Eyebrows and eyelashes

2d and 3d eyelash extensions


The most complete article on the topic: "compatibility of extended eyelashes and contact lenses" for people from professionals.

The first thing that many of us pay attention to when meeting a person is their eyes. Unwittingly notice their color, depth, expressiveness. Many girls take note of this and in their make-up they focus on the eyes.

Not everyone is endowed with a bright and expressive look from nature. Often it is necessary to resort to the help of decorative cosmetics, permanent make-up, i.e. tattoo, the services of makeup artists. A fairly new procedure in the modern beauty market is eyelash extension. She appeared quite recently, but became very popular and in demand among girls.

Description of the procedure

The procedure for building is that a polyester thread or a bundle of several such threads is attached to each natural eyelash with the help of a special glue. Thus, it is possible to create the effect of thick, long and perfectly separated eyelashes from nature.

The adhesive that is used does not cause allergies and irritation. It is transparent and black. This glue is able to keep the threads on the base from 3 weeks to 2 months.

Threads are completely different lengths, thicknesses and bends. This allows you to create a variety of effects, select the appropriate capacity for each girl.

As mentioned above, the threads can be glued on their own or in the form of beams. Bundles help to increase the volume of eyelashes several times, to make them more dense and fluffy. The same thread, glued to the base, allow you to create the most natural and natural look.

Eyelash extensions and lenses are a very hot topic. Not all girls have perfect vision. Many use tools such as contact lenses. Such representatives of the fair sex often wonder: is it possible to increase eyelashes, if you wear contact lenses? It is necessary to answer this question in detail, to make out all the precautions and rules for the care of eyelashes when wearing lenses. Are tools such as eyelash extensions and contact lenses compatible?

History of the procedure

In order to most consider the procedure and answer the question whether it is possible to increase eyelashes, if you constantly wear contact lenses, it is worth considering its origins.

For the first time to transform the eyelashes with the help of artificial materials became Max Factor. He used for such procedures thin fringe. But she had a lot of flaws. Near fringe looked very catchy and unnatural. The material was worn only a few days, it was used only for some important events. Due to the fact that the procedure was completely new and unknown to anyone before, it cost a fortune.

In the 50s of the 20th century, some Japanese developers associated with the beauty industry used the Max Factor technique, greatly modernizing and improving it, to create a technique of eyelash extensions for eyelashes. It was a real sensation in the fashion world. We used high quality polyester materials, resin glue, which did not cause allergies, looked very natural and were worn for several weeks. To this day, this technique is very popular among modern girls.

In the following video you will be able to get acquainted with the information on whether it is possible to increase eyelashes if you wear contact lenses:


But there are some contraindications to this procedure. These include:

  • Developing inflammatory and infectious processes associated with the eyes.
  • The presence of allergic reactions to the components of the adhesive or polyester.

Do not recommend to build eyelashes and those girls who have sensitive eyes, often rub them or sleep face in the pillow.

Among such contraindications to capacity, there is no wearing of contact lenses. So, girls with vision problems can wear artificial eyelashes. But it is worth considering some rules that will help avoid complications.

Rules for wearing eyelashes and contact lenses

There are several rules that will help to avoid complications and increase the time of wearing eyelashes when wearing lenses for vision:

  • Before the extension procedure, remove the lenses and put them in a special container with a solution. Proper use of materials and professionalism of the master can prevent complications when wearing lenses. But during the procedure a small amount of glue can get on the mucous eyes. This may cause slight irritation. To avoid clouding of the lenses in this case and their interaction with foreign substances, remove them in advance.

  • After you have extended your eyelashes, make a more accurate procedure for putting on and removing lenses. Try to affect artificial material as little as possible. Otherwise, the term of his socks can be reduced several times.
  • Try to choose more gentle solutions for storing lenses with a soft composition. They are not capable of dissolving glue. Thereby, you can increase the period of wearing artificial threads.


So, we answered the questions whether it is possible to increase eyelashes in lenses and whether lenses with extended eyelashes can be worn. Now it is worth considering the main recommendations of specialists in the care of extended eyelashes. Their observance will help to significantly prolong the life of polyester yarns.

Limiting the effects of water on the eyelashes

Immediately after the procedure, you should not wet your eyelashes or wear lenses. These procedures can be carried out only a day after gluing artificial materials. This is due to the fact that glue based on resin dries for a long time. It will take more than 20 hours until it is completely cured. Any impacts, especially water or other liquids, will cause the threads to fall off or change their position. The result of work in a few hours will be spoiled.

Waiver of some cosmetics and procedures

Give up cosmetics, which include oils. Do not use fatty cream and serum on the skin around the eyes. This is due to the fact that oils can dissolve the glue on which artificial beams are held. Eyelashes will disappear, large bald spots will appear on the eyes. They make it look very unnatural and sloppy.

Refuse within a few days after the procedure from visiting baths and saunas. High temperatures can have a major impact on the life of the yarn. Do not steam your face at home.

Try not to use waterproof mascara. Regular mascara can be used, but often it is simply not necessary. Eyelashes are long, separated and twisted. It is better to refuse completely waterproof mascara. Its removal causes many negative consequences. Means for removing waterproof makeup contain a large amount of high concentration oils. This leads to the complete dissolution of the glue, which keeps artificial eyelashes.

