Tools and facilities

How to wind hair on papilotki?


Very many owners of straight hair sometimes want to change their hairstyle by making playful curls or classic curls, and this applies to owners of both long and short hair. Now manufacturers are a huge number of ployok and other devices that can quickly curl the hair, but because of the effects of high temperatures, they can harm them. The most gentle way to curl is the use of curlers-papillotok. They allow you to create beautiful curls and do not spoil the hair structure at all and do not overdry it. That is what led to the popularity of such devices for curling among women.

What are they?

Papillots are soft and rather long curlers, which are made of a material resembling a rather dense sponge. In fact, they are made from a mix of cloth and paper and are completely harmless to hair. The composition of these curlers causes that they are quite easy to bend in all directions and make it easy to wind curls and curl them beautifully. You can also adjust the size of the curls: they can be large or small. The result of the use of these products will be no worse than perm with a styler or curling.

Usually papilotki have a rounded and oblong shape, and inside there is a solid base, which also bends easily, but at the same time allows you to fix papilotki in the desired position. Along the edges, papillots have plastic tips, for which it is convenient to hold them when removing or twirling curls.

These are usually colored curlers, which can be very different in design - they can look very funny and interesting.


Now papilotki are very popular, although this is a classic and rather old method of curling hair. Their use has several advantages. The soft material from which they are made, causes a smooth fit of the strands, and the hair gently lay down, not wringing at the same time, which prevents the cross-section of hairs. The main advantage of papillotok is that they are very easy to use.Both a young lady and an adult woman can cope with them, even if you consider what you will be doing for the first time. Papilloes are very soft, so you can go to bed with them without worrying about the inconveniences during sleep. They absolutely do not squeeze the head and will not disturb you.

In addition, with the help of such curlers you can make a very unusual hairstyle, combining her curls of different sizes. Asymmetrical hairstyles on the head are now in fashion, so papilotki is a great solution for lovers of extraordinary style. The use of papillotok is in no way limited, they can be used at least every day.that can not be said about the roars, which experts advise to use intermittently. You can twist strands as you want, it does not harm the health of your hair.

It should also be noted that papilotki have a fairly low price compared to other devices for curling. So you can very quickly and economically create beautiful curls at home, and the curls will last a very long time, because the use of papilotok is very effective. The only factor that distinguishes the use of papillok from different stylers is that the perm with their help is longer, but the effect of their use is more durable and long.


Hair curlers-papilotki can be bought in almost any store of cosmetics and household chemicals, they will all differ in color and length. Usually their diameter is the same and universal. Also, these curlers differ depending on what they are made of. They can be covered with velor, foam rubber or made of rubber.

Velor files are the softest and most comfortable, but not too durable. More practical are the models of rubber and foam rubber.

What is papilotki?

Papillots - the original hair curlers made of soft elastic material. Previously, these accessories were made of paper, fabric and other available materials. The definition of "papillote" comes from French. The original meaning of the word is "paper tube worn on something."

Photos of these accessories look different. Soft curlers are produced in several versions, which differ mainly in material.

The main types of files:

  • paper,
  • tissue,
  • plastic (made of foamed plastic),
  • on flypapers.

The first two options really make at home from improvised means, but others - just buy in the store. Paper and fabric curlers are not wear-resistant, that is, they are only enough for 2-3 applications. Plastic tubes and velcro accessories are more stable, comfortable and functional. With their help it is easier to get curls of different sizes. Such curlers are also made of foam rubber (the material does not differ in characteristics from foamed plastic). Store accessories may vary in color and size.

Features of use

The advantages of using papillotok:

  1. Soft material. You can go to bed with the tubes, they do not interfere and do not press on the scalp. Elastic and pleasant material is their main advantage.
  2. Natural effect. Soft accessories help to get natural curls to the beautiful floor. This hairstyle will not look pretentious, which will wear it every day. With the help of tubes, you can make a fashionable beach styling, creating the effect of disheveled hair by the sea wind.
  3. Security. Papilottes do not injure hair, unlike any thermal curling. The hair will not deteriorate, even if a woman does her daily styling with the help of hair curlers.

They have only one significant drawback - time costs. A woman will have to walk with curlers on her head for four hours (possibly more).

How to wind papilotki?

How to use papilotkami right? The main advice is to prepare the hair well. Regardless of the desired effect and the length of the hair, hair should be moistened and fixed with a fixer before styling. You can use the usual mousse for additional volume and spray for fixation. The tool must be tested: the duration of the resulting curls will depend on its durability.

