
What is reverse highlighting? Implementation rules and tips on how to choose a beautiful shade


To add more colors to bleached curls, hairdressers can recommend backlashing. With this procedure, you can arrange the necessary accents on the strands, visually increase the amount of hair and even return it to the original color. What are the features of this technology and who will suit it most?

What is

This is the process of dyeing individual strands in dark, close to natural colors. The technique of recruitment and application of the composition is similar to the standard selective lighting.

The main difference of the chosen method is that in the reverse highlighting the curls are not lightened, but, on the contrary, darkened. That is why This method is also called highlighting inside out.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Gentle effect on the hair. The curls do not deteriorate as much as when highlighting with a brightener,
  • the ability to correct unsuccessful brightening or make spectacular accents on the hair. He will also solve the problem with curls that have repeatedly been amenable to highlighting (more than 50% of hair is dyed) and therefore have acquired an overly light shade,
  • A way to return the original color to the locks with a gentle method.


  • the paint is washed away with time, and the painted areas appear bleached,
  • the procedure is very long in execution
  • difficult to achieve the desired result at home.

Re-highlighting on light and dark hair in the salon will cost from 3100 to 5500 rubles (depending on the length of the curls and the professionalism of the master).

At home, the most expensive element will be the purchase of paint. It will need to take two shades of the same color, one of which will be lighter. You may also need a clarifier too. They tint the roots. In terms of cost, everything will depend on the brand that you will use.

Coloring compositions from L'Oreal and Estel are popular. One package will cost approximately 700–1000 rubles. If you use more and clarifier, the procedure is more expensive than in the cabin, because it is about 3000 rubles.

Important! Use the tools of one brand and one series. Mixing products from different manufacturers can give an unexpected result.

Owners of blond hair

The fact that the shade is selected by the color of native hair is not an absolute indicator. In the process of staining should also take into account the color type. So, owners of cold color type (winter, summer) will suit these shades:

Yellowness, copper, red, red and black shades are not allowed.

Autumn-spring tsvetotipu suitable such palette:

Suitable shade for dark hair

Cold color type should look at this color scheme:

Warm colors like these shades:

Reverse Highlighting Technique

Phased action:

  1. The hair is distributed into sections, and then into separate strands.
  2. A brush is applied to paint over the entire length of the curl taken in movements, as with standard highlighting.
  3. On the next (adjacent) strands applied brightener on the roots.
  4. Thus all hairs are painted, which are then packed in foil.
  5. Then time is maintained, 40-50 minutes, and the composition is washed off.

The width of the colored area and the need for coloring areas at the roots is selected depending on the result to be achieved: highlight light / dark areas or make the color more uniform.

Important! Reverse highlighting requires precise hit in the desired color, so it is better to resort to such a procedure under the guidance of an experienced master. And whenever possible you should not do painting of such complexity at home.

Reverse highlighting is a procedure that allows you to not just fix a bad staining or arrange the necessary color accents on the head of hair. This is an opportunity to give curls an updated look more gentle method.

But it is worth considering that the applied paint will fade with time, and the curls will need enhanced care. Therefore, To preserve shade and health of melirovanny hair, pick up a special (preferably professional) cosmetics for colored curls. And even more so it is not necessary to conduct experiments at home. Details of care for melirovanny hair you learn from us on the site.

Reviews of those who tried to do such painting at home, indicate that this procedure is quite complicated and most often the result is an incomprehensible and even untidy shade. Therefore, do not neglect to contact a professional stylist-hairdresser from the very beginning. This will save you from disappointment and give the curls the right shade and the desired color effect.

Learn more about hair coloring:

Useful videos

Dark highlights - a highlight for blondes.

Diagonal highlighting technique.

What it is?

Reverse highlighting is great for hair of different lengths. and hair type. Of course, such highlighting looks the most impressive on long curls. But the procedure is perfect for women with short hair, if they want to refresh their hair and emphasize the natural beauty of the hair. If after dyeing, regrown roots look sloppy - back highlighting in this situation is a real lifeline.

If the nature of the girl has dark blond hair color, then you can apply shades of dark chocolate or mahogany, then the hairstyle will sparkle with new attractive colors.

