
How to make curls from the face - hairdresser secrets


What is a hairstyle, it is clear from the title: beautifully laid curls framing the face. The nuance is that these curls can be different: small, medium or large, they can fall in a wave go spiraling. It is only necessary to determine which type of styling will look most advantageous.

To suit

It would not be an exaggeration to say that curls go all or almost all. But they only need to competently lay depending on the length of the hair and the shape of the face.

The installation guidelines are as follows:

  • chubby girls better to do curls on long or medium hair - short curls can visually emphasize the roundness of the face,
  • women with massive, pronounced cheekbones and a heavy chin will fit large curls or curls along the entire length of the hair,
  • on the owners of fine elegant features and triangular faces will look beautiful curls framing the cheeks and chin,
  • if your face is in the shape of a pear or a trapezium, then light curls fit on your cheeks.

Council On girls with elongated and oval faces, any curls will look good. In their case, it is better to lay the curls with the tips out - this will visually emphasize the correctness of the features.

How to make yourself

If there is no opportunity or desire to go to the hairdresser, it does not matter: this styling can be successfully done at home.

What you need:

  • iron or curling iron
  • spray for protection against overheating (you can buy this spray at a pharmacy or beauty salon),
  • hairbrush,
  • pin or crab,
  • hair spray medium fixation (optional),
  • a little patience.

Stage 1: Preparation

  1. Before winding the hair should be thoroughly washed with shampoo.
  2. After washing, moisten the clean hair conditioner.
  3. Wait until the hair is completely dry or speed up the process yourself with a hair dryer.
  4. Treat each strand of future curls with a special thermal spray. It will protect your hair from the harmful effects of temperature.

Using ironing

What girl will not want to diversify her everyday, business and holiday images with bright ideas? With the help of an iron (or, as it is otherwise called a styler), you can easily turn from a business lady into a romantic dreamer.

The iron is universal and irreplaceable for laying. It will help straighten hair, wind them up or give volume to your hair. Styler is perfect for curling unruly and problematic hair: strands will heat up on both sides, which will significantly simplify the "taming" of the curl.

Note, ironing smooths the surface of the hairs and gives them a soft shine.

Phased Instruction:

  1. Treat clean hair with a protective spray and wait until it is completely dry.
  2. Choose a suitable styler temperature. If the hair is thin and weak, it should be in the range of 120-150 degrees, for rigid hair and normal structure the best mode is 170-200.
  3. If you like the effect of light negligence, then the hair should be twisted arbitrarily in one direction or the other, and the strands framing the face - in the direction from him. It will look as if a hairstyle was disheveled by a light street breeze - romantic, natural and not boring.
  4. It is better to start the curling procedure from the bottom of the hair. In this case, the upper part of the hair must be stabbed at the crown. Separate the hair, select one area and gradually twist one small strand on the iron.
  5. Separate the hair strand by holding it between the styler plates. Holding the tip of your hand, twirl the hair onto one plate, press the other one and slowly pull it.
  6. So gradually wind the whole head of hair.
  7. To curls look tight, wind them with slow smooth movements, to achieve the effect of light curls need to act quickly.
  8. If you need to make curls along the entire length, curl your hair as close to your head as you can. At the same time be careful with the iron and do not burn yourself. If curls are needed only at the ends of the strands, the curl should start from the middle.
  9. Secure the styling varnish (optional). It is better not to buy lacquer with super-fixation and do not overdo it when applying, otherwise the hair will look hard and unnatural.

If you want to comb twisted hair, then it can be done only after it has completely cooled down - otherwise, the curls will unwind and all the works will be wasted. After combing even cooled hair, curls may become just wavy strands - if you like this effect, then everything is fine.

With curling

Curling irons are one of the most popular tools for creating romantic curls, frivolous curls and elegant waves. Curling irons can be double and triple, of large and small diameter, with different coatings and from different materials.

If you opt for this tool, then Choose a ceramic coated curling iron. This material is considered the safest hair condition.