On short hair

The technology of curling curlers is quite simple. If you have short hair, you will need no more than 10 small size papillok.

Thin curlers help to create expressive curls, and thick - natural. When choosing accessories, it is important to base on the desired result.

Step-by-step guide to creating styling:

  1. Prepare and divide all hair into three parts. Each part needs to be re-divided into several small strands. The difficult process justifies itself by creating more pronounced curls.
  2. It is necessary to take one strand and twist on the papilotku. You need to twist from the middle (grabbing the tips) to the base. Straightened tubule should be placed on a strand of hair (closer to the tips) perpendicularly.
  3. It is required 3-4 hours to keep soft tubules on short hair. After that, apply a varnish, and only then remove the curlers. You need to unwind the accessories carefully so as not to spoil the curls.

It is impossible to twist too wet hair. They should be slightly wet, so that the effect is persistent and beautiful. If the strands are wet, then the curls will not work at all.

Long hair

Long hair allows you to create any hairstyle. In order not to get too hung up on styling, you must initially apply a volume mousse to the hair roots. This will help to make not only beautiful, but lush curls.

Instructions for creating styling:

  1. Long hair also need to be divided into sections. If the hair is thick, then it is better to take large tubes.
  2. You can create a light curl only on the tip of the strand. To do this, twirl curlers, starting from the middle of the strand.
  3. Wear accessories tubules need for 5-7 hours.

After removing the curlers, the strands must be carefully combed so that the hairstyle looks natural and soft.

How to curl beautiful curls?

A beautiful perm will require the fulfillment of three basic rules:

  1. Curl hair curlers need before bedtime. The longer the tubes will be on the hair, the more stable and beautiful hair will turn out.
  2. You can not move away from the basic technology of using tubes. First, the curlers are applied to the strand, then the tips are screwed on it. Only after that you need to twist the tube up to the roots.
  3. You should carefully remove the tube, starting from the base and moving to the ends of the hair. This is the only way to get a beautiful curl.

Screw hair at home is not difficult, the most important thing is not to take too large strands. This is another important condition for homemade perm.

For large and expressive curls

In order to get volumetric and expressive curls, you need to take curlers of large or medium size. They should not be very thick, since the intensity of the curls depends on the thickness of the papillotok.

The entire head of hair will need to be divided into 7-10 sections, depending on the length and thickness of the hair. After that, you should curl each strand and immediately varnish it. You do not need to take means of strong fixation, so as not to glue and not weight the curls.

How to make curlers papilotki with your own hands?

Methods of making home files:

  1. You will need to take the fabric, the best fit linen. From a piece of matter you need to cut a few strips (20 cm in length and 3 cm in width). After that, you need to take the resulting flap and twist it into a tight flagellum.
  2. Instead of cloth, you can use thick paper. From the paper should also turn the flagellum until it becomes dense. On paper papilotki need to wind your hair, and then fix them with hairpins.

Soft fabric curlers are tied at the ends. Therefore, the ends of fabric flagella should not be too tight.

With the help of these tips you can get beautiful strands at home. Any woman can create the effect of Hollywood or natural curls using papilotki.

What materials can I use?

The first papilotki appeared, according to some, still in ancient Egypt. They were made of dense matter. Subsequently, this technology perm was very popular in France in the Renaissance. It was then that the tradition of winding curls into small pieces of fabric or paper came into vogue and spread throughout the world.

Today, to create improvised papillotok you can use the same materials as many centuries ago. This, above all, fabric and paper. If you like paper curlers, choose a fairly dense material. Thick album sheets or drawing paper are well suited for this purpose. You can use the usual leaves, torn from the school notebook.

In addition to paper sheets, papilotki can be made from fabric. Flax or cotton rags are well suited for this purpose. In order not to spend money on the purchase of fabric, you can make papilotki, for example, from old sheets or pillowcases. You can also cut into ordinary strips pharmacy bandage.

The main thing is to use fabrics from natural materials, without synthetic additives. We do not advise you to use knit fabrics with the addition of elastane for such a curl. Silk and other similar smooth fabrics that will not hold a strong knot will not work either.

How to make papilotki with your own hands?

So, how do you make a primitive papillo with your own hands? Everything is very simple. The technology of creating such curlers depends on the material used. Consider the two most common cases:

    Fabric papillots can be made in just a few minutes. To do this, cut cotton fabric into strips approximately 10-15 cm long.

They can be different in width, the main thing is not to make the strips too thin, otherwise it will be difficult to work with them.

