
Shatush for short hair - we give our appearance modernity and style


Such a procedure as shatush for short hair is one of the most rare and complex. But if you can still find a master with sufficient qualifications, the result will exceed all your expectations.

The procedure implies one of the variants of highlighting, due to which darker shades of hair gradually turn into light.

This procedure has many benefits., among which:

  1. If the master has done the coloring correctly, then the hairstyle will look natural due to the correct selection of colors, a smooth transition of colors and randomness of the colored strands.
  2. Using the same procedure You can achieve the desired amount of hair with its lack.
  3. Face after staining looks younger and fresher.
  4. Makes a short hairstyle more stylish and beautiful.
  5. Coloring can occur not all over the head of hair, but only on one of its parts. For example, during the painting, you can use only the front strands or just the bangs.
  6. Unlike conventional highlighting, Shatush does not require constant correction, and the procedure can be repeated only after several months.
  7. If the dye to keep the natural hair color, it will become more deep and rich.
  8. Paint can be applied regardless of the type of hair. So, shatush equally well suited girls with dry and greasy hair.
  9. Hair is minimally damaged.

Important! If you are allergic to ammonia, you can always use natural henna or less toxic tint.

Types of shatush for short hair

There are many variants of the procedure, however The classic version is divided into two subspecies:

In the first case, the hair is divided into several thin strands. Each of them performs a pile, thanks to which it turns out a smooth transition of colors from darker to lighter.

However, the true masters of their craft can easily do without a pile. To do this, shading is performed using a bleaching agent, properly applied to the hair.

Another name for such a technique is an open technique, since it is carried out with a brush or manually. As for the lightening agent, it is prepared for each client individually, depending on what result she wants to get.

Coloring cost

The price of the procedure will vary depending on the number of selected colors, hair length and many other factors.

Of course, coloring at home will cost you less than in the cabin, however, you can hardly perform the technique without a fleece yourself.

The average cost of the procedure, depending on the city and the level of the salon, varies from 5 to 9 thousand rubles. For example, somewhere in the region, the procedure will cost you a minimum cost. But in the capital, the price will be the maximum, but at the same time the level of coloring at height.

The pros and cons of staining

This procedure has its advantages and disadvantages.. To the first can be attributed:

  1. The possibility of dyeing hair, the number of gray hair which reaches a third of the hair.
  2. Photos on the stars and simple girls shows how natural the hair looks after the procedure.
  3. Thanks to staining does not need to be updated monthly, preserves the health of the hair. As already mentioned above, the master can be visited only once every few months. As for the smoothly growing roots, they absolutely do not spoil the appearance of the hairstyle.
  4. Pleases and versatility hairstyles, as Shatush can be “adjusted” for almost any type of hair and appearance.

Despite so many advantages of the procedure, she has her ownlimitations.

  1. Despite the fact that the procedure is considered gentle, it still causes a little harm.
  2. The procedure is primarily intended to emphasize the naturalness of the hair, and not to change the image. Therefore, if you want drastic changes, it is better to turn your attention to other equipment.
  3. Since this type of coloring is quite common and is loved by many of the fair sex, they are unlikely to surprise anyone.

No matter what, all these shortcomings are rather subjective, and therefore The procedure is considered ideal for those who wish to emphasize their natural beauty.

Color selection

On very short hairstyles, it is unlikely that shatush can be used - just not enough length. But here there is an opportunity to experiment with a bang - it is enough just to choose the right colors. But if you have a bob, bob bob or bob with lengthening, then it is quite possible to use this technique.

Attention! As for blondes, everything is more complicated here. The master when choosing a bright color, first of all, should focus on the undertone of the skin.

On light

Especially beautiful on the bright head of hair looks "platinum blond" or pearls. Of course. The effect will be little noticeable, unlike dark hair, but then the curls will get extra shine, and the hairstyle will become more dynamic and lively.

It is quite another thing - light blond hair. They can use colors such as milky with the element of nacre, the color of wheat and the color of gold.

Ideas of harmonious and stylish dyeing using the shatush technique for light and blond hair can be found on our website.

Unlike blond hair, the palette for dark hair is many times more extensive, because here you can use all the milky and coffee shades, as well as the color of honey, amber, bronze and titian.

Special expressiveness of a head of hair can be given with the help of red shades, but for this you should have an ideal tone of face. Autumn type - this is what best combines red color.