Phased Instruction:

  1. First of all, heat the curling iron. Curls curled not enough hot tool, will not last long. The temperature regime is the same as that of the iron: no more than 160 degrees for fine hair and no more than 220 degrees for ordinary ones.
  2. Make sure the hair is completely dry.
  3. Carefully comb your hair moving from the tips to the roots.
  4. Apply heat shield.
  5. Divide the hair into individual strands. Their thickness must be selected depending on what size of curls you want to get. Rings from thin strands turn out small and elastic, from thick - large and soft.
  6. Place the tool close to the hair roots and start winding the strand from top to bottom.
  7. Keep curling. The holding time of a strand on an instrument depends on its thickness — on average, it is 5–10 seconds.
  8. Similarly curl the whole shock. If you want the curls to look the same, twist them in one direction.
  9. Finished curls can be slightly watered with your fingers - this will make them softer and more fluffy, which will give your hair a slightly tattered and natural look. You can also use a comb with frequent teeth, but only when the curls have cooled completely.
  10. Sprinkle hair with lacquer (optional).

Curls have always been and will be in fashion: this is a great option for hairstyles on a way out or a date, and light curls will fit perfectly into everyday looks.

To create an elegant styling, you do not need to go to the hairdresser's at all: to make curls from the face at home under the power of any girl, you need only a good tool, as well as a little time and patience. But still too often use curling sticks and tongs is not worth it, so that the hair does not lose its natural strength and health.

Learn more about hair curling thanks to the following articles:

Useful videos

Volume curls on the iron.

Curls "from the face" using hair ironing.

Curls from the face using the ironing

Each girl seeks to bring fresh ideas with a touch of individuality to her everyday or festive image. From a business lady it is easy to turn into a mischievous yoke, using a styler (or the name iron, which is common to everyone).

The iron is a universal remedy. With it, you can straighten, curl, shape the volume.
Creating soft curls from the face using the ironing is very simple and at home.

  • Apply heat protection to clean, slightly damp hair. Wait until dry. It will serve as protection against high temperatures, will give shine and durability to the future hairstyle,

  • Choose the optimum temperature setting. For a weak and thin structure - 110-150 ° С, for a rigid and normal one - 160-200 ° С,

  • To achieve the most natural effect, as if the wind ruffled the strands, they must be wound now in one direction, then in the other direction, and near the face. So the hairstyle will turn out not boring,

  • Start at the bottom of the head. Select a section and wind it one thin strand on a straightener,

  • Separate a narrow strand, fix it between the plates. Holding the tip, wind it on one of the plates, clamp the second,
  • To achieve a smooth wave-like effect, it should be twisted with dense spiral movements,
  • Do the same with the whole mop

  • Twisting is performed both over the entire head and just the tips. It all depends on the end result,
  • Fix varnish.

Professional Tips

The average width of the strand is from 1 to 5 cm. The thinner - the more interesting the final effect.

A straightener is used to form structural, living curls of various shapes. These can be large waves, small curls, zigzag, steps or carelessly disheveled.

Curls are best not to comb with a regular comb. Split permissible fingers or comb-fork.

If the hair does not fit well, immediately spray the finished strand with varnish. A more original hairstyle is done with the help of a bump.

Curls from the face curling

Since the time when curling irons or curling irons were first invented, a lot has changed. Creating charming hairstyles at home has become much easier.

A variety of models allows you to choose the necessary and most versatile. There are large diameter, small, conical, double, triple, with different nozzles in the form of round brushes, etc.

Standard forceps can curl large waves, small curls, spirals and rings in retro style.
The versatility of this device is that the length of the hair does not matter. Thanks to a special clamp, you can pick up the tips of even an ultrashort haircut and create a stunning curly effect.

  • Before you start creating a masterpiece, you must wash your hair thoroughly and apply a thermal protective agent over the entire length. Wait until dry
  • Next, comb the strands and distribute into areas: the two temporal zones, the frontal parietal and occipital. Fix the non-working sections with a clip, so it will be more convenient
  • Separate a small order, the width of which is not thicker than the little finger,
  • Fix the heating part under it, grasp the tip and wind the spirals onto the device, fix it with a clip,

  • Keep more than 20 seconds is not recommended. If the structure is too rigid, a duration of 40 seconds is allowed,

  • Gently release the tongs and let the curl cool, then spray it with varnish,
  • Do these actions all over your head,

Who are the curls

It is no exaggeration to say that curls go to everyone, regardless of the length of the hair, oval and facial features. Simply, they are different: small, large, in the form of light waves or spirals. It is important to understand exactly what will be the most advantageous to be combined with your appearance.

