
Shades of gray hair: a variety of palettes to create a fashionable image


Recently, many girls and mature women choose to dye gray hair. Some like a light blond or silver shade, others prefer a mouse or graphite color. In all cases, careful selection of paint, appeal to professional craftsmen. The whole palette of gray tones looks impressive, guaranteeing a selection from the crowd thanks to spectacular curls.

Light blond or platinum shade of gray color suits most girls, but graphite or mouse color have many nuances. You should carefully examine the condition of the skin of the face, the natural color of the curls, before choosing these capricious tones.

  • If the skin is light, with porcelain or radiant tint, gray hair color will emphasize its well-groomed and smooth, will give the image a kind of "flavor". In the presence of ugly freckles, acne or irregularities, staining with a light gray or graphite tone should be discarded.
  • Grayish ash, platinum light brown or dark blond shade is most suitable for owners of gray-blue eyes and light skin. Girls of this summer color type will always be in the spotlight.
  • Spectacular mouse tone is rarely found in nature. With unsuccessful staining, you can get sad unattractive strands. This shade is suitable only for gray-blue eyes, light skin with no signs of sunburn.
  • Graphite tone is suitable only for fair-haired girls with winter or autumn color type of skin. If the eyes are green and the tan has a peach tint, it is better to refuse to dye in graphite. The image will turn out to be vulgar, and to the age will visually be added a few years.
  • If grayish strands look dim and unassuming, you can revive their appearance by coloring, highlighting or ombr. Adding radiant shimmer will make the face look younger.

In any case, when dyeing, the hair should be light, with no signs of red. Dark curls will have to first lighten up a few tones.

The most popular among young people and adult ladies are shades of mouse color and graphite tones. Such a fashionable color can be obtained only with salon dyeing, adding a silver or dark gray gleam to monochromatic strands. The palette of gray-brown color includes many different shades that have their own names and features.

  • Ash blond. He is chosen by fair-haired blonde with fair skin, brown and blue eyes. Masters call this shade blond with a silver-ash tint, recommend it for effective elimination of yellowness.
  • Light gray. Many call him blond, confusing by mistake with gray. Such a color with different lighting changes its ebb, becoming darker or lighter. Proper staining implies a uniform distribution of paint, the presence of radiant gloss and multi-level transitions of tones. This color is suitable only for girls with gray or blue eyes. The color of the skin in this case does not matter.
  • Gray-brown or mouse. This natural color is most common, has many variations from dark blonde to gray-mouse. When coloring to the main structure of the master add ashy notes, achieving natural gloss and uniform shine.
  • Dark grey. It is considered a universal color, suitable for almost everyone. May be with brownish or ash notes, silver highlights along the entire length.
  • Ash gray. He became popular thanks to Hollywood celebrities, has many ashen or light shades. For coloring of the master mix 3 tones: blond, ashy and light brown. Suitable for fair-skinned women with gray-blue eyes.
  • Graphite. It has a metallic sheen of dark color, similar to a stylus of a simple pencil in its shade. It is considered the most fashionable today and the most popular. Graphite has many ebbs, ranging from bright gray and ending with similarity with wet asphalt.

All these smoky gray or ash-brown shades allow you to create an unusually stylish image, to emphasize the beauty and shine of spectacular curls. To achieve the desired reflux can only be subject to the rules of staining. Wizard does not recommend experimenting with the palette independently. The result of improper mixing of paints can be too dull and boring.

When choosing paint in a store, it is difficult to find a suitable gray-brown and graphite tone. Masters get these shades when mixing ashy compositions. If natural locks are light, to achieve the desired ebb will not be difficult. Owners of dark curls will have to lighten your hair or make a wash. Sometimes the desired color is obtained only by experimenting with the compositions, so it is best to contact the specialists for uniform coloring.

  • To get a trendy gray shade of hair, it is advisable to make the bleaching of dark locks, and then toning. Read: How to make hair discoloration at home.
  • Colors such as Palette Ash Ash Blond, Wellaton Ash Blond, L’Oreal Light Blond Ash colors are suitable for repainting into ashy tones.
  • If the strands are very thin, dry or damaged, it is better to refuse staining for a while.
  • If the dye is mixed incorrectly or the dosage is disturbed, a greenish tint may occur. Paint should be applied strictly according to the instructions, waiting for the specified time of exposure of the composition.
  • Tinted balsams with a violet pigment are suitable for dyeing in light blond. However, you only need to keep them in your hair for a few minutes in order not to get a bright purple color, like Malvina’s, due to inexperience.
  • The mouse shade turns out effective if the hair has never been dyed before. If the strands are dark, a prewash is necessary. This color is best done to owners of fair-haired strands, in brown-haired women it will acquire a golden sheen, and in blondes it will become greenish.
  • Hue graphite at home is almost impossible to do. If on the clarified strands yellowness appeared, the desired color would never work.
  • To get a trendy gray-gray color, you need a brightening powder and a special oxide. Paint should be only professional, so that the hair does not get the effect of dirty blurry stains. It will take clarification and toning tint.