In addition, the procedure can be resorted to if:

  • failed to make a correction in time
  • when the bleached image becomes boring,
  • if, when visiting the salon, the proportions of the haircut were not respected,
  • when coloring turned out not that shade which was planned,
  • tired of the old image and want to update, but there is no desire to completely repaint the hair.

This coloring technique allows you to grow a natural color., at the same time, it is not necessary to dye the entire mass of hair, especially if they are damaged and weakened due to excessive exposure to dye.

Differences from other types of staining

Back highlighting is the application to the curls of the coloring composition, which will be darker than its own color by several tones. The bottom line is that if the hair is blond, the strands are painted in dark shades, trying to choose a color that is in harmony with their own, natural tone.

How to choose the right shade?

Tint should be in harmony with natural hair color, while you need to pay attention to the color type. Consider the main types of appearance and what shades should be used.

For fair-haired girls like winter-summer (cold color type) you can apply the following shades:

  • Blonde
  • straw,
  • all shades of brown,
  • dark blond,
  • cognac and honey.

With this color type you should not use red, copper, black, red - this hairstyle will look very vulgar. Also not allowed yellow on the curls.

For brown-haired women, the ideal option would be:

Dark hair can be applied:

  • brown,
  • dark brown,
  • cognac,
  • "black Tulip".

If the color is spring-autumn, then you should apply the following palette:

Dark curls can be diluted:

  • chestnut,
  • dark blond,
  • dark brown,
  • "Autumn foliage".

Features and technology

Reverse highlighting is carried out in the same way as direct, only the strands are painted in dark shades.

Instructions for performing highlighting:

  1. Prepare paint and tools.
  2. Divide hair into zones.
  3. Apply a dye to individual locks, as in a classic highlighting.
  4. Color the whole hairstyle, hold for 35-45 minutes.
  5. Wash off the paint with shampoo, apply balm.

The width of the curls to be colored is selected based on the type of haircut and the desired effect. Some hairdressers emit separate dark areas. Sometimes they resort to such coloring in order to make the hair color uniform.

Is it possible to conduct the procedure yourself at home?

Despite the difficulty of reverse highlighting, staining can be done at home. Well, if you have this process will be an assistant who will help paint over the strands on the back of his head.

Below you can see the photo reverse highlighting:

How to avoid mistakes when self-staining?

All precautions must be strictly observed., at the same time, act according to the instructions for hair coloring using the technique of reverse highlighting.

  • The paint should be of high quality, with minimal damage to curls.
  • Do not overdo the dye, because strands may suffer from this, and the color may differ from the desired.

How long will it hold on your hair?

It all depends on the type of hair and dye. If the curl structure is porous, the paint will be washed out very quickly. It is advisable to apply a course of revitalizing procedures before staining in the reverse illumination technique. This type of staining is considered “long-playing”, it is enough to hold it once every 1-2 months.

Who is not suitable?

There are certain moments when reverse highlighting can greatly harm the appearance:

  1. If the hair was dyed with henna - it will turn dirty color.
  2. After curling curls through the use of various chemicals - the result will be unpredictable.
  3. Fragile loose strands. Dry hair with permanent lightening will look ugly when back highlighting.
  4. Irritation on the scalp - if you do not cope with this problem before staining, then a simple irritation can turn into sores and sores.

It is also worth refusing this type of coloring, if the tips of the hair are badly damaged - back highlighting will emphasize everything, even invisible flaws.

Back highlighting - coloring, which allows to correct imperfections in the hair, update and place certain color highlights, emphasizing the attractiveness of the curls. This is getting an updated image with minimal harm to the strands.

Large highlighting - what is it

Large highlighting, or, in other words, flash highlighting consists in uniform staining of strands 2-3 cm wide with several tones lighter or darker than the original. In the classic version, they are taken thinner - about 0.5 cm.

Among the advantages of this type of staining can be identified:

  • by playing on the contrast, a bright, lively image is created,
  • ideally hides her gray hair,
  • looks impressive on long hair, giving them a visual volume.

The disadvantages include:

  • the procedure is expensive, and in order to see the desired result, a specialist must perform the staining,
  • requires at least 2-3 hours
  • on short hair should be done with caution, otherwise you can get a full toning.