As for bright brunettes, their ideal is coffee and chocolate colors, but sometimes you can experiment with more juicy options. - for example, with eggplant or cherry. If you want to give black color a special expressiveness, then pay attention to ashen or platinum. And since mostly natural brunettes have a winter color type, preference should be given to cold shades.

Features of staining

The main objective of this procedure is to obtain a smooth transition of colors from darker on the roots to lighter on the tips. In this case, the foil, in contrast to the usual melirovanie, is not used, and the clarification is carried out preferably in the fresh air.

Most often, a smooth transition is achieved due to the hair of the head; however, the true masters of their work can do the coloring even without a hair brush, using a normal brush or even hands.

Council In order to make the hair look as natural as possible, the strands are colored unevenly, and then they are further toned.

Dyeing technique for short hair

In order to perform the procedure, You need to acquire the following tools:

  • several colors. It is desirable that they have different shades,
  • crest,
  • paint brush
  • special gloves for working with paint,
  • In some cases, a tinting agent may be necessary to achieve an optimal effect.

Hair coloring consists of the following steps:

  1. Hair with a comb divided into several strands.
  2. All strands are fixed with special clips.
  3. Each strand comb hair comb, without which you can not do at home, if you want to get the most natural version of hair.
  4. The composition should be applied sweeping, but uneven strokes. In this case, the darkest shade is applied to the roots, then in the middle. A lighter color is applied, and the lightest shade is applied to the tips.
  5. Do not hold the paint for too long. To get the most natural effect, 20 minutes is enough.
  6. After time, my hair shampoo.
  7. If desired, the hair can be protonated at the last stage.

It is desirable that the coloring was as natural as possible. therefore you should not have too much contrasts.

Features care after staining

After the procedure, follow the recommendations:

  • Since the hair is exposed to a slight, but still stressful, after dyeing, it is advisable to choose hair care products designed specifically for hair that has been highlighted,
  • in that case, if after the procedure the hair became too brittle, give preference to cosmetics with silicone - it will create a protective sheath around your hair,
  • Do not forget that your hair constantly needs nourishing in the form of masks,
  • when washing your hair after shatusha, remember that water should not be too hot.

The procedure of dyeing using the Shatush technique makes it possible to make the hair more lush, to give its appearance modernity and style. However, you should always remember that this procedure first emphasizes natural beauty, and therefore if you want sharper changes, then you better pay attention to other painting techniques.

Useful videos

Blondor application technique.

Shatush technique.

What is shatush

Shatush is one of the most popular dyeing techniques, which is to lighten with a smooth transition to darker shades. In this case, the dye is applied to strands of different thickness, retreating a considerable distance from the roots. Due to the fact that it is painted about half the length of the hair, you can repeat the procedure about 1 time in 3 months.

Most often such staining are curls of medium length or longer. For short shatush can only make an experienced master.

Features shatusha for short hair

Shatush is a technique that allows you to change the shade, but the color will remain more natural. If you have to dye short hair, the result will not be the same. The difference will be much more visible. Therefore, if you have short hair and you certainly want this way to change color, then it is better to contact this professional. But just keep in mind that the result will be different from the photos in which this technique is presented.

To suit

Most successfully, this method of coloring looks on those who, by nature, have light shades, such as light brown, blond, and brown-haired. But those who have darker colors will suit one of the varieties of shatusha - Californian highlighting. And of course it is best suited for long and medium hair.

Also, this technique is chosen by women who already have gray hair. But it is suitable only for those whose gray hair occupies no more than 30%.

Shatush will also help add some volume to the curls if they are naturally thin and not very thick.

Shades palette

So, the shades for him may differ. It all depends on the source color:

For the shatusha of light and blond hair, the following shades are best suited:

  • pearl,
  • wheat,
  • beige,
  • ashen,
  • walnut,
  • caramel,
  • golden.

Dark hair fit the following shades:

Shatush on light and dark short hair

For those who have dark hair, you can choose shades for coloring a little lighter than the original color, about 2-3 tones. Then the result will be more natural.

Blondes can experiment with colors and choose darker colors.

For those who have blond hair, you can perform shatush with both light and dark dyes.

How is performed

Coloring on this technique is performed in two ways. You can do before applying paint bouffant, and you can without it.

What is necessary:

  • paint - 2-3 packs, depending on the number of selected shades,
  • tinting agent as necessary
  • paint brush
  • hairbrush,
  • gloves.

