
Hairstyles with ribbons


Incredibly feminine hairstyle, based on the reverse French braids. Spit "hoop" can be braided on the instructions below:

1. Highlight parietal and temporal lateral hairs with two parallel horizontal partitions along the contour line of the forehead.

2. Select three strands of hair above the left ear and begin weaving the reverse French braid towards the right ear.

3. Fly the braid to the lower occipital zone, fix the end of the invisible behind the ear.

4. Similarly, braid a reverse French braid from a section of hair along the contour line of the forehead. Start weaving a braid from the opposite side.

5. Secure the end of the second braid stealth behind the ear.

Hairstyle with a scythe "Waterfall"

Waterfall of hair will emphasize their luxury and wealth. Ideal - a combination of this type of weaving with curls. A hairstyle with a “Waterfall” can be used to create an office and romantic style.

1. Select three strands of hair from the vertical parting in the parietal area.

2. Start weaving a simple French braid: put the right strand on the center, put the left strand on the right.

3. Grab a small strand of loose hair on the right, connect it with the adjacent right strand, place it on the center hair and release it, leaving it free. Take instead of her strand of hair of the same width under the weave.

4. Thus, continue weaving to the neck.

5. Gently fasten braid stealth on the back of his head.

6. Similarly braid hair on the other side.

7. Fasten the braid to the back of the head.

8. Create curls with the help of an iron or curling.

Hairstyles with ribbons

Looking through the photos of school years, we observe those same hairstyles with ribbons on their heads on the first graders who created refined and well-groomed images. Now a choice of a huge number of colors and shades of jewelry, which is striking in its diversity: from white, pink and pale blue to bright red, dark blue and brown. Sew ribbons of velvet, satin, nylon and organza.

At all times, luxurious curls were not only the embodiment of femininity, but also gave the status of the owner. So in ancient Greece and Rome, young temptresses created hairstyles with a ribbon on their forehead, emphasizing innocence with light silks, and mature women - high status with stripes of expensive fabric, which they brought as a gift from other countries. Greek hairstyles with ribbons amaze with their grace.

And in the modern world, every woman puts on a fantasy, trying to invent her own unique style. Inviting to the theater or anniversary is exactly the time when you need to look perfect. Creating a solemn image, professionals use ribbons with rhinestones, bows, decorative stones and flowers. Ensure that the colors and textures of accessories echo the range of dress and makeup.

If the hair is stacked, for example, then a wide ribbon can be used as a bezel. It can be considered as the basis of hairstyles with a ribbon on the forehead, as well as a decorative ornament, which gives the hairstyle a lightness and grace.

Hairstyles with ribbons: step by step master classes with detailed explanations. Wedding hairstyle with ribbon

Sometimes, to create a harmonious image, it is necessary to complement the hair with an accessory to match the tone. Multicolored ribbons do an excellent job with this task. A rich palette will allow you to choose a decoration for every taste. What hairstyles with ribbons are, step-by-step workshops and beautiful photos, see our article.

A braid with a ribbon woven into it is the simplest and at the same time original hairstyle. A thin ribbon will make a light accent of the desired color on the hairstyle. Braid with satin ribbon is a great option for both walking and special occasions. The main thing - to choose the right weaving technique and the width of the tape.

Very comfortable hairstyle with braids for active girls. Tight braid will always be neat. This is a very useful property for those who love hats.

There are many ways to weave a ribbon into a braid. Some of them are so simple that even a beginner can make them on their own. Others, more complicated, will require the participation of the master. But the result will be worth it. This hairstyle can be done even for a wedding.

Braids with ribbons better to weave on medium hair or long curls. Short hair just does not have enough length to braid held, and the strands are not scattered.

For interfacing, choose a tape about 1.5 - 2 cm wide. Too thin or thick tapes will wrinkle and twist. Choose a model without a wire frame. He may not lie very well or hurt his head. The length of the tape should be slightly longer than the length of the hair.

Below are two ways to weave the ribbon into a pigtail.

Three strand braid

The easiest hairstyle that is easy to do yourself.

  1. Divide the entire volume of hair into three equal parts.
  2. Wrap the middle strand and tie. Hide short tip in hair.
  3. Put the left strand on the middle, hold it under the ribbon.
  4. Put the right strand on top of the middle one.
  5. Thread the tape under the curl that is in the center. It must pass between the middle and the rightmost strand.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 until you have braided the braid to the desired length.
  7. Secure the end with an inconspicuous rubber band. You can decorate the end with a ribbon bow of a similar color.
  8. You can make a pigtail tracery, slightly pulling the strands during weaving.
  9. Lightly fix the hair with lacquer.

Spit of four strands

A more interesting and complex version. To braid a four-strand braid on your own will require a lot of training. Initially, help is required.

  1. Comb your hair and divide it into four parts.
  2. Attach the ribbon in the middle between the strands, tied by a thin strand of hair. Disguise the tip of curls.
  3. Next, the strands will be numbered from left to right. Throw the first strand (leftmost) over the second and stretch it under the ribbon.
  4. Quarter the fourth (rightmost) strand through the third and pass under the first.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the entire braid is braided. With the right performance, the tape itself will appear and disappear in the right places.
  6. Secure the tip with an elastic band, wrap a tape over the elastic band and secure the tip.
  7. Lightly fix hair with hairspray.

Greek Style Hair

Equally popular are Greek hairstyles with a ribbon around the head. Special gum bands are currently being sold to create hairstyles in the Greek style. But you can do it with tape. This is especially true if you need a bandage of a particular shade. For convenience, sew a small rubber band to the ends of the ribbon. It will stretch, and hiding hair under will not be much more convenient. In terms of functionality, such a tape will not yield anything to ready-made accessories.

Greek women by nature have curly, tough hair. Therefore, before creating a hairstyle curl curls on large curlers. So the hair will look more natural, and embossed strands will make the image tender and touching.

Curls will contribute to the additional volume at the crown. If it seems inadequate, make easy bouffant.

  1. Stir hair at the roots.
  2. Tie the hair with a ribbon.
  3. Pass the side strands under it to the left and right.
  4. Gather the remaining hair together and tuck in the back under the ribbon. Hairstyle is ready.

There is another option with alternate threading of individual strands under the tape.

  1. Thread under the gum from just one edge. Mix the loose ends of the hair with the rest of the curls.
  2. Separate the next strand next to it, and slide it under the gum like the first one. For convenience, you can slightly twist the strands flagella.
  3. Continue similarly on all hair. The result should be smooth rings around the ribbon, and a loose strand of hair on the opposite side.
  4. These free hair can be removed under the ribbon, you can screw it up and leave it to fall curls, you can braid an interesting openwork braid. Choose the option that best fits the image.
  5. You can also weave a ribbon of a similar shade into the braid. How to do it - see above.

Video on the topic of the article.

With the arrival of warm days, you probably want to add extra freshness and lightness to your look. How to do it? One of the simplest and yet elegant ways is to decorate your hair with ribbons.

Choose tapes

Going into the shop of sewing accessories, you can see all the tape splendor. Which ones are right for you? The choice depends on the reason for creating the hairstyle and the stylistic decision of the image: to work, to a party, a date or, for example, to a wedding.

Ribbons of any color and appearance can be used to decorate hair:

Pay attention to the texture and material:

  • in combination with an evening dress - silk or velvet,
  • for brides and romantic girls - lace,
  • The classic image will be complemented with satin ribbons.

Hairstyles with ribbons: bow

So simple and yet multifunctional, the bow has not lost its popularity so far. Being a very feminine decoration, he unobtrusively emphasizes the refinement and tenderness of your appearance.

To create a hairstyle, a ribbon of bright color is chosen, which is in harmony with the touch of clothing or contrast. Different uses can be considered as use cases.

Bow high tail

This approach will add to the image of dynamism and youth entourage, if the ribbon is used in a bright cheerful color.

Low tail bow

This way of decorating the hairstyle is suitable even for a business style, if, for example, a velvet narrow ribbon of a muted dark shade is chosen. The severity and conciseness is emphasized by a non-dull bow with short loose ends.

Bow on the rim

A cute bow on the ribbon, which is tied around the head, will allow you to create a gentle girlish image. And if you like, it is suitable for a pin-up style or a puppet image with a bright pink tint of lipstick on the lips and eye makeup.

Bow on the spit

Naturalness and simplicity can be emphasized by such a feminine hairstyle, like a braid. Decorating braids with ribbons is an old Slavic tradition. Light girlish image, underlined with a silk bow, is suitable for country walks and rest.

Greek hairstyle with ribbons

This installation is suitable for everyday life, and for celebrations. This very feminine hairstyle can be applied even for wedding styling.

Greek hairstyle is a combination of elegance and convenience. With a fairly easy execution you can get a refined hairstyle with hair styled. At the same time you are provided with the romance and relevance of the image.

To create such a hairstyle, you will need a long thin ribbon that matches the color with the outfit. The hairstyle is neat and original. For fixing it is sprayed with varnish.

If you have long straight hair, then babette will be a worthy conclusion to the feminine image. To please you with the result, your hair should be clean and your bangs evenly trimmed.

The tape for this installation is applied at the final stage, wrapping it around the head and tied at the back of the head. Both satin and lace ribbons are suitable for decorating the head. So that the strands are not knocked out, the hair is fixed with varnish.

Spit on four strands

To create such a hairstyle you will need a long thin ribbon, different in color from the shade of your hair. For a start, all the strands are collected in the tail, and then begin weaving with the participation of the tape.

The tip of the braid can be fixed with a tonal elastic band, but it would be even better to decorate it with a flower made of the same ribbon and supplemented with beads and lace.

Entwined tail

For such a hair, hair is collected in a low tail with a rubber band. A long ribbon is applied on the head in the form of a rim, and then the tail is braided along the entire length.

Choosing one of these hairstyles or inventing your own version with ribbons will make you look very romantic. Pay attention to the harmonious combination of styling with the style of clothing and makeup. Please note: ribbons are a feminine accessory that is more compatible with dresses than with jeans.

No wonder it says that "everything new is well forgotten old." Formerly, our ancestors Slavs used different dressings and ribbons to decorate hair. The girls should not have appeared in public without the hair gathered with a ribbon. Although in fact the history of dressings for hair originates much earlier.

Even in ancient Egypt, decorative cords and headbands were tied around the head. The Indians dressings fixed on the head of the crown of feathers. And in ancient Greece and Rome, the headband-band served as part of a very common hairstyle among the female half of the population. In the Renaissance, ladies wore narrow strips of leather and fabric on their heads. In the 20-30s. Twentieth century it was fashionable to decorate with bandages short haircuts. On such bandages, a bow, brooch or feather flaunted on the side. In the 50's and 60's. Narrow ribbons with the help of which women adorned high curly hairstyles with hair and babette were especially popular. In the 70s. in the hippie era, bandages and ribbons were worn around the head, tying loose hair around them. In the 80s. bandage has become a mandatory attribute of athletes involved in aerobics.

To date, hairstyles with bandages, headbands and ribbons are back in fashion. These accessories not only fix the hairstyle, but also serve as a beautiful, effective addition to the image. A variety of hairstyles with bandages allows you to select new hairstyles each time, experimenting and showing imagination. In addition, it should be noted that the bandage is a universal accessory, it fits any hair length and face shape. That is why hairstyles with headbands, headbands, ribbons are used by love, like those of star persons, as well as ordinary fashionistas from all over the world.

There are many varieties of hairstyles with bandages, headbands, ribbons. For example, the Greek / Roman hairstyle, hairstyle in the style of the Great Gatsby, hairstyle in the style of rockabilly, babette, various braids with ribbons, etc. We offer you workshops on creating fashionable and beautiful hairstyles with headbands, headbands, ribbons.

Greek / Roman hairstyle with headband

Among the variety of fashionable hairstyles, a special place is occupied by the Greek (it is also sometimes called Roman) hairstyle with a bandage-rim. This hairstyle looks very feminine and romantic. To make a Greek hairstyle with a bandage, you need to divide the hair into a straight parting, put on a special band headband. Then twist the two front strands into bundles and stretch them under the bandage. Next you need to tuck the remaining strands under the bandage in the direction from the face to the back of the head, spreading them over the entire length of the bandage.

Hairstyle with a bandage in retro style 20-30-ies.

Retro style never goes out of fashion. It inspires world couturiers, famous stylists, starry people and serves as the basis for many talented ideas. The image of a woman in the 20-30s. XX century can be seen in the movie "The Great Gatsby." The hairstyles of those times personified the golden age of Hollywood. As a rule, this is short straight hair or long, laid by Marseilles waves, as an accessory a bandage around the head was used. To create a hairstyle with a bandage in the style of the 20-30s. preferably short hair. But, if you do not want to part with the length of your hair, you can braid the hair from the bottom into braids and tuck them in by fixing the hairpins. To get the characteristic Marseilles wave, you need to apply styling product on wet hair. Then divide the hair into strands, clamp each strand using the hair straightener, slightly turning it down.Then retreat about 5 cm, again pinch the strand ironing, changing direction. The result is a characteristic wave along the entire length of the strand. When the process of formation of waves is completed, you can put a mesh hat on your hair and dry your hair with a hair dryer. Then remove the mesh and put on a beautiful bandage.

Rockabilly style haircut

Hair in the style of rockabilly came to us from the 50s. She is the epitome of healthy adventurism and cheerful mood. Despite the fact that the rockabilly hairstyle looks a bit eccentric, it does not take sexuality and playfulness. Perhaps that is why rockabilly hairstyles can often be seen on pin-up stars. Hair in this hairstyle stacked neat rollers. The main accessory is a wide bandage, tape or scarf, tied around the head. To make a hairstyle with a ribbon in the style of rockabilly, you need to separate the two strands in front, framing the face and twist them from the temples upwards with the help of curlers in two large rolls. Secure the rolls with strong locking tools. Tie a ribbon around your head. The remaining hair can either curl or leave straight. Another way to make a rockabilly style hairstyle is to lay your hair in front of a high roller using a special bagel for hair. Tie a ribbon around the head, and collect the hair in the ponytail at the back of the head or leave it loose.

Hairstyle with a bandage in the style of 50-60-ies.

In the 50's and 60's. in fashionable hairstyles super-volume was especially popular. Famous supermodels, singers and film stars of those years contributed to this fashionable trend: Bridget Bardot, Jean Shrimpton, Priscilla Presley, etc. The skirts, hairpieces and a huge amount of styling tools were used. Babette was very popular - a lush hairstyle decorated with a bandage or a ribbon. To create a hairstyle with a bandage in the style of the 50-60s. you should spray the hair with varnish, whip the strands on the crown with your hands, comb the hair along the entire length. Chignon can be used by placing it under the hair at the crown - this will give the hair more volume. Chignon need to fix the studs. Decorate your hair with a ribbon or bandage.

Ribbon braid

One of the most beautiful and stylish accessories for a braid is the tape. Instead of a ribbon, you can use a bright handkerchief, leather ribbon, beads, etc. Spit with a ribbon will make the image not only more romantic and feminine, but also will allow you not to go unnoticed in the eyes of others. If you choose a ribbon that will create a contrast with the hair color, an effective and original image is guaranteed. To make a braid with a ribbon, tie a long ribbon around your head. Now begin to weave the usual braid of three strands, but using the ends of the tape. Attach the tape under the strands and braid as usual, while the ribbon is woven with side strands.

Decorations in the form of ribbons broke into the female world with great sensation. Even in ancient Greece, a beautiful half, used ribbons and hoops as decorations for the hair. Now this direction of style, for a long time, pleases all the girls of our time. Being a trend for more than one year, haircuts with ribbons won great love and popularity, because every woman wants to try on the image of the ancient Greek goddess. Laying in combination with the accessory makes the girl romantic and mysterious, and the appearance instantly transforms, without a visit to the stylist.

The subtleties of styling, using accessories

  1. If you have a high forehead, the bandage will look good in the middle, if it is low, then it is better to tie the curls themselves or move them to the hairline.
  2. The use of the rim in the hair combined with any clothing, no need to specifically select a particular style.
  3. When choosing color dressings worth considering the color of your hair. Brunettes and red are more suitable headbands of warm shades - golden, brown. Blondes - caramel, red and black color bandages.
  4. If you have an oval face, the ornament is better to wear asymmetrically, if oval, then a wide bezel will fit under the hairline.
  5. When choosing the dressing itself, take into account the hairstyle done. If hair is combed, a narrow bezel is required, if neatly tucked away - wide.
  6. Also select the styling to the type of person. If the styling is not chosen correctly, no matter how you decorate it with ribbons, the result will still not look. Bandages are used for decoration, and not to hide flaws.

Hairstyles with ribbons. Kinds

First, the strands are twisted into beautiful curls, and then the tail is collected. The ribbon is woven into the curls and tied into a bow.

Curls are collected in the tail, and fixed with a rubber band. Together with the oblique weaved ribbon. In this case, it is not necessary to make a fixation with an elastic band; you can fasten it with an interwoven ribbon.

How to perform

Watch the video to make another haircut with ribbons:

The use of ribbons and bandages is not only suitable for creating hairstyles for every day, but also effectively decorate the festive styling option. When choosing a ribbon for a solemn event, keep in mind that it should be in tune with the chosen clothing option. Ribbons with large stones and rhinestones woven throughout the length of the hair look impressive.

This season, as in the past, hairstyles with ribbons are very popular. Besides the fact that this hairstyle is very comfortable for long and medium hair, it is also incredibly beautiful and feminine. After all, whatever you say, and the hair is the main decoration of its owner, and if they are also laid beautifully, then she has no equal in originality.

Topical hairstyles with a ribbon in hair

There are several types of hairstyles:

Much depends on the place and time, as well as the style of your clothes. It is very important that you feel comfortable and at ease with such a hairstyle. After all, sometimes it happens that the wrong choice of tape or hairstyle can distract you from the event, makes you constantly think, for example, of a blooming ribbon or insufficiently fixed curls. Decoration for hair from ribbons has become very relevant when creating wedding hairstyles. They can be the most diverse in the performance and style of weaving. Hairstyles for prom with ribbons are also not inferior in popularity and look very romantic and gentle.

Here's how to do this hairstyle:

  1. Collect the hair in a high bun.
  2. Lightly fluff it to make it a bit careless and light.
  3. The satin ribbon should be tied at the top of the head, and the ends knotted at the back.

Hairstyle for short hair

If you have short hair, this does not mean that you can not create a beautiful hair with tape. Moreover, if your hair is slightly curled, this option is just perfect for you.

  1. Treat the hair with mousse.
  2. Tie a ribbon around your head.
  3. With the help of a hair dryer should be easy and careless styling.
Tape selection

It is very important to choose the right tape when creating hair. She may be:

Often, girls choose such ribbons so that you can tie a hair bow out of them. Some ribbons may have small tassels at the end, which look very nice and elegant.

To suit weaving with ribbons

Spit has long ceased to be considered the best hairstyle for schoolgirls - they look very elegant and beautiful, fit young girls and adult women, lagging together for every day and on special occasions. Want to bring a zest to your usual look? Braid braid with a ribbon is a simple and win-win way to appear with the usual hairstyle, but in a qualitatively new light.

Braids with ribbons are suitable for almost all girls and women. It doesn’t matter if you have long hair or short hair, you work as a free artist or office manager, a hairstyle with ribbons will look very elegant and, just as important, appropriate. It is only necessary to choose the right type of weaving, to determine the width and color of the tape.

Braid braids with ribbons can be long and rather short hair. Just long and medium length curls provide a wider scope for creativity, but this does not mean that you cannot create a small masterpiece on short strands.

Advantages of braids with ribbons:

  1. The ready image turns out not only refined, but also universal - You can create it for work, walking with a girlfriend, a romantic dinner or even a gala evening. No one bothers you to go from ship to ball - that is, to go from work to date with a single hairstyle. After all, ribbons, neatly woven into the hair, look incredibly tender and romantic!
  2. Persistence hairstyles - tight weaving with a ribbon “will last” without problems the whole day (and if necessary, even longer).
  3. Unusual look - Today it is difficult to surprise someone with an incredible hairstyle. At the same time, braids with ribbon weaving always attract attention.
  4. Ease of execution - time is short, and you need to look good, so weaving with a satin ribbon will suit you perfectly. 5-10 minutes in the morning - and a gorgeous image is ready for the whole day.

At braids with ribbons there are many advantages - they look beautiful, they are suitable for any occasion, they practically do not become tattered during the day. By the way, this hairstyle will be perfect under the cap.

Hair preparation and tools

Of course, any hairstyle looks best on clean hair, but if you do not have time to wash your hair, that's okay - so even the braid will be better kept. In general, every craftswoman has her own secrets of persistent beautiful braids. What you have to do for sure is to carefully comb the curls.

Accessories required for weaving:

  1. Tape - color, width, material, type, choose at your discretion.
  2. Laying means are gels, varnishes, sprays.
  3. Thin rezinochki.
  4. Combs - it is desirable to arm yourself with a large brush and a thin comb with fine teeth.
  5. Invisibles, studs, clips.

To weave you need combs, stealth, thin rezinochki and, of course, tape. If you want the braid to hold as best as possible, use means to fix the hair.

Braids for long hair

Do you think that braids with ribbons are very difficult? Nothing of the kind - following our instructions, even an aspiring master will be able to create a real hairdressing masterpiece. Long hair is, of course, the ideal base for weaving. Firstly, they provide a wide scope for creativity, and secondly, on the strands below the blades, the ribbons hold best.

The first version of the hairstyle with ribbon weaving is a four-strand braid. To make it:

  1. Comb your hair, create a side parting.
  2. Separate a thin curl from the left side of the head and tie the chosen ribbon at its base.
  3. Now divide the curl into three identical strands and begin to weave - but not the classic braid, but of four strands. Three strands are yours, from the hair, and the fourth will be the ribbon. Gradually, in the process of weaving, you will need to begin to weave strands in the braid from the sides of the head.
  4. Do the same on the other side of the parting.
  5. Fix braid ends with tapes. Gently pull the weaving wedges.

That's basically it. It remains only to lay out both braids in the form of a flower and fix it with pins.

When weaving remained sticking ends of the bands? You can trim them.

Beautiful on long hair looks classic three-spit braid, but not ordinary, but intertwined with satin ribbon. Also, three-splicing weaving looks very nice with thin multi-colored ribbons. To make this hairstyle:

  1. Comb the hair and divide them into three equal parts, tie the middle one with a ribbon cut.
  2. Put the first strand on the second, then skip it under the ribbon and lay on the third.
  3. Hold the ribbon under the central strand, and then place it between the second and third curls.

When the weaving is completed according to the described scheme, tie the end of the braid with an elastic band. The links of the pigtails are better to release a little (only carefully!) - so it will turn out more delicate and lush.

The third stylish option for long hair is a ribbon braid made from a tail. The principle of creating a hairstyle is very similar to a braid plait:

  1. Tie the tail - it should be tight and high enough.
  2. Draw a ribbon under the rubber band.
  3. Divide the tail into two parts and pull the ribbon in the middle - it will serve as the third strand.
  4. Place the hair between your fingers on your left hand so that each strand has its own separate place, and begin to weave.

Tie the end of the braid with the rest of the ribbon - so the hairstyle will look more tender and beautiful.

Medium length strands

In principle, on the hair of medium length the same types of weaving are used as on long ones - with the difference that the curls are shorter, and the tapes are needed less. Want something special? If your hair reaches shoulders or shoulder blades, braid small tight little Christmas trees. By the way, in terms of durability, this installation simply has no equal!

How to remove dandruff: pharmaceuticals and homemade recipes

More details about haircuts for long hair with bangs, read here.

To perform herringbone-type weaving:

  1. Comb your hair, part it.
  2. Separate the strand and secure the ribbon at the head, separate the strand from it. Then place the ribbon on the strand, under the strand and again on the strand.
  3. To the right of the tape, separate another strand. You will need to hold it under the previous curl. Wrap a new strand of ribbon, lower, and so, until you complete the weaving. Please note that the “herringbone” should be quite tight.
  4. Separate the order in the right part, hold it under the left to the right and wrap the ribbon.
  5. Continue weaving according to the scheme until you have three strands on the left side and four with straightening.

When the weaving is completed, you will need to fix the result. "Herringbone" to do is not as difficult as it seems, but the skill may be required. If the description of the scheme is difficult to understand, watch the video tutorial.

Solemn weaving with braids

Spit - the ideal basis for evening hairstyles. On long hair, complex weaving looks elegant always, and in combination with satin ribbons it turns out to be truly royal.

The basis of the evening hairstyle - the volume, complex weaving and, of course, the appropriate accessories. In the case of braids, you can restrict yourself to a tape or supplement the final result with a comb.

Want to make a stylish evening styling? Try French weaving with ribbon:

  1. Comb your hair and part.
  2. Select three strands at the parting, fasten the tape to the middle one. Secure the end of the tape so that it does not stick out.
  3. Begin to weave the usual braid, but always put the ribbon and left strand under the bottom.
  4. The basic principle of weaving in this case - the tape should wrap around the middle strand. Spit should go from one part of the head to another - you get something like a waterfall.

When you reach the ear from the side opposite from the beginning of weaving, fix the braid with an elastic band. Let the rest of the hair hang down, if necessary, you can curl it a little.

French weaving perfectly completes the fashionable image in the Greek style, suitable for any evening dress, blouse or other outfit. Worth trying.

A good example of creating a braid with a ribbon, see the video below.


Weaving with ribbons always looks elegant, elegant, expensive and solemn. It can be done on any hair, but it is most convenient to weave braids on long and medium strands. Tapes choose to your taste - multi-colored or monophonic, wide or narrow. The hairstyle is suitable both for every day and for special occasions, but remember that the “evening” braids should be more voluminous and lush, they are created using not only braid, but also additional accessories.

Hairstyle "Olympus"

This is very simple hairstyle, Suitable for weekdays and holiday outings.For its implementation, you will need hairpins, hairspray and mousse, curling iron, stealth, satin ribbon, comb.

  1. Apply mousse, comb and curl hair curling in order to give hair volume.
  2. We divide hair with a hairbrush into a straight parting.
  3. We tie a satin ribbon on the head as shown in Figure 6.
  4. Alternately, we pass strands through the ribbon, starting from the left side of the strands near the forehead (Figure 7). It should be noted that we add each successive strand to the previous strand and together we stretch it around the ribbon.
  5. The ends of the hair are fastened invisible.
  6. In the same way, we twist the ribbon with the hair on the right and fasten the remaining tips (Figure 8).
  7. We reduce the force of the hair tension along the entire length of the ribbon, lifting and gently distributing the twist. If necessary, fix the hair with hairpins (Figure 9).
  8. From the ends of the ribbon, we form a beautiful bow, and continue to carefully curl the remaining hair around the ribbon, fixing and hiding the ends of the hair under the hairstyle (Figure 10).
  9. Hairstyle Olympus is ready! It remains to fill it with varnish.

Haircut "Decorative Olympus"

Unlike the previous hairstyle, which is suitable for every day, "Decorative Olympus"Sure to make you irresistible at special occasions. According to the method of implementation, this hairstyle is similar to Olympus, however, there are some peculiarities. You will need two long satin ribbons, hairpins and a flower decoration.

  1. As in the previous hairstyle, the hair is divided into a symmetrical parting.
  2. We fold the ribbons in half and fasten them with tight knots to the frontal strands on either side of the parting.
  3. We twist the hair with a ribbon, alternately adding strand by strand. Keep in mind that the weave on the left side of the parting is clockwise, and on the right side - against it.
  4. From the bottom of the ribbon we connect with each other (Figure 11).
  5. Next, do the same as described in paragraph 8 for the hairstyle of Olympus.
  6. We decorate the finished hairstyle with flowers, and the ends of the ribbon can be left visible, or can be hidden (figure 12).
  7. Fix hair hairstyle.

Nuances of choice hairstyles

A well-chosen ribbon can not just beautify, but also transform the entire hairstyle. As a good dress visually makes the figure slimmer, and the right accessories for the hair make the hair more beautiful.

  1. Thin hair will appear thicker if twisted by a thin ribbon. But wide, on the contrary, will spoil the look, making the strands more liquid. So tapes 3-5 cm wide remain the prerogative of owners of very thick and curly hair.
  2. It is recommended to choose a ribbon to match the color of the hair, but so that it does not merge with them, otherwise the meaning of the decoration is lost. Girls with warm shade of hair will suit coral, peach, red and yellow ribbons, and brunettes, ashy blondes and light brown - blue, turquoise blue. Although in this regard, strict restrictions can not be: it all depends on the color of a particular image. The ribbon will look good with other accessories, but be careful not to overdo it, because the shoes, handbag, varnish, earrings and ribbon of the same color will look tasteless. But colorblocking, fashionable in the last few seasons, is an excellent way out when choosing a ribbon color. Play on contrasts!
  3. However, the tape should not be the only bright spot, the harmonious combination and the color advantageous to the exterior is the key to success.
  4. To create fashionable hairstyles, any ribbons will do, but it is more convenient to use those that slip less (they should not be silk) and do not wrinkle. They are made from flax and satin, organza and velvet. In the latter case, it is important that the tape is not too tight and heavy.

Hairstyle with ribbon: how can it be done?

Now let's look at how to properly make a variety of hairstyles with ribbons:

The technique of weaving of the spike allows you to create a lot of interesting hairstyles of different degrees of complexity, but it is worth weaving colored ribbons into rounded or asymmetrical weaving, as it will become a bright hairstyle. The tape is folded in half and placed underneath the two strands, then the braid is woven, as is usually done, and the ends are crossed with the strands of hair. To tie a bow at the end of the braid, we need a ribbon, which will be a third longer than the longest strands of hair.

This is a simple and effective image for a holiday and for every day. Look beautifully loose curled hair and ribbon, tied around the head. The bow can be positioned in the front side or hidden under the curls. The position of owners of hair that is curly from nature is especially advantageous: they can turn loose hair into an elegant hairstyle with a flick of the wrist.So that the accessory does not slip off, you can fasten it with invisible cars in several places or put a thin plastic headband on it, which will securely fix the hairstyle, but completely hide under the ribbon.

This is a classic vintage look: lightweight top bouffant, wavy strands around the face and hair ends, as well as Malvinka, tied with a ribbon. It looks very touching and romantic, it is impossible to get angry at a girl with such a haircut!

So that this option does not cause inconvenience, it is better not to rely on the strength of attachment of slippery fabric on smooth hair and secure the strands with an elastic band that will not be visible under the tape.

Another example of the immortal classics. A rather strict horsetail in itself turns into a romantic hairstyle, if you decorate it with a ribbon. It can be wide or narrow, monophonic or motley, the only rule is this: make a strong tail with a rubber band, and tie a ribbon over it.

The fashion for a tall and slightly sloppy bunch does not leave us yet. To update the image and add new accents here will help the ribbon: you can freely tie it around the beam and lower the ends of the bow in the back or make a small neat bow in the front or on the side. With a bunch of looks very nice and ribbon-band on the forehead.

This popular hairstyle is impossible without an accessory, although it is more convenient to use not just a ribbon, but an accessory combined with an elastic band. There will be less slip, and the hair will become more secure. So, the ribbon must be tied around the head, but not under the hair, but on top of it. Then, starting from the middle, separate the small strands in turn and carefully fill the tape. The last side strands are tucked in to form a noble hairstyle profile.

How to braid braid "bezel"

If you like an attractive braid "bezel", how to weave it can be found further from the instructions. A very romantic and feminine hairstyle is created on the basis of a combination of two types of weaving - the French braid and “fish tail”. The openwork flower of the hair on the nape perfectly complements the festive look. The following is a detailed instruction on how to braid the "bezel" braid:

1. Select the hair of the upper occipital part with a sagittal parting from ear to ear and slightly lift it: for this, select three strands of hair with horizontal partings and alternately make a little bouffant.

2. Starting from a vertical parting, braid a simple French braid along the contour line of the forehead. Fix the edge of the spit on the back of the head with a stud.

3. Similarly braid the braid on the other side and secure with a pin.

4. Braid the fishtail braid from loose strands. Pull the edges of the braid to make it more voluminous and tracery.

5. Put the flower out of the “fish tail” on the back of your head and fix it with hairpins or stealth.

Lesson weaving braids with ribbon: photo step by step

We offer weaving braids with tape step by step, accompanied by detailed instructions. If you follow all the recommendations, you get a great ribbon braid: a photo lesson will help even novice craftswomen.

This hairstyle looks very elegant not only due to the openwork weaving of braids, but also through the use of ribbons, the color of which depends only on your imagination.

1. Make a side slant. To the left of the parting, separate the thin curl and tie a ribbon at its base (we recommend to take a long one and fold it in half).

2. Divide the hair into three equal parts. Weave a braid in four strands, as one of which will be a ribbon. Number them from left to right (the third strand is a ribbon).

3. Put the first strand under the second and on the third, fourth - on the first and under the third. Now it is necessary to repeat the same actions, adding to the extreme strands of hair. According to our numbering, the strands are now arranged (left to right): the second, fourth, third (tape), first.

4. To the second strand, add the hair on the left and place it under the fourth and third.

5. Add hair to the first strand on the right and place it on the second and under the third.

6. Following steps 4-5, finish the weaving. Reaching the middle of the head, tie the braid 8 ribbon.

7. Braid the braid diagonally in four 9 strands with a ribbon on the other side of the parting. Pull the braid around the edges.

8. Doble first braid. Tie the end with a ribbon. Pull the strands around the edges.

9. Lay out the spit in the shape of a flower and secure with studs. Trim excess tape ends.

Variations of "tape" braid

Rough imagination and indefatigable work of masters have led to the fact that at the moment there are a sea of ​​variants of braids with ribbons. These are intricate four- and five-spit braids, french-variations, heart-shaped spits, baskets, spikelets, openwork weaving. If you understand and practice a little, then the patterns of their weaving will not seem to you tricky and complicated.

Consider step by step how to braid a four-strand braid with ribbon.

  1. Carefully comb the hair and then separate the part of the hair in the frontal part from it. Tie a selected strip of fabric to a thin strand.
  2. The divided part of the hair is divided into three equal parts. Strand with ribbon attach to the central section. The parts are numbered: the left is No. 1, the center is No. 2, the right is No. 3.
  3. Begin to braid the braid according to the traditional scheme, while not forgetting to skip the ribbon between the strands. Next, grab sections 1, 2 and the ribbon to be put on strand 2 with your left hand, while holding the strand 3 with your right hand.
  4. Put a 3-by-2 strand, skip the ribbon between them, so that section 2 and the ribbon are in your right hand. The latter should lie on section 3. Place strand 1 under 3 on the tape, and transfer it to your left hand and place it under section 1, as shown in the photo.
  5. Put a strand 2 on 1 and add in 2 a free bed of hair on the right (in order for the spit to run all over the head). Then put a ribbon on section 2 so that strand 1 and the ribbon are in the right hand.
  6. Get section 3 under 2 and add free hair on the left. It should be a little thicker than used.
  7. Put section 1 on section 3, under which the tape should be at this moment. In hair strand 3, add the hair on the right side and place a ribbon on top.
  8. Strand 2 move under 1 and add hair from the left temple. Catch Section 2 with your right hand and tape with your left.
  9. Repeating the described schemes of action, continue to weave the braid step by step, adding to it the hair on the right and left.
  10. As a result, you should have a braid, the right side of which is inside, and the left - protrudes. To give it a volume, gently pull the strands from different sides. Secure the braid with a rubber band, and tie a ribbon with a ribbon.

We agree, you will have to work hard for the glory, carefully and step by step creating each link. However, the game is worth the candle - the result of your efforts will be an exclusive braid, as in the photo below, which you certainly will not find in your environment!

If we missed something, the video will help you fill in the gaps.

Three-strand braid, intertwined with tape

Three-strand braids with thin ribbons look just as interesting. Despite the seeming complexity of execution, the schemes of their weaving are extremely simple. Let's sort one of them step by step.

  1. Comb the hair and divide it into three parts. Tie a strip of fabric between the second and third section.
  2. Lay the first strand on the second one, skip under the ribbon and place on the third section.
  3. Draw a ribbon under the central part and return it to its original position (between sections 2 and 3).
  4. Play the described operations until you have formed the whole braid. Then slightly release the links, giving your masterpiece a fashionable airiness.

Completion of the actions done will be such an elegant braid.

Weaving braids with ribbons - not such a difficult task, as it seems at first glance. To master the technique of creation with the persistent desire everyone can. But the result of all efforts will be really original hair.

Here are some more interesting video lessons:


Watch the video: Simple & Easy Hairstyles Incorporating Bows & Ribbon (July 2024).