hair. Before applying, you need to foam a tablet of shampoo in your hands and apply the resulting foam to your hair. Then it is necessary to foam the applied shampoo, thoroughly massage the hair and scalp and rinse with water. Repeat if necessary. To extend the life of a solid shampoo, it must be dried after each use.

Natural hair cleaners

Natural Moroccan volcanic clay (brine) gently cleanses the hair and removes excess fat, so it is especially suitable for oily hair. Clay contains a large number of minerals and vitamins that stimulate hair growth and reduce their loss. Rassoul removes impurities without damaging the structure of the skin and hair, provides nourishment with microelements and a conditioning effect. Also, the clay has a positive effect on the keratin that makes up the hair and helps to restore the damaged stratum corneum, which prevents the cross-section of the hair, strengthens the hair follicles, reduces inflammation in seborrhea and psoriasis.

To use, it is necessary to dilute a small amount of dry clay with water, to a state of liquid cream, then rub the resulting mass into wet hair and scalp, massage thoroughly, leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse with water.

Rye flour

Flour is perfect for washing any type of hair. Effectively removes grease, dandruff and dirt, gently cares for the scalp. After using flour hair becomes light and voluminous. A small amount of flour must be diluted with water, the consistency should be like that of a batter. Apply the mixture to pre-moistened hair, massage, leave for a few minutes and rinse thoroughly. All that does not wash off, then you can comb comb.

Mustard powder

Mustard has established itself as an indispensable tool for washing greasy hair. With regular use, mustard restores the natural oily skin of the scalp, making the hair look healthier and much less dirty. Mustard powder has a stimulating effect on the hair roots, the hair becomes stronger and grows much better. For washing, you must dilute 2 tbsp. mustard in 0.5 l of warm water immediately before use, apply the mixture to damp hair, massage and rinse. In order for the mustard to be better washed off and not to burn, it is advisable to wash it off immediately after application, while immersing the hair in water completely. It is also recommended that before applying for a couple of days, hold the pack with mustard open so that the mustard will disappear and become less burning.

Egg yolk

The composition of egg yolk contains amino acids that help eliminate dandruff and strengthen hair. In addition, the use of egg shampoo will give your hair a fresh and healthy look. For washing, you need to separate the yolk from the protein and the shell (so that it emerges) and whip the yolk with a small amount of water, apply to damp hair, massage the hair and scalp and rinse thoroughly. After washing the hair with egg yolk, it is recommended to rinse the hair with acidified water (with the addition of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar), so that the hair will become soft and shiny. This shampooing method is not suitable for vegans and vegetarians.


Shredded charcoal has a peeling effect on the scalp, eliminates dandruff and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. This is achieved due to the adsorbing ability of coal - it actively absorbs surface contaminants and excess fat. To wash it is necessary to grind the coal to a powdery state, dilute with water and rub the resulting mass into the scalp and hair roots. After that, rinse the hair thoroughly over the entire length.

When washing hair, henna creates a protective film on the hair, strengthens the hair along the entire length, envelops and smoothes the scales. Hair after using henna becomes soft, shiny and perfectly combed. You can use colored henna to give your hair a pleasant shade, or colorless henna, to ensure clean and healthy hair. When using henna, the hair splits significantly less and becomes thicker. Also henna perfectly eliminates dandruff.

It is important to bear in mind that when using colored henna on blond hair, the hair may become unnatural orange or canary.

For henna hair washing, it is necessary to dissolve 5-7 g of henna in 100 g of water (water temperature should be 85-90 degrees). Wait for the henna to swell and cool. Then apply the mixture on the hair, massage for 3-5 minutes and rinse thoroughly. If you want to get a shade, you need to apply henna along the entire length of the hair, put a plastic bag or hat on your head, wrap a towel and leave for a long time (15-40 minutes), depending on the desired shade intensity.

When washing hair, kefir, like henna, creates a protective film on the hair that protects the hair from the harmful effects of the environment. Kefir strengthens the hair roots, preventing their loss, helps to restore the scalp, relieves dandruff and nourishes the hair. To wash it is necessary to thicken the hair with kefir from root to tip, then put on a bag or plastic cap and roll the head with a towel for 25-30 minutes. After that, rinse hair thoroughly with warm water.