Only with the observance of these rules can you get a silver or ashy gray tone. The more intense the color and brighter shine, the more spectacular the curls will look in electric or sunlight. To keep your hair beautiful longer, you need regular care and the use of toning shampoos to maintain shine.

Who is suitable for the gray shade of strands

Light blond or platinum shade of gray color suits most girls, but graphite or mouse color have many nuances. You should carefully examine the condition of the skin of the face, the natural color of the curls, before choosing these capricious tones.

The following guidelines should be followed:

  • If the skin is light, with porcelain or radiant tint, gray hair color will emphasize its well-groomed and smooth, will give the image a kind of "flavor". In the presence of ugly freckles, acne or irregularities, staining with a light gray or graphite tone should be discarded.
  • Grayish ash, platinum light brown or dark blond shade is most suitable for owners of gray-blue eyes and light skin. Girls of this summer color type will always be in the spotlight.
  • Spectacular mouse tone is rarely found in nature. With unsuccessful staining, you can get sad unattractive strands. This shade is suitable only for gray-blue eyes, light skin with no signs of sunburn.
  • Graphite tone is suitable only for fair-haired girls with winter or autumn color type of skin. If the eyes are green and the tan has a peach tint, it is better to refuse to dye in graphite. The image will turn out to be vulgar, and to the age will visually be added a few years.
  • If grayish strands look dim and unassuming, you can revive their appearance by coloring, highlighting or ombr. Adding radiant shimmer will make the face look younger.

In any case, when dyeing, the hair should be light, with no signs of red. Dark curls will have to first lighten up a few tones.

Variety of gray curls

The most popular among young people and adult ladies are shades of mouse color and graphite tones. Such a fashionable color can be obtained only with salon dyeing, adding a silver or dark gray gleam to monochromatic strands. The palette of gray-brown color includes many different shades that have their own names and features.

The most famous are the following colors:

  • Ash blond. He is chosen by fair-haired blonde with fair skin, brown and blue eyes. Masters call this shade blond with a silver-ash tint, recommend it for effective elimination of yellowness.
  • Light gray. Many call him blond, confusing by mistake with gray. Such a color with different lighting changes its ebb, becoming darker or lighter. Proper staining implies a uniform distribution of paint, the presence of radiant gloss and multi-level transitions of tones. This color is suitable only for girls with gray or blue eyes. The color of the skin in this case does not matter.
  • Gray-brown or mouse. This natural color is most common, has many variations from dark blonde to gray-mouse. When coloring to the main structure of the master add ashy notes, achieving natural gloss and uniform shine.
  • Dark grey. It is considered a universal color, suitable for almost everyone. May be with brownish or ash notes, silver highlights along the entire length.
  • Ash gray. He became popular thanks to Hollywood celebrities, has many ashen or light shades. For coloring of the master mix 3 tones: blond, ashy and light brown. Suitable for fair-skinned women with gray-blue eyes.

  • Graphite. It has a metallic sheen of dark color, similar to a stylus of a simple pencil in its shade. It is considered the most fashionable today and the most popular. Graphite has many ebbs, ranging from bright gray and ending with similarity with wet asphalt.

All these smoky gray or ash-brown shades allow you to create an unusually stylish image, to emphasize the beauty and shine of spectacular curls. To achieve the desired reflux can only be subject to the rules of staining. Wizard does not recommend experimenting with the palette independently. The result of improper mixing of paints can be too dull and boring.

Nuances of dyeing hair in gray shades

When choosing paint in a store, it is difficult to find a suitable gray-brown and graphite tone. Masters get these shades when mixing ashy compositions. If natural locks are light, to achieve the desired ebb will not be difficult. Owners of dark curls will have to lighten your hair or make a wash. Sometimes the desired color is obtained only by experimenting with the compositions, so it is best to contact the specialists for uniform coloring.

