Eyebrows and eyelashes

How to pull out eyebrows: schemes, forms, manuals


The most expressive and amazing part of the face is the eyes. But without a decent design, they may not look so beautiful. The shape of the eyebrows can not only make the girl a goddess, but also hopelessly spoil the whole look. You can choose the correct form yourself at home, based on some rules.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows

There are several typical eyebrow shapes. Each of them gives the face its expression, even without the efforts of your facial expressions. They are: falling, ascending, horizontal and arc-shaped.

Be sure to try the design of extended nails with rhinestones. You will be surrounded by attention all the time.

How to paint eyebrows with shadows is described in this article.

Falling implies that the lower line of the eyebrow is almost at the level of the upper. The tail at the same time as it falls down. This form can give a sad and sad expression.

Ascending implies that the tail is higher than the main part. This form gives the face a more lively and friendly expression. Fits almost any type of face and eye shape.

Arc-shaped implies that the eyebrow arcs from edge to edge. The height of this arc, you can choose any. The form is universal and is able to decorate any girl. This form gives the look a special expressiveness. In addition, it is not quite whimsical, and it is easy to correct it.

Horizontal implies a straight line of the eyebrows, where the tail and the inner edge are on the same line. This form gives the look of severity and seriousness. Care for it should be thorough, it is not recommended to make too thick and thick line.

Naturally, each of the forms needs adjustment in accordance with the shape of the face. So, girls with a round face shape are not recommended to make arched eyebrows with a high arc. This will only emphasize roundness. It is better to give preference to kink, where the tail will not be too long, and the rise is high and expressive.

Ladies with an oval face should avoid high arc rise. This will give asymmetry to the face. But a straight line of eyebrows with a slight bend will give the look softness, meekness and expressiveness. It is not necessary to lengthen the tail, but it is better not to do it very short. Try to slightly remove the eyebrows from the nose.

The triangular face shape simply requires a graceful brow curve, not too high, not too long, and not too thick. This will give the face a symmetry, properly form a look.

Ladies with a square face shape is ideally suited arc-shaped shape. It is important that the brow line is not excessively thin or thick, too thick or sparse. A high arc is also not very suitable, and the horizontal form is simply contraindicated.

How to choose and shape eyebrows

To give the eyebrows the right shape, there is now many cosmetic assistants. If your eyebrows by nature are not too thick or you have slightly overdone it with plucking, then makeup products can help.

So, with a pencil of color as close as possible to the color of eyebrows, you can hide all the flaws of plucking. In addition, very bright eyebrows can be made brighter and more noticeable. It is necessary not only to put a pencil, but also to shade it with a soft brush. Too bright to make the line is not necessary.

If your eyebrows are too rare, you can also add volume to them with a pencil. To keep the pencil all day, it can be slightly powdered to match the face. Remember that it’s not recommended to scratch your forehead, you can smear your eyebrows.

If your eyebrows are rare, you need to give them the correct shape with a pencil along the inner edge, which is closer to the eye. To lengthen the tail, you need to draw on the upper part of the eyebrow. This also applies to creating the perfect arc.

If drawing with a pencil does not suit you for some reason, you can simply paint them special paint for eyebrows. Remember, the longer you hold the mass, the brighter then the color. The advantage of this method of creating the correct form is that there is no need to pay attention to the eyebrows every day when applying makeup.

For those who wish for a long time not to think about eyebrow correction at all, there is also permanent makeup. Tattoo keeps and does not require correction for about six months. Those with eyebrows, in principle, grow slowly, can enjoy the perfect shape of eyebrows for three years.

How to pluck the eyebrows of the correct form

To give the correct shape of the eyebrows on their own, you need, first of all, to prepare all the necessary tools. It:

  • Large mirror
  • Tweezers
  • Eyebrow pencil
  • White cosmetic pencil
  • Antiseptic.

In addition, before starting the process, thoroughly steam your face over a saucepan with water, and then treat it with ice. This will help to make the procedure less painful and allow you to pull out the eyebrows without any effort.

For the first time, by the way, it is not necessary to pluck the eyebrows. You can simply shape them with a razor. And in consequence use tweezers. However, you first need to hold the desired shape with a white pencil and see if it fits you.

The mirror should reflect both of your eyes at once, so that the symmetry is visible. Special brush eyebrows need to be combed so that the hairs are all in one direction.

Many girls prefer french gel on forms. Learn more about this type of build in this article.

Here you can read about how to shape the nails.

All instruments must be sterile. After the ideal shape is selected, you can begin to remove excess hair. Usually the upper part of the eyebrows do not touch at all. The skin there is the most vulnerable and tends to swell. Therefore, adjust the lower part of the eyebrow line.