Hair preparation

It is necessary to prepare a head of hair long before this day. Approximately 2-3 weeks to complete the following:

  • During the entire preparation period, make masks 2-3 times a week. Nutritious, moisturizing, vitamin, any
  • Also during this period it is advisable to contact to the hairdresser and trim split ends,
  • Wash your hair 2 days before dyeing,
  • On the day of application of dyes do not use different styling products,
  • If the main length needs staining, it is first necessary to color the entire length in the base color. It is possible to start shatush after 1-2 weeks.


Consider how dyeing is done in this technique with a pile:

  1. Comb the curls and select a few strands. The width of each of them should be no more than 2-3 cm,
  2. Now you need to comb each of the selected strands,
  3. Once everything is prepared, you can begin to mix paint or brightener with an oxidizer. If you have thin hair, then you are recommended oxidant 3%, and if thick, you can use 6.9 or 12%,
  4. Next, apply the paint with a special brush on the prepared strands. Apply paint should be retreating from the roots of a few centimeters. You can paint the strands from the middle to the tips.
  5. Carefully apply the coloring composition. Strands on the face can be lightened stronger and along the entire length. This method will allow a bit to refresh the complexion,
  6. Now leave the paint on the time indicated on the package, or look in the process. Everything will still depend on the base color and quality of hair:
  7. After this you wash away the paint you need to apply a tinting agent. In this case, the tool must be well rubbed into the dyed hair,
  8. Tonic should stay about 15 minutesthen it needs to be washed off
  9. Apply a balm or mask after tonic. But only this time you need to hold these funds for about 10 minutes and then wash it off.

The technique of a non-bouffant shatusha differs from the previous one in that it is unlikely that you will be able to do it at home. For this option you need a master's hand.

What colors are suitable

The shades that suit a particular color are listed above. But if you want to completely change the color, then you need to push off from the main color, which you will succeed in and after selecting the shades for the shatusha.

If the coloring is in the warm season, then keep in mind that the sun quickly burn out strands closer to the face. Part of the hairstyle at the back of the head almost does not change its color when exposed to the sun.

Paint for the rod, or rather the clarifier chooses the master himself, who will perform the entire procedure. On your own, you can choose the brand you have long trusted. But if you have not used the clarifier yet, then first do a sensitivity test. Masters in the salons use Estelle, Matrix, L'Oreal and others.

Since during the procedure strands are exposed to clarification, which means they become drier, after they need special care:

  • Replace the usual shampoo and balm with those designed for dyed hair,
  • For dry recommended styling products that contain silicone. They will perfectly protect the curls,
  • Keep making nourishing masks,
  • Try to use the dryer and the straightener for laying less often.
  • Cover your head in the sun, so as not to overdry your hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  1. it is not necessary to maintain staining every month,
  2. the hue change is noticeable, but the transition is very smooth,
  3. suitable for those who do not want to lighten completely because of the existing gray hair,
  4. One of the most gentle ways to lighten curls.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. does not look on short hairstyles,
  2. does not suit blondes, more precisely not so noticeable.

If you want to change, but there is no desire to drastically change the color, then shatush in this case is a great option. But if you still have short hair, then you should pay attention to other methods of coloring.

And due to the fact that part of the hair is exposed to lightening, their care after this procedure will differ significantly from what you are used to. So be prepared to change most shampoos and balms. But the result of professional coloring and proper care you will surely enjoy.

What is shatush?

Shatush involves the use of several similar tones of the same color, which color individual strands in a chaotic manner. As a result, the hair gets the effect of burnout from sunlight. It looks very attractive and creative.

A distinctive feature of this staining technique, is that for its implementation using gentle coloring compositions based on natural organics, it does not cause serious harm to the health of the curls.

Many believe that shatush is suitable only for owners of long and medium hair, but not for short haircuts. This is not quite true.

Shatush technique looks very harmonious on short hair (if they are not shorter than 10 cm), but not on all haircuts. In this article we will tell you which styles of shatush fit certain short haircuts. You will also learn how this procedure is performed for short haircuts, its advantages and disadvantages.

What short hairstyles are suitable for?

It can be immediately noted that for ultrashort haircuts, such as “pixie” and “garcon”, this technique will not work, since it is impossible to perform smooth transitions at such hair length. It is also impossible to apply a similar coloring to the hair, trimmed "ladder" or asymmetrical lines, as it will look unnatural and strange.