Limitation of mechanical impact on the eyelashes

Try to have the least mechanical effect on the eyelashes. Do not rub them with your hands, try to choose a sleeping position so that the eyelashes do not touch the pillow. Otherwise, they will lose all their bend, become “crumpled” and unattractive. Friction of the eyes with the hands simply tears off the artificial materials along with the natural base.

Finally, before building up, be sure to conduct a test with a master on intolerance to the materials used during the procedure. With the formation of burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations, it is better to abandon the buildup.

See also: The most frequently asked questions about the extension eyelashes (video)

The eyelash extension procedure is becoming more and more popular. It greatly simplifies the application of everyday makeup, making the look expressive and attractive without makeup. Before you decide on the first build-up, many girls think about it, and is it possible for everyone to resort to the procedure, will it not harm their eyes?

Lenses are not a direct contraindication to eyelash extensions.

Stop building up

There are no direct contraindications for eyelash extensions. But is it still possible to increase eyelashes - if you wear lenses or have vision problems?

Experts do not recommend the following categories of people to resort to the procedure:

  • having chronic inflammatory processes of the eye, including infectious,
  • susceptibility to allergic reactions of various kinds,
  • wearing contact lenses
  • lovers sleep face in the pillow and rub your eyes.

Artificial material in itself makes the eyelid heavier, and the components used to build them, especially glue, can aggravate the inflammatory process or cause an allergic reaction, if there are prerequisites for this.

Also contact lenses and eyelash extensions can exist together. But due to the fact that the lenses need to be systematically removed from the eyes, thereby constantly pulling the eyelashes, their duration is significantly reduced. And inflammatory processes can be aggravated by the use of artificial materials.

The extension procedure has become so popular among our girls not so long ago, but the history of the appearance of the technique goes back to the beginning of the 20th century. The first in the world false eyelashes created the Hollywood makeup artist Max Factor in 1927. The first material then became a fringe, which was attached to a thread and was attached to the upper eyelid.

Max Factor, photo of a make-up artist who first invented false eyelashes

The material was incomplete, as near the eyelashes looked unnatural, they were worn for a short time, and the procedure was very expensive. A new surge of popularity occurred in the 50s of the last century. But most of all with its technology, Japan was surprised by the fact that at the beginning of the XXI century there appeared the technology of beam buildup, and a bit later the one game. As a result, these techniques are successfully used today.

Question answer

Many women are concerned about the following questions:

  • Is wearing eyelashes harmful to eyesight? Proper use of materials will not harm the eyes, but if a lot of glue was used and it gets into the eyes, and accordingly irritates the mucous membrane, this can lead to problems with the eyes. And also if the hairs are enlarged from the wrong angle, they will fall into the viewing angle and interfere, which can affect the reduction of vision with prolonged use,

Building is better to entrust a specialist with experience.

  • Is preliminary preparation necessary? No, training is not required. All that the master does before starting the procedure is to clean your eyelashes well from dirt, dust and sebum,
  • Is it possible to increase eyelashes with lenses? It is possible, but it is undesirable or at the time of wearing artificial eyelashes should be abandoned lenses. Or, otherwise, the validity of the bulk material will be significantly reduced,
  • how long will the effect last? The lifespan of the extension material depends on many factors, on how quickly your own eyelashes grow, as the artificial ones do not fall off on their own, but along with theirs. Also on the quality of the glue and the skill of the specialist. As a rule, an average correction is required in 3-4 weeks,

Correction is a necessary procedure, as your own eyelashes are regularly updated.

  • how long can you walk with artificial cilia? If they do not bring discomfort, you can use artificial hairs constantly, taking breaks of several weeks every 3-4 months to let your own rest. Individually, you can walk with them for 6-9 months, but still for the best recovery of your eyelashes, it is recommended to remove artificial every three months,
  • Is it true that when shooting, they also drop out? Each hair has its own cycle of life, time comes and it falls out, and a new one grows in its place. In order to prevent injuries of your own eyelashes, you should remove the bulge not with your own hands, but with a specialist, using special tools,

The special preparation used by the master is able to remove the accumulated fibers without difficulty and consequences.

  • is building up a costly procedure? The price depends on the class of the salon, the skill level of the specialist and the materials used. It can vary in different limits,
  • Is it possible to additionally use mascara? The use of carcasses is not prohibited, but, as a rule, there is simply no need for this. Also, the use of mascara reduces the service life of artificial eyelashes, since it is not recommended to touch them once again. Additionally, the hairs should not be curled, the master does this even during the procedure with the help of fibers of different curls,

Additional perm is not required.

  • Can I go to the pool, sauna or swim in the sea water? Such procedures slightly shorten the life of the extensions, but they are not prohibited. If you do not rub your eyes and gently use sunscreen during tanning and do not dive in salty and chlorinated water problems will not arise.

Useful tips

Specialists have developed instructions for the care of the extended eyelashes in order to extend their service life.

Following such recommendations, artificial hairs will delight you with their presence longer:

  • after the end of the procedure it is not recommended to wet the eyes for 2-3 hours, so that the resin, which is part of the glue, is better able to grasp,
  • For eyelids, you cannot use a greasy cream, as it negatively affects glue and gradually dissolves it,
  • you can not rub your eyes, and you should wash as carefully as possible,

Rub the eyes is not recommended!

  • within two days after the procedure, you can not visit the baths, saunas or use steam baths for the face,
  • if you still need to use mascara, do not use water-resistant, as for its removal from the eyes requires special tools on an oily basis, which entails the loss of artificial hair,
  • you should not sleep face in the pillow, since the hairs are deformed and fall off faster or do not look aesthetically pleasing,
  • To make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the materials, experts recommend to increase several hairs and leave for a few hours. If during this time there is no redness, burning, swelling of the eyelids, itching or other signs of allergy, you can continue to carry out the procedure.