The hair is picked up at the root and jerked sharply. One by one, one after another. It is better to start from the part close to the bridge of the nose, and then proceed to the tail. It is important not to overdo it and pull out only what you need without hooking too much. Intergrown eyebrows are first plucked at the place of their accretion, gradually moving to the tails.

The procedure of plucking is very painful. To reduce this effect, warm cotton pads or ice can be used. With a low pain threshold, you can sprinkle your eyebrows with lidocaine. The main thing is not to get yourself in the eye.

Eyebrow plucking is always accompanied by the choice and definition of the form. It depends on your facial type whether it will beautify you or, on the contrary, ruin your eyebrows. Approach the choice carefully, relying on your taste.

Making your eyebrows form is not all. Need to systematically care for the shape adjust it, maintain it. If the first time is terrible to make a mistake, then you can use the services of a wizard. After that, you just have to pull out the eyebrows as hair regrowth.

Necessary tools

There are many ways to correct eyebrows. Some girls prefer to use a thread, others - tweezers, and still others do a razor. The choice of method depends on individual preferences and the expected result. But the last option remains extreme, it is not recommended to use it often. Shaved hairs can grow or grow thicker and faster than others. The most popular method is the use of tweezers.

Tools for correction:

  • Wide mirror that captures the entire face entirely.
  • Tweezers.
  • Disinfectants.

Plucking eyebrows at home requires skill. To make the process easier and not to injure the delicate skin, it is recommended to purchase two tweezers. The first is sharp, the second is flat.

A minor correction is made by a minor correction, with its help a rare fluff and short hairs near the eyes are eliminated. The main form is set with a sharp tool.

When buying a tool should pay particular attention to the type of closed tweezers. The working surface should be completely closed, leaving no gaps. After purchase, it must be thoroughly washed with dishwashing detergent, and then placed in a disinfectant solution. For example, "Inkrasept A". It is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 and kept the tool inside the liquid for at least 15 minutes. In no case should you touch the liquid with unprotected hands - allergic reactions may occur. After sterilization, tweezers should be rinsed under running water and wipe dry.

Using small mirrors during arc correction, you can accidentally break the symmetry. Arcing can be done only in front of a wide mirror and with enough light. This is the only way to get a neat and beautiful result.

How to choose a shape by type of person

To understand how to pinch eyebrows at home, you need to devote some time to studying the theory. All faces are original and have their own unique features. Therefore, the form that goes to a famous actress does not always look good on another face. The main selection criterion is the shape of the face.

Diagram of face types and suitable eyebrow shapes:

  • Square. Girls with a square face shape should not be given a bright accent with a curvature of the arc, and the eyebrow should be completed before the formula requires. To visually make the facial features softer, it is recommended to move the area closer to the middle of the eye. For such persons, arcs that are exactly and narrow in shape are contraindicated.
  • Heart-shaped. The beginning and end of the eyebrow on such faces should be at the same level, this will allow you to create an emphasis on soft lines. And also this clever trick will allow to equalize the distance between the upper and lower parts of the face. Pay attention to rounded shapes and avoid straight lines.
  • Elongated. To make the face wider and more proportional, it is recommended to focus on straight lines. Bending should be avoided.
  • Oval. Owners of this type of person can choose absolutely any shape, depending on their preferences. The oval face allows you to conduct any bold experiments with your arcs.
  • Square. To smooth out sharp forms, it is recommended to make the accent angle softer. Such girls should make the eyebrow shorter, and the angle should be moved closer to the middle of the eye. The narrowness of the forms is contraindicated.
  • Round. These faces look interesting high rise. Curved and ascending lines will make the face visually longer. Unnatural round shapes should be avoided.

Before plucking eyebrows, it is recommended to spend some time in experiments in front of a mirror. With the help of foundation you need to create the desired curves, and then fix the result with a cosmetic pencil. This approach will prevent the removal of excess hairs and give a chance to choose the desired image without compromising appearance.

Value of individual traits

Not only the shape, but also the facial features matter when choosing the perfect arc. It is important to consider their size and proportions. To make this task easier to handle, there is an auxiliary table.

Selection of forms for facial features:

  • Thin features. Girls with aristocratic features inherent in the Nordic type of appearance should pay attention to the elegant, subtle forms. However, one should not go to extremes, creating threadlike arcs.
  • Big facial features. For large, sharp features, wide “bushy” forms that are very relevant over the past 5 years are ideal.
  • Eyes. For small eyes, medium sized forms are suitable, for large ones - wide. With closely set eyes, it is recommended to artificially expand the distance between the eyebrows, by removing excess hairs in the nose. For widely set - on the contrary, one should not severely thin the area near the inner corners of the eyes.
  • Forehead. Wide forehead shows eyebrows with a high rise, it will visually make the face already. For low - fit straight and rounded shapes. For high forehead straight lines are contraindicated, it is recommended to stay on the arched forms.