Who is suitable

Technique staining wide strands should be selected by a specialist, taking into account hairstyles, hair color and condition. Best of all, the major highlights look on brunettes with brown eyes and dark skin, as well as girls of the winter and spring color types.

Hair should be thick with a dense structure. If they are wavy, then it is preferable to make highlights using the “dirty blond” technique, when the strands are colored in shades of a somewhat similar tone. This gives curls a natural burnout look.

Contraindications to perform

Large highlighting should not be carried out on thin, weakened hair, as well as on dyed back henna and basma less than 6 months ago. Also, the procedure is contraindicated:

  • after perm,
  • pregnant and lactating women
  • if you are allergic to any component of the paint or oxidant (to exclude it, you must first conduct an allergy test on the skin of the elbow).

What color to choose

For fair-haired girls such shades as:

For redheads scamps - golden shades.

Brunettes will be to face:

  • caramel,
  • burgund,
  • eggplant,
  • chocolate,
  • copper and coffee shades.

Blonde girls fit wheat and gold tones.

With pale skin, it is better to use muted colors, bright ones will not look.

Owners of blond hair can re-dye, when highlighting is done with a shade of darker paint.

To give a dark blond hair volume and gloss, you can choose the simplest type of highlighting - the shatush technique or the French highlighting.

The most fashionable type of coloring - brondirovanie sure to enjoy the blond-haired fashionistas, which perfectly disguises gray hair, visually rejuvenating a person.

If after staining you have dry, severely damaged curls with split ends, a mask using sea buckthorn oil will quickly restore them.

Also for the resuscitation of dry ends of hair at home you will be served with masks, which are described in this article.

Features of the procedure

Depending on the hair color and length, there are several techniques for performing large highlighting:

  1. Venetian - It looks like sun-bleached hair, strands are recruited consistently and painted in a color similar in tone, without wrapping it in foil. Suitable for dark-haired girls.
  2. French - strands are lightened by 4 tones from the original. The palette is chosen golden shades. Ideal for fair-haired girls.
  3. Color - the word speaks for itself, suitable for light and dark hair, but the owner of such highlighting should be a bright, self-confident person.
  4. American - a clear selection of several strands in relation to the entire hairstyle, carried out with the use of foil to get a clear color transition. Suitable for dark-haired girls.
  5. "Salt and pepper" - the solution is only for courageous girls, it consists in alternately coloring strands in ashy blond and graphite.

What you need

For highlighting large strands you will need:

  • comb with a sharp tip for zoning,
  • paint bowl and brush,
  • hair clips
  • foil (in the case of dyeing with a clear selection of strands),
  • gloves,
  • skin protection agent
  • paint and oxidizer.

The following options can be selected as a clarifier:

  1. Brightening paint - sparing option without perhydrol, but cold shades with it can not be achieved.
  2. Powder - lightens by 7 tones, but there is a big risk of not guessing with proportion and severely damaging the hair.
  3. Paste for highlighting - despite the mild effect, provides excellent results, often used in salons.
  4. Wax paint for highlighting - the composition does not spread, therefore it is perfect for clearly selected strands.

Technique of performing simple highlighting by large strands

Here is the order of work:

  1. Divide hair into 4 zones, capturing them with clips. Coloring should begin at the back of the head.
  2. Dilute the ink composition according to the instructions.
  3. Highlight the strands that you want to paint with a thickness of 2 cm, the rest wrap in foil to prevent accidental dyeing.
  4. Apply the dye, stepping back 2 cm from the roots, moving from top to bottom.
  5. Do the same with other zones. Whiskey stained the last, because hair there is thinner. At the top you should take strands thicker - 2.5 cm.
  6. Keep the dye on your hair for as long as the manufacturer recommends.
  7. Rinse the strands with running water using shampoo, then you can unfold the foil and apply a conditioner balm on your hair.
  8. In case of dyeing in “blond” after 2 days it is necessary to produce tinted hair.
  9. The following staining should be done no less than 4 months.

For example, you can see the cold highlights of Ice Tint on long hair:

After completing the dyeing, it is important not to forget about proper hair care, use special shampoos and masks for colored hair.