Shatush well "will fall" on both the ordinary and the elongated "square." This hairstyle perfectly suits the Venetian and French (mumesh) styles, as they involve the use of tones that are not very different from the main color of the hairstyle, which will naturally look on the general background of hair. Suitable hairstyles of dark and black tones.

Such haircuts as “bob” and “bob-caret” will suit color or zonal styles that involve the use of bright colors.

Exotic looks like an ombre on haircuts "Gavrosh" and "Italian", but only on their long version. Suitable hairstyle red and dark blond tones.

Due to the presence of a large number of different short haircuts, this article lists the most popular ones. Shatush can also be good for other models of short hairstyles, but before carrying out the procedure, the best way to consult with an experienced hairdresser or stylist.

Step-by-step Shatush Technology

Shatush is performed on short hair in two ways: with a pile and without it, on previously prepared hair (for experienced masters). We will consider a simple way - with a pile.

Before proceeding to staining, the scalp must be prepared for this trichologists recommend the following:

  • Begin to take a course from the nourishing hair masks 2-3 weeks before the procedure. This will provide an opportunity to strengthen and saturate them with useful substances and trace elements. Also refuse for this period from the use of various heating devices for drying and styling (hair dryer, curling iron, iron, tongs, etc.).
  • 5-7 days before the shatush, cut the split ends of the master in a beauty salon or a hairdresser.
  • One day before dyeing, do not use styling products (mousses, varnishes, gels, etc.).
  • Do not wash your hair for 48-72 hours before the procedure, this will allow the fatty layer to form on the hair, thereby creating a natural defense against the aggressive effects of some paint components.

Before the procedure of coloring strands, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools.

For this you need the following:

  • Coloring compositions of different tones (the amount depends on the chosen style).
  • Cosmetic brush of medium hardness (optimally 3-4 cm wide).
  • Ware for dilution of paint (for each tone a separate container).
  • Tinting agent.
  • Comb with frequent teeth pitch.
  • Cape on the shoulders and back (you can use any fabric).
  • Protective gloves (polyethylene, rubber or silicone).

Shatush step by step

Step by step procedure shatush looks in the following way:

  1. The coat is carefully combed and conditionally divided into 4 zones: two temporal, parietal and occipital. You need to start from the back of the head, then move on to the parietal part and bangs (if any). The procedure ends with coloring of the strands of the temporal zones.
  2. On the back of the head, one strand is separated and a strong bouffant is produced approximately a little above the middle (closer to the root zone). Then a brush is applied coloring composition to the place of the pile. It is not necessary to coat with plenty, smears should be sloppy, light and chaotic (in order to make a natural transition). After moving on to staining the next strand. So gradually coloring the necessary curls (at the discretion of the master) at the back of the head, smoothly moving to other areas of the head. On the temporal zones can be painted combed strands completely. This will give the opportunity to refresh the complexion.
  3. After applying the coloring composition on all curls, you must wait 25-35 minutes (depends on the initial hair color: for light less time, on dark ones it lasts longer).
  4. After the time, the head is washed using any cosmetic detergent (shampoo or soap).
  5. A little dry the hair with a towel and apply a tinting agent to secure the result. It should be applied to the entire hairline and make a light massage with your fingertips. Tonic should remain on the curls within 10-15 minutes after which it is washed off with warm water using shampoo.
  6. They wipe the head with a towel and allow it to dry naturally (without using a hair dryer or other thermal device).

After the shatush procedure, it is recommended to undergo a course of nourishing masks that will help restore damaged areas of hair.


If you have a desire to bring a part of brightness and freshness into your image, but there is no desire to drastically change the image, in particular, hair color, then the technique of partial coloring of strands - shatush will suit you perfectly.

Otherwise, instead of a luxurious hairstyle you can get a bunch of straw on your head.

Also follow the hairstyle after dyeing shatush. To do this, you should abandon various styling products and shampoos, which contain aggressive chemical elements (alkalis, oxidizers and sulfates). Following the rules and advice given in this article, your hairstyle will delight you and others with its magnificent look for a long time.

What is a staining technique

Looking through photos from the pages of fashionable gloss, ladies often wonder how the masters of hairdressing can achieve such an impressive result in the implementation of the "shatush" technique.