General correction formula

The main difficulty in correcting the shape of the eyebrows is how to pick out the angular bend, the beginning and the end of the arc.. To learn how to perfectly arrange these gaps, you will need:

  • Ruler.
  • Cosmetic pencil.
  • Large mirror.

The procedure for finding control points:

  1. To determine the beginning of the arc, you need to draw a straight line from the wing of the nose through the inner corner of the eye up to the brow arc. To cope with this task will help ruler. The place found is marked with a cosmetic pencil.
  2. The angular accent is made using a line drawn towards the eyebrow from the wing of the nose through the outer edge of the pupil. To make the “house” beautiful, you should not confuse the direction of the line. It should pass strictly along the edge, and not through the center of the pupil.
  3. The end of the arc can be found using a line passing from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.
  4. The final stage - you need to check the symmetry. Points must be at the same level. Having specified this moment, you can start drawing the selected form and pick out the excess.

To pull the hairs need strictly in the direction of their growth. Otherwise, they begin to grow into the skin. Very long hairs can be further cut using tweezers or scissors for manicure. It is important not to overdo it during the execution of arcs, perechipav superfluous at the borders and at control points. After completing the procedure, the surface should be treated with antiseptic and spread with a nourishing cream.

Tweezing with thread

Understanding how to pull out eyebrows without tweezers, it should be borne in mind that the method with the help of thread is contraindicated for beginners. If the procedure is performed at home for the first time, you should carefully study the theory and first visit a specialist using this technique. The advantage of this step is that you can ask him to clarify some of the nuances of the work, and by observing a professional, you will be able to avoid many mistakes with independent practice. However, such a procedure will cost more than the classical method.


  1. Cut off a piece of thread you need to tie up the tips.
  2. In the process of work do not participate thumbs. To bring the thread into "working condition", you need to put it on 4 fingers of one and the other hand held together.
  3. Next, you need to twist the thread so that it resembles an hourglass shape. To do this, make a twisting motion with his right hand. The result should be from 5 to 9 curls in the middle of the thread construction. These curls will directly participate in plucking hairs.
  4. Thumbs and index fingers are slid into the resulting loops.
  5. To remove hairs, they are stirred inside a triangle formed between the fingers. To capture them, you need to expand the opposite triangle, opening his fingers.

Pulling extra fluff over the arcs should be very careful not to injure the skin. With proper execution and experience, correction using this technique is faster than using tweezers. It is important to do everything carefully and without haste, especially at first.

Perfect eyebrow shape

It’s easy to calculate your eyebrow shape, but it requires patience. The ideal eyebrow line is these three points: the beginning of the arc, the place of the highest eyebrow raising and its end. The usual pencil and mirror will help to calculate these points.The pencil will help determine the exact location of all three points, fix them and draw a line so that the shape is perfect.

To find the beginning of the eyebrow, a pencil is applied to the edge of the nostril and draw a straight line through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow. The first point - the beginning of the eyebrow - will be there, the pencil touches the eyebrow. Gently pencil fix the point. Hairs that extend beyond this point should be removed.

How to pluck eyebrows in the shape of the face

The second stage is the point where the eyebrow line ends. Also from the edge of the nostrils, a pencil is applied to the outer corner of the eye. The place where the tip of the pencil connects with the eyebrow is fixed. If the eyebrow continues beyond the line, the hairs in the direction of the temple is better to pull out. If the eyebrow ends before the marked place, then the arc should be drawn with a special pencil of the desired color.

And finally, the most recent determine the highest point of the eyebrow. The line should pass from the nose through the center of the eye. The place where the pencil touches the eyebrow is considered a bend.

In addition to the ability to create perfect outlines of eyebrows, you need to be able to determine their shape depending on the type.

For girls with a round face, it is important to make it visually more elongated, so eyebrows should be given a broken shape with a pointed end. This form is also called the "house".

Eyebrow shape for round face

Square-faced girls can use a curved eyebrow shape, but the curvature point should be closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Eyebrow shape for a square face

Girls with a triangular face should pay attention to the eyebrows, slightly rounded. It is important not to overdo it and not to make the eyebrows completely round.

Eyebrow shape for a triangular face

For owners of an elongated type of face, the best solution would be straight eyebrows, which will make the lines smooth and face a little wider.

Eyebrow shape for an elongated face

Pointed eyebrows will look delicate at the oval-faced girls, but with a smooth, soft line.