For a good effect, you should responsibly choose a master.

Eyelash extensions are a popular and successfully used procedure in different countries. Restrictions on its use are minimal, even girls who have to use lenses can indulge themselves with artificial eyelashes.

But it should be borne in mind that in this case, the cilia can be a little less, because of the need to additionally touch the eyes. You will learn more important information about eyelash extensions and their effects on the eyes from the video in this article.

And if you have any questions or comments - tell us about them in the comments to the article.

Natalia Posted on 02/25/2016

If you want to thank, add a clarification or objection, ask the author a question - add a comment!

In the first 12 years of the new century, the contact correction industry has achieved such significant successes, thanks to which the 21st century has become the era of compatibility and balance between the contact lens, the care system and the eye itself. Read about our most important achievements in recent years.

  • Compatible contact lens and eye properties
  • Compatibility of eye properties and care products
  • Compatibility of the properties of solutions and lenses

For the first 12 years of the new century, the developers of contact lenses and care products have achieved notable success. If you look at what the contact vision correction industry has done in the 21st century and what it can now offer to the consumer, it will become apparent its significant progress towards the main goal - achieving an absolute balance between the three components: the contact lens, the care system and the eye itself. To effectively accomplish this task, it is necessary to solve a number of problems associated with deposits on the surface of the lenses, with a feeling of dryness of the eyes, with an allergic reaction of the user to the components of the solution, etc. In other words, achieving the desired balance is reduced to the issue of compatibility of the properties of contact lenses and care between themselves and with the properties of the eye. In this article, we will discuss the development of manufacturers in these key areas, we can consider the 21st century as an era of compatibility and balance in contact vision correction.

Compatible contact lens and eye properties

The compatibility of contact lens and eye properties suggests that the lens material will not cause toxic-allergic reactions in the patient, threatening not only comfortable wearing of contact lenses, but also eye health. Let's look at specific examples of how successfully these requirements are taken into account in modern contact lenses.

Acuvue Oasys silicone hydrogel lenses from Johnson & Johnson Vision Care meet 100% of the cornea's oxygen demand: their oxygen transmission rate (Dk / t) is 147 units. The surface of these lenses has a high degree of smoothness and moisture, which is achieved through the use of technology Hydraclear Plus. The listed properties of Acuvue Oasys lenses contribute to their safety and user comfort during the entire period of wearing. One-day toric lenses 1- Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism of the same company provide the same high degree of comfort to patients, in the manufacture of which the unique Lacreon technology is used.

The new Pure Vision 2 HD silicone hydrogel lenses with Bausch + Lomb high definition optics are highly compatible with eye tissue. They provide a natural level of oxygen access to the patient’s cornea. Pure Vision 2 HD is packaged in blisters with a unique solution that promotes increased comfort when wearing lenses. The design of these lenses eliminates mechanical damage to the cornea and eyelids: they have a thin rounded edge, thereby achieving a soft, smooth transition from lens to conjunctiva. Pure Vision 2 HD lenses are capable of correcting spherical aberrations of the eye in the entire dioptric range.

CIBA Vision also offers users modern lenses that provide comfort, safety and high quality of vision. Thus, in the manufacture of silicone-hydrogel lenses planned replacement Air Optix Aqua, Dk / t which is 138 units., An improved moisture system is used, significantly increasing the wettability of the lens surface and its resistance to deposits, resulting in improved comfort for users. And for the newest development of the company - silicone-hydrogel lenses for Dailies Total 1 daily replacement - the gradient moisture content is typical: the moisture content inside the lens is 33%, and on the surfaces it reaches 80%. Due to this feature Dk / t lenses Dailies Total 1 is 156 units.

In Russia, PremiO silicone hydrogel lenses are available to consumers, in which the manufacturer, Menicon, has managed to perfectly balance such important indicators as Dk / t and moisture content: they are 161 units. and 40% respectively. The use of a special hydrophilic monomer in combination with a unique surface treatment made these lenses comfortable, physiological, and resistant to dehydration.

Cooper Vision's Biofinity Silicone Hydrogel Lenses from Planned Replacement also possess the necessary Dk / t characteristics for compatibility of the lens and the eye, equal to 160 units, the optimal elastic modulus and high moisture content (48%). The combination of these properties was achieved due to the inclusion of silicone material in the lens material (comfilcon A), consisting of long molecular chains, which not so much is required for the effective transmission of oxygen as ordinary silicone. For users with astigmatism, the toric analog of these lenses is provided - Biofinity Toric.

Silicone-hydrogel lenses for monthly replacement of Maxima Si Hy Plus, designed for daytime wear, also have a high Dk / t (138 units) and an optimal elastic modulus and moisture content (33%). Due to its special optical (biaspherical) lens design provides users with high quality vision. Thanks to plasma processing, the ultra-smooth surface of the Maxima Si Hy Plus lenses is achieved. Made of modern material lotrafilcon B, they are resistant to deposits and are well suited even to patients with symptoms of dry eyes.