We give a few recommendations:

Variants of successful hairstyles with curls on girls with a round face oval

Depending on the type of hairstyle chosen, the tools for creating them are selected, for example:

  • for small curls take thin papilotki or curling iron of a small section,
  • for large - the iron with the rounded-off working plates, big hair curlers-flypapers,
  • for spiral - the same iron or special curlers with a spiral notch, etc.

Let's take a look at some of the fastest ways to make beautiful curls.

How to curl your own hair

"Exciting" hairstyle is always in fashion!

In order for the hairstyle to turn out and hold on for a long time, the hair needs to be properly prepared: wash thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner, then dry it naturally or with a hair dryer, setting it at a low temperature.

Council It is not necessary to dry wet hair with very hot air flow, it destroys their structure, makes it weak, brittle and overdried.

After drying, the hair is combed, disassembled into strands, and each is treated with a thermal protective agent in order to protect it from the negative effect of high temperature. This is a mandatory instruction for when you use heating appliances.

Thermoprotective cosmetics is very diverse, you can choose to your taste.

Use the iron

This device is often called a straightener, but it can be used to twist hair and give relief to the strands. However, this requires a higher temperature than for straightening, so it is desirable to have a device with a heat regulator.

For reference. The optimal temperature for curling 150-200 degrees.
The thicker the hair, the higher it should be.

It is also desirable that the working plates are with rounded edges and not metal, but with a Teflon or ceramic coating. The wider the plate, the greater the curl diameter and vice versa. If the hair is not long enough, it is better to use a narrow styler.

The shape of the curl depends on the width of the plate.

Curls irons from the face are as follows:

  • the device turns on in a network and heats up to the necessary temperature,
  • in the meantime, the hair is being combed, and a part of them from the top of the head is collected into a bun, since the curl should start from the bottom strands
  • the strand is clamped by the iron at the chosen level - just stepping back from the roots, at the level of the cheekbones, etc. The device is perpendicular to the strand,
  • to get a curl, the hair is once wrapped around the straightener, after which it slowly moves down the entire length of the strand,

The photo shows the position of the ironing in action.

  • to obtain soft waves, the strand seized at the roots is wrapped around the styler and pulled vertically upwards, opening the plates at the very tip.

To keep the hairstyle all day, use fixatives either for each strand or after the styling is completed for the whole hairstyle. The resulting curl to save the shape can be put on a pencil or other rod and sprinkle with lacquer medium fixation.

The use of varnish will allow the hairstyle to keep the shape all day.

It is important. You can not comb the curls until the hair is completely cooled after exposure to the rectifier, otherwise they straighten and you have to start all over again.

Use curling iron

For more careful hair styling curling is also better to choose with a ceramic coating.

She is very convenient to do curls on the average hair from the face.

  • The choice of strand thickness depends on how large the curls you want to get: the thinner it is, the smaller and steeper the curls will be,
  • The thicker the strand, the longer it will be necessary to warm it with a curling iron,
  • The hair is clamped at the very tips, after which, rotating the curling iron, they wind it layer by layer or in a spiral,

Spiral wrap

  • It depends on the direction of rotation, curl will curl to or from the face, be careful.

And one more tip: do not save on funds for laying - thermal protection and fixing. Their price is not so high. It is more expensive to treat hair damaged by frequent use of thermo-laying.


Services of stylists and hairdressers are expensive, and you should find time to visit them. And you want to look good every day. Therefore, the ability to twist the curls with which you can come up with a lot of spectacular hairstyles, it is necessary for every woman.

This is not difficult to learn. Need only desire. A study of several well-known methods can be on the video in this article, either by watching the work of professionals or more experienced girlfriends. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments to the article!

Who is suitable for styling with curls from the face?