Eyebrow shape for oval face

How to pluck eyebrows at home

Pluck eyebrows at home

To independently make the perfect arc of the eyebrows, you should observe the following tips:

  1. The procedure should be carried out during the day, when a lot of sunlight. With artificial lighting, this procedure cannot be performed with high quality, as there may be extra thin hairs.
  2. Before starting the procedure it is necessary to prepare all the tools. Tweezers should be easy to use, tightly grab a hair. It is better to use a large mirror with a magnifying glass. To avoid irritation of the skin, you should choose a special lotion.
  3. Tweezers are recommended to rinse with alcohol-containing agent before the procedure.
  4. Wash your face with cold water, moisten eyebrows with a special lotion. It is better to cool the skin around the eyebrows before the start with a piece of ice so that it does not hurt.
  5. In addition, eyebrows comb hair growth to smooth them and not to remove excess.
  6. Eyebrows pluck out only the bottom, the upper part is left as it is.
  7. Removing excess hair, grab them closer to the skin to root out. This will avoid the painful procedure and remove the hairs completely.

Tools and materials

The quality of any work depends on the tool.

That is why the first thing we advise is to equip the workplace with the required devices:

  1. Get special tweezers:
    • the line of the working body of the tool should not have burrs and openings,
    • the working body should not be too sharp
    • check on the arms or legs how well the hairs are clamped,
    • the tool should not slide over the surface of the hair or cut them under the root,
    • for beginners, special tweezers with finger rings are recommended,
    • Professionals often use tweezers.
  2. Eyebrow scissors. This tool should be comfortable and sharp.
  3. Brush comb for eyebrows.
  4. The mirror that you will use for work should be conveniently fixed.
    It is better if it is a large wall mirror or dressing table:

  • if you have vision problems, we recommend to purchase a desktop mirror with the effect of magnification,
  • The use of small pocket mirrors is not as effective, but if they are absolutely necessary, they will do.

A well-lit workplace, a mirror and a quality tool are the basis of a successful result!

  1. Antiseptic. It can be any alcohol-containing liquid or lotion.
  2. Cotton disc or tampon for applying antiseptic on the eyebrow.
  3. White pencil:
    • using this tool is not always necessary. So, if you are experienced in the question of eyebrow shape correction or you only need to slightly correct the shape by removing a few hairs, then there is no need for it,
    • if necessary, radical changes and not much experience of a master, a white cosmetic pencil will serve you well. They easily outline the contour of the future eyebrow,
    • at the same time you can shade the rest of the hairs, then they will be removed much easier.

Before proceeding directly to the correction of the eyebrows, you need to check the entire tool for effectiveness.

The way to pluck the eyebrows with a thread

Pluck eyebrows with thread

In addition to traditional methods of eyebrow plucking, there are also unusual methods to give the desired look to the eyebrows. One of them is a method of hair removal with the help of a thread. This method came from India and today it is becoming increasingly popular with women. You can remove hair with a thread not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. This method is more effective because it allows you to remove hair from the root, plus peels the skin. Of course, hair removal with a thread is not a painless procedure. It will depend on how sensitive your skin is and thick hair.

Before you begin to pull out eyebrows with a thread, the skin should be treated with alcohol to disinfect.

The advantage of this method of hair removal is that several are removed at once with a regular thread. When the thread is twisted, excess hair is grabbed and removed from the root.

Simultaneously with plucking eyebrows, you can get rid of the antennae.

Facial care means getting rid of acne. How to do this, read here.

After all procedures, you can complete the care, - http://girls-life.ru/beauty/uhod-za-licom/257_kefirnaya-maska-dlya-lica/ - by making a kefir face mask.

How to pull out eyebrows with thread

In order to successfully pluck eyebrows from the first time, it is necessary to follow steps:

  1. First, eyebrows must be combed so that the hairs look up. Only in this case, the thread will be able to get all the excess hair.
  2. You will need a thread about 70 cm long, it is better to tie the ends of the thread tightly.

  1. Then the thread is taken in both hands and twisted in the middle about 9-12 times.

  1. After that, the thread is firmly pressed with the thumb and forefinger in both hands and brought to the eyebrow. Remove the hairs in that section of the thread that is twisted. To do this, with one hand squeeze the fingers with the thread, and on the other, at the same time, unclenched. As a result, the hairs fall between the twisted coils. It is necessary to do these movements quickly and sharply.

How to pull out eyebrows with thread

In addition to effective hair removal, there are other advantages to the way with thread:

  • Thus, the hairs can be removed at home on their own without the help of cosmetologists.
  • Since the hair is removed from the root, they will not grow soon.
  • Using the thread helps to thin the eyebrows, and the hairs grow after that thin.