Soap beans

Acacia shikakai pods - soap beans - a wonderful natural remedy for washing hair. With regular use of the infusion of soap beans for washing the hair, the hair becomes bulky, acquires a healthy shine, dandruff disappears, and the hair is naturally strengthened. Soap beans normalize the fat balance of the scalp, due to which dry hair ceases to be brittle and lifeless, and oily hair loses excessive greasiness and becomes normal.

Soap beans have a low pH, so that the skin’s water and fat balance remains natural, the hair structure is restored, and the skin receives additional nourishment. This delicate tool is perfect for young children and adults with sensitive skin.

To wash your hair, you need to prepare a solution of soap beans: chop a few beans, put in a bag, put in a bowl of boiling water (about 0.5 l) and let it brew for 0.5-1 hours. Then you need to squeeze the bag so that the detergents go into the water in larger quantities, and apply the resulting solution to damp hair, gently massaging the scalp. It is recommended to wash the solution off with warm water. It is important to rinse the hair completely, repeating the application, if necessary. It is not recommended to allow the solution to get into the eyes. If this happens, you should rinse the eyes with plenty of water.

Soap nuts Mukoros sy and Trifaliatus

Both types of soap nuts can be successfully used for washing hair. Nuts of Mukorossi variety contain more detergent substances (saponins), while Trifaliatus nuts foam better and have a pleasant aroma.

If you wash your hair with soap nuts regularly, the water-fat balance of the scalp is restored, dandruff disappears. When using industrial shampoos, you usually need to wash your hair every day, because in the evening they become too greasy or lifeless, when using soap nuts you will gradually need to wash your hair much less frequently, hair will get shine and healthy appearance, hair loss will stop.

The degree of concentration of the solution of soap nuts depends on the type of hair: for oily hair, a solution of greater concentration is needed, for normal and dry hair - less concentrated. A solution of soap nuts is prepared in the same way as a solution of soap beans: you need to grind a few nuts, put in a bag, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew. Then wash the hair with the resulting solution, massaging the scalp and rinse thoroughly with warm water. It is important to prevent the solution of soap nuts on the mucous membranes and eyes, if this happens, the eyes and mucous membranes should be washed with plenty of water.

HOLINKA phytoshampoo

Dry herbal shampoos "Kholinka" made from natural ingredients, without the use of synthetic surfactants, preservatives and dyes. Excellent detergent properties of phyto shampoos are provided by the mineral and vegetable components they contain: mustard, wheat germ, zeolite and other substances. Hollinka dry shampoos strengthen hair follicles, make hair healthy and shiny, help eliminate dandruff, prevent fragility and hair loss. Herbal shampoos very well help relieve itching with dermatitis and seborrhea, eliminate dandruff and nourish the hair, thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals.

Depending on the condition of the hair, everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves Kholinka herbal shampoo:

- for light and bleached hair with immortelle, chamomile and calendula,

- for damaged and weak hair with a string, linden and burdock,

- for oily and normal hair with coltsfoot and air,

- to nourish and strengthen hair with hops.

To wash your hair, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of phyto shampoo (depending on the length of the hair), dissolve with hot water until smooth, apply to the moist scalp and leave for 12-15 minutes. Then rinse hair with warm water.

Handmade Herbal Shampoos

Herbal shampoos handmade 75-80% consist of a decoction of herbs that have a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp (nettle, chamomile, train, burdock and others). Also included in the shampoos is cocosulfate (natural soap base) and useful fatty oils, depending on the type of hair for which the shampoo (sea buckthorn, peach, flax and others) is intended. These shampoos do not contain dyes, preservatives, flavors and other chemical components. Method of application is the same as that of conventional shampoos, it is recommended to store the shampoo in the refrigerator and use within 2 months.

Hand and body hair gel

Gel for a body and hair for 100% consists from natural components. Contains essential oils and freshwater microalgae, which favorably affect the skin and hair, gently and gently remove impurities, increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin and hair and provide high-quality care. The gel is suitable for any type of skin and hair, perfectly foams and has a pleasant unique aroma. When applying, it is necessary to lather a small amount of the gel and apply on moist skin and hair, massage and rinse with warm water.