Modern silicone hydrogel lenses are also in the range of contact vision correction products of the VizoTeque brand (company MPG & E) that have recently become available on the Russian market. We are talking about VizoTeque Supreme lenses, in the manufacture of which the manufacturer was the first to succeed in tightly attaching a hyaluronic gel to their surface. The buffer solution contains hyaluronic acid, whose long-chain molecules are mixed with the base material of the contact lens and form a gel coat on it. As a result, the moisturizing properties of hyaluronic acid are maintained throughout the entire period of wearing VizoTeque Supreme lenses.

From the company's products Interojo can distinguish several lenses with pronounced biocompatible properties. Among them are silicone-hydrogel lenses O2O2 with Dk / t = 100 units, a modulus of elasticity of 0.8 MPa, and a moisture content of 45%, which is comparable with similar indicators of contact lenses from leading global manufacturers. Due to its special optical design - High Definition Vision - lenses provide high sharpness and sharpness of view at all distances and at any time of the day or night. The design of the rounded edge ensures good interaction of these lenses with the surface of the eye and with the eyelids. Morning Q55 monthly replacement hydrogel lenses are made from a unique material with biocompatible properties - Baoxyfilcon A. Hyaluronic acid is added to this material along with other monomers before the process of polymerization and molding. These lenses, thanks to the use of such innovative technology in their manufacture, throughout the whole time of wearing, keep the user's eyes moist, providing him comfort and high quality of vision.

Compatibility of eye properties and care products

Compatibility of the properties of the eye and care products assumes that the components of the latter will not cause toxic-allergic reactions in the user and conflict with the natural environment of the eye. At the same time, the care product should be sufficiently effective in preventing infectious and inflammatory diseases, which contact lens wear can cause, and also help to maintain the natural environment of the eye, in particular, preserve the integrity of the tear film when contact lenses are worn on the eyes. Refer to the examples of real products in which the developers have tried to translate all these requirements.

One of the most effective and at the same time biocompatible care products is Bausch + Lomb Biotrue universal solution. Its pH is absolutely identical to that of a healthy person. Biotrue solution contains hyaluronic acid, which serves as a natural lubricant that helps stabilize the tear film and moisturize the surface of contact lenses. High antimicrobial properties of the solution are provided not only by the presence of preservatives in it (polyquaternium-1 and biguanide), but also by the fact that it can maintain protective tear proteins (lysozyme, lactoferrin) in the active state while preserving their bactericidal ability. At the same time, Biotrue dissolves and removes denatured proteins from lenses.

Multifunctional Solo Care Aqua solution from CIBA Vision is also designed to ensure the comfort and safety of lens users. The basis of its functioning is the effect of HydroLock, which is created due to the unique joint action of two moisturizing agents - provitamin B5 and sorbitol. As a result of the application of the solution, dehydration of the lenses is prevented even in a room with low air humidity. Solo Care Aqua uses polyhexanide as a disinfectant, which has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action. In addition, an antimicrobial container for MicroBlock lenses is attached to the solution, the material of which contains silver ions to protect the walls from contamination by bacteria and fungi.

Designed primarily for the care of silicone-hydrogel lenses, OKVision BioTwin multi-purpose solution from Okay Vision contains a unique active component Twin-EdaXyl, which consists of hyaluronic acid (moisturizer) and biodetergent. The latter, penetrating through biofilms, breaks up all the accumulated accumulations of bacteria into small particles. Thanks to him, deposits on contact lenses dissolve easily in water. At the same time, the biodetergent is quite rapidly destroyed in the biological environment, without causing any harm to it. OKVision BioTwin solution is recommended for patients with increased eye sensitivity and allergies to components of other solutions.

In terms of their properties, home care products also have high compatibility with eye physiology. These include Pro Active line products, which include Pro Active All-Purpose Solution and Pro Active Moisturizing Drops. The composition of these funds include succinic and hyaluronic acid. Succinic acid has a modifying effect on tissue metabolism and contributes to oxygenation of the cornea, and due to the presence of hyaluronic acid, which has excellent moisturizing characteristics, the moisture level of the lens surface and the cornea is optimal and constant throughout the day wearing contact lenses.

VizoTeque Pure Crystal Multipurpose Solution (MPG & E) is a versatile lens care product, and at the same time it is perfectly compatible with the aforementioned VizoTeque Supreme replacement lenses, which contain sodium hyaluronate on their surface. The fact is that the solution contains hyaluronic acid in a very effective concentration, and when caring for VizoTeque Supreme lenses, this product helps to preserve sodium hyaluronate on their surface, causing its maximum moisture content. In addition, the VizoTeque Pure Crystal solution was created using a unique technology and contains hyaluronic acid together with allantoin, a powerful moisturizer that, in addition to moisturizing, has a calming and relaxing effect on the cornea.

Compatibility of the properties of solutions and lenses

The compatibility of the properties of the care product, be it a multifunctional solution or a peroxide system, and contact lenses suggests that the care product will effectively clean the lenses from their characteristic deposits: organic (most often protein, or protein, and lipid, or fat) and inorganic. The former are more typical of hydrogel lenses, the latter are lenses made of silicone hydrogel materials *. Lipid deposits contribute to the formation of hydrophobic zones on the surface of the lenses, which leads to a decrease in user comfort.

The problem of compatibility of the properties of lenses and solutions lies in the fact that some of the care products were developed before the appearance of silicone hydrogel lenses and therefore were not designed to combat lipid deposits. However, over time, this deficiency has been eliminated, and now there are many tools, including those listed in the previous section, that are acceptable for the care of all types of soft contact lenses, including those made from modern silicone hydrogel materials.