Now you know how to pluck eyebrows. But to carry out this procedure is often not recommended. In the density of the eyebrows there is nothing terrible. The main thing is that the eyebrows are symmetrical with respect to each other. As soon as asymmetry appears, then you can arm yourself with tweezers or a thread and bring your eyebrows into the desired look.

Alone or in the cabin?

No wonder the girls devote so much time to create the perfect eyebrows. Perhaps the owners of not too thick eyebrows do not need major changes, but the form should be adjusted. And here opinions differ: some prefer only salon procedures, trusting their appearance only to professionals. Some, on the contrary, create ideal eyebrows on their own at home.

Each of the methods has its own positive features, but someone does not have enough time and money for procedures in beauty salons, and someone simply does not get the desired shape. In this case, you can choose something in between: when you go to a master, choose a form and ask how to make beautiful eyebrows or simply maintain a small masterpiece created by a professional.

You must agree, just to keep fit and sometimes to get rid of a pair of regrown hairs is much easier than worrying about how to make a shape of eyebrows.

Preparation for the procedure at home

In any case, every girl should know the rules of eyebrow care. Indeed, in the modern mad rhythm of life, you can simply skip the moment of additional eyebrow correction. In this case, everything should be at hand.

For the procedure will need:

  • Tweezers. It is impossible to say exactly which tweezers are needed, because everyone has their own preferences, but before making beautiful eyebrows, you need to decide on the tools. Ideally, you should have tweezers with pointed ends (for the main job) and with flat tips (for the final adjustment).
  • Disinfectants. They should be necessary, as without their use, unforeseen irritations or inflammations may appear.
  • Of course, the mirror. Ideally, it should be large, allowing not only to pull out the hairs alternately, but also to generally evaluate the result. Some prefer special magnifying mirrors, which are also convenient to use.

Do not forget about lighting. It plays a very important role, since with poor visibility it is very easy to miss the hairs that will spoil the final “picture”.

How to choose a form?

How to find out if your eyebrows will fit with a break or will they look better slightly rounded? The first way to determine "your" form depends on the type of person:

  • for an oval face, pointed, with a slight bend,
  • chubby girls are ideally suited to the arc with a fracture of the pointed type
  • for girls with a square face, the previous version is suitable, with slightly shifted bending points towards the middle of the eyes,
  • ideal eyebrows for triangular face type - slightly rounded,
  • for an elongated face, straight arcs will be more suitable, giving smoothness and softness to the lines,

If, however, it is problematic to choose a shape according to the traits, you can try to paint over your eyebrows with thick foundation and powder, and then try to draw this or that shape with a pencil. Therefore, before you properly pluck eyebrows, you need to decide on their final appearance.

Perfect eyebrows or three important points.

The classic form is based on drawing a line through three points. There is nothing difficult in this, since the most ordinary pencil will help you to calculate them.

  1. The first point (the beginning). To determine it, you need to lean the pencil vertically evenly to the rear of the nose so that it reaches the brow, but passes through the inner corner of the eye. The place of intersection is the beginning of the answer to the question "how to make beautiful eyebrows."
  2. The second point (bend). Direct the pencil from the wing of the nose through the extreme border of the pupil to the eyebrow. Note that the gaze must be straight ahead, as the measurement may be uneven. The point of intersection is that very bend point.
  3. The third point (tip). It is determined similarly to bending, but now the line should not pass through the iris, but through the outer corner of the eye. Outside of the intersection, all hairs must be pulled out.

Usually, for convenience, the intersection is marked with a light cosmetic pencil: all the hairs, after marking towards the bridge of the nose, are immediately plucked out.

Start pulling out

Through three points we got the base, but how to make eyebrows with a house? This or any other form is given through the removal of the lower and upper protruding hairs. It is very important not to hurry: pull out a few hairs and move a few steps away from the mirror, estimate.

Kinked eyebrows also require constant monitoring during execution, as just a couple of unnecessary movements can spoil the result. And in no case do not worry, before you pull out eyebrows beautifully - the result will pleasantly surprise you.

How to make a eyebrow shape at home?

To create a beautiful and correct shape of eyebrows in the home, you need to find three key points that will form the beginning of the eyebrow, its end and the highest point of the arc. Of course, the shape of the eyebrows can be made any, but you must take into account your style, overall image and character, so that the eyebrows look appropriate.

The ideal option is in accordance with the natural data and the physiology of the face. To do this, use the search methods of the three key points. Take a ruler, attach it to the side of the nose and connect a straight line with the beginning of the eyebrow at the nose. This is the first point.