The number of necessary papillotok depends on the volume and thickness of hair, as well as on the size of curls that you want to receive. As a rule, hair of medium thickness requires from 20 to 30 strips.

It will be more convenient to prepare in advance a lot of such curlers for subsequent single use. Paper papillo is also very easy to make.

To do this, take sheets of A4 or other arbitrary size (but not too small).

To papilotka was quite strong, it needs to be made not from a single layer of paper, but from a sheet twisted into a tube or folded several times. If desired, you can also make a combined type of curlers, using both fabric and paper at once.

For this you need to thread a long strip of cloth into tubes made of white paper.

You will have a fairly strong paper file with ropes at the ends, which will be very convenient to tie.

All these methods are good for its simplicity and affordability. Such papilotki virtually nothing, and the result of their use can be compared with the expensive salon perm.

We twist hair on curlers

Curl hair on homemade papilotki easy, for this you need to consistently perform the following steps:

  1. Wash and dry hair. The perm can be done both on completely dry strands, and on slightly wet, but in no case do not start it immediately after washing.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly. If desired, apply styling to them for styling.
  3. Divide the hair into several strands with clips or other accessories.
  4. Alternately, grab each strand, wind it on the surface of the file, and then tie rope or paper ends of the curler on the knot or bow.

Thus all hair should be treated. If you did everything correctly, you will get neat curls, securely fixed with knots of papillotok.

In conclusion, we once again note that papilotki is one of the most ancient technologies of curling. Despite its impressive age, today, this technique has not lost its popularity. It is still used by girls around the world in order to get spectacular curls.

The reason for this success is the ease of use, the availability of files and the excellent result that can be obtained with this type of curling.

Types of curlers-papiltok

Now these curlers can be purchased in almost any cosmetic or perfumed store. They resemble long cylinders and have a flexible wire inside. These curlers can vary in length and color. Their surface can be made of various materials: velor, foam rubber, rubber. It is noteworthy that such curlers can be used without rubber bands and clamps. Their average diameter is about 10 mm, the average length is about 25 cm.

Another advantage is ease of use. It is enough just to twist the curl on the cylinder, bend it in half and then wrap the edges. The wire inside will not allow the strand to unfold. Because of the property of their form to return to their original state, these curlers are also called boomerangs.

Final stage

After the specified time, you can remove papilotki.Curls need to slightly straighten your fingers. It is not recommended to use a comb or brush. For long-term fixation, spray with hairspray. After reading this manual, those who want to create a beautiful styling should no longer have the question: "How to use hair curlers?"

Curler-papilotki - the perfect solution for luxury styling

This type of curlers is ideal for curling at night, with them completely eliminates the danger of getting poor-quality styling. When choosing these devices should be taken into account, how long the hair they will be wound. So, if a girl is the owner of long curls, then papilotki should choose thin and oblong. Those who have not had experience in using such hair curlers can attend a special workshop where they will show in detail how to use hair curlers.

Larger boomerangs are more suitable for creating creative hairstyles on hair of medium length. The installation process is quite simple. Strands are disassembled by hand and then fixed with special means. It should be remembered that a beautiful curl will work only if the hair is completely dry.

Curler-papilotki: advantages

Among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity such curlers are quite in demand. They do not need additional fixation (rubber bands, sticks, etc.). They are fastened together with their ends. It is convenient to leave them at night thanks to the soft structure, discomfort is excluded.

Such hair curlers do not do any harm to hair at all. They are waterproof and do not react with chemicals under the influence of elevated temperatures.

Papillots are suitable for hair of all types and lengths. It is noteworthy that the curls, wound on these curlers, will look very natural. And therefore many modern girls who want to look irresistible, use hair curlers-papilotki. Feedback is usually positive.

Instructions: how to use the curler-papilotki

The technology of using papillotok is simple, no special skills are required. All that is needed is to twist a strand onto the cylinder and fix it, bringing its edges together. But a little going deeper into details, you can create not just a curly hairstyle, but skillfully applying certain methods of curling hair and different sizes of curlers to create a variety of curls - from playful lush curls to elegant large curls.

How to curl tender curls

The easiest way to start hairstyle creation in the evening is on newly washed hair. You should not wind too wet strands - they can simply not dry out until the morning and the curls will disintegrate due to humidity. Hair should be slightly damp. To create a gentle wave on the hair, papillots of large diameter will be needed.