The bright representatives of the multifunctional solutions in this category are Alcon's “Opti-Free Replenish”, designed specifically for the care of silicone-hydrogel lenses. It contains several surfactants, including poloxamine and citrate, which do not allow deposits to accumulate on the lenses. The presence in Opti-Free Replenish of one of the best preservatives in pharmacy, polyquad, allows this solution to effectively destroy a wide range of harmful bacteria and fungi, while remaining hypoallergenic. This is possible due to the fact that polyquad, having a high molecular weight, does not penetrate into the lens, thereby reducing its toxic effect. "Opti-Free Replenish" also increases the level of comfort when wearing silicone-hydrogel lenses: its unique moisturizing and cleansing complex TearGlyde is capable of retaining moisture on the surface of the lenses for 14 hours.

Maxima Optics Maxima Elite Universal Solution is designed to care for all types of soft contact lenses, including silicone hydrogel lenses. It contains non-ionic surface surfactant RemoPro 1, which provides surface cleaning of lenses. Their more effective purification, including lipid, was made possible by the inclusion of alcohol-based RemoPro 2 in the cleaner solution. Due to the fact that one of the active components of the Maxima Elite solution is Aqua Shield, which besides the lens covers and moisturizes the surface of the cornea, this care product allows you to create a so-called moisturizing shield around the lenses. Maxima Elite also contains the PHMV disinfecting agent, the destructive effect of which applies only to the membranes of bacteria and does not affect the membranes of human cells.

Among the domestic products intended for the care of all types of contact lenses is the universal solution Licontin-NEO-Multi of the research and production company Medstar. It effectively cleans the lenses from lipid deposits, which are primarily characteristic of silicone hydrogel lenses. This is due to the presence in its composition of the surfactant poloxamer. In this case, the solution has a beneficial effect on the cornea: the amino acid taurine contained in it helps protect the cornea from microdamages that are inevitable in the process of wearing contact lenses. The effectiveness of the action "Licontin-NEO-Multi" is achieved with a minimum content of active ingredients.

For the care of silicone hydrogel lenses, solutions based on hydrogen peroxide are also recommended, for example, CIBA Vision's AOSept Plus single-stage peroxide solution. The system is easy to use, however, users need to maintain lenses in it for at least 6 hours - until hydrogen peroxide is completely neutralized. Disinfection and neutralization occur simultaneously. Since preservatives are not included in AOSept Plus, it, like other peroxide systems, belongs to the hypoallergenic category and is well suited for users with increased eye sensitivity and allergy to components of other solutions.

Sauflon Synergi's multifunctional solution also contains no preservatives and is hypoallergenic.It is designed to care for all types of soft contact lenses, because it prevents the formation of both protein and lipid deposits on their surface. The absence of preservatives is replenished in this solution by the presence of a synergistic compound Oxipol of triple action: cleansing, disinfection and hydration. Oxipol acts like a peroxide system. After lens treatment and neutralization, the disinfectant components of the Synergi solution disintegrate into oxygen, salt and water that are useful for the cornea.

So, we have seen that the problem of compatibility of the three components of contact vision correction, which were mentioned in the introduction to this article, has been successfully solved by manufacturers of modern contact lenses and solutions. The developers of these tools are entirely focused on the physiology of the eye and strive in no way to disturb its delicate balance. As a result, even users with increased eye sensitivity and allergies are less likely to experience discomfort and complications when wearing contact lenses, and the 21st century can be more and more confidently called the era of compatibility and balance in contact vision correction.

* More successful removal of lipid deposits from the surface of silicone-hydrogel lenses contributes to their mechanical cleaning.

Alexander Kozlovtsev, "Eyelid", 8/2012

Extended cilia do not stand up to the disturbance of their peace at the moments when you put on and take off the lenses.

Delirium, delirium and once again delirium!

I wear lenses and have never even thought about eyelashes when removing lens dressings, how can they interfere, you wear lenses on your eyes and not eyelashes ...

Nothing prevents, everything is in order.

I myself am a master, wear lenses and always go with a bun. eyelashes - no contraindications, the period of wear from the lens is not reduced!

Advice, as from the master to all clients of this procedure - ALWAYS remove lenses when building.

because even with eyes closed, the lenses will absorb the evaporation from the glue, even from the very best, from which the eyes do not pinch and there are no noticeable evaporations.

If there is no option to remove the lenses at all (there is no container for example), then it is better to drop “systain” drops in your eyes, which will create a protective film on your eyes and will not allow evaporation to get into and settle on the lenses.

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Should I combine the lenses and eyelash extensions?

All women want to look attractive and spectacular, but many people have a question: is eyelash extension compatible with contact lenses? We will try to understand this issue.

There are no medical contraindications for those who wear lenses: you can safely grow eyelashes, but this will have its consequences. Ophthalmologists warn that the combination of artificial eyelashes and contact lenses doubles the eyes, so that if you have poor eyesight, it can affect it.

The second negative factor - the service life of eyelash extensions is significantly reduced. There are several reasons: firstly, the cilia constantly suffer when you take off and wear lenses, even if you do it very carefully. Of course, if you use contact lenses that need to be changed once a month, then the safety of cilia will be higher.

The third negative point is the appearance of the extended eyelashes. They suffer not only from regular taking off and putting on the lenses, but also from the salt solution for them. This solution tends to glue the cilia, and this is definitely a bad influence on their appearance.

If you still want to increase eyelashes, during the procedure, the lens must be removed. Therefore, do not forget to take a special container with you before going to the master.