Find the second point using a straight line, which should be laid from the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye. Where the line will continue to intersect with the eyebrow - there will be a second key point.

The highest point of the eyebrow is located with the help of a straight line, which must be laid from the wing of the nose and the outer edge of the cornea of ​​the eye. Extend the line to the eyebrow and memorize this point. Now you can draw an eyebrow so that its beginning and end do not go beyond the limits of the points found, and bend at the third point.

Beautiful perfect eyebrow shape. A photo

To get a beautiful and perfect shape of the eyebrows, you need to work them out well in your makeup. If you decide to pull out some eyebrow hairs, do it exclusively along the lower edge of the eyebrow. Removing the top will be very noticeable and not aesthetic.

Beautiful eyebrows will look if their shape is chosen correctly, depending on the type of person. An example of the ideal shape of the eyebrow, depending on the physiology, look at the photo.

Eyebrows in shape and type of face

  • Beautiful and perfect eyebrow shape depends on many parameters. It is necessary to take into account the construction of the eyebrows and the shape of the face. For a round face, eyebrows of a broken look with a high lift are well suited. The kink itself should not be too sharp
  • For oval-shaped faces, straight horizontal eyebrows are well suited. The triangular shape of the face is less common, but for it should be chosen slightly raised eyebrows of medium length. Straight eyebrows with this shape of the face is better not to do
  • If the face is heart-shaped, eyebrows should be short and thick. Girls with such a face are strictly not recommended to make eyebrows long, it will sharpen their chin even more and make the whole face ugly
  • With a sufficiently elongated face, eyebrows are made straight and thick. The end of the form can be made in the form of a curving tail. This will help round the face and soften its excessive elongation. The shape of the eyebrows should be straight, and the tail is not much lower
  • For a square face, well-groomed and slightly rounded eyebrows are suitable. If the eyes are set very far apart, reduce the distance between the eyebrows.

Eyebrow shape

Every year the fashion changes to the shape of the eyebrows. However, the ideal eyebrows were always considered as such when they were well-groomed. This year are considered popular thick eyebrows as close as possible to the natural form. The time of thin strings has passed, now such eyebrows are considered a move.

To pacify disobedient eyebrows, use a drop of castor oil. Daily brush your eyebrows, it will give them a well-groomed and beautiful shape. Eyebrows may be supplemented with special warming masks or constant use of the cream.

Eyebrow shape correction

After you have found control points for the eyebrows, you can visually present the line and the shape that they form. For visual understanding, you can even draw a thin line. Now you should begin to correct the shape of the eyebrows. All hairs that are outside of our shape need to be removed.

If your skin is very sensitive, follow the procedure after a hot shower. This will soften the hair. You can buy in the pharmacy external anesthetic drug based on benzocaine.

How to pull out eyebrows?

Using one hand, pull the skin, with the other, take a hair at the base with tweezers and sharply pull it out in the direction of growth. Always remove only one hair at a time and carefully see which ones should be removed and which should be left.

Do not proceed to the correction before the start of women's days. After the procedure, be sure to use alcohol lotion and softening cream. Pluck eyebrows are best in the evening, at this time the pain will be minimal.

Eyebrow shape for round face

The round shape of the face is characterized by a soft line of the chin, with the upper and lower parts of the face being approximately equal in size. The height of the face contour is the same with the width, small deviations are possible. For such a person, eyebrow shapes are selected that will create a visual similarity to an oval face shape.

The shape of the eyebrows should be with a clearly visible bend line, with a falling tail. Such eyebrows emphasize the vertical shape. It is categorically contraindicated to do the rounded shape of the eyebrows, it will once again emphasize the circle of the face.

Be careful with straight eyebrows, which are devoid of any bend. This form is not suitable for everyone. It is important to consider not only the round shape of the face, but also other anatomical features.

Eyebrow shape for a square face

The square shape of the face is characterized by a wide chin, whose dimensions are equal to the width of the forehead and cheekbones. At the same time, the facial features are very expressive and sharp. In such a face angles are clearly expressed, which create sharpness.

  • Eyebrows should be made wide enough. At the same time, try to express the base of the eyebrow well and make pointed tips. A bend of the eyebrow is made as close as possible to the central part of the eye, a slight shift towards the ear is allowed.
  • Eyebrows with a high bend line are also suitable for a square face, try to make a kink line with a high lift. It can draw attention away from angular forms.
  • You can experiment with the shape of the eyebrows, as the square shape of the face well accepts any eyebrows other than excessively thin threads. What you should not do, so it diligently pull out eyebrows. Also avoid straight eyebrows, straight lines emphasize the massiveness of the face.