Technique of reverse highlighting

When performing reverse highlighting, as a rule, the strands are recruited according to the traditional technology. The choice of the hue of the coloring mixture is carried out by comparing with the natural hair color at the roots, for which a strand from the occipital zone is selected. If desired, you can make backlash with any shade of dark palette you like. It is worth noting that this technique uses the most gentle dyes, which do not damage the hair and give it a spectacular shine.

After dyeing the hair with this technique, you should take care of their thorough care, for which it is desirable to use professional products. In this case, be sure to regularly do regenerating hair masks, for which you can use homemade recipes.

Reverse highlighting of hair

The technology of "reverse highlighting" is used by masters in cases where the hair was previously subjected to multiple highlighting and, because of this, the primary pattern of highlighting was distorted and the strands ceased to appear clearly, merging into a single light color.

In this case, using the “reverse highlighting” procedure, one can easily recreate the lost effect of alternating strands along the entire length of the hair.

"Reverse highlighting" is indispensable also in the event that you want to get rid of the annoying light color and return to natural, for example, light brown color.

"Reverse highlighting" will allow you to safely and very smoothly move from light to darker hair color. At the same time, it is possible to achieve such a natural effect of dyeing that, as the hair grows its own color, the transition boundary will be almost not noticeable.

The procedure of "reverse highlighting" is also used for color correction in case of unsuccessful staining.

The technique of "reverse highlighting" is quite simple. Strands are recruited by the traditional technology of classical highlighting, and then tinted or painted in color, close to its natural, which can be traced at the hair roots.

Sometimes, when performing “reverse highlighting,” they deviate from the classical technology of recruitment of strands, this is done if there is a desire to leave wider light strands in some places, such as the face or bangs.

If you do not really like your natural hair color, then the strands can be given any other desired shade, from a natural light brown, ashy or dark color palette.

The author of the article: Nikolaev L.V. ("Bianca-Lux")

Every day we invite you to free consultations on highlighting, sparing and corrective hair coloring to our stylists.

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The right choice of colors

In order for the hairstyle to be beautiful and always look perfect, it is necessary to choose the right shades. All the white shades are somehow very similar to each other, which is why the reverse highlighting is the easiest to apply to blond hair.

Even in the case when the stylist selects a not quite suitable tone, it will not be as noticeable as on dark hair.

The procedure of highlighting most often go blonde girls. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they consider their home shade not bright enough and want to correct it. Bringing a healthy and radiant look back to your hair is not at all difficult; it is much more difficult to find the right dye to restore the natural hair color.

Here you need to know the real shade of the girl's hair, because otherwise the final version of the hairstyle may be completely inappropriate.

When it is not recommended to dye blonde hair?

This procedure has many positive effects, sometimes it happens that it can do much harm.

Reverse highlighting is not recommended in the following cases:

  • On dyed hair. If you try to do this procedure on dyed hair, the result may disappoint you greatly. Especially if the curls were painted with henna. In the best case, get a dirty orange tint.
  • After chemistry. This procedure harms the hair, so it is imperative that a break of several weeks is necessary before highlighting so that the hair can recover.
  • Bad condition of curls. If they are overdried, burned, or just sick, backlighting will repeatedly emphasize all these shortcomings. So first you need to restore the health of the curls.
  • Fresh washed hair. This process is not advised to carry on clean curls. The sebaceous glands, which are located on the head, produce a special lubricant, namely, it protects the strands from drying out and other negative effects. During the washing of the head, this lubricant is washed out, so you need 2-3 days to restore its amount.
  • Unsuitable paint. Sometimes it comes to an absurdity and during the procedure of highlighting, some girls use eyebrow paint. Doing this is strictly prohibited!
  • Irritation. If the skin is irritated, you must first cope with them and only then begin the procedure of staining.

It should also be remembered that during the coloring of curls can not use metal objects. This rule is important to remember for those who want to make highlights themselves.

Perform at home

It is rather difficult to carry out the procedure of reverse highlighting. In normal highlighting, white curls are simply lightened, and in this case the reverse process occurs. Bleached strands give a different color.

To do this, use two tones of the coloring agent. One for the length of the strands, and the second for the root part of the hair. As mentioned above, it is necessary to choose the right paint and shades, so that the finished result was as harmonious and natural as possible.