It is up to you whether to build up if you wear contact lenses or not, but in any case you shouldn’t abuse wearing artificial eyelashes - good vision is much more expensive!

In the rubric Eyelash extensions Tags: contact lenses, eyelash extensions, contraindications

Eyelash extensions and contact lenses ♥ Can I increase eyelashes if I wear lenses?

Good day to all and thank you for stopping by!

I thought for a long time, to increase eyelashes or not, I read a bunch of forums, a lot of reviews. I was particularly embarrassed by the fact that I wear contact lenses daily, and the comments on this subject were very ambiguous.

But still, I decided, I found the master in my area and went to experiment.

I did building 2d, for 900 rubles, at home.

The procedure itself took exactly an hour, it was comfortable to lie down, the master was entertaining by talking.

I went on building in the lenses, and during the process I also did not remove the lenses!

No irritation, redness or anything like that. did not have. After the protective films were peeled off, I calmly opened my eyes and went to look at myself in the mirror. With the lenses, nothing happened, with the eyes, as a result, too.

All day I went content and happy - eyelashes did not cause any discomfort, in front of my eyes I did not feel them at all! The only thing during the first hour seemed to me that they were all the time getting into the review, but this quickly passed.

In the evening I went to bed with a slight nerve. By the way, I don’t have the habit of sleeping face in a pillow, usually I sleep either on my back or on my side, so I didn’t have much reason to worry. But still, we do not control ourselves at night, and therefore I really did not want to wake up in the morning without eyelashes.

So morning. I woke up and immediately ran to the mirror. And I was horrified. A lot of cilia fell. They stuck out between the eyelashes, were just on the face. Here is what I collected from the pillow and bed:

I rushed to take a picture to make sure that the eyelashes were not bald.

Here is a photo of eyelashes immediately after waking up, the cilia on one eye are already combed with a special brush, on the other not yet. In principle, nothing has changed much when compared with what I saw in the mirror yesterday.

I will upload photos every day and show you everything that will happen to your eyelashes.

But if after every night I have the same amount, then in 3-4 days I will return to my normal eyelashes ((

By the way, as for eyelashes and contact lenses. The master was surprised to hear about my doubts, and said that the lenses and eyelashes are not compatible with each other, and, accordingly, it can not cause any problems. I confirm this fact: when removing and putting on the lenses, I don’t touch the eyelashes at all, and this doesn’t affect any reaction to the glue, and nothing like that should frighten you!

As a result, today, 23.11. I had all the eyelashes safely dropped out. And fell out a week ago. In a normal, beautiful state, the eyelashes lasted for about 1.5 weeks before my eyes, which is clearly very little and definitely not worth the money spent. So I will not increase it anymore, and now my primary task is to treat my eyelashes.

Eyelashes fall out with your own! It may initially fall just extra cilia, which are badly mated or just too many for your eyes. But then my eyelashes with my eyelashes began to fall out, so that as a result, my eyes were decently bald and then I would definitely attach a photo.

I do not know what the problem is specifically in my case: whether it is in the master, in my behavior during sleep, or in any other external factors, but for me eyelash extension is a completed procedure that I hardly ever come back to. .

Are eyelashes and contact lenses compatible?

Today, the eyelash extension procedure is popular and every girl would like to have thick and long eyelashes. But the question arises whether contact lenses can exist with extended eyelashes?

Many girls repeatedly ask the question, when wearing contact lenses is it possible eyelash extensions. And whether it will entail a number of problems?

There are a lot of advantages in eyelash extensions and for those who like to sleep in the morning, you do not need to bother with what makeup to choose and not waste time on it. Eyelashes visually change the shape of the eyes. For example, if you choose the right length of hairs, too narrow eyes will seem more open, and too round eyes will look more extended.

But is it possible to increase eyelashes when wearing lenses and what does an ophthalmologist and cosmetologists say about this? Ophthalmologists and cosmetologists refuse to perform the procedure for women who wear contact lenses. And they do it quite reasonably, since the lenses greatly increase the risk of allergic reactions and the development of inflammatory processes. In case of accidental eye contact with eyelash extensions or removal of the eyelashes, the consequences can be dire and irreversible.

But many still do this procedure and do not complain about the consequences, but simply follow the elementary rules. For example, before the procedure, the lenses must be removed and also when removed, so that the glue and fumes from it do not hit the lens. When removing and dressing contact lenses need to be very careful with the eyelashes and hold them as much as possible. Those who wear contact lenses and eyelashes do not see any problems and do not feel discomfort. Over time, the cosmetologists themselves say that the main thing is to follow the rules when removing and building up and to adhere to hygiene and accuracy when wearing.

So the conclusion can be made that contact lenses and eyelash extensions are compatible.

Be always beautiful and healthy. With respect MKoptika!

Safest contact lenses

Frequently asked questions about eyelash extensions

Eyelash extensions are a unique method. allowing you to make your eyes expressive, bright, and look - attractive and alluring. Not a single mascara, even the most popular and expensive, can give such expressiveness to your eyes.

In addition, it is a good solution for women who have sensitive eyes, as mascara can crumble or flow, and also requires constant attention in the mornings and evenings.

We have collected questions about eyelash extension procedures, which are most often asked by girls:

Is the extension procedure safe?

Overall safe. Glue and artificial cilia undergo special dermatological and ophthalmological control, so the risk of causing any harm is minimized. There are no contraindications even for those who wear contact lenses.