For such styling, the oval of the face is almost irrelevant, however there are certain tricks:

  1. So, for an oval face, the curls will look no matter where they begin, but when styled on short hair, it is better to curl them outward from the face, otherwise the face may visually stretch, appear narrower.
  2. For a round face, the curls look good on medium and long hair, but curls framing the face should be avoided, as they make it even wider.
  3. For a square face most suitable are large, falling curls, but do not make curls around the chin and cheekbones.
  4. For a triangular face type, it is optimal when the curls begin from the cheekbone line and below.

How to make curls from the face ironing?

To create a curl, an iron is suitable that heats up from all sides and has rounded ends:

  1. Hair combed and divided into strands.
  2. The iron should be perpendicular to the hair strand. Clamp the end of the strand and wind it up on the iron in the desired direction.
  3. Stretch forceps down. The result is a slightly straightened, large curl.

How to make curls from the face of the curling

It is preferable to use curling iron with a ceramic coating, it treats hair more gently:

  1. For winding take small, not thicker than the little finger, strands, otherwise they will not warm up.
  2. The curler is usually used to produce fairly large curls, but the thinner the strand is taken, the smaller and more frequent curls are obtained.
  3. Stand each strand from 20 to 40 seconds, depending on how tough the hair is.
  4. Twist the strand on the curling, usually in a spiral, from the tips to the roots.

Any styling is done on pre-washed and dried hair, possibly with the use of special tools designed specifically for thermosetting. It is necessary to use fixing means after the installation is completed, or in the process, for each individual strand.

Fashionable hairstyles with curls

Owners of curly hair know how hard it is to lay not obedient curls. Using the following tips, you can create original hairstyles, without much difficulty.

After washing your hair, rub your hair with a towel and comb it with a wooden comb with occasional teeth. This type of comb is recommended for girls with curly and wavy hair. The comb does not electrify and scratches well, dividing each strand. After applying smoothing agents on the curls. Allow time to dry and fix with varnish without combing. Curls are universal, suitable for both short and medium to long hair.

To create curls at home, you must have the following tools:

  • comb with rare teeth
  • hair dryer with various nozzles,
  • round comb,
  • curling iron and curlers,
  • styling products.

Fashionable hairstyle curls for short hair

Not only long-haired beauties can afford beautiful curls, but also girls with short hair. Owners of elongated bean and square, curls will give playfulness and beauty to the chosen image.

1. Effect of sea salt. Creating such a hairstyle does not take much time. Spray sea salt on clean, damp hair. You can find it on the shelves in the cosmetics shop, or you can make it yourself. In a spray bottle, mix a glass of water and a spoonful of fine sea salt, add a few drops of hair gel. All components are thoroughly shaken until the liquid becomes homogeneous. Hair dryer with a diffuser to dry hair, lifting them at the roots. To fix a varnish. Such a hairstyle on a summer day to create a casual look, as if it had just returned from the beach. A great option for girls with curly hair from nature.
2. Asymmetry. This style helps to hide the flaws in appearance, softens rough facial features. Suitable for any outfit, looks spectacular with an asymmetric neckline on the dress. A tunic or a T-shirt with a bare shoulder.

To create such a package you need:

  • curl hair curling or ironing
  • secure curls with mousse to fix,
  • place each curl on one side,
  • with the help of a comb or just fingers, shape the curl,
  • and finally, spray with lacquer to fix.

Curl long hair

Curl long hair will need more time and effort. It takes about an hour, but the result will exceed all expectations. Laying curls on long hair looks very impressive. Photo hairstyle will help to create unique and stylish images. There are these types of curls: elastic, small and large.

To create small curls will need:

  • thin curlers (you can take foam rubber, plastic or bobbins),
  • styling foam
  • lacquer medium fixation.

  1. Wash your hair and towel dry.
  2. Well combed and covered with foam.
  3. Separate even strands and wind on wet hair, on curlers.
  4. Give them time to dry for 2-3 hours. For quick results, use a hairdryer.
  5. Gently remove alternately hair curlers, give the desired shape.
  6. To fix the result, using the varnish. Saw means should be closer to the roots. Surface application will make curls visually heavier.