Handmade shampoo soap (soap-shampoo)

Natural handmade soap for hair is prepared just like regular homemade soap from scratch, only slightly different in composition: for example, chamomile soap is suitable for all hair types, with mustard for oily, with calendula for fair hair, and with a string and nettle - for the dark. The oils that make up the shampoo soap also differ: olive oil is suitable for dry hair, and coconut oil for oily hair. Also, the oils that make up the shampoo soap foam well and do not dry the skin. Naturally, soap shampoo consists entirely of herbal ingredients and does not include chemical and animal additives. Shampoo soap is suitable for sensitive skin and weak hair, strengthens hair and makes it shine. Before use, it is necessary to moisten hair and soap with warm water, gently lather the scalp and hair along the entire length, massage and then rinse. After use, natural shampoo soap is recommended to be thoroughly dried.

Homemade shampoos They are more effective than any industrial means, because they are made for themselves, from natural ingredients, by hand and with love. The main ingredients of homemade shampoos are mustard, rye flour, herbs, eggs, brine.

When preparing homemade liquid shampoo, it is recommended to prepare it for one use. Dry shampoo mixture for subsequent soaking can be prepared for future use and diluted with water the necessary amount of shampoo with each shampooing. Homemade shampoos cleanse hair well, strengthen hair follicles, have a beneficial effect on the scalp.

Oak bark shampoo for oily hair:

Per liter of water, take 3 tablespoons of oak bark, boil for 10-15 minutes and leave to infuse for an hour. After that, strain and wash the resulting broth hair.

Nettle shampoo:

Per liter of water, take 100 grams of nettle and 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar, boil the mixture for half an hour, strain and pour into a bowl of warm water. Rinse the hair with the resulting solution, and then with clean warm water.

Shampoo from rye flour and mustard with herbs for oily hair:

Mix 100 g of mustard, 300 g of wholemeal rye flour and 15 g of crushed nettle leaves, chamomile flowers and calendula. The resulting mixture can be stored indefinitely. To wash the hair, it is necessary to pour a small amount of the mixture with hot water to a thickness of liquid sour cream, mix thoroughly and apply to damp hair, massage and leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with plenty of warm water. If the mixture is not completely washed off, the remains can be easily combed out with a comb.

Homemade shampoo from a brunch with hydrolat and essential oils:

take a small amount of peeled, 100 ml of hydrolat (flower or herbal water), a few drops of essential oil. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, apply on hair, massage, leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse with warm water. Cedar, lavender, rosemary, sage, geranium, and cypress hydrolates are best suited for hair. Of the essential oils, juniper, cedar, lavender, basil, rosemary, ylang-ylang have a particularly beneficial effect on hair.

With the right care using natural products, beautiful and healthy hair is a reality for every person!

Watch the video story from the TVC channel "Examination of shampoos"

Natalia Shchekaturova (c) especially for the store

Why try to make it yourself?

  • You will know its composition,
  • Unlimited opportunity to make shampoo just for your hair needs,
  • The ability to make it whatever the shape, color and smell,
  • The minimum amount of time spent
  • Low cost ingredients
  • Great result!

Well, let's get started?

Ingredients for solid shampoo:

I'll tell you more about each:

Sodium cocosulfate.
This is a mild anionic surfactant derived from highly purified coconut oil. One of the best frothers, gives stable magnificent and gentle foam. It is a gentle eco-alternative to sodium lauryl sulfate, as it dries and irritates the skin much less.

powerful blowing agent
does not destroy the skin proteins
it is eco-friendly, biodegradable,

Provitamin B5. It has a moisturizing effect, penetrates deeply and binds water in the outer layer of skin, nails, hair, which makes dry skin and hair softer and more elastic.
In hair products: makes hair shine, creates a protective film that has a long-lasting moisturizing effect, makes hair more manageable, heals dry and thin hair.

Wheat proteins.
Hydrolyzed wheat proteins are proteins that are the same in composition as the hair and skin proteins of a person. Thus, the hydrolyzate includes many amino acids, including glycine, alanine, proline and glutamine. Thanks to them, wheat proteins have moisturizing and softening properties. They form a weightless film on the surface of the hair, which feeds them from the inside and prevents overdrying.