Smooth transition, natural highlights, harmonious selection of color - only a professional can create such effects. He uses all his skill and talent to properly follow the technique.

Dyeing using the technique of shatush requires the specialist to perform the following steps:

  • color selection, dye preparation,
  • division of hair into zones
  • creating bouffant and applying dye on them,
  • lightening composition is distributed by brush through the hair,
  • the wizard visually determines the degree of staining of the order, making the necessary adjustments,
  • the dye is left on the hair for 30-40 minutes,
  • then the paint is washed off, hair tinted if necessary.

When the dyeing is completed, proceed with the installation. This technique is characterized by staining in air, that is, the strands are not wrapped with foil. All you need to have a master at hand is a comb with fine teeth, a wide brush, a dye bowl, clips and protective gloves.

The advantages of highlighting shatush and its disadvantages

Skeptical girls should know that the lack of coloring is only that only a professional image-maker can competently carry it out. Naturally, his services are expensive. The rest of the technique surpasses other known types of staining. It has a set of unique advantages. It:

  • a sparing effect on the hair due to the use of brightening compositions for 2-3 tones differing from the natural color,
  • hair looks beautiful without styling, so you can forget about curlers, ironing and curling,
  • successful and effective masking of gray hair,
  • giving the curls a visual volume due to the skillful placement of color accents by the hairdresser,
  • ease of care for a new color.

What type of hair can be dyed

Shatush - universal equipment. It works great on straight thick hair, gives the volume of thin hair. The good news for girls with curls is the fact that the master can successfully select a technique for dyeing their wavy and curly hair.

Thus, lifeless hair will shine health, lack of volume strands will become textured, and naughty curly curls will no longer complicate the process of daily styling.

However, in order to see positive changes, the master approaches the coloring of each client's beauty salon individually. He carefully selects colors, correctly determines the degree of staining and the time of applying the dye to the curls.

Shatush technique: familiarity with the specifics

There are many hairdressing procedures on the market of cosmetic services with which you can drastically change the image in a couple of hours. However, in the current season in the trend of natural beauty and naturalness. Therefore, girls with short haircuts make bets on shatush. They rarely lose out, because this technique promises excellent results.

Its specificity lies in the fact that due to the lightening of the strand on the head, the master can visually soften facial features, hide the second chin, divert attention from pimples and rashes.

Coloring looks spectacular on dark short haircuts, when the master makes beautiful soft color transitions. However, blondes and brown-haired women will not be disappointed either. For them, the hairdresser will select harmonious light colors with which their delicate image will become even more feminine and more tender.

Subtleties of care for painted strands

Coloring involves minimal care. A girl with a short haircut is enough to visit her master once every one and a half to two months. Such rare visits to a beauty salon are what you need in order to refresh the color and maintain the well-groomed look of your haircut. Shatush is good because it does not spoil the regrown roots and strands that are burnt naturally.

As for the home care procedures, they are limited to the standard set. This is washing the hair with quality shampoo, applying a balm, using masks and fluids.

Duration of staining

Girls who come to a beauty salon with the aim to try a fashionable shatush coloring may be interested in another question: "What time do they need to spend in the barber's chair to change the image?".

Usually it takes the master 1.5-2 hours to apply the brightening compound on short hair, stand it and wash it off. However, this time is approximate. It may increase if the hair is very thick, problematic or damaged.

How to achieve an impressive result

On the Internet you can find hundreds of pictures, which depict beauties with long curls, clarified using the technique of shatush. However, with the right approach to the implementation of the Shatush technique for short hair, it looks no less impressive and stylish.

A refusal from contrasting shades, working on a smooth gradient color transition and selective lightening at the temples and forehead will help the master to achieve an excellent result.

Volumetric living curls, the absence of a contrast transition between the tips and roots, smooth, soft transitions - this is evidence that the work of the hairdresser is done at a high professional level. This result will be glad to see in the mirror every girl who chose shatush over other types of coloring.

Shatush for brown hair: how to find the perfect color

Hair with redhead look perky and flirtatious. However, if the owner of fiery tresses wants to look noble and elegant, then she should try the shatush in the following shades:

  • dark beige
  • titian
  • bronze,
  • amber honey
  • hazelnut,
  • beige,
  • coffee with milk.

These colors will give a short cut texture and excellent visual volume.