The hair should be divided into sections - the longer they are, the clearer the curls will be in the end, so the quantity needs to be determined independently based on the desired result. Papilotka in straightened form is substituted perpendicularly to the strands of hair near the end, and now you need to wind the ends of the hair on the cylinder. When the ends are fixed, you can start scrolling the curlers right down to the roots. Now you need to give the papillote a boomerang shape, and then carefully tie the ends together. If necessary, they can even twist together.

In the morning, the curlers simply unwind one by one and the hairstyle is ready. If it is necessary to make the curls less distinct, you can comb through the whole mass with a comb with rare teeth.

How to wind expressive curls

To create a clear, expressive curls need to take thin papilotki. The peculiarity of the technique is that the strands need to be taken small. It is important to consider that for the treatment of all the hair will need a large number of curlers. Basically the process is no different from the one described above.

The only detail is that small curls should not be combed after removing the papillotok, otherwise the hairstyle will turn into a fluffy mass and it will be extremely difficult to return the strands of definition.

Video: how to spin papilotki for short hair

With the help of papillotok you can create beautiful light curls in a very short time. The video shows in detail the way to twist the curlers on the strands and revealed the secrets of how to quickly get an attractive hairstyle on the shoulder-length hair.

Video: hairstyle for long hair using papillotok

Even very long hair can be easily transformed into playful curls, with absolutely no harm to their structure. I will help in this soft curlers-papilotki. The author of the video demonstrates all the steps in creating a hairstyle from applying the styling agent to making the hair a complete, neat look.

Briefly about the subject

Name long cylinders to create curls.


  • flexible cylinders (tubes) of different colors,
  • material: foam rubber, rubber. There are varieties with two layers: inside - foam rubber, on top - rubberized coating,
  • in the cylinder there is a thin wire that easily takes a given shape,
  • There are no hooks, clips, elastics for hair attachment: twisted strands hold on without them,
  • length: 17–25 cm, diameter - about a centimeter (it is more or less). Popular sizes: 18 x 170 mm, 18 x 240 mm, 14 x 210 mm.


There are practically no negative sides. The only negative - the relative fragility.

Useful tips:

  • choose high-quality rubber coated boomerangs: they will last longer
  • with frequent use, foam rubber can crumble, and the wire sometimes creeps over the edge,
  • buy a set in stock, then you can easily replace a damaged tube.

General recommendations for use

Papilot curlers - a simple device. No wonder before paper tubes were every woman. It doesn't matter if you have a quads or a luxurious cascade. You easily twist strands.

Preparation of hair:

  • Be sure to wash your hair, dry well with a hairdryer,
  • Before each winding, apply a little mousse or styling foam (process the middle part and the tips),
  • thin, soft hair can not wet, enough of the composition for styling,
  • with average quality of hair, twist slightly wet strands,
  • if the hairs are hard, thick, be sure to dampen the strands of the spray, otherwise the curls will not hold well,
  • do not moisturize the hair too much: the hair may not dry, the hair will not work,
  • for a soft wave, use the minimum amount of mousse or foam for styling.

Note! To create a hair will take a few hours. Many girls twist strands in the evening, go to sleep with papilotkami on his head. With a handkerchief on a wound head, the inconvenience will be minimal.

Look at the ideas of beautiful hairstyles with flowing hair for every day.

What is ginger good for hair? Find out everything at this address.

Under the link read about the use of Perfectil capsules for the beauty of curls.

Selection of curlers:

  • to create large curls, soft waves, take flexible tubes of larger diameter,
  • create cute little curls with small diameter boomerangs,
  • to give volume to a short hairstyle will help papilotki of the maximum diameter,
  • 25 cm long tubes for curling medium and long hair.

Instructions for use for hair curling

The shag is prepared, bright tubes laid out on the table. Now you can curl curls.

Step by step:

  • divide the hair into several sectors, each separate by a long hairpin or a small crab,
  • create the first curls on the back of your head. Some girls immediately spin the front strands,
  • separate the strand of the desired width, lightly spray spray for styling or other means
  • keep the papillo perpendicular to the strand,
  • wind the hair on the curlers from the tips, tucking the strand towards the head,
  • tubules should always be located on the side of the neck in relation to the selected strand,
  • Having reached the desired length of the curl (almost to the roots, 2/3 or to the middle of the strand), bend the horseshoe-shaped papillo. The ends of the duct are looking up,
  • wind all the strands, a little dry hair with a hair dryer,
  • if you decide to do the perm for the night, wrap your head with a light handkerchief so that the curlers hold better and do not interfere with you,
  • remove papilotki gently. Unwind the strands in the opposite direction,
  • brush your fingers or brush the curls
  • fixing with lacquer.