Here are a few professional recommendations:

  • To get a trendy gray shade of hair, it is advisable to make the bleaching of dark locks, and then toning. Read: How to make hair discoloration at home.
  • Colors such as Palette Ash Ash Blond, Wellaton Ash Blond, L’Oreal Light Blond Ash colors are suitable for repainting into ashy tones.
  • If the strands are very thin, dry or damaged, it is better to refuse staining for a while.
  • If the dye is mixed incorrectly or the dosage is disturbed, a greenish tint may occur. Paint should be applied strictly according to the instructions, waiting for the specified time of exposure of the composition.
  • Tinted balsams with a violet pigment are suitable for dyeing in light blond. However, you only need to keep them in your hair for a few minutes in order not to get a bright purple color, like Malvina’s, due to inexperience.
  • The mouse shade turns out effective if the hair has never been dyed before. If the strands are dark, a prewash is necessary. This color is best done to owners of fair-haired strands, in brown-haired women it will acquire a golden sheen, and in blondes it will become greenish.
  • Hue graphite at home is almost impossible to do. If on the clarified strands yellowness appeared, the desired color would never work.
  • To get a trendy gray-gray color, you need a brightening powder and a special oxide. Paint should be only professional, so that the hair does not get the effect of dirty blurry stains. It will take clarification and toning tint.

Read: Hair tinting at home

Only with the observance of these rules can you get a silver or ashy gray tone. The more intense the color and brighter shine, the more spectacular the curls will look in electric or sunlight. To keep your hair beautiful longer, you need regular care and the use of toning shampoos to maintain shine.

Gray color palette

Among the variety of color solutions there are several trendy nuances:

  • ashen,
  • ashy blond
  • silver,
  • ashy white
  • dark ashen,
  • dark gray, with feathery black or dark blue strands,
  • combination of pitch with an extra touch.

Which pick color to face

The appearance of a woman always copies her mood. The irrepressible thirst for change makes the fair sex more and more often turn to such a step as hair coloring.

For young dark-haired girls, such a radical change, which requires prior clarification with ammonia-containing preparations, can be costly with expensive hair treatments and the loss of one's own uniqueness. When choosing a new image for yourself is very important:

  • refer to a proven stylist, and not to the best friend,
  • to take into account the color type: “autumn” - “spring” is more preferable than “winter” - “summer”,
  • take into account age and character: gray is also called “grandmother's hair”,
  • decide on the wardrobe: the style of clothes should create color contrasts,
  • take into account the season of the year: a silvery shade is best suited to dark skin or tan,
  • decide on make-up: you need black or deep blue eyeliner or lipstick shades of fruit pink and wine shades,
  • align your future appearance with what your life is about: with a stage or office, social activities, household chores or social networks.

Six best colors for ash effect

The choice of hue depends on taste preferences, acceptable balance “quality - price” and the proposed color range. It is difficult to give clear instructions, you can only indicate the direction in the boundless sea of ​​the products offered and derive the average price estimate.

  • Schwarzkopf Igora Royal - about 400 rubles,
  • Londa Technology of mixing tones - 120-130 rubles,
  • Palette Perfect Care Color - from 130 to 180,
  • Hair color Loreal Professional - 700–880 rubles,
  • Garnier Color Naturals - 160–170 rubles,
  • Resistant cream hair color Londa Professional - 255–320 rubles.

On a note:

  • a month before lightening go through a course of revitalizing hair treatments,
  • add a minimum of ammonia to the bleaching mixture,
  • clarification with a hydrogen peroxide solution with a concentration of more than 12% is harmful to the hair, and below 6% will significantly reduce the speed of the process
  • All preparations for clarification contain hydrogen peroxide, so after the procedure, rinse the hair with slightly acidified water.

Amateur Tips

It is better to learn from the mistakes of others, so that its own mistake does not spoil the morning look in the mirror for several months. Let these good advices and recommendations help you.

  1. Lyudmila, 28 years old. “I found Schwarzkopf Igora Royal about three years ago, the result is always excellent. Gray shades in this palette are distinguished by a confident result. You can achieve very beautiful natural colors, without vulgar shades of red, which we are all so tired of changing. Crash myself. Unconditional advantages: the paint is always on sale. It is easy to dilute, for a few seconds, a homogeneous mass. Easy to apply, it is thick and does not trickle down, especially in the most important first 30 minutes. The smell is not annoying. The scalp does not suffer, the ash tones are natural. ”
  2. Natalia, 33 years old. “Of course, a clarifier is needed before the Londa-Technology, it is delicate itself, it lasts a long time, but the hair has to be treated like after any other dye.
  3. Irina, 31 years old. “I don’t trust the hairdressers. Palette always like reasonable price and quality. The desired color in the cabin has never turned out, and I can make a clever expression on my face. My natural color is chestnut. After clarifier turned yellow. The diluted mass is thick, pink. Easy and comfortable to apply. The head for some reason heats up. Washed away after 30 minutes. The result is excellent. The hair is soft, the color is light ashen. Not a single hair fell out! ”
  4. Olga, 49 years old. “She is wonderful! Loreal Professional is my favorite paint. Hair live, glow, do not fall out. For dyeing gray hair take only natural tone, which ends in zero. For example, five zero. And 6% oxidizer. You can up to 9%. I apply only to the roots! The rest of the length can be applied tonic of any shade. "
  5. Oksana, 24 years old. “This blond is very hard to achieve. Garier Color Naturals has a thick consistency applied as a cream. A strong smell of ammonia, but I have not seen any odorless paint. After twenty minutes I got the desired result. ”
  6. Svetlana is 27 years old. “My natural color is beautiful light brown. After Estel S-OS 165, I became rusty. I bought Londa Professional, mixed two tones: ashen - light blond and blond ashy 1: 1. Removed a terrifying redhead. With my long hair after this experiment became more circumspect. "