The second option to create small curls

Before going to bed on a slightly dried hair, braid small braids, tie the ends with a silicone rubber band. In the morning, weave it, separate the strands with your fingers. It is advisable not to use a comb if you do not want to get a lush hairstyle. And at will, sprinkle with varnish.
Small curls fit on everything. Girls with a round face is better to abandon them, they will visually enlarge the face. But the ladies with an oval shape can afford to wear afro-curls.

Large curls for long hair

Unlike small curls, large curls are suitable for everyone. There are a lot of methods to wind volumetric curls: on curlers, curling iron, using a round comb.

  • On a round comb, wrap the wet strand from the top and dry it with a hairdryer. The resulting curls sprinkle means for fixation.
  • Large curlers wind on a wet hair, hot rollers on dry.
  • After removal, gently comb the curls and fix with a light spray.

Loose curly hair looks beautiful and impressive. Laying on long hair where large curls in the photo, which are many on the Internet, a great solution for a solemn or everyday style.

With the help of curls, you can create original hairstyles.

Curls in retro style

  1. On clean hair, the entire length, apply firming mousse.
  2. With the help of curling to form a curl in the direction of the bottom top.
  3. Gently pull the strand and hold it in your hands until it cools completely.
  4. Attach curl clip on the perimeter of the head.
  5. Ready curls to comb massage comb.
  6. Remove varnish.

Hair can be decorated with accessories: rim, barrette with rhinestones, fabric or live flower.

One with Bridgie Bordeaux's favorite hairstyles. Suitable for every day, everyone can do it.

  • Comb hair split into two horizontal sections.
  • Secure the upper part with a rubber band or barrette.
  • You can make a bow of hair. Tie the tail, not tightening to the end. The loop is evenly divided into two parts. Free tip gently toss in the middle of the bow. Secure the created membrane invisible.
  • The remaining lower hair, wind on curling. Hairstyle is ready.

Romantic hairstyle got its name in honor of the Gavarnie Falls, which is located in France. Suitable for girls with curly hair. Young ladies with straight hair should be pre-styled. Weave a scythe from the temple, while leaving the working strand free. Continue to weave to the opposite temple. Secure with studs and secure with styling.

In the French braid can be woven ribbon, matched to the color of clothing. You can decorate with small flowers, both artificial and alive.

Ponytail with curlicues

This hairstyle as much as possible opens the face, is perfectly combined with a bright make-up and high heels. Curls will give elegance to the image.

  1. Well comb your hair, apply a strengthening mousse.
  2. Build hair in a ponytail at the crown, or at the back of the head. Tie a rubber band, or hide her hair.
  3. Take a small strand of hair from the tail, and gently screw alternately on the curling.

Washed hair dry slightly, apply foam and distribute over the entire length. On large curlers wind the same width of the strand towards the roots. Dry with a hairdryer and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the curlers and fix varnish medium fixation.
Romantic curls are a great option for a wedding celebration or restaurant.

Stylish styling with ironing

In the absence of a house curling, you can use the iron, they can not only align the hair, but also wind it up. To do this, take a small strand to align it. After twisting it in a tight tourniquet and walking along the entire length with an iron, hold it in your hand for several minutes. Laying spray varnish strong fixation.

Zigzag curls have not lost their popularity for several years in a row. With this hairstyle you can go on a romantic date. Tying tail to go to work in the office.

To create a hairstyle you will need a foil and a flat iron:

  • Divide hair into equal strands,
  • Cut the foil into strips that are equal to the length of the hair and are twice the width of the curl,
  • Wrap the strand with foil, and bend with the harmonica,
  • Press the iron for 5 seconds.
  • After the strand has cooled, remove the foil.

Barbie Stylish Curls

  1. Separate the hair into two horizontal zones.
  2. Apply the foam or mousse, blow-dry.
  3. Starting from the bottom, curl curls no thicker than 3 centimeters. From root to tip. Moving gradually to the crown.
  4. Straighten curls, giving them the correct form.
  5. Secure with varnish.