Eyebrow shape for oval face photo

An oval face has always been considered an ideal form that does not require additional correction. Try to maximize the naturalness of the forms. Look closely, perhaps you are given such physiological features that do not require changes or additions.

Practical all eyebrow shapes are suitable for an oval face. Here it is your preference. Something to hide or highlight with the help of eyebrows is not necessary. You can use a soft fracture, try straight eyebrows or make a small oval shape.

Eyebrow shape for a triangular face

The triangular shape of the face is characterized by wider sizes of the lower part and narrowing of the head above. This shape of the face creates a massive chin and a pronounced jaw area. The shape of the eyebrows should visually expand the upper space and divert attention from the bottom. Use a broad brow shape.

Another variant of the triangular face is possible when the chin is narrowed and the forehead has a large and pronounced shape. It is well suited slightly raised eyebrows with a smooth bend. Avoid straight shapes, sharp bends and large kinks.

Eyebrow shape stencil

Now popular templates that parody the shape of the eyebrows of celebrities. You can pick up a nice image. If you are afraid to take risks yourself, ask for help in a beauty salon.

Before using the stencil, you should carefully examine its data to make sure that such eyebrows are suitable for your face. If necessary, the stencil can be made at home. So you can always make the perfect eyebrow shape that suits you.

To create a stencil fit any transparent thin plastic. Prepare a long line, attach to the face and form the desired shape, then use a stationery knife to cut the required stencil.

The shape of the eyebrows in the shape of the nose

  • The shape of the eyebrows can greatly distract attention from the flaws of the face. However, they will seem inconspicuous or insignificant. If you want to hide a long nose, make your eyebrows long enough with a good bend.
  • Try to keep them at a good distance from each other, but without excesses, which spoil the naturalness. It will attract the views of the interlocutors to the top of your face.
  • If you need to hide a big nose, make your eyebrows extended. Do not make them short. Straight lines should also be avoided. A beautiful and expressive bend will attract attention.

Eyebrow shape

There are several popular eyebrow shapes that are used to give expression to the face. You can modify any shape by adding a bend or lengthening the tip, but the original shapes always have their basis:

  • straight eyebrows
  • curved eyebrows
  • eyebrow shape arc
  • eyebrow house shape

Curved eyebrows

The curved shape attracts attention well. It is considered quite playful and cheeky. Curved eyebrows should be emphasized overall makeup. The smooth bend of the eyebrows is natural, such eyebrows are as beautiful and interesting as possible.

Eyebrow shape house

Such eyebrows are usually preferred by girls with a round face. The shape slightly lengthens the face, eliminating the roundness and bringing it closer to the cherished oval. You should carefully consider the creation of such eyebrows to avoid the image of the eternally sad actor.

Shape of light brows

Very bright eyebrows should be tinted, otherwise the face loses its attractiveness. Sometimes it seems that the eyebrows are completely absent. Ideal when the eyebrows are a tone darker than the natural hair color. Such eyebrows can be given any shape depending on the physiology. Initially, light eyebrows should be thick and curved.

Eyebrow shape pencil

With the help of a pencil you can always give your eyebrows the perfect shape. Choose a good professional pencils that will lay down a thin layer and repeat the texture of the hair. Carefully consider the color of the pencil. As a result, the eyebrows should get a little bit darker than the hair color, but slightly lighter than the eyelashes.

  • If you choose a color of a pencil that will not differ from the natural color of the eyebrows, the adjustments will be almost imperceptible
  • Begin to paint the eyebrows with the nose, gradually looking at the shape of the eyebrow. The movement should be short, as if you are drawing the missing hairs that create the necessary shape of eyebrows
  • For the correct position of the eyebrow, comb existing hairs in the right direction. So you will see where you need to use a pencil.
  • In places where hair grows very rarely, extinguish eyebrows. It will make them thick and beautiful.

Eyebrow shape shadows

To correct eyebrows with shadows, use a brush-comb or a brush with a beveled tip. When using eye shadows to give the desired shape to the eyebrows, the entire surface of the eyebrows should be painted, and unnecessary areas should be pulled out.

Before starting the procedure, you should brush your eyebrows along their growth lines, collect some shadows and apply an even layer on the surface. Then smooth them smoothly between eyebrow hairs. It is possible to use both friable shadows, and cream options.

How to fix eyebrow shape?

Eyebrow shape can correct care for them. If the corrections are small, you can use cosmetics. If the correction is significant, use eyebrow growth. Well suited serum with peptides, vitamins and plant extract.

At the same time, it is necessary to constantly massage, comb eyebrows, apply various oils. Regular makeup can add volume to the eyebrows and correct the original shape.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows for tattoo?