Proteins do not allow flaking and scalp. They regulate its water balance and stimulate the growth of hair follicles, therefore, they are used for complex treatment of hair loss. Proteins give hair shine and flexibility, prevent fragility and thicken their structure. Owners of unruly curls will definitely notice the effect of using the supercomponent, because proteins smooth the surface of the hair and reduce its electrification. But best of all hydrolyzed proteins affect damaged hair, as it is easier for proteins to penetrate into their structure and act on them from the inside.
Broccoli seed oil
Vegetable oil of broccoli seeds is a valuable natural source of shine and silky soft hair.
Its protective effect, comparable to silicone-based restoratives, makes hair soft and silky to the touch, gives it shine and shine, without at all making it heavier and not traumatic. Due to its smoothing effect, broccoli seed oil is ideal for taming naughty curls and curls. Vegetable oil broccoli facilitates combing and hair styling.
Due to the high content of vitamins, it is also an excellent source of nutrition for hair and skin.

- The effect of a hair conditioner (comparable to silicone-based products): makes combing easier, gives the hair shine and silkiness
- Reduces static charge when combing with a massage brush
- Nourishes and helps to preserve the natural moisture of the hair, without making them heavier
- A great source of skin and hair nutrients

Lemon Essential Oil
This mixture of natural volatile aromatic substances effectively combats inflammation and irritation of the scalp, dandruff, dullness, hair loss. Lemon oil has mild brightening properties, and therefore is often recommended as an alternative to chemical hair dyes. Regular inclusion of lemon oil in hair care will make them smooth, silky, add shine, strengthen, relieve from excessive oily scalp and dandruff. The tool will be an excellent prevention of hair loss, and blondes will help make the color lighter (platinum) without yellowness. Combining lemon essential oil for hair with other components, you can get an additional nourishing and moisturizing effect.

We proceed directly to the preparation of shampoo.

1. Add 1 teaspoon of water to 50 g of sodium cocosulphate. Mix well.

2. We put in a water bath. Water should boil.
For 5-6 minutes, keep in a water bath, constantly mixing the base for shampoo.
Sodium coconut does not dissolve! Therefore, we keep it in a water bath to give plasticity and softening.

3. Remove from the water bath.

4. In 1 teaspoon of broccoli seed oil, add 10 drops of lemon ether.
This mixture is added to the base. Stir.

5. Add wheat proteins.

6. Add D-panthenol.

7. Mix thoroughly.

8. Prepare the form in which we will place the shampoo.

9. Tightly fill the form. The denser, the better: this reduces the risk of shredding shampoo.

10. Remove to the freezer for 1 hour.

11. After an hour, we get out of the freezer.

Here is our handsome ready.
He needs to dry out within 24 hours. In a day you can safely use it.
He washes his hair fine: squeaky, but not drying out. Hair does not mess up at all, does not dry. And look what a silky foam he has:

Hair after it is light, crumbly, shiny.

Girls, I strongly advise you to try making your own shampoo! It takes no more than 15 minutes of time, and it will please you for at least a month.

What is solid shampoo

Solid shampoos in the market of cosmetic products appeared relatively recently. Therefore, there is a category of people who simply have not heard of them, and if they have heard, they think that this is just toilet soap, which, among other things, can also be used to wash my hair. However, this is not entirely correct.

The similarity with the toilet soap in such shampoos is only external - they also look like a soap bar and may have a different shape, smell and color.

But even a solid shampoo doesn’t look like an ordinary shampoo - just as it doesn’t lather on the hair (as opposed to liquid hair shampoos), and the foam appears only if you rub a solid shampoo through your hair ...

It turns out that in order to define hard shampoo, it is necessary to move away from stereotypes about liquid shampoos and toilet soap, and be prepared for the fact that you have a completely new, unique product, which, by the way, is becoming more and more popular every day. And, if only experimenters used solid shampoo before, today you can see such solid shampoo in real fashionistas and dandies in the bathroom ...
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The composition of solid shampoo

The composition of solid shampoo

solid shampoo is a specialized cosmetic product that is made by hand. and does not contain any synthetic components (even sodium lauryl sulfate does not exist in it.),

we, of course, can not wait to find out, and what is included in its composition. So,

As part of this shampoo, you can find only natural plant ingredients, essential oils, natural acids, extracts of medicinal plants, and in some types of shampoo - even medicinal mud.

So, the composition of this shampoo allows us to conclude that This rectangular little bar (most often the form of such a shampoo is still classic - rectangular) is nothing more than a medical and cosmetological complex.