The benefits of hairstyles with curls

  • Hairstyles with curls are combined with any way, suitable for romantic meetings, as well as for an ordinary walk in the park or a trip to the store.
  • Minimum of tools.
  • Fashionable hairstyles with curls are popular from year to year.
  • Creating such a hairstyle does not take much time.
  • You can make the installation yourself, without any help.

To suit

Hairstyles with curls fit almost everyoneregardless of hair type and face shape. However, this does not mean that curling curls from the face, you can ignore the general rules for selecting hairstyles.

  • A heavy chin and massive cheekbones perfectly mask the falling curls from the face.
  • The sharp features of the triangular face also successfully smooth the elegant curls.
  • Chubby girls can afford such hairstyles, but at the same time they should remember that their hair should be long enough. Otherwise, fluffy strands emphasize the excessive roundness of the face.
  • Girls with an oval face can safely choose any hairstyle. However, in this case there is one trick: if you twist the curls with the tips from the face, then the hair will not hide the ideal proportional lines, but on the contrary, will only emphasize the natural beauty.

Editorial Board

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use.

A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer.

We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems.

We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Modern methods of creating curls

The modern rhythm of life does not always allow using traditional devices for curling curls: curlers and papilotki. Currently, it is much faster and more convenient to make curls with curling or ironing. Moreover, using different technologies, you can create curls of different types.

Hollywood Waves Ironing

This type of curls is distinguished by the smoothness and special elegance of a large curl. The hairstyle maintains the natural dynamics of the hair, creating a lightweight negligence effect.

The use of styling products and ironing allows you to make such a haircut even to owners of curly unruly hair.

Most often, for such a hair, the hair is divided by a side parting, passing approximately at the level of the middle of the eyebrow. Purely washed and combed hair is treated with a special thermal protective agent with a fixation effect.

Beginning from the face, strands 1.5-2 cm wide are separated. The strand rises perpendicular to the headIt is clamped between the plates by the ironing at a short distance from the hair root. The iron rotates 180 degrees in the direction from the face, and smoothly stretches to the ends of the strands. For better fixation, the still unheated strand is clamped until it is completely cooled. Thus all hair is wound.

After complete cooling of the hair, the clips are removed, and the curls are smoothed with the help of fingers or using a soft brush. The finished hair can additionally be fixed with varnish.

By means of harnesses

This method of curling curls is very simple. To cope with it can any girl, even without sufficient experience with the iron.

  1. A small strand is separated from the total mass of the hair.
  2. The hair is treated with a thermoprotectant and twisted into a tight braid.
  3. With the help of the ironing, the strand twisted into a harness warms up along its entire length.
  4. Hair must be completely cool in a twisted form. To do this, the harness can be chipped off with a clip or stealth.
  5. It is better to start work from the face, gradually moving to the back of the head.
  6. It is better to straighten the cooled curls with your fingers, without the participation of a comb.

Using this method, you can create curls with small or large waves.

The thinner the strand will be used for the tow, the smaller the waves will be.

Foil and iron

This way you can create broken curls with different zigzag size. For work, you need rectangular pieces of foil, equal in length to the strands of hair.

  1. The small size strand is carefully combed, placed on the foil, and wrapped in a long envelope.
  2. Next, a strip of foil with a strand wrapped in it is formed by an accordion.
  3. Hair is laid in a similar way in foil over the entire surface of the head.
  4. Ready-made accordions from foil are heated by the iron.
  5. After complete cooling, the foil is removed from the strands, curls straightened with your fingers.

With a pencil

It turns out that an ordinary wooden pencil can also become a tool for creating curls.

To do this, separate the small strand of hair and wind it on a pencil. Warm up the hair, wound on the stationery, between the plates ironing.

How to curl your own curls with a flat iron in various ways is shown in the video.

Curling curling

In the case of using curling to create curls, the size of the curl depends entirely on what diameter has its work surface.

The curl wound on the curling iron should not be too thick, otherwise it may warm up unevenly and the curls will turn out to be unaesthetic.

Twist the strand with curling iron, usually in a spiral, holding the tool. verticallystarting from the very tips.

You can learn some secrets of curling curling by watching the video.


Watch the video: How To Curl Your Hair! (July 2024).