I want to wish good luck to all women who want to change their appearance. Remember that gray is a very specific color. Maybe you should first “try on” him with a wig? But if you have already become an ash blonde, please note: the lamination procedure will allow you to enjoy the silver strands for more than three months.

Fashion Trend Photos

Before you start talking about this shade, you need to get to know him. As they say, it's better to see 1 time than to hear 100 times. To get a similar color will help the master of beauty salons, and if you follow all the instructions, it can be done at home.

Gray hair became a real salvation for girls who wanted to remove yellowness after bleaching. After staining, the curls become warmer and noble color.

Ashes: light brown, white

Platinum blondes have gained popularity in the last century. And in order to be in trend and get the desired gray hair, they need to add a little pearl shine to their light strands. By the way, if you are a natural blonde, you can use a shampoo instead of a permanent dye. If you become blonde due to the colors, it is better to pay attention to the ash-white tonic, which will remove yellowness and make your hair more well-groomed. It is worth noting that light gray hair looks very stylish and incredibly rich.

The most common shade is ash-blond. If you decide to dye your hair in this color, it is better to go to the salon, because for the first time, and even at home, it is quite difficult to get it. But then you can carry out the procedure of dyeing the roots yourself. In order not to get a greenish tint, you need to add a small amount of violet or red to the paint. Despite the fact that this color looks very beautiful, if you do not take care of it, having faded from the sun's rays, it will become dull.

Do not forget about the current trend of the season - ombre. For example, dark-gray hair on roots and a light ashy shade on tips will look impressive.

According to stylists, in order to give multidimensionality to the strands, it is necessary to paint them at once in several tones. Thus, the hair will receive a visual volume.

What only stylists do to diversify the palette of shades, to obtain the desired rich gray hair. Masters of beauty salons gave him the name "silver fox". This shade can be variegated with several blue or black strands.

Ash chestnut

This color is rapidly gaining momentum among celebrities. Chestnut-gray hair color is now at the peak of its popularity and is good because it has a wide palette of shades. Why do so many girls prefer him? Ash-chestnut, being a natural shade, is absolutely suitable for all owners of dark skin and dark eyes.

Sometimes the hair of adult ladies lacks warm tones, so this color will perfectly refresh their image.

Who will suit the new trend: grandma-style

Dreaming of becoming the owner of gray curls, many do not even think about whether this color will suit them or not. But one thing is for sure, if you have a cool skin tone and bright eyes, then these shades are exactly for you.

It is necessary to think many times to those who have small scars on their face, pimples or acne. The fact is that gray hair even more focus on these defects. Even age changes, due to this cold shade, will be more noticeable.

Also with silver and pearl highlights you need to be careful and dark girls. With this appearance, it is better to give preference to chestnut-gray color or ombre: dark roots smoothly turning into light gray tips.

Coloring method

The ideal result from this coloring will receive only girls with blond hair or women with gray. For blondes, fortunately, there are tools that have a less negative impact on the strands. These include tonics, tinted shampoos and balms. But what do brownies do?

First you need to prepare the hair. For about a month, you need to actively use various moisturizing masks. Before dyeing, the strands should be discolored with oxide and a brightening powder. The darker your shade, the longer you need to keep the composition on the hair. In order not to mock your own hair, experts advise to hold the paint for about 30 minutes and after a couple of days to re-bleach.

To remove the yellowness or greenish from the hair, you can use a purple, ashy or silver tonic. This way you can correct the result of the discoloration.

To obtain the desired shade of gray, stylists recommend the use of permanent paint. Despite the high content of ammonia in them, they are able to make the color uniform.