Eyebrow tattooing is not a procedure that restores natural data. This is a correction method that helps to darken very bright eyebrows, to give expression to the face, if the eyebrows are very rare. In some cases, eyebrow tattooing is done after any disease, due to which the eyebrows have dropped out altogether.

Deciding on the procedure, you should choose the most natural shape of eyebrows that you used before. Consider the features of the face and the requirements of the volatile fashion.


Pain Relief Lotion with Benzocaine

We will not be cunning, pluck eyebrows - quite a painful procedure. But the pain can be reduced by applying some tricks.

Now we will teach you how to properly and beautifully pull out the eyebrows and at the same time not experience discomfort:

  1. Directly when plucking it is necessary to pull the skin in the area above the eyebrows up.

Slightly pulling the skin of the eyebrow, you will experience less severe pain.

  1. Apply an anesthetic cream or paste to the treatment area.. However, this method complicates the process itself, because the tweezers slide along the surface of the hairs.
  2. Unpleasant sensations will remove the effects of cold. To do this, you can use an ordinary ice cube.
  3. If you are afraid of exposure to freezing temperatures, the same effect of easing pain will create a warm compress.. It softens the skin and makes the hair more supple.

Perform a full-scale correction in the first week after menstruation.
At this time, your body is least sensitive to pain.

We select the form

In the course of the evolution of make-up art, women were required to have various eyebrow shapes. Beauties of the last century sported both with a string and with a sable break. Today, fashion offers a fairly democratic option - the selection of the shape of the face.

The best shape for square faces

The face close to the square is well combined with the edges pointed at the tips. In this case, the fracture coincides with the median part of the eye or is shifted slightly towards the outer edge.


Eyebrows for a rectangular face

The elongated or rectangular shape is perfectly softened by a flat horizontal line. Thus, the face is visually shortened.

The shape for oval faces is arbitrary.

Happy owners of an oval do not complicate themselves with the task of selecting the shape of eyebrows. They are all that you can think of. However, the observance of measure and naturalness and here is the immutable rule of good taste. Do not forget that men like natural beauty more.


The best output for a triangular configuration

In this case it is necessary to be puzzled by the search for a golden mean. It should be something between a rounded and straight shape. The tips are better to perform sharp.

House for a round oval

Sharp kink, plus sharp outer edges - this form is considered the most compatible with the beauty of chubby ladies. Interestingly, with this technique, the shape of the face slightly lengthens and approaches the oval.

Perfect shape

Algorithm for the selection of forms

Let's open the main secret of the selection of the ideal eyebrow shape: never distort what Mother Nature gave you. To acquire a well-groomed look, in most cases, light contour correction is sufficient.

There is an algorithm for how to properly pluck the shape of the eyebrows, which boils down to the following:

  1. Take a pencil or a ruler and stick to the face as shown in the figure.
  2. The first line running parallel to the nose is the beginning (inner corner).
  3. The second line is the peak point of the break.
  4. The third is the point of the tip.
  5. The bend (height) in the ideal case coincides with the size of the zone AB, and the most correct break point, in this case, is area number 4. As you can see, it is located at the intersection of the eyebrow and the second line.

For the first time it is useful to use the services of a professional.
Moreover, the issue price is not so high.

Hair removal process

Photo: Four steps to perfect eyebrow

With your own hands, without resorting to the help of professionals, you can easily accomplish this simple work:

  1. Apply the white pencil outline of the future eyebrow, adhering to the algorithm described above.
  2. Remove the hairs located around the inside corner.
  3. Working on the tip. If the eyebrow does not reach the intended point - paint on it. If longer - remove unnecessary vegetation.
  4. We determine the peak point and remove all unnecessary hairs, giving the desired shape.
  5. It is not recommended to remove too many hairs at the same time. At first pull out a pair - the three on the one hand, then on the other. Compare. It is important that the eyebrows look absolutely symmetrical.

The instruction, as you can see, is simple and does not require special skills.

Bug work

I wonder if she did that on purpose.

From inaccuracies and errors no one is immune. This is especially true for beginners.

What to do if you plucked your brows wrong? The main thing is not to get upset and not to panic.

To correct this annoying slip in several ways, which can be divided into natural and artificial:

  1. The second eyebrow can be corrected in accordance with the damaged. Let everyone think that it was intended. Originality still did not bother anyone.
  2. Draw the missing hairs with a pencil or shadows.
  3. Go to the salon and do permanent makeup or extensions.
  4. Just wait a few days - the hairs will recover quickly.

Properly selected eyebrow shape makes the look open and expressive.


Watch the video: How To Shape Eyebrows. Facial hair Removal. SuperPrincessjo (July 2024).