The danger may be the incompetence of the master. Often girls in order to save, turn to self-taught masters, taking at home. The consequences of such techniques can be very different.

How long will the lashes last?

The term of wearing cilia all individual. If done correctly, then about 1.5-2 months. By this time, new hairs grow significantly, and the "old" gradually fall out. The cycle of their full growth is several months - during this time the eyelash grows and falls, and in its place a new one begins to grow.

Can I use mascara?

When you increase eyelashes, the need for coloring them will disappear by itself. You will look great without the mascara! However, if you have such a need, then you can do it.

Just do not forget that in no case can not use waterproof mascara! Make-up needs to be removed by means of the content of oils and fats.

What are the contraindications?

In the first place are those who are susceptible to allergic reactions to glue (it was, of course, specially tested, but still). We recommend people sensitive to similar components to test for the reaction to glue only 2-3 cilia. If no reaction follows within a day, then the rest can be increased.

It is undesirable to use the procedure for those who often suffer from conjunctivitis, blepharitis, alopecia.

Is it harmful to increase eyelashes for health?

More likely no than yes. For the procedure, a special cosmetic glue is used that does not cause allergies, besides it does not touch the skin. It is made of resin-based biological components.

Additional components are carbon dioxide, trypsin, propolis, vitamin C. No harm is done to your native cilia either, since artificial hairs, being glued to natural, fall out with them when the lifespan of natural cilia ends.

The only thing that can really harm a natural eyelash is unprofessional gluing. Sometimes artificial cilia is not glued to one, but to several natural ones.

In this case, your eyelash will “grab” two more after it drops out. Therefore, this procedure should be trusted only to professionals.

Can the lashes leave unnatural look?

Again, if everything is selected and done correctly, by a master with good qualifications, then the extended cilia look like relatives. At the same time, if the length is not chosen correctly, or all the eyelashes are of the same length throughout the century, then such a build-up may look unnatural.

The length of the artificial hairs varies from 8 to 15 mm, thickness 0.10 - 0.25 mm. The master immediately before the procedure will help you to determine all the sizes.

What is the most popular extension method?

The undisputed favorite in eyelash extension is the eyelash method. It is also called “Extension by Japanese technology”. In addition, Japanese technology has other names:

  • Mink effect
  • Technique "silk eyelashes"
  • French build-up, Hollywood, glass, with natural silk.
  • Eyelash extensions made of natural hair, silicone.

    What made artificial cilia?

    Loud names - silk, mink, sable, natural hair, silicone - these are just conditional names that serve to attract customers. The harsh marketing of modern times.

    Any doctor will tell you that natural materials have a high risk of allergic reactions and conjunctivitis, so the vast majority of eyelashes are made of hypoallergenic synthetic micro fiber, most similar to natural hair.

    Variants of the procedure

    In order to get the updated fluffy eyelashes and expressively expressive look, you will need special glue, polyester yarns, and the services of an experienced master. Himself the process is of two kinds:

    • attaching to each eyelash its double polyester thread. This preserves the feeling of the natural appearance of the eyelashes with their significant lengthening and doubled volume,
    • sticking not a single thread, but a whole bundle. These eyelashes look much more impressive, and the threads do not stick together and do not tangle with each other.


    IMPORTANT: For the procedure, you should contact a verified specialist. Using poor quality materials or poor handling of tools can have a negative effect on the eyes.

    Pre-specialist thoroughly cleanses the eyes of skin secretions, fat, dust and moisture. Then the special glue is uniformly applied, reliably and quickly hardens.

    When gluing individual threads, transparent glue is usually used, which does not disturb the natural appearance of the eyelashes. This is a composition based on polymer powder, quite comfortable at work, thanks to its liquid consistency, but less durable.

    When choosing a fluffy eyelashes, they are usually glued with black glue to balance with the contour of the eye and create the effect of a light liner. This composition is resin based and may cause allergies in some people, so it should be used with caution. But according to its properties, resin-based adhesive is more durable than polymeric, and does not contain toxins.

    The quality of glue depends not only on the appearance and durability of new cilia, but also on the preservation of eye health..

    Features wearing lenses after

    Wearing lenses with extended eyelashes safely, provided sufficiently careful handling. But during the procedure itself, the lens is recommended to remove. The reason for this is the use of liquid glue by the master, some of which can get on the mucous membrane and the surface of the eye. So it comes into contact with the lens, can fall under it, which will cause a sharp pain, and also ruin the body of the lens.

    When wearing contact lenses further, two things can become problematic:

    • the daily process of putting on and removing the lens is a risk to touch the eyelashes every time, which reduces their service life,
    • contact of falling particles of glue with the mucous membrane of the eye and the body of the lens - when using quality materials, the risk of this is very low.

    Also of great importance is the use of hypoallergenic glue. A double load is formed on the eyes, and any risk of irritation must be reduced. A properly selected glue has a lower chance of reacting with the polymer surface of the lenses and the means to care for them.

    Even bloggers make videos about whether you can do eyelash extensions, despite the fact that you want to wear lenses?

    IMPORTANT: You also need to carefully approach the choice of solution for the care of lenses and eye drops. These products can damage the polymer surface of artificial eyelashes or react with glue.

    In this way basic eyelash extension safety measures can be given in the form of a short list:

    • remove the lenses during the procedure,
    • use only high quality materials
    • contact an experienced and trusted specialist,
    • use hypoallergenic glue,
    • carefully remove and put on the lenses,
    • choose a gentle care product.

    The professionalism of the master and a careful approach to the choice of materials will make wearing the lenses together with the extended eyelashes safe. The only consequence may be a reduction in the service life of the eyelashes - inevitable touching them while wearing the lenses will reduce the fixing strength.

    Precautionary measures

    When wearing artificial eyelashes has its own safety rules:

    • do not use aggressive cosmetics - only natural soft,
    • it is undesirable to dye and curl eyelashes - they should not be disturbed once again,
    • when using mascara, you cannot choose waterproof - you cannot remove it without special tools, and they will damage the glue,
    • when washing you can not rub the eyelids,
    • you can not sleep face touching pillows, cover your face with a blanket, etc.,
    • with care to conduct care operations - the composition of the eye mask can react with glue,
    • swimming in a pool with chlorinated water should not be allowed; contact with seawater is also not recommended,
    • be sure to regularly make a correction of the position of the threads with a specialist,
    • You can remove artificial eyelashes only from the master.

    There are a lot of rules, so you should take a responsible approach to the decision and make sure in advance that there is an opportunity to adhere to all prohibitions. If there are permanent habits, the wrong position during sleep, or the habit of rubbing your eyes, it will be difficult to abandon them.

    Possible negative consequences

    Necessary readiness for a negative result - there is always the risk of its receipt, especially if there are contraindications to the procedure.

    Also, low-quality materials and the inexperience of the master can also have a large devastating effect on eye health.

    Unsuccessfully held capacity can lead to the development of allergies, various inflammations, weakening of natural eyelashes and their loss.

    REFERENCE: Despite the lightness of polyester yarns, they still have a weighting effect on the eyelid. Glue also increases the weight of artificial eyelashes. These factors affect the muscles of the eyelid, causing an accumulation of fatigue and a deterioration in the appearance of the skin.

    Prolonged wearing of polyester yarns without providing sufficient rest to the eyes can lead to skin fatigue, the development of chronic irritation, thinning of natural eyelashes. It is recommended to rest your eyes at least once every two to three months for several weeks.

    It is better not to wear linings on a regular basis, but to carry out such an operation periodically - for example, on the occasion of a festive event.

    Is it possible to increase the eyelashes in the lenses

    Doctors say that eyelash extension does not affect contact lenses and the procedure is allowed to be carried out. Artificial eyelashes do not affect the eyes and do not lead to deterioration of vision. It is advised to wear glasses at the time of wearing eyelashes, which is associated with a reduction in the duration of the action of artificial hairs. The negative effect on the visual function appears if the hairs are not enlarged at the right angle and they get into the eyes, preventing good vision. It is important to carefully consider the choice of the master, who must take into account the situation and select high-quality materials that will not cause irritation of the mucous.

    Features of building when wearing lenses

    Manipulation is simple, but requires care and caution from the cosmetologist. To increase the cilia with contact lenses should be as follows:

    • Remove contact lenses and place them in a container.
    • On natural cilia to apply the remedy with a degreasing effect.
    • Under the lower eyelid, put a glue patch or silicone pad.
    • Artificial hairs are applied alternately with tweezers.

    If the client has lenses, it does not prevent her from choosing the length and necessary volume of hairs. Master advises how long it will be more comfortable to wear contact means for improving eyesight and glasses. After the procedure, it is not recommended to immediately put on the lenses - the solution may lead to the instantaneous disappearance of several hair extensions. Premature donning often causes an allergic reaction and inflammation.

    Eyelash and eye care

    Eyelash extensions with contact lenses require attention and caution. In order for artificial cilia not to “crumble” quickly, vision problems do not aggravate and the eyes do not become inflamed, you need to follow the rules for care. To extend the lifespan of hairs, follow these measures:

    • Wear and remove contact lenses with extreme care. It is recommended to minimize the effect of artificial materials on hair extensions. Do not touch the eyelashes with your fingers and foreign objects.
    • To select solutions for the storage of contact eye products with soft components. The gentle liquid in which vision enhancers are stored is less likely to dissolve glue. There is a chance to increase the life of the cilia, and the girl is more likely to be able to wear them for more than 2 weeks.
    • Limit the effect of water on the eyes. To wet and put on means for improvement of sight in 24 hours after cosmetic procedure. This is due to the long drying of the adhesive solution, which is attached to artificial hairs. The influence of any type will lead to the fact that they disappear or change their position.
    • Do not use some makeup. Under the ban are cosmetics, which included a variety of oils. It is not recommended to wipe the area around the eyes with serum, which can get on the eyelashes and dissolve the glue. They will disappear and there will be gaps in the row.
    • Discard the mascara. It is not necessary, and water-resistant means a negative impact on the state of the eyelashes and falls on the lens.

    Laminating features when using lenses

    Lamination makes the look more expressive, and minerals have a beneficial effect on the cilia, positively influencing their growth. Poor vision and wearing of means to improve it is not a contraindication to the procedure. Laminated hairs do not affect the vision and do not spoil the mucous membrane of the eyes. When manipulating, means for improving vision are removed and, in contrast to building, after lamination it is allowed to wear them immediately. Without fear they are removed daily, without fear of damaging the laminated hairs. It is forbidden to wet unnatural hairs on the eyelids on the first day after the procedure. If you have questions and concerns about the safety of such cosmetic procedures, before conducting them, consult your doctor and assess the ratio of the possible risks with the desired result.


    Watch the video: 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D Eyelash Extensions- What are they? TINA TRIES IT (July 2024).