And, if an ordinary liquid shampoo contains more than 80% of water in the composition, and only the detergent component is only 20%, then in the case of a solid shampoo you don’t pay for water, but for a 100% natural detergent that also has some useful properties and extremely convenient to use ...
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How to use hard shampoo

How to use hard shampoo

Despite the fact that its composition of solid shampoo is significantly different from our usual liquid, it is extremely convenient to use it. You just lather your hair wet, until you get a lot of foam on your hair, massage your scalp, and then rinse it all off with water. As you can see, there is nothing complicated ...
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The benefits of solid shampoos

  • This shampoo will never be spilled (especially true on the road), it does not take up much space in your bag, and contains a maximum of natural ingredients and a minimum of various preservatives, unlike liquid shampoos.
  • Also, such shampoos are much more economical and more profitable than any bottles, because one such bar of solid shampoo can last for 2-3 months (depending on how often you wash your hair).
  • In addition, the hair with this shampoo is washed better and stay clean longer - so, even owners of greasy hair types say that with a solid shampoo they can wash their hair not every day, but in 2-3 days.
  • And, although it may seem to someone that such solid shampoos are more expensive, and therefore, buying them is not profitable - it seems so, only at first glance. In fact, it is enough to count how many bottles of liquid shampoo will take you 3 months and how many bars of solid shampoo will take over the same period. As you can see, a rational approach and savings, and even the benefits for your hair - there is.
  • Add to this that those vegetable components and essential oils that are part of solid shampoos do an excellent job of caring for your hair, and the additional need to buy balms and conditioners for hair disappears by itself.
  • After washing the hair with such a solid shampoo, the hair is easily combed, does not electrify, and looks shiny, clean and well-groomed. And, isn’t that what you wanted ?!

How to choose a solid shampoo

However, despite all these positive qualities of such a solid shampoo, you should understand that

Only such a truly natural product, which contains no chemical additives or preservatives, extends such properties.

Otherwise, there will not be much difference in the purchase of a liquid or solid shampoo. Therefore, buying such a shampoo, carefully read its composition on the package, and pay attention to the shelf life (expired, but natural shampoo, unfortunately, is useless and even dangerous for your hair). As useful information,

As a rule, the shelf life of such natural solid shampoos should not be longer than one year, all that is higher - contains preservatives and chemicals.

Also, it is worth remembering that even if the brand of such a solid shampoo is advised to you by your friends, you should understand that, like any other cosmetic, and solid shampoo, you need to choose based on individual characteristics. And, that which has approached your friend, quite possibly can not suit you.

If you have a tendency to allergies, be careful, as the composition of such a solid shampoo, as we have already written, includes essential oils that may be allergens.

Otherwise, the choice of solid shampoos should be approached in the same way as the choice of liquid shampoos (take into account the type of hair, for dyed or non-dyed hair, for volume, for dandruff) ...

By the way, if you get a solid shampoo with henna - then, soon, after several times shampooing your head with such shampoo, your hair will get a copper tint, similarly - chamomile shampoo will lighten your hair after a month of using such a shampoo.

In order to make your own verdict on whether a solid shampoo is convenient to use, whether you should use it or not ... you need to try it out first. Experts say that you will not be disappointed!

Shevtsova Olga, World without Harm

13 comments to the article “Shampoo solid - cosmetic hit of the season” - see below

Advantages of using natural shampoo Olesya Mustaeva for oily hair, volume, growth and dandruff

It is believed that the use of solid shampoo is more convenient than liquid. Even if there is a grain of truth in this statement, then only people who repeatedly train themselves in washing their heads are found to be hard, weak-washing objects. And forgetting how simple it was to make a tube of liquid shampoo.

Indisputable advantages can be considered:

  1. The natural composition of the product - some manufacturers if they add artificial foaming agents or parabens to their solid products, then their share is an order of magnitude lower than that contained in any liquid shampoo.
  2. Economical expenditure (one piece is enough for 2 - 4 months). Despite the fact that the cost of solid shampoos is quite high, they justify the money spent on them.
  3. Convenience transportation. A piece of shampoo takes up little space, it is convenient to take it on the road without fear that the bottle will spill and soils things.

You should always read the instructions and the composition of solid shampoo, so that the purchased shampoo will fit your hair.