How to make curlers with your own hands

When there are no hair curlers on hand, and you urgently need to create beautiful curls, use the method that is more than a hundred years old. Paper papillo make easy and simple. You will need paper, scissors, cloth strips or a regular bandage. How to make papilotki with their own hands?

Act correctly:

  • Take a few sheets of regular A4 sheets. If there are none, any sufficiently thick paper with a minimum amount of ink will do. As a last resort, take covers from magazines,
  • find any fabric, cut into narrow strips about 20 cm long,
  • cut sheets about 10 cm wide and about 15 cm long,
  • twist the little top hat
  • pull cloth strips through it
  • slightly wrinkle the paper to remove the stiffness
  • all curlers papilotki ready.

What's next:

  • screw curls as well as on standard boomerangs,
  • tie the ends of the fabric strips with a bow, then you can easily unwind the strands,
  • usually such an operation is done in the evening,
  • in the morning untie the fabric, comb the curls,
  • If possible, spray hair with lacquer.

Tip! If you have a little paper, do not worry. Cylinders can be made smaller. Old rubber curlers were only 6–7 cm long.

How to use papilotki curlers: video

How to wind hair on papilotki? Visual instruction for use:

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Application history

For many years, both boys and girls loved to twist hair on papilotki. By design - this is the usual flagella, which become the basis for winding hair. This method of curling hair was particularly popular in the Middle Ages, when it was also used solid curlers and other methods of creating beautiful hairstyles.

In ancient times, the fashion indicator was wearing a wig with perfectly smooth curls. An alternative version of the style appeared - curly hairstyles. Rich people who had access to almost everything bought wigs for themselves.

People who did not have the money to buy such stylish accessories, made curls on papilotki from scrap materials (paper, rags). Later, such an initiative was picked up by rich representatives of society.

How to make such curlers with your own hands: from paper and fabric

It is possible to make papilotki for hair and most, having saved on it money. To do this, apply three methods with the use of scrap materials.

  • Paper. For work you need a rough paper. With the help of a ruler and a pen, or "by eye", it is necessary to divide the sheet into equal parts in the form of strips. Their length will depend on the size of the curls. If there is no coarse paper at hand, you can use plain paper, just twist it in a couple of layers. After that, it remains only to wind the product on the hair.
  • Fabric To make curlers-papilotki from fabric will turn out also as well as using paper. Initially, fabric strips are cut, which are then wound on the curls.

  • Combined. It is more convenient to turn on papilotki by means of the combined option, but also it is more difficult to make it. First, fabric and paper strips are cut. Recommend fabric elements to do 2 times wider. The paper part of the product is wrapped in fabric, which performs the function of the strings.

Also papilotki (soft curlers) are made of foam rubber with the addition of wire.

How do modern papilotki

Papillots for medium hair and other types of hair are sold in stores, and if you don’t want to make them yourself, you can get them. Factory options are made on the basis of foam or soft plastic.

It is easy to use papillots, there is a special wire inside, which allows you to choose the optimal shape, and fixes the product on your head with the help of tips.

How to use papilotki: for long, short and medium hair

Use papilotkami hair should be as follows:

  • To wash and comb the hair, and then divide the hair into strands,
  • After that, you can use a special clamp or plain water,
  • Twirl the hair on the curler-papilotki need from tips to the roots,
  • At the base of the hair strengthened binding.

Tips for winding curls

You should still be able to wind the hair correctly on papilotki, for this you should take into account the following recommendations:

  • If you use hand-made fabric or paper options, you must use a cap to protect the hair from unwinding,
  • When applying short hair papilotki, it is better not to sleep in them,
  • The size of curls depends on the size of the curlers. When the hairstyle is already created, do not use a comb, it will break the structure,
  • To fix the hair, you can only use comb with rare teeth or do it with a hand,
  • As a clamp can be used beer or soda.

Positive sides

If there are still doubts about the convenience of folders, then you should pay attention to the advantages of this method:

  1. Envy hair papilotki and make soft curlers can be at home.
  2. If using store options, it is not recommended to go to bed with them, then you can relax with your own hand-made ones. They will not interfere due to their flexibility and softness.
  3. This method of creating curly hair does not harm the structure of the hair, because you do not need to heat or strongly comb.
  4. Asymmetric hairstyle only increases its beauty, each curl will look individually and bright.

Wavy hair can be obtained using curlers


Watch the video: How to tie up a Yorkies TopKnot (July 2024).