Suitable paints

Remember one important rule: do not save on materials for coloring. Of course, the cost of quality salon products far exceeds others, but only they can truly create a beautiful, rich, rich, most importantly, desired shade. When choosing a paint, pay attention to the products of the proven L'Oreal brand: “Light blonde ash” (No. 3) or “Ash color” (does not contain ammonia).

But if you can’t afford such an expensive paint, then you can opt for the budget funds of the brand "Palet" ("Ash Blonde") or "Vella" ("Ash Blonde").

For the new trend, special collections are created. For example, permanent paint "Manik Panic" in its color palette has as many as 11 shades of stylish gray.

Gray hair care

Dyed hair is most in need of additional care. Strengthen damaged from the negative effects of hair can be folk remedies. Once a week, make various restorative masks. For example, break a pair of eggs into a glass and gradually add warm water, while constantly stirring so that they do not clot. Apply the mixture to wet hair and rinse.

Do not forget to rinse your hair. Lemon water will be a great homemade remedy. You can also add vinegar, but after such a rinse you need to rinse the hair with running water, as it has a characteristic smell. Such a budget and simple way will return shine to your hair.

Do not forget about the drugs. For example, you can make infusions of yarrow, nettle or chamomile, which should be used as a herbal rinse.

Often, after dyeing, hair begins to fall heavily. To prevent this "hair fall", you need to rub the tincture of red pepper, burdock or castor oil into the roots.

Bleached hair becomes dry, and if after that they are also painted with permanent paints, then their condition deteriorates markedly. Do not forget to cut the ends once a month. Also during the recovery period, forget about the existence of a hair dryer, curling iron and hair straightener.

We recommend reading: Constant Delight Hair Color - a palette of colors and reviews.

To dye hair in platinum blond, it is recommended to lighten natural blond curls to almost white color. Girls with platinum curls look spectacular and luxurious in any outfit. Stylists advise owners of light curls to add a little pearly shine. Blondes may not use a permanent dye, and use toning shampoos, various balms for this. Ash-white special shampoo will help get rid of the yellow shade and give your hair a well-groomed look. This shade looks stylish and elegant.

Various shades of gray

Ash-light color is one of the most popular, but if you do not do the right hair care, they can fade in the sun and lose their shine. To get rid of the red tint will help semi-permanent dyes, tinting tools. Stylists call the gray shade of hair a ли ’silver fox’ ’. For coloring there are different options - from deep gray to the addition of blue, black hair. Ombre hue is also popular with many women. Exquisite and beautiful hair looks, the roots of which are dark gray in color, and the ends of ashy shade.

Hairdressers recommend combining several shades, because it will give your hair a beautiful healthy shine and make the hair more lush.

  • Ash chestnut tint can afford middle-aged women with natural gray hair. This shade looks more natural, to such hair, you can add warm highlights.
  • Gray Brown Curls may result from lightening the original color by 2-3 tones or more by staining with an ash-colored preparation.
  • In the presence of gray hair shade It is recommended to perform makeup in cool colors.

Who is gray hair shade?

If you want to have gray-blond hair, then you need to carefully analyze whether the hair color is gray in color for your appearance, skin or eye color. Gray hair is suitable for women with a cold type of appearance. When the skin of the face has wrinkles or any flaws, it is necessary to carefully analyze, before changing your image. Age-related changes and shortcomings after staining may become more noticeable. Girls with dark skin, brown eyes should be wary of the choice of this shade. They are best suited ash-brown shade ombre variations from dark gray to light gray.

How to dye hair

A good effect is obtained on light and gray hair, in which there is no natural pigment. In this case, you can use an unstable permanent paint, and a special shampoo. For blondes, there are gentle preparations that will give the necessary shade without damaging the curls. They can be applied as a balm, then rinse off after 24 hours. How to achieve a silver shade of hair, if you have a dark blond, chestnut-colored curls?

We recommend to read: Crazy Color hair-dye - the main features.

It is necessary to limit the use of a hair dryer, curling or ironing. If you put curls with these devices, it is necessary to apply thermal protection. In order for the shade of the curls to be saturated and the hair shiny, 3-4 times a week it is necessary to update it with the help of toning cosmetic preparations. You should also trim the tips, because the hair will be beautiful and healthy.

In conclusion, you can perform the care with the help of cosmetics or lamination procedure. For a rich gray shade salons recommend the use of multi-level coloring, when the colors of darker and light mixed and create the effect of voluminous hairstyle. Thanks to pearl shine, the platinum shade perfectly cleans white. Platinum highlights blend beautifully with lighting, and your hair looks beautiful and shiny.


Watch the video: The 17 best colors to wear with gray hair (July 2024).