How to choose a color for highlighting blondes

If a blonde with a short haircut comes to the beauty salon, the master advises her to try coloring in the style of a scatoop with the following shades of brightening compositions:

  • pearl,
  • platinum blond
  • wheat,
  • ashen,
  • lactic.

These shades will look very natural. This will give the hair dynamic and noticeably refresh it.

Who is suitable for shatush painting?

Short hair dyeing for short hair is suitable for the fair half of humanity who want to look younger, aspire to follow fashion trends and know a lot about modern hairdressing trends. The updated hair color will help them feel more confident, emphasize facial features and advantageously distract attention from skin defects.

Due to the game of glare on the hair, haircut will look amazing. She will surely cause a smile on the face of the girl and attract the glances of passers-by on the street who cannot conceal their admiration.

To add a new color worth nude makeup in natural tones, which goes to all women, regardless of age and build.

As you can see, short haircuts and dyeing of the fleece with a pile can work fine in tandem. Girls who are ready to experiment with their image will appreciate the result in the form of stunning aesthetics of hair, its dynamism and showiness.

Highlighting helps to mask the lack of volume and the presence of thin weakened hair. It fits brunettes, blondes and brown-haired women who wear bob, square and other cropped haircuts.

What is shatush coloring?

Against the background of a universal craving for natural images, this type of painting of the head has become very popular. A soft transition from natural roots to brightened ends looks as natural as possible and can revive a hairstyle. Shatush with brunettes and blondes looks very advantageous. If your color is black, you should not choose too contrasting shades of blond, it is better to look at red, golden or chestnut. Owners of light and fair hair also should not overlook shatush. Playing with dark and light strands brings extra volume to your hair.

Profitable coloring looks at owners of long hair, but a short hairstyle can also be an excellent basis for the technique of shatush. It will return the strands a natural and healthy look, will add extra volume. A small length with this painting will look very impressive, while the hair will have a minimal impact. It helps not to injure them.

Painting on this technique has a number of absolute advantages:

  • Visual imparting hairstyle volume due to the transition from dark to light tones.
  • The dyeing procedure takes a little time.
  • Coloring keeps hair healthy because chemicals do not affect roots and follicles.
  • This option of painting does not involve large financial costs, short hair will not require a double tone, you can use one.
  • If you are accustomed to be painted at home, you can easily do this by studying the basic principles of the shatush technique for short hair.
  • The natural color combination will help you look younger and fresher, perfectly removes gray hair.
  • The result of coloring will remain for a long time, it can be repeated after 3-4 months.
  • The way to change color is universal, suitable for any type of hair.

Shatush on the square

Very effectively in the photo looks shatush on an elongated four of a kind. Experts believe that the longer the hair, the better the result of dyeing will look. A bob with lengthening is a suitable option. However, this option of coloring for the hair is better to choose, if you expect to wear chaotic styling. Choose a color that will not come into strong contrast with your natural. Then you can achieve the desired burnout effect.

Shatush on dark short hair

Looks brighter and more expressive hair of dark shades, painted in technology. Lightening is best done by professional means to get the desired shade. When choosing a paint color for the tips, use the following shades:

Shatush on light short hair

Blondes for shatush for short hair fit the following shades:

The choice of tone for the owners of the strands of blond color should be approached with special care. If you are not sure about the result of staining, it is better to consult a specialist. Since the technique requires dyeing a color that is lighter in color, your hair may not be suitable for it. In this case, you can pick up another option for staining, for example, fraying.

Shatush on light brown short hair

The same shades as blondes should be used by blond-haired girls, as they will enter into a natural combination. Light brown hair can easily be painted at home. The hair absorbs the dye well, so if you endure the paint for a certain time, you can get the desired memorable shade. Pay special attention to the color type of the skin. For light cold colors suitable dyes. Darker skin blends beautifully with golden blond shades.

How to make a shatush at home

The technique of original coloring has 2 options: with pile and without. For home implementation, it is better to use the first one, which is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. The hairy part of the head needs to be combed and a few strands with a width not exceeding 2-3 cm should be selected
  2. Build up selected strips using a comb or comb with frequent teeth.
  3. Dilute the clarifier in a glass container. Apply the resulting mass on the surface with a brush. In the process make smooth movements. Coloring short strands is required to begin, departing from the roots of at least 3 cm.
  4. The paint must be kept for the time prescribed by the instructions, then rinsed with water.
  5. Over the entire surface of short hair, apply a mask or balm with a moisturizing effect, wash your hair in 10-15 minutes.

Photo: fashionable dyeing short hair

The beauty of the idea of ​​creative highlighting of the fair sex can be seen in the photo. Visibility will provide an opportunity to assess how beautiful a particular color of paint in combination with the natural hair color looks, to choose how to tint the strands. It is only important to take a close look at the proposed photos and stop focusing on the interesting interaction of colors.

How to choose the right color?

Having decided on the procedure, do not forget to choose the most beautiful shade. So, on the light and brown hair perfectly fit these tones:

  • Beige,
  • Pearl,
  • Wheat,
  • Golden,
  • Caramel,
  • Ashen,
  • Walnut.

But dark hair is recommended to be combined with such colors:

Lovers of bold experiments, we recommend to look at the brighter shades - fiery-red, crimson, mahogany color. They can be applied to blondes and brunettes. The result promises to be very interesting and unexpected.

As for red girls, they are much less fortunate. First, red hair practically does not fade in the sun. Secondly, even for an experienced master it is difficult to find a shade that is ideal for toning. Experts recommend to stay in colors, a couple of tones lighter.

How to prepare hair for coloring shatush?

Hair coloring in this technique requires a certain preparation, which must begin three to four weeks before the procedure. It consists of several important points:

  • Regularly make masks to improve and restore the structure of the hair,
  • Cut the split ends,
  • Wash your hair for two or three days before staining. You shouldn’t do this later - wash off the protective layer. In addition, the hair is almost always the active ingredients of the shampoo, which can react with the dye composition,
  • Styling tools in this period is also better not to use,
  • If the shatush is performed on dyed hair, pre-dye the hair in the base color. It is desirable to do this with the same master as the highlighting itself,
  • To avoid unpleasant surprises, test for an allergic reaction.

Shatush coloring technique

Shatush coloring is of two types:

  1. With a pile - classic.
  2. Without fleece.

Consider each one of them.

Shatush with a pile

Coloring in this technique is carried out in several stages:

Step 1. Comb the hair and in a random order, select a few fine strands. Their width should not exceed a couple of centimeters.

Step 2. Scallop each of these strands.

Step 3. In a glass dish, prepare a brightener and apply it on combed hair with a special brush. The intensity of the product depends on the thickness of the hair and is selected individually:

  • For fine hair - 3% brightener,
  • For thick hair - 12%.

Attention! Blondes can not lighten hair, and immediately begin toning!

Be sure to back off a few centimeters from the roots or color only half of the entire length. Movement should be soft, smooth. Your main task - to stretch the composition towards the tips. Thanks to the fleece, the clarifier will lie unevenly, which will provide such a stunning effect. If you want to achieve sharper boundaries, do not make your bouffant large. And one more thing - special attention should be paid to the area around the face. This will allow you to get the maximum effect of strands sunburned.

Step 4. Wait for the right time (10-30 minutes - depending on the original hair color and the desired result) and wash off the dye with water.

Step 5. If you like the color of the clarified tips, proceed to the next step. If not, apply a tinting dye over the entire length. For the full effect, remember the hair with your hands, rubbing paint without residue.

Step 6. Wait 10-15 minutes and wash it off with water.

Step 7. Apply a moisturizing balm or mask.

Step 8. Wash your hair after 10 minutes.

Shatush without pile

If the first option can be safely repeated at home, the technique without a fleece is available only to real professionals. This coloring technique requires special skill, as the coloring composition is applied to smooth strands either by hand or with a brush.

Care after the procedure

Deciding to make a shatush for short hair, take care of proper care:

  • Pick up shampoo and conditioner for painted or melirovanny hair. It is advisable to take the funds of one line,
  • If the strands become brittle and dry, use silicone-based cosmetics - such products create a protective film on the hair,
  • Regularly apply nutritional masks (home or professional). Excellent fruit, honey, egg, kefir, oil, as well as herbal decoction,
  • Wash your hair very carefully. Water should not be hot, and at the end, dab your hair with cold water,
  • The effects of heat stacking should be minimized. And even more so you can not use a hair dryer or ironing daily,
  • Do not go to the heat without a headdress - UV harm the hair,
  • If possible, take a course of salon care (keratin masks, lamination or mesotherapy).

See also: what hairstyle to do for short hair?