And you can make a solid shampoo yourself, to be sure of a 100% natural composition and to choose the components that are ideal for you personally.

Solid homemade shampoo: the basic recipes for making their own hands

The technology of making shampoo is simple: the power to manufacture will take no more than when cooking compote. And the result will be a solid handmade shampoo, for which the store would have to pay a substantial amount. Solid shampoo is a mixture of detergent and care ingredients in solid form:

  • Soap base (it is sold in any cosmetic store) - 5 parts.
  • Oil base (coconut oil, grape seed oil, etc.) - 1 part.
  • Herbal decoction - 3 parts.
  • Natural fragrances - citrus peel, ground coffee, essential oils, fresh juice of berries.
  • Natural dyes - beet juice, carrots.

First, heat the base of the future shampoo in a water bath, then add the remaining components while stirring. The priority of the bookmark ingredients comply with, based on the resistance of the product to the effects of temperature. So, juice should be added last but not least: for greater preservation of vitamins, which are easily destroyed by boiling water.

The whole mixture is kept on the fire for no more than 20 minutes, then, after being slightly cooled, is poured into molds and put into the freezer for 1 hour. For high-quality aging shampoo after the freezer is dried in air for at least 1 day. Solid shampoo with such exposure is spent much more economically.

Solid shampoo can be made with your own hands and give to someone

Making a solid shampoo with your own hands, you can fantasize endlessly: it is decorated with coffee beans, flowers, pieces of fruit, immersing them in a still warm mass before being sent to the freezer. Using solid shampoo of your own making will bring guaranteed health to your hair - your favorite smells and natural ingredients will make your hair wash a celebration of life.

Related topics

- April 27, 2010, 2:35 pm

you know professional shampoos are of course good, the effect from them is good, but it’s still not clear what it can be made of. and by the way, my hairdresser said that no matter how professional the tools are, they are often not good to wash their heads with. and here is how they talked with the chemist so she said that all pantines, shaumas, glis chickens, etc. *** in composition, our domestic is better.but she also approved the Faberlic shampoo. but in general look on the Internet shampoos based on soap root.
and I know that there is such a mask-shampoo: 1 tbsp of gelatin, 3 tablespoons of hot water and 1 tsp. shampoo for 20 minutes on the hair and rinse with warm water, but she did not try)))

- April 27, 2010, 14:37

The base of all shampoos is the same for Agafya and for Pantin. if funds permit, advise the firm fresh line, costs about 500 rubles enough for a month. minimum dyes, preservatives and fragrances. the main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice. Polymnia series. IMHO

- April 27, 2010, 14:39

Spirochetes are bacteria that cause syphilis :-))))
Not surprisingly, the shampoo did not like. Try a pharmacy like La Rosh Pose (they have a blue one like this, normal) or Bioderma, also nothing

- April 27, 2010, 15:44

oh, not spirochetes, but spirulina :)
Olya, with gelatin I once tried, horror.

- May 1, 2010, 03:39

Beauty, Lash you to help. Seriously.

- September 13, 2010, 10:54 PM

I use the company Selectiv, I like it very much, my hair is curly, loose, very harmful. but after the balm of this company is ideal, in general it seems to me without balm anywhere if the hair is so naughty

- September 13, 2010, 23:07

Rye shampoo
Take a slice of rye bread and knead in a small amount of hot water in such a way as to obtain a liquid slurry. You can give her some time to insist. Grate this hair and hold for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water. It is necessary to take into account that bread crumbs are rather difficult to comb out, therefore it is better to rub the gruel through a sieve. Your efforts will not be in vain: this mask shampoo has a very beneficial effect on both hair growth and on their condition: hair becomes bulky, thick. This recipe is especially effective for oily hair.
Herbal shampoo
Mix equally dry flowers of calendula, birch leaves, burdock root, hop cones. Pour about 50 g of the mixture with a glass of hot light beer, let it brew. Strain, slightly warm and use instead of shampoo.
Egg and Lemon Oil Shampoo
Mix with 3 tbsp. Spoons of unscented shampoo 1 egg, 1 tsp lemon juice and a few drops of essential oil (optional). Hair after washing get shine and volume.

- October 15, 2010, 13:39

I did not like the baby shampoo, the hair is somehow dull from it. try bread, egg shampoo, recipes on the Internet is full.


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