Professional hairdressers distinguish three main stages of such a procedure:

  1. Paint selection. This is the main task, because the roots will have to be highlights, and the rest of the hair needs to be colored. Properly selected shades, as well as good quality of the coloring agent will allow to achieve a smooth color and not to overdry the strands.
  2. Directly technology. This type of staining is a rather lengthy procedure. To perform it you need a lot of foil. It is very important to choose the correct width for all strands.

To achieve a really good result, you need a separate attention to each order. That is why backlighting takes so long. In the process, all strands are gradually wrapped in foil and in this state it is necessary to spend 40-50 minutes.

  • Proper care. It is also one of the most important moments, besides, it is best to start feeding hair with masks and other means even before the highlighting procedure. After the procedure, toning shampoos, as well as restoring balms, will help to improve the health of your hair. They will help restore hair beauty and health.
  • Many girls prefer this option, but if you need to correct the results of improper highlighting, it is best to contact the experts.

    1. Before proceeding to the technique of painting you need to prepare a workplace, foil and paint.
    2. A curl is selected, the area at the root is treated with a darker tone, and the rest is a bit lighter. Then the curl is wrapped in foil.
    3. On the next curl, only the root zone is processed. After that, she, too, is wrapped in foil.
    4. Now that the basic principle is clear, the strands must be alternated. Some are processed completely, and others only at the roots.
    5. After the last strand is wrapped in foil, the dye on the hair must be kept for 40-50 minutes.

    With this staining it is very important to control the location and width of the colored strands. Independently carry out such a procedure is rather difficult, because the application of paint on the root zone of the strand requires some skill. Especially many difficulties arise when working on the occipital zone.

    How long does the paint last?

    Since reverse highlighting is a procedure for returning the natural hair color, it can be done 1-2 times, until your native hair grows back. However, given that this technique is a kind of coloring, and, as we know, it is very harmful to the hair, then repeat this procedure should be no earlier than two to three weeks.

    The most frequent mistakes

    To find the best way to fix the hairstyle you first need to figure out the essence of the problem. Shortcomings and errors in backlighting can be very different, and problems should be solved on the basis of their nature.

    So, the most frequent problem is a different indent from the roots, especially if the staining was carried out at home.

    If the line of indents is very noticeable, you can fix it in almost any cabin where good masters work. You will simply be corrected and will maximize the level of indentation.

    Another common problem is the different widths of the colored curls. Correcting such errors requires a bit more effort and cost.But more than that, it can negatively affect the condition of the hair. Usually, you can correct the different widths of the colored curls by repeated procedure.

    It is important to remember that in this case, the curls can be made only wider, so the alignment is done, based on the widest strands.

    Yellow spots on the lightened areas are most often found on dark hair, but with a wrong technique can be noticeable on light strands. Various means will help to get rid of this problem, however their choice depends on the general condition of hair, and also intensity of yellowness.

    Most commonly used:

    • Purple tonic for hair.
    • Tint shampoo light and platinum tones.
    • Organic or ammonia-free colors of light shades.

    In order to eliminate such errors, it is necessary to apply only to professional stylists and hairdressers. They will help to preserve not only beauty, but also the health of hair.

    How to fix a bad color

    Sometimes episodes occur, when the highlighting turned out to be quite terrible, strands of uneven, yellow, and even strange spots near the roots. What to do in this case?

    It is best to completely repaint hair. However, it is not as easy to do as it seems, because, due to the heterogeneity of color, the new color will settle into strands of different shades. How to avoid deterioration of results?

    Rules for the care of curls after the procedure

    After coloring each girl wants to keep the newly-made color as long as possible. This applies not only to fair-haired beauties, but also to everyone else.

    The following tips will allow you to preserve back highlighting:

    1. Nutritious masks, balms, conditioners. They should be used not only after the staining procedure, but also a month before it. These drugs will make the strands more healthy and obedient, and new shades will stay on healthy hair for much longer.
    2. Stop using hair dryer and curling. This should not be done forever, but at least two weeks before the procedure. Do not dry your curls with a hair dryer, do not expose them to other heat treatment, do not even use curlers. It is also advised not to use varnishes, mousses and gels.
    3. Herbal decoctions. If you rinse your hair with natural broths, they will come in shape much faster.
    4. Color fixer. This tool was created specifically to keep the paint longer.
    5. For colored hair. After the procedure of reverse highlighting it is necessary to use shampoos and balms for colored hair.
    6. Avoid direct sunlight. They burn even blond hair, so if you are heading out into the street, do not forget about the headdress under the scorching rays of the sun.

    We hope that these tips will help to keep the color as long as possible.

    Before and after pictures

    Who is and possible contraindications

    When regrown roots do not look attractive enough, then this variant of highlighting is true salvation.

    Consider in which cases you can use reverse highlighting:

    • when enough time has passed, your hair has grown back and you didn’t go to the salon,
    • if most of the hair was brightened,
    • when making mistakes by a specialist: the proportion of the haircut is not met,
    • when you want to change the color or the result of the previous highlighting did not please you.

    This variant of highlighting is suitable for all women. The main thing to use the services of a good hairdresser, who will select the color. They should harmonize with your natural color strands, match your skin color. This is the best highlighting technique because the hair is almost not damaged.

    Reverse highlighting - before and after

    Despite the advantages of this type of highlighting, there are also contraindications to the procedure. Consider the cases in which you need to wait with the reverse highlighting staining technique:

    • Immediately after the last staining with an aggressive compound or a natural substance (henna, basma). Need to wait for about a month a different result of the interaction of dyes will bring unexpected results.
    • Immediately after curling strands.
    • During the hormonal adjustment period, when a woman is in the position of either breastfeeding a baby. It is impossible and during the use of hormonal drugs.
    • After illness, when antibiotics were taken during treatment.
    • If the curls are weakened, damaged, very much fall out.

    Can I do during pregnancy

    Doctors say that such hair coloring should not be performed during pregnancy. But most professionals do not prohibit back highlighting due to the fact that there is no harm to the body.

    Hair coloring during pregnancy is a controversial issue.

    Reverse highlighting - the pros and cons

    The advantages of the technique of highlighting include:

    • gentle effect on the hair,
    • You can fix the unsuccessful clarification,
    • return the initial tone to the strands in a gentle way.

    The disadvantages include:

    • highlighting is carried out for a long time, but it all depends on the length of the hair,
    • at home it is quite difficult to perform such highlighting.

    On dark brown hair

    For owners of this hair color suitable color palette cocoa, wheat, caramel, copper and gold color.

    Back highlighting on dark brown hair

    On blonde hair

    With blond hair is much easier because it does not happen difficulties with the choice of tone. All light colors, blond shades are similar to each other. Therefore, if you accidentally pick a color a few shades darker than the natural hair color, then as a result it will not stand out against the natural color of the strands.

    Back highlighting on blonde hair

    On red hair

    When there is a desire to slightly refresh the natural red hair and make the hair more voluminous, select the colors of honey, caramel and chestnut. To make the image more colorful, you can try bright scarlet tones.

    Back highlighting on red hair

    On gray hair

    With this technique, you can paint over and gray hair. However, the best option would be the salt and pepper highlighting technique. This technique of highlighting is used when the number of gray hair does not exceed 40%.Only this way it is possible to get the predicted result.

    Back highlighting on gray hair

    On brown hair

    Curls of this color is not advisable to intensively paint. Too rapid color transition looks unnatural. Optimal tones of highlighting should be close to chestnut color. Here the best flowers are caramel, wheat tones, nutmeg, creme brulee.

    Back highlighting on brown hair

    On curly hair

    Women who have such luxurious curls are better to refrain from highlighting on painted curls. Color should not be radically different from the natural hair color. As a result, only bad taste will come out.

    Back highlighting for curly hair

    Owners of curls fit more gentle option - an easy transition to a couple of tones from natural hair color. Often owners of curls choose the option of coloring coloring.

    Straight hair

    Reverse staining is used to correct color when highlighting is incorrectly performed. Color should be chosen darker than natural hair. Coffee strands are suitable for women with a warm skin tone. When the skin is cold subtone, you need to choose a smoky brown color.

    Back highlighting on straight hair

    Do I need to wash my hair before highlighting

    The views of specialists differ. Consider the opinions of experts who oppose washing hair:

    • The fat of the scalp protects hair and roots from damage.
    • On impure curls paint falls better.
    • For any staining, paint is applied only on dry curls. Therefore, after washing in order to save time, the curls are dried with a hair dryer. It also causes them additional damage.
    Washing hair before dyeing is optional

    Cost in a beauty salon

    The cost does not depend on the hair color and ranges from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles (length and skill are taken into account).

    Several reviews from popular resources irecommend.ru

    How to make back highlighting at home itself

    This way of highlighting can be done at home, but you should know exactly how to do it. Therefore, without some knowledge, it is impossible to achieve the expected result. And most likely, it is necessary to correct all errors in the cabin.

    Back highlighting at home is difficult, but possible

    For those women who are familiar with backlighting, there is an easy way to dye - the usual direct dyeing with dark strands.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. First of all we dilute dyes, prepare foil.
    2. Take the first strand and process the prepared dye. To do this, use a brush to dye hair.
    3. After dyeing the strand must be wrapped in foil.
    4. Then the strands alternate, 1 is processed entirely in a natural tone, and in 2 only the roots are in a blond. An example of a failed home highlighting. Do not want such problems - contact a specialist

    When performing the highlighting procedure at home, you yourself can control the width and placement of dark strands. The most difficult area for staining is the occipital region, so if you are not sure that you will do everything well, it is better to turn to a specialist.

    Required Tools

    To perform the staining you need to purchase a special set of tools. You can buy them separately. In any case, the set should be:

    • paint,
    • the foil to be cut into squares
    • cap,
    • comb with a fine and long handle,
    • glassware,
    • gloves,
    • brush for applying the product
    • peignoir or towel to cover the shoulders.
    Tools required for highlighting

    What tools are used

    If you decide to refresh your image and give splendor to your hair, it is better to use the technique of reverse highlighting. Before you perform the procedure of painting is to choose the right paint. The specialist is obliged to determine the tone of the root area.

    It is necessary to make a start from the natural color of the strands, to which you need to choose a color a tone or two darker. It is better to buy high quality tools, for example, from Loreal or Estelle.

    One of the options for high-quality paint Estelle for highlighting

    On short hair

    Re-highlighting will give your hair a smooth transition of colors and refresh your hair. Hair will look lush. This is the best option for partial dyeing of short hair - you will spend much less time and money.

    Re-highlighting on short hair

    On medium hair

    Often I use balayazh technique - applying coloring agent with brush strokes in the area of ​​the tips. Curls seem to have a solid clarification. The border between the colors is more pronounced. Hair colors may vary by more than six tones.

    Reverse highlighting for medium hair

    Long hair

    Ombre implies the color of the strands not along the entire length, but exclusively along the horizontal line. The hairstyle is divided into 2 parts. The specialist begins the coloring technique almost from the middle of the curls to the tips. Experts recommend to select the color of the paint, which will not differ from the natural by three tones.

    Back highlighting for long hair

    Beautiful shades and colors

    For reverse highlighting, colors of brown, brown and chocolate are used. The technique differs in that a darker tone is present at the root zone. Therefore, using such a technique of applying paint can significantly simplify further hair care and not perform hair dyeing often.

    Milling in brown Highlighting in light brown Milling in brown

    Hairstyles with reverse highlighting

    Model haircuts are especially needed for those whose curls are not thick. Despite the fact that the caret can visually hide this effect, it is advantageous to emphasize the well-groomed hair is highlighting.

    The combination of colors - natural hair color and bleached strands, or multi-colored will be able to give hair its density.

    For those who wear such a haircut, there are many variations of hair coloring. When the hairstyle is rounded in the form of a cap, it is better to make the traditional highlighting - the hairstyle will be more lush. When the hair is too thin, the strands should not be dyed so that they stand out strongly. This will further emphasize the minus. The best option is to change the color of the direction to the tips to a lighter one.

    When a square is slightly elongated, it is better to perform a simple coloring with an ombre. Strands can be reddish, ashy or coffee tones.

    Hair care after back highlighting

    After the execution of the reverse highlighting technique, it is recommended to take care of the condition of the hair. Specialists in beauty salons recommend using cosmetics for colored strands of the professional series. For the care of colored hair often use a mask.


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