
How often to dye hair: the opinion of professionals


We arranged a real battle and invited two stylists to participate in it. Alexandra Tonkikhstylist-hairdresser studio "Rise", is on the protection of natural color, and its rival - Alexander Kuklev, stylist salon "MilFay City", defends the benefits of staining.

Alexandra Tonkikh and Aleksandr Kuklev

Jennifer Lawrence: natural color on the left, coloring on the right

Alexandra Tonkikh: Your color looks better! It usually proportionally combines cold and warm pigments and always matches your color type. And nature is rarely wrong. Experiments with dyes often lead to the fact that incorrectly chosen color emphasizes the shortcomings.

Alexander Kuklev: Only painted! The composition of modern dyes includes a huge amount of caring components: oils for moistening the structure and proteins that fill the gaps in the damaged areas. And due to the filling of the strands with pigments, the color becomes many-sided.


How often can hair be dyed with ammonia-free paint, as it is absolutely harmless? Indeed, ammonia is safe and in addition to discoloration, it also contributes to hair care and protection. A positive feature of such a product is that it can be painted quite often and at the same time, without causing any damage to its hair. After the first coloring with this type of product, it will be necessary to repeat it no earlier than in a month. In this case, in a month it will only be necessary to tint the roots, without affecting the structure of the entire hair.

Thus, it is possible to tint a head of hair with ammonia-free paint at your own discretion, but not every woman has the financial ability to conduct such an operation even more than once every two months, since the minimum cost of this type of product is 350 rubles.

If, after dyeing hair, it is found that this color was unsuccessful, then re-coloring depends primarily on the type of paint used. So, you can re-produce this process in a few days only with a non-ammonia type of product. Shade at least after 10 days, and all other things not earlier than in a month. The exception is ammonia species, they are not at all recommended to re-make up. If there is no way out, then the gap between the processes should be at least a year.


Watch the video: THE TRUTH ABOUT BOX DYE AND DIY HAIR COLOR. Brittney Gray (July 2024).