Dandruff Treatment

How to choose and apply shampoo for oily dandruff (seborrhea)? Browse popular brands


Shampoo for oily seborrhea will assist in the treatment of this scalp disease. Cosmetic preparations for seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis are able to eliminate itching, irritation and inflammation of the scalp.

Shampoo is not only detergent and cleansing, but also a healing agent. The composition of these cosmetic products include components that can have a healing effect on the skin of the scalp.

KetokenazoleZn2 +

Shampoo KetokenazoleZn2 + - An excellent choice for eliminating the symptoms of oily seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis. The drug simultaneously solves the problem of hair loss, which is typical for oily and dry form of seborrhea. In addition to the main active ingredient, ketoconazole, the shampoo contains components that strengthen hair roots by stimulating blood circulation in the vessels of the scalp.

When the improvement of the scalp condition is achieved, it is necessary to switch to a single use of shampoo per week. This will ensure the remission of the disease.

Rules of application:

  • wash your hair with a small amount of shampoo on the hair roots,
  • Apply shampoo evenly on moist skin and leave for 5 minutes,
  • rinse with warm water.

In order to save a remedy, for the first time you can wash your head with a usual inexpensive cosmetic preparation or soap.

Shampoo "Mykozoral" has a healing effect and is not inferior to KetokenazoleZn2 + in effectiveness. The drug has a list of contraindications. It is not recommended for people suffering from liver disease, alcoholism, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The method of application is similar to that indicated for Ketokenazole Zn2 +. Frequency of use - 2-3 times a week for 6-8 weeks.

Shampoo "Sebozol" It is considered one of the most effective therapeutic cosmetics for oily seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis.

After the first application, itching is noticeably reduced, the condition of the hair improves. The manufacturer recommends using shampoo for any dermatological diseases of the scalp. How to use: apply to wet hair, rinse through 5-7 minutes. After applying the drug to the skin, a slight burning sensation is possible. It disappears after washing the head.

"Zinc + birch tar"

Shampoo "Zinc + birch tar" is part of the lineup Green Pharmacy. The drug has a pronounced antipruritic effect, has a drying and degreasing effect, qualitatively washes hair and skin. Zinc shampoos are good because the particles of this substance penetrate deep into the skin and immediately begin to have a destructive effect on the cell membranes of fungi. This eliminates the cause of dandruff.

Shampoo is indicated for any form and severity of seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis. Recommended for 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment lasts until the elimination of symptoms of the disease.

Shampoo "Tsinovit" from the company Green Oakwood - an effective therapeutic agent for oily seborrhea. The composition of the drug, except for zinc, the following components:

  • propylene glycol,
  • urea,
  • cocamidopropyl,
  • antibacterial and exfoliating ingredients of natural origin.

Shampoo relieves inflammation and itching, heals skin microcracks, eliminates dandruff. The drug is used in two stages:

  • applied to the scalp and massaged for a minute,
  • wash and reapply, leave for 5 minutes,
  • wash off.

For washing and rinsing use warm, not hot water. The frequency of use of the drug - 2-3 times a week. As a prophylactic agent, shampoo is used once a week for an unlimited amount of time. There are no contraindications. Recommended for children and pregnant women.

Shampoos with natural ingredients

Properly selected complex of natural components can have the same pronounced therapeutic effect as specialized drugs.

Ekoderm shampoo does not contain surfactants, dyes and fragrances. But besides natural components, it also contains synthetic ones. However, this does not affect the quality of the therapeutic effect of this drug. Shampoo is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of oily seborrhea, able to eliminate its symptoms: itching, dandruff, exfoliate keratinized skin flakes.

The manufacturer recommends washing your hair with this tool 2 times a week. Apply the drug on the hair once. Second application is not required.

If the hair is dirty, you can wash your hair with a regular shampoo before the treatment.

"Tar 911"

Shampoo for oily seborrhea "Tar 911" (manufacturer of Twins Tack) is notable for its effectiveness in dealing with the causes of this disease. Part of the tar inhibits the activity of yeast-like fungi, bacteria and microbes. Provides a complex of therapeutic effects that promote rapid recovery. In the composition of the shampoo:

  • Coconut oil,
  • maltooligosyl
  • perfumery composition
  • propyl betaine and other substances.

It is noticed that this cosmetic qualitatively dissolves and washes away fat, regulates its production, but at the same time dries the scalp and makes hair more rigid. Therefore, in the treatment of oily seborrhea with this drug, it is desirable to regularly use emollient and moisturizing balms, conditioners, sprays and decoctions of herbs.

Medical procedures are carried out 2-3 times a week. The shampoo is applied to the hair, massage the head for 1-2 minutes and thoroughly washed with warm water. If this cosmetic comes into contact with the eyes, rinse immediately with clean water.

Pros and cons of shampooing

Dandruff on its own is not a disease, but a clear symptom of a dermatological disease - seborrhea, which is associated with a violation of the sebaceous glands.

The appearance of oily dandruff means that the epidermis does not cope with the amount of sebum produced and flakes from it, as a result - the skin is covered with dead particles, which sypyatsya and cause moral and physical discomfort.

Shampoo for oily dandruff is an effective remedy for cleansing the greasy ducts and getting rid of exfoliated skin particles.

Its advantage is that such a remedy helps to eliminate the appearance of seborrhea.

However, completely get rid of the disease only with the help of shampoos will not succeedThese preparations only prepare the scalp and hair before applying other, stronger and deeply penetrating into the epidermis, drugs.

How to choose the right one?

To choose the right shampoo for oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp is not immediately obtained at all, because the combination of the components in each tool is individual and does not always suit the particular person.

To decide on the choice of the most suitable shampoo, should visit trichologist, get tested and get advice.

As a rule, dandruff shampoos contain ingredients that help reduce itching and flaking, normalize the glands, and remove dead scales. These include:

  • Selenium sulfide - removes scales and slows the excessive regeneration of the dermis.
  • Salicylic acid - dries and disinfects the skin, eliminates the fungus and normalizes the secretion of glands.
  • Cyclopirox - a great and fast-acting antifungal agent.
  • Clotrimazole and ketoconazole - effective against various fungi.
  • Pyrithione Zinc - reduces the likelihood of seborrhea exacerbation, exfoliates and removes skin scales.
  • Ichthyol - anesthetizes and has an antiseptic effect, contains sulfur, which greatly increases its effectiveness.

In addition, there should be at least one vegetable concentrate in the ingredients that really help in the fight against dandruff, for example: chamomile, nettle, licorice, burdock, calendula and others.

Not superfluous will be the content cedar, patchouli, grapefruit or lavender essential oilswhich have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Often in shampoos for seborrhea and harmful chemicals are contained in minimal quantities - they are needed to ensure that the tool does not spoil.

Brand shampoos to help get rid of dandruff

There are several brands of shampoos for oily seborrhea and hair loss, which have a positive effect on the dermis and scalp, eliminating oily seborrhea. The most popular brands are:

  • Biomed. contains lysine (restores hair), hawthorn extract (soothes and regulates sebum), salicylic acid and pyroctone olamine (remarkably eliminates d dandruff). The tool is quite effective and suitable for almost everyone, its only drawback is the high cost - the price of such shampoo varies from 1 to 2 thousand rubles.
  • Soins capillaires klorane - In addition to zinc pyrithione, it contains myrtle extract, which softens the dermis and helps to quickly get rid of the manifestations and causes of dandruff. The shampoo is suitable for most people who have tried it, but it is not cheap - a 20-ml liter bottle will cost 600-800 rubles.
  • Rene furterer melaleuca - zinc pyrithione, which is part of the product, stops desquamation by suspending the speed of cell growth, in addition, the shampoo contains Acetamid, which is a moisturizer that helps cleanse the dermis. In addition, shampoo helps hair restoration and improve their appearance, and also has a lot of other positive actions. But, it is not affordable for everyone - a small bottle will cost more than 2,000 rubles.
  • Vichy dercos - the tool can even rid of the neglected form of seborrhea, it includes a unique blend of ingredients (selenium disulfide and gozil), which relieve the disease for several applications. Reviews of this tool are mostly positive, while its price is relatively not high - a bottle of shampoo costs about five hundred rubles.

Read tips on how to choose the right shampoo for men or women, as well as dry dandruff.

A course of treatment

Treatment of oily scalp seborrhea with shampoo - not a single day. As a rule, it is possible to completely recover from the disease through 2.5-3.5 months, if you use specialized tools at least twice a week.

For prophylactic purposes so that dandruff does not return again, you can additionally use masks, lotions and other means, relieving seborrhea and its manifestations.

For the prevention of dandruff enough to use the shampoo once a week or two.

To quickly get rid of seborrhea and prevent its re-development, you should:

  • eat rationally,
  • pick up shampoo for daily use, which will remove excess fat produced by the glands,
  • monitor hygiene,
  • daily take short sunbathing.

Useful video

Visual instruction on the use of shampoo Rene Furterer Melaleuca:

Dandruff shampoo is an effective remedy that is recommended to be combined with the use of other cosmetics that have an exfoliating, moisturizing and antimicrobial effect.

Choose a shampoo that is right for you, use it strictly in accordance with the instructions and then soon there will be no trace of seborrhea.

Varieties of seborrhea

To date, three forms of the disease are identified:

  1. Dry Appears in the case of hypofunction of the sebaceous glands, as well as a lack of sebum.
  2. Oily. It develops with excessive sebum secretion and hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Mixed Hyper-and hypofunction of the sebaceous glands, which are located on the same areas of the dermis, serve as the cause of the disease.

To solve any of these problems, you will need seborrhea treatment shampoo. It is not recommended to pick it up yourself, because it is best to seek the help of a specialist and buy a really effective remedy.

If we talk about the classic course of the disease, then first appears dry, and after, and oily seborrhea on the back of the head, which reaches the limit of hair growth. If untreated, even smooth skin is affected.

The dry variety has the following symptoms:

  • peeling of smooth skin areas
  • a lot of reddish spots appearing on the affected skin
  • tightened and dry skin
  • dandruff in the form of oatmeal,
  • itching after washing the head.

This stage rarely attracts people's attention. Symptoms are seen as a common reaction to staining, applying a new drug, changing climatic conditions, and so on.

The bold type of seborrhea is distinguished by its symptoms:

  • hair loss,
  • acne
  • oily and thickened skin
  • itch
  • thick / liquid secretion in the affected areas
  • inflammation.

With a mixed type of the disease, the symptoms of the two previous forms appear: the hair becomes dry and thin, the skin flakes off. At the same time, there are changes in other parts of the body: the face, back, neck and chest become shiny and fat, in some cases inflammatory processes occur.


Antiseborrheic shampoo can be purchased only after the diagnosis of the disease. The doctor conducts a whole range of measures to detect seborrhea:

  • patient survey
  • inspection of the affected areas
  • scraping
  • blood chemistry,
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and thyroid gland.

Today, doctors prescribe a different treatment of the disease for adults and children. The methods are applied in combination, which contributes to the speedy recovery. The main methods of treatment are:

  • vitamin therapy,
  • drug therapy,
  • ethnoscience,
  • physiotherapy,
  • use of special shampoos.

All these methods are prescribed by a doctor. Folk remedies and shampoos in no case can not be used without consulting him.

Find the best shampoo for seborrhea of ​​the scalp will help list of leading products presented below. Despite the fact that this tool is selected based on the characteristics of the patient, this product is almost universal. It is suitable for both children and adults.

"Avalon Organics Tea Tree"

Antiseborrheic shampoo for children and adults, which can be purchased for only a thousand rubles, suddenly began to gain popularity in the capital of Russia, which is not surprising. This brand offers customers great products that can cope with almost any problem, and this tool is no exception.

Tea tree shampoo has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial effects. Its main advantage is the successful fight against the fungus, which is considered part of the microflora and manifests itself as soon as problems arise with the skin.

The tool quickly removes the feeling of itching, well strengthens hair follicles and gives the opportunity to quickly say goodbye to an unpleasant situation. It is appealing to both adults and children, so a sharp jump in popularity is quite understandable.

You can buy shampoo at any pharmacy in the city. Although it is sold without a prescription and has no side effects, it is not worth buying it without consulting a doctor. After the diagnosis, the specialist will independently recommend a suitable remedy. Perhaps it will be much cheaper, so it makes no sense to spend money on an expensive product.

This antiseborrheic shampoo has both positive and negative reviews. It is worth noting that the number of second significantly less, but still they are.The only downside often noted by buyers is cost. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to spend that amount on shampoo. Although this tool is quite effective, so its price is quite consistent with the functions performed.

Of the benefits, people note a pleasant aroma and quick action. In addition, buyers are pleased with the absence of allergic reactions to the components of the anti-seboric shampoo.

Often in their reviews, customers indicate that one bottle is enough for the entire course of treatment. Despite the high cost, some people are still willing to spend this money on such an effective means, because it is guaranteed to give a positive result, which is rarely available from cheaper means.

Antiseborrheic shampoo "Mustela", which costs 500 rubles, is an innovative effective tool that gently affects the structure of the formed crusts and separates them from the skin. The shampoo contains no components that can destroy the acid-base balance of skin cells.

The tool was created to strengthen the lipid mantle, which acts as a natural protective barrier. It prevents various pathogens from entering the dermis. Shampoo eliminates the skin from the hated seborrheic scales, and also prevents the emergence of new ones.

The effectiveness of the drug "Mustel" has been tested by many serious clinical trials. All of them were carried out under the supervision of dermatologists and pediatricians. As a result, the remedy is recognized as hypoallergenic and completely safe.

What people say

Reviews of shampoo from seborrhea head, there are only good. Most often, it is acquired by caring parents for their children. According to the buyers themselves, the tool quickly coped with the problem. It did not cause allergic reactions in the baby and was able to prevent the development of the disease in the future.

Especially good shampoo in the summer. During the heat, there is increased sweating, which can cause seborrhea. Thanks to regular use of the product, parents no longer have to worry about their child, as they are fully confident that the already peeled milky crusts will never return. According to many people, this tool can not be replaced by anything, since it is perfect in everything.

Other means

In addition to the above shampoos, there are several interesting products. Of course, they are not so popular, although in terms of effectiveness they are not inferior to the leaders. Among them:

  1. Dermazole (250 rubles). This tool has a lot of positive feedback. First of all, it pleases buyers with affordable cost and maximum efficiency. In addition, shampoo contributes to the oppression of fungi, eliminates excess fat and exfoliates dandruff, which also does not remain without the attention of consumers.
  2. "Friederm zinc" (750 rubles). The product attracts the attention of customers due to the strong antifungal effect, removal of excess fat from the surface of the head, as well as hypoallergenic qualities. Of the shortcomings, buyers note only the cost.
  3. "Sebozol" (330 rubles). The perfect shampoo for men regularly receives only positive comments. Its main advantage, which consumers note in their reviews, is a fungicidal effect, which contributes to relieving itching and eliminating fungus.
  4. Alerana (400 rubles). The tool nourishes and perfectly moisturizes the scalp. It is considered one of the most effective drugs against seborrhea. Shampoo is able to adjust the microcirculation of blood, as well as vitamins in the epidermis. Buyers always leave only positive reviews about him, because they are completely satisfied with the ratio of cost and quality of goods. The first result becomes well noticeable after the first week of regular use, which is often noted in their comments by consumers.
  5. "Schonenberger" (1400 rubles). Excellent anti-seborrheic shampoo for oily hair is popular with the first appearance on the shelves. It is liked by customers for its composition, which includes only natural ingredients, as well as excellent tolerability. The shampoo has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair thanks to the sage, nettle and butyl avocado, which are present in sufficient quantities.
  6. "Tsinovit" (300 rubles). The remedy, which normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, attracts buyers with low cost and great effect. Shampoo eliminates the problem in just one month of regular use.

Terms of use shampoo for children

There are several rules for the use of shampoos that will help the child quickly get rid of the problem and not become the owner of additional diseases. Among them:

  • it is necessary to apply the remedy 3 times a week for one month, and the next month and a half only once in 7 days,
  • shampoo should be rubbed into the skin with massage movements, and not just applied to the hair and immediately washed off,
  • rinse off with warm running water
  • If an allergy occurs, stop using the shampoo and consult a doctor.


In order not to spend money on shampoo against seborrhea and not suffer the symptoms of this disease, you should know and follow preventive measures. They will never be redundant.

The first step is to follow the daily routine and take frequent walks in the fresh air. Along with this, you should regularly change bedding, properly care for your scalp and hair, and also avoid excessive sweating. In addition, experts recommend washing your head a couple of times a week in a warm bath with a solution of celandine and chamomile.

Skidan Ilona Petrovna

Psychologist, interpersonal relations specialist. Specialist from the website b17.ru

- November 29, 2015, 14:21

I will listen. Two years nothing helps. A dermatologist prescribes medicine for allergies and wants me to take them for months. All the 'specialists' in hair begin to just push in the oooch.haroshy shampoo from the firms of joy, and the like :))))

- November 29, 2015, 14:23

Sulsen paste and shampoo.

- November 29, 2015, 15:22

Author, how does she show herself?

- November 29, 2015 16:05

Try nizoral try. Dear true, but very effective

- November 29, 2015, 16:12

Shampoo Panthenol for oily hair. I bought in a pharmacy when dandruff and fatness appeared. Soaps every day, leaving shampoo for a couple of minutes on the hair. Course 10 days.

- November 29, 2015, 16:17


- November 29, 2015 16:25

honestly, I don’t know how fat seborrhea differs from the usual one))) I have a regular one) bought a cheap 911 tar shampoo at the pharmacy. It helps me a lot! dandruff passes. Yes, not after 1-2 applications, it is necessary to wash them for some time. but the hair is much longer clean, even the fringe does not get dirty. lather and wait a few minutes. I recommend it)

- November 29, 2015 16:33

Shampoos will not help. They themselves dry somehow wrong, as a result, then the scalp is even fatter.
It helps to rub into the roots of the hair, into the dried head after washing, concentrated infusion of dried nettle from the pharmacy. Pressed nettle like a shokoldka. Brew with boiling water, breaking and crumbling 2 squares in a small volume of water. In a plastic foam cup, in which roller or noodle noodles are sold. Strain and rub. Do not flush. Suffices for 2 days, t. ***** wash your head with baby soap (and preferably Alice soap) - every other day.
Nettle darkens hair. Therefore, if you are a blonde - then I do not know.

- November 29, 2015, 16:37

Another good thing is that this nettle infusion will give off a pleasant herbal smell, natural and unobtrusive, for 2 days. Sleep - and inhale the smell of nettle from your hair (or rather from the scalp). Such nettle and dries the scalp without irritation, and eliminates itching, does not itch the scalp, and acts as a wound healing. And hair strengthens - almost cease to fall out, resulting in a month for 2-3 accumulate. Hair becomes thicker and stronger.

- November 29, 2015, 17:08

- November 29, 2015, 19:58

Author, how does she show herself?

My hair has always been greasy, since adolescence. I just washed my hair every other day. Now I have to wash it every day + dandruff, my head even holders: (

- November 29, 2015, 19:59

I will listen. Two years nothing helps. A dermatologist prescribes medicine for allergies and wants me to take them for months. All the 'specialists' in hair begin to just push in the oooch.haroshy shampoo from the firms of joy, and the like :))))

familiar matter. I bought pharmaceutical shampoos, which were prescribed by a dermatologist - zero effect

- November 29, 2015, 20:00

Shampoos will not help. They themselves dry somehow wrong, as a result, then the scalp is even fatter. It helps to rub into the roots of the hair, into the dried head after washing, concentrated infusion of dried nettle from the pharmacy. Pressed nettle like a shokoldka. Brew with boiling water, breaking and crumbling 2 squares in a small volume of water. In a plastic foam cup, in which roller or noodle noodles are sold. Strain and rub. Do not flush. Suffices for 2 days, t. ***** wash your head with baby soap (and preferably Alice soap) - every other day. Nettle darkens hair. Therefore, if you are a blonde - then I do not know.

light brown

- November 29, 2015, 22:09

light brown

Well, there are shampoos with nettle extract - in them this extract is colorless. But the use is much less from such shampoos.
Try natural nettle soap to buy on the Internet. I came across such offers. Lather the scalp, wait 5 minutes, then rinse. But it's still not something to rub the extract into the hair roots and leave it until the next shampooing. In pharmacies, nettle extract is also sold, it is light green and practically does not darken the hair. Maybe apply it?

- November 30, 2015, 16:21

colorless henna masks (color does not give), brew for 20 minutes and rub the scalp under the cap for 5 minutes into the roots

- November 30, 2015, 20:08

any zinc shampoo + sulsen paste

- December 5, 2015, 12:24

I had seborrhea on the head, everything was covered with a crust, it was a shame to me, I thought that everyone could see and look at my head. A long time ago I fought with her, but I never got rid of her for a long time, got rid of the doctors, and did everything they said, but there were no results. I found an advertisement in a pharmacy, about tar shampoo, and after 2 weeks I had a healthy scalp, and I hope now forever.

Related topics

- December 6, 2015 11:11

Nizoral, any shampoo with ketoconazole 2%.

- December 7, 2015, 17:24

I was helped quite well by American Swanson shampoo, and I took biotin, also Swanson 5000, dandruff passed

- December 16, 2015, 20:29

The husband tried to get rid of greasy dandruff using tar soap, but not only did it smell horrible, so also hair like wire after it. I bought him tar shampoo psoryl in a pharmacy, by the way for a reasonable price, not that nizoral and sebasol, in general, prices will not add up.
The smell of tar in shampoo is not as persistent and disappears quickly, the skin and hair do not dry, it simply regulates the work of the sebaceous glands and dandruff no longer appears.

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General characteristics of the problem

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disorder of the scalp surface, which is accompanied by constant itching, the formation of skin rashes, redness, spots similar to plaques and sores when the dermatitis is neglected. All hair care products, also intended for seborrhea, are included by the doctor in the course of complex treatment, as an additional drug. The patient is asked to stop using the usual cosmetic substances and buy any type of shampoo from seborrheic dermatitis. After identifying the immediate cause of the disease, the specialist will himself appoint what kind of shampoo to buy.

The disease can occur due to the entry into the body of any infection, fungus, virus. Then you will need to apply such a headwash product, where there are special medicinal substances. The compositions of almost all shampoos from seborrheic dermatitis differ from other types by the presence of special substances in them. It can be both medicinal inclusions, and vegetable, organic. It is not so easy to get rid of skin disorder with just one shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis. Comprehensive treatment is needed, which will serve as the main impact on the elimination of the problem.

Types of shampoos from dermatitis, from seborrheic dermatitis, their medicinal properties

For the most effective course of therapy for seborrheic dermatitis, against seborrheic dermatitis, shampoos are used both as a prophylactic against this ailment and as a prophylactic treatment. You should read the labels on the jars and bottles very carefully, to distinguish where the medical shampoo, and where just preventive. From the latter option can be of little sense, if the disease is quite protracted. If a person feels only a certain discomfort at the beginning of the disease - itching, dry skin, then you can use prophylactic means for washing the head.

Specialists in the medical field note the following most popular medicated shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis that occur in children:

  • Mustel. The tool can be used for kids from the first days of their life. All yellowish scales (gneiss) on the head of the baby will quickly come off and will not appear anymore. At the same time, it is even sufficient to use only one shampoo, without connecting any medication. Should not be used for longer than a week
  • "Friderm Tar". The tar substance can slightly pinch the baby’s skin, the baby will have to suffer while it is bathed. Use caution and for children older than 2 years,
  • the children's “Head & Shoulders” contains the minimum amount of zinc pyrithione, which will significantly affect the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, eliminate inflammation of skin tissue,
  • All shampoos produced by Jason company contain a sufficient amount of medicinal oils of such plants as: tea tree, sea buckthorn, jojoba, bitter quassia. In addition, salicylic acid helps reduce oily hair and scalp.

To eliminate seborrheic dermatitis with adult shampoos, doctors note the following head wash products:

  1. "Perhohot". It quickly eliminates dandruff and scales, not allowing the formation of new,
  2. "Nizoral". Basically, it has ketanazole, which allows the agent to influence the very cause of the disease. It is necessary to use not longer than 2 weeks when prophylaxis is carried out. And no longer than 4 weeks, if treatment is required,
  3. "Nezo-Farm". Antifungal and anti-inflammatory shampoo, where the main component is ketoconazole,
  4. Even such a famous shampoo as “Head and Sholders” is able to quickly restore the scalp,
  5. "Bioderma NODE DS +". Helps to reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and prevents the development of pathogenic microflora.

In addition to the above, shampoos such as: Mikozoral, Sebason, Sulsena, Sulsen-forte, Friederm Zinc, Nitrogen, Sebuton and others actively restore the normal scalp and skin tissue. variations.

The composition of shampoo from seborrheic dermatitis on the head

The main task of the active components that remove psoriasis on the head or seborrhea, experts believe the elimination of the causes themselves, leading to disruption of the sebaceous glands and skin cells. Substances must do its job, and it consists of the following functions:

  • clean yeast fungus
  • remove dead skin flakes,
  • prevent the appearance of new scales,
  • reduce the intensity of fat production by sebaceous glands,
  • reduce and inhibit the growth of epidermal cells.

With all this, shampoos for dermatitis on the head for children composition one. And for shampoos that will be used by adults, the composition is completely different. Usually, baby shampoos are always softer, have more plant-based medicinal composition than medication. This is extremely important, because no antibiotics, hormones or other potent substances should not be found in children's medical cosmetics.

FOR REFERENCE: always consider the secondary factor - additives that manufacturers of shampoos put for flavoring, preservation, or for other purposes may cause allergic reactions.

The most important components that make up the shampoos for dermatitis of the scalp are such substances as:

  • ketoconazole
  • zinc pyrithione,
  • selenium sulfide,
  • tar (medical)
  • ciclopirox.

Selenium sulfide copes with fungi, their reproduction and the next appearance in the human body. And exposure through the skin, even though it is afflicted with an ailment, will still have a good effect on the entire therapeutic process. If the doctor made a selection of shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis of the head, which include a concentrated proportion of ketonazole, then you can be sure that this tool quickly neutralizes the effect of fungi. It is also possible to effectively treat the elimination of the inflammatory process with the help of zinc pyrithione. If it is required to remove infectious pathogens, then shampoos for dermatitis with a substance such as ciclopirox are used. And medical tar effectively relieves from flaking.

What is the best shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis?

Particular attention in the selection of shampoos for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is always given precisely fungal infection, which may be infected with the patient's body. Curing a fungus, you can get rid of head psoriasis for many years. But doctors still considered that the most ideal shampoo for the treatment of such a disease should not contain any parabens and flavors. This means that the drug should be virtually odorless.

8 best shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis on the head

Note the best shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis on the market:

  1. Keto Plus is also a market leader. People buying this tool, see its effectiveness and advertise their friends,
  2. Algopix. It has active substances that are safe for the health of children and adults - juniper tar and salicylic acid. You can use more than two months, but only with a break of 2 weeks. The smell is not very pleasant
  3. “Anti-dandruff shampoo” produced by TM “Elfa”. More suitable for intensive treatment, despite the name, because it contains ketanosal, zinc and thyme seed extract,
  4. "Squafan S". The composition of the active components has salicylic acid, juniper oil, climbazole, miconazole and resorcinol,
  5. "Nod Di Es + Anti relapse." A very active drug of the French manufacturer, should be used with great caution. Contains the necessary vitamins, in addition to the active substances - zinc, piroctone olamine, zinc pyrithione and undecylenate alcohol,
  6. "Nizoral". It is considered a universal substance that is used for both preventive and therapeutic measures.
  7. Sulsena. Dermatitis is cured by selenium sulfide. But it is recommended to use together with the shampoo and medical paste for the head. The course of treatment is 2 months, but with a two-week break.
  8. "Mustela" for kids and other options.

It must be remembered that when a particular type of shampoo is selected for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, attention is always paid to the percentage of content in it of the active ingredient. It has been established by experts that for therapeutic shampoos all such substances should be contained in a dosage of no more than 2%. And if prophylactic shampoo is made, then no more than 0.5-1% of this or that active substance. When buying any type of shampoo from seborrheic dermatitis for children or adults, you should always carefully read the instructions for use and stick to it.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Any therapeutic shampoo in the treatment of seborrhea can not be used for more than a month. A break for a month and a half is made, then it is applied again, but only for 3-3.5 weeks already. Therefore, a break is taken again and again the period of shampoo use is reduced to 2-3 weeks.

Any shampoo from seborrheic disease on the scalp in the hairy part of it should always be chosen together with a medical recommendation. Therefore, at first it is better to consult with your doctor about this. This must be done if the doctor himself has not prescribed you any treatment for washing the head. It should also be remembered that if the cause of the fungal, the excessive use of shampoo from seborrhea can lead to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms can adapt and re-start to multiply. That is why you should adhere to the correct regimen and instructions on the use of therapeutic detergent.

Product Features

There are many reasons due to which even soon after washing your hair becomes greasy, literally covered with dandruff. All of them lead to the fact that the skin ceases to cope with the volume of secreted sebaceous secretions and begins to peel, itch.

Good medicinal shampoos are ways to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and normalize the regeneration of the dermis, thus reducing the amount of flakes on the hair.

However, it should be understood that to deal with seborrhea only one detergent drug will not work, if the trouble is caused by hormonal changes, prolonged stress, vitamin deficiency and other serious causes.

Note, Shampoos for oily seborrhea normalize the local microflora of the skin and improve the hair structure, but do not solve the problem from the inside.

How to choose

The anti-dandruff preparation should be suitable for the type of white flakes. There are universal products designed for oily and dry forms of seborrhea, and there are those that are suitable only for high fat or dry hair. Carefully study the packaging to find this information from the manufacturer.

Try to buy products that do not contain artificial colors, fragrances, preservatives, parabens. However, it is often problematic to find a remedy without the currently popular sulfates. Sometimes they are even contained in cosmetics, declared by the manufacturer as natural.

Examine the list of contraindications. As a rule, they are few. Although some products are not intended for pregnant women and nursing, and in some cases have contraindications for various diseases.

Before buying a product, consult your doctor. There are cases when drugs with the same active ingredient affect individual people differently.

Perhaps this is the main thing you need to pay attention to when buying. For hair that suffer from increased fat content and an abundance of cornified particles, such components in shampoo are especially useful:

  • ketoconazole, bifonazole, clotrimazole - any of these substances has antifungal effect, inhibits the development of harmful bacteria and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands,
  • salicylic acid dries, disinfects and peels the dermis, reduces inflammation,
  • Zinc has an antibacterial and antifungal effect on the skin,
  • selenium sulfide exfoliates dead skin scales, affects fungal colonies, promotes normal skin regeneration,
  • Ichthyol is an antiseptic that also anesthetizes and reduces the inflammatory process,
  • essential oils of tea tree, lavender, grapefruit possess antimicrobial properties,
  • natural extracts of nettle, burdock, sage, chamomile and other herbs reduce the oily hair, take care of the hair,
  • tar has a drying effect on the dermis, eliminates irritation, strengthens hair follicles,
  • vitamin complexes nourish and heal the curls, the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Regular and proper use of special shampoos for oily seborrhea has the following advantages:

  • relieving itching and discomfort
  • dandruff removal
  • impact efficiency after 1-3 applications
  • hair structure improvement
  • reduction of the inflammatory process,
  • reducing the amount of sebum secreted due to the effect on the sebaceous glands,
  • drying of the skin,
  • economical use
  • a large assortment,
  • facilitating hair care: they become soft, obedient, do not require frequent washing.

However, such products are not without flaws:

  • Often one of the main drawbacks is expressed in the high cost of even small bottles,
  • shampoos for oily seborrhea have contraindications, can cause allergic reactions,
  • overdose or misuse can harm (increase unpleasant symptoms).

Attention! Shampoo does not eliminate the cause of dandruff, unless it is associated with improper hygiene or improper selection of hair detergent.


No drug can be applied to the scalp if it has open wounds, abrasions, ulcers. In addition, the main contraindication is the individual intolerance to the components. This warns the vast majority of manufacturers.

Sometimes in the description of shampoo from oily seborrhea, you can find restrictions on the use for pregnant women and nursing, as well as for children (for the younger generation there are specially designed tools).

Overview of popular brands

  • Compliment Zinc +. Suitable for various forms of seborrhea, including fat. It contains the antifungal components ketoconazole and zinc, which prevent the reproduction of harmful microbes and reduce the amount of white flakes in the hair. Salicylic acid eliminates irritation and relieves itching, helps to exfoliate dead particles. Plant extracts in the complex Polyplant Hair have anti-inflammatory effect. The volume of the bottle - 0.2 liters, the price - about 130-140 rubles.

  • Ducray Squanorm, Grasses Shampoo. The French specialists of Ducre company have enriched the composition of the medicinal preparation with the Curtiol complex (the substance fights with itching and irritation of the dermis), salicylic acid (exfoliates and disinfects the skin), palm extract (renders a general anti-gore effect). Zinc, citric acid, panthenol and other components that care for hair, remove dandruff and normalize the sebaceous glands are also present in Ducrey Squanorm products. Shampoo Grasses is available in bottles of 125 and 200 milliliters. The cost is about 700 and 840 rubles, respectively.

  • Klorane with myrtle extract. In addition to the component of plant origin in this drug is zinc, which fights fungal infection, has an antibacterial effect on the skin. The tool helps to establish the activity of the sebaceous glands, refreshes the dermis and relieves it from annoying itching. With regular use restores a healthy balance of the dermis, improves the condition of the hair. Available in bottles of 0.2 liters and costs about 650-700 rubles.

  • Matrix Biolage Anti-Dandruff Scalpsync. Suitable for those who have oily scalp. Contains zinc and mint extract. Cleans the skin and hair, normalizes sebaceous excretions, eliminates itching and prevents the return of dandruff. In addition, the tool helps to strengthen the roots, enhance the blood supply to the dermis. Price - 680-700 rubles for 0.25 liters.

  • Vichy dercos. Oily dandruff shampoo contains selenium. This substance inhibits the growth of pathogenic fungal microbes, normalizes the skin microflora. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect, salicylic acid dries and exfoliates, ceramide enhances local skin immunity. Means for intensive care for oily hair from Vichy has a pleasant perfume fragrance, neutralizing the specific smell of selenium. It costs about 650-750 rubles for 0.2 liters.

  • Nizoral 2%. It is used for various types of seborrhea because it contains the active antifungal component ketoconazole. In addition to combating the source of the disease eliminates skin itching, reduces the amount of dandruff, reduces the appearance of the inflammatory process. Available in bottles of 60 and 120 milliliters. Price - 700 and 850 rubles, respectively. According to reviews of a small bubble, it lasts about 1.5-2 months of treatment or prophylaxis.

  • Psoryl (Tar). It consists of extracts of succession, celandine, St. John's wort, as well as tar, citric acid and other components. In the complex all this has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal effects, removes itching and dandruff from the hair. Tar shampoo Psorilom does not contain dyes and fragrances. It costs from 400 rubles to 0.2 liters.

  • Sulsena. One of the most well-known remedies for oily hair and flaking skin. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces the tendency of cells to exfoliate, inhibits the growth of fungus, removes dandruff. There are different manufacturers of sulsen shampoos for oily seborrhea, which produce the drug in the form of paste, peeling and regular hair cleanser. The volume can vary from 40 to 150 milliliters, and the cost - from 80 to 300 rubles.

  • Dry dandruff shampoo TM Svyatogorye. The manufacturer claims that the product is 100% organic. There is pink clay (cleans hair, optimal for sensitive skin), ground rosemary leaves (nourishes damaged curls, eliminates dandruff), ginger (activates blood circulation, nourishes the follicles, making hair stronger), tea tree extract (a natural anti-inflammatory substance). The drug is available in powder form, which must be diluted with water. In one pack - 200 grams. The cost is about 300 rubles.

  • Friderm Tar. Contains ginger, wild cinnamon, turmeric, lactic acid, willow tar and other ingredients. The drug is devoid of perfumes, dyes and preservatives. This composition allows him to deal with the increased fat content of the hair, make the curls soft and shiny. Shampoo improves the structure of damaged strands, reduces itching and eliminates dandruff. It costs about 650-700 rubles for 150 milliliters.

Tip Also pay attention to the shampoos Sebozol, Librederm with tar, Stopproblem Salicylic and others.

Rules of application

Shampoo for oily dandruff, which is sold in a pharmacy, is a drug, the use of which has its own nuances. If you ignore them, the effect may not be at all what you expected.Sometimes even an allergic reaction or side effects are the result of improper use of the remedy.

Therefore, intending to fight oily seborrhea, read the shampoo instructions carefully and follow these guidelines:

  • Do not wash your hair with hot water. It should be warm, comfortable for the scalp,
  • wet the curls well before applying the preparation on them. In some cases, pre-shampooing is required with regular shampoo to remove excess fat,
  • measure a little money, about 1-2 teaspoons. An overdose is fraught with trouble with hair,
  • Carefully spread shampoo from oily dandruff over the skin. Strands can not be processed, they are washed in the rinsing process,
  • within 1-2 minutes, perform a gentle massage with fingertips. Rubbing the product, you will improve the penetration of nutrients into the deeper layers of the dermis, and thus increase the efficiency of use of the product,
  • leave the foam on your hair for 3-5 minutes,
  • rinse thoroughly with warm water
  • if the instructions state that you need to wash your hair with a remedy twice in one procedure, follow the same algorithm,
  • If necessary, use a rinse based on vinegar or herbs,
  • apply shampoo for oily dandruff and seborrhea no more than 1-3 times a week. The course of treatment is 1-2 months,
  • for prevention, wash your hair 1 time in 7 days for a month,
  • in between, use other shampoos for oily curls, not medicinal,
  • After a course of treatment, take a break of 1.5-2 months, if you plan to use the tool again.

Attention! Cosmetic preparations that are suitable for prophylaxis and eliminate only the visible manifestations of seborrhea (Head & Sholders and others) should be used as usual.

Some girls gladly use dry shampoos, alternating them with regular or medicinal ones. But too often to use such products can not, because it can lead to clogging of the pores and increased exfoliation.

There are dry preparations in the form of aerosols, sprays. It is very simple to use them: you only need to spray the product on the hair, leave for 2-5 minutes, then remove the remnants with a comb.

If you bought shampoo in the form of powder, it should be diluted with a small amount of water, and then distributed into curls, rinse after a few minutes. Such drugs remove excess fat on the hair and cleanse the skin.

Effect of use

Funds from oily dandruff have a drying effect, normalize the amount of sebum secreted, bringing this figure back to normal. If the drug contains antifungal components, it inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms that cause increased oily skin and hair. The sebaceous glands begin to work as expected, so you no longer need to wash your hair every day or even every other day. The feeling of freshness will last for a long time. Itching and peeling will be reduced, and with proper therapy may disappear altogether.

Hair will cease to cast a greasy shine, but will begin to emit a healthy glow. Shampoos from oily seborrhea will make the hair silky, docile, soft, elastic, nourish it with essential vitamins and trace elements. If the composition of the product has ingredients that prevent alopecia, then with the help of the drug will be able to reduce hair loss, often accompanying seborrhea.

User feedback suggests that it is much more difficult to deal with oily dandruff than with dry. Moreover, in many cases, this symptom indicates the internal problems of the body, hormonal changes, infections, chronic ailments. Often, this is associated with the negative experience of using shampoo for oily seborrhea, when using it to try to heal the effect, not the cause.

If the deterioration of the hair, white flakes on them, itching and peeling associated with improper hygiene, the tool will help. In other cases, consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


Watch the video: Dermatologic Issues and Developmental Disabilities